The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, March 05, 1925, Page 6, Image 6

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h l.o ln .-»
unde, .la n d in g a n d • " "
be Jealous- (hoy may have beau, If you really nanl Io i ..■ ! hl» lo v e.
you will its p e o t hl« m t tlv tn r •». a w l, »UHratlon will h alp X««- N'*1 ’ n*
tlful wives—but they sp p ear ab so lu t»
you win see (hat he has no cause In kills love quicker or more rffeetu
ly Indifferent to her various flirta ­
ihe world to be Jealous Then. If he J ally than con stan t arguing
tions. W ives of these men suffer a
great deal m ore than the wife of a
In Town S aturday—J im K arh u of
Baby Q irl Bord A T S pound « tri
• Good luck
Jealous husband will ever suffer. Most don't lake him too seriously
C edar Flat» wok In S aturday for sup­
women have lenrned to think of th eir
B arnes of Marcóla lasi Thursday.
I have been m arried tw o tim es—the husband's Jealousv as Indicative of
first tim e when I was eighteen years
Down front W alterwlllo— M rs. O. P .
In Town Shopping Mrs.
E rn est
My husband was killed In an failure His Jealousy assu res her th at
S m ith of W altervllle was a Springfield Conlex of ta im
m p Cm k was In town
|W(, y„ , rs
even though he Is her husband— ke Is
v isito r Friday.
Friday shopping
Jim . I was atlll m ourning for my still h er lover, and la not giving any
Visits from Portland -F. Thompson
Repainting Shop The wainscoatlnq husband. Jim was kind, sym pathetic of his tim e to htti»r women
of P ortland H alted w ith Jack Hend- and ch airs In Morris* b arb er shop and partially filled the te rrib le void
T here is quite a difference betw een
which I felt. The result was th at at a husband's Jealousy ami a woman's
e re r Friday.
have been repainted a dull gray.
the end of tw o y ears I had learned for J,«lousy. Th» man has nothing to
Ships Flour—The Springfield Mill
Stops at Hog.I— Y. R. F ro st of th e first tim e what real love m eant, Ipso—except the woman whom he
and G rain com pany shipped a carload
Yreka. C alifornia registered at the amt we w<re m arried t h a t was on» p articu larly d esires
To a woman,
of flour and feed to Slltcoos Friday.
Spong hotel Friday.
year ago. and now. when I should
„ m or„
„ |h(l„
the happiest of g irls—In lovtug and a husband's love. She Instinctively
V isits P a re n ts—Mrs. D rury Morse
Small Boy III—L aw rance Thompson, being loved. 1 believe I am th e m ost
of W estfir Is visiting with h er parents
fears a younger an I more attra c tiv e
M r and MV». W ilVam L andsberry th ree y ear old son of Mr and Mrs. m iserable, for as much as I love Jim . woman may - n l l c e her husband away
. , E arl Thom pson is III at his p aren t's and as much as I know he loves me. from h er
Som et'm es. because «he
we q u a r r l con stan tly He Is terribly fear, b..,n< ,rf( ,inpr„ te r t .d , hr ,lr ,
You may rest nMitretl Him 1» in worth every cent you paltl
Gypsies in Town—A band of gypsies
Jealous, and all my p ro tests th a t h r llh,.rBl,,lv
h -rs e lf
passed through th e city Friday. They
H ere for Medical T reatm en t —Mr
¡Is the only man I ev er really loved
t„ , l r r men. believing that
for It- th a t ll will give a full nieiixure of nnlIsfaeilon am i
solicited th e sto res In town to tell for- and Mrs. J P. S heppard of Eug ne
a re in ruin.
He tells mo th at I bv proving lo h er hashand that »he '
w ere here Friday for m edical tr e a t­
If you f«*»‘l at any tim e th at It h a s not «lone no. w,- w ant lo
never really loved him —th at all my
M trac, | v r
other men She
m ent.
love haa been given to my first bus-
shp „ p |ayl„ r.
Drive to K lam aht— Bryon and Wil
know II uml m ake ll right.
lard C arney of this cltv drove to Kla-
|„ jure,. Thum b— Dean W oolsey of b“ n‘l
1th her chances for happiness.
If we go to a dance, he tells me i You w |), hrR r „ w„ n„ ln »sv lo
m ath Falls for a few days, leaving ¡he Anderson M otor com pany b ru ’sed
Every nucceggrul store haa Ila pulley. T h e keynote of o u rs
last T hursday afternoon.
¡,is jep t thum b badly when he caught I flirted openly w ith my dancing friends. "N ever let a man he sure of
p artn ers, and It ends In a scene
I ynu Once he
ynlt he w'll look
Doctor to C resw ell—Ur. Eugene ¡“ betw een «he door and body of a car.
is "don't atoek gootla th at MIGHT not tuttlafy otir trade.
am afraid to even sm ile at an o th er for o |h y r w om rn •• T hat Is not so
K e ste r was called to Cresw ell Friday
Have Baby Boy—Mr and Mrs. Jesse
S tay on th e gate side and way over loo.
by th e Illness of Mrs. K. R. Perkins
, h| ng And while It mav
M eats, who live on A sfreet belw e, n to m ake him believe In m e’ W hal
In for T reatm en t—R. Moon of 3rd and 4th a re the p aren ts of a baby can I do to convince htn> th at In my ja(|, fnr y ear, forever If It Is ken»
Pl asant Hill was In S aturday morn- boy born la st T hursday. He has been heart he Is Ihe only man I have ever sacred. It Is seldom If ever regained
loved— th a t th e o th er affali— while a a fte r It has ones been lost
In r for me Ileal tre a tm -n t. Mr Moon named Loren LaVern.
happy m arriag e—was not based on
In your case, it may he that your
b ro k ’ his leg about a week ago
O perated co a t H o sp ital—W ilma real love.
husband ‘a »• If’sh. or Is suffering
Has M nor O peration—Miss B essie Putr.atu. d au g h ter of Sam P utnam of
from a m ore than norm al am ount of
S ta rt underw ent a m inor operation B eerborn underw ent a m ajor opera-
R egardless of how Intolerable a Jealousy Then again. II inav be thai
a t the office of Dr. Eugene K ester tio n at th- Springfield
C h ristian
husband who Is J-alous w ithout cause vou verv Innoeentlv glv, him cause
F riday.
hosp ital In Eugen F rid ay m orning
Perh, r» vou
may be, you shall fin,I »nine aatlafn«.- for feellnv a» he does
H ere fo r T re a tm e n t— M rs C. J
1 * •'
tion In know ing from o th er women's are a II,lie hit of a rn q u -tb
B iddle.1. Mrs T»al M atthew s and Lee
WeBt tQ p or1lind— A C. P ease lei «-«Terences, th at a husband who 1» women are. vou know- ami '-anno, re-
Cruxan. all of D exter, w ere in town ■¡•„.„fcy for P ortland to Join his wife no’ «'*•' us w l,h c»u*,<' «• e v ,n «v»‘' r**
try in g th eir powers occasion,i'lv
If you really love vou husband •
F rid ay for m edical treatm en t.
been th e re for som e time. unhea ruble.
Jealo u sy Indicates two th in g s—In
Put up Sign—The H alls Cash S to re He expects to visit in S eattle also be
i i 't i v
sem e cases both—eith er selfishness r-r-* z = r-—
sign was put up in front of the new fore retu rn in g to th is city,
n- »ckwowled» d failur«- on the part
location S a lu ria y
It was repainted i
of th e husband to hold hia wife's love
by Ben Conway.
New Building Being Occupied
We cccs,-onaily »>, a husband wlih
V isits a t Henderson
the plainest of w fe who is so jealous
T en an ts have begun m oving into the
Von Eschen of Salem »pent th e week­
th at he is ready to m u rd er every one
C o hv train »rut »hip. ihrtMifiS »hr
end a t th “ home of Mr. and Mrs. ¡new M inor building In E ugene the —man or woman—who sm iles at his
SoutMatui to New lo r k — K «,, ♦«• hut
¡first of th e m onth. F red Sm ith, a t­
T ru b ert H enderson.
wife. T h at Is selfish n ess F ortunate
|U<U more.
torn ey a t law. has moved from th e
ly. such men are few
Th . 't* crbSS
ulc to Co.»fomla
O perated on at H ospital—Mrs. F. F .B ank of Commerce building, to su ite
— J a u r line tr •«>• J uly
(hciv r the
M olenda of C ushm an und erw en t a 444-44» in th e new M inor block,
•venic Su» *■ i r ute through ihr S*»:h*
stasa tjc »
U n J to N u t)rle«n«a
m inor oueratlon a t the Pacific Christ- j
In Confidence*
By Flo
When You Buy
An Article Here
S A V 'with
tan hosp'tal in Eugene S autrday morn-1
leg. Dr Eug ne K ester perform ed
th e operation
Rece'vea Sh p m eet—The Carbotl-
eum wood p reserv 'n g com pany re ­
ceived a double carload of poles from
th e O akridge branch F rid av
also received a carload of ties from
Mavwood, to be treated and reshipped
to U tah.
Office B e'ng P ainted—The outside
of the Booth-Kelly m ’ll office is being
repainted by J. D. Lloyd, an employee
a t the mill. It is being re-done In
gray and white, th e original colors.
A Secretarial. Bookkeeping or Stenographic course in our
school will prepare you for a good position.
It's A Good School
The Rates Reasonable
Our school will continue in session all th ru the sum m er
months. Ask for our free catalogue.
Eugane Business College
A. E. Roberts, President.
Phone 66G
992 Willamette St.
Eugene, Oregon
Moving House— George L am m are,
E ugene mover, moved th e house of
R alph Cline on th e riv e r road S a tu r­
day. The house was set acro ss the
road from Its form er location.
L ittle Girl in H ospital— B etlv Jean
sm all d au g h ter of Mrs. S tanley Gray
of Landax Is a patient In the Mercy
hospital !n E u ren e
T h “ little girl
Is suffering from the a fter effects of
an extrem e case of influenza.
Realty Office Moved—T h e ,A. F
Flower» r 'n l ty office 1» now com plete­
ly installed !n th e ir old q u arters up-
sta irs over H all's Cash store. Office
fu rn itu re o i the firm was moved S atu r­
R eturns Home—Mrs. G»orge B
H ersche will re tu rn to h er home ’n
Canada tom orrow a fter spending the
la s t three m onths with h er fath er and
b ro th er, Mr and Mrs. W illiam Land.s-
b e rrv of this city.
P u tt »0 in Curb—Th» Springfield
T axi com pany put In a sloping cement
c u rb from th e sidew alk to the street
le v e l In front of th eir office or. Main
and 3rd. The new surface will con­
venience d riv in g th ere, since there
w as form erly a large Jump-off
V isit from Rooeburg— Mr. and M r.
Floyd Steven« and Mr. and Mr«. Ro­
b e rt Chilson of R oseburg «pent Sun
.day h ere v isiting friend«
V isit for W eek-End—E rn e st Moe of
M cM innville, W ayne Moe of Beuna
Vl»ta. B ert B erry of C arlton and Mi-«
H azel Moe of H alsey w ere week-end
visitor« of Mr. and Mrs. E rn e st P arr
of th is city. Miss Moe Is Mr«. P a rr's
In every drug sto re tran sa ctio n
i ' y o u r R exall Urugv.'st can b«*
The confidence of customers
! has played a large part in inak-
, Ing this business a success.
Back of the Bexall Store Is th,*
i great co-operative Rexall orga-
, nlzation of ten thousand lead­
i n g druggists, each contributing
his share in service to the jnibli
anff producing the best of m er­
Y o u 'll rclbh v?ur m « *U »n ihe
S o u th ern I ' m
• «linbi.. • >»r frrwh
fiull« Arfel vegetal h * *!**aV' a d r iU h ’Ug
Connection at New CM» an« with pa­
latial •reamer’» fv*r N v '* \ «»ck meala
•n J herih include J In the tu.c tire.
A»k uK’uf Curruo CJ*»» ■ J
/n»m Stin ibfx •" A | • he J r u ll
ila i.’MT »»f A»»r »m.
Stopover» «Ik n»ute. I * r lurtlicr
The Rexall Store near you Is
For Juicy Steaks
Tender Chops and Choice
Meats of all Kinds
P ru t s t o n
Southern Pacific
Holverson Bros, Props.
To get the best service on a Ford you naturally go to a
Ford Dealer—Why not think as much of your
Anniversary— Mr.
and Mrs Jack L arsen were In June-
t ’on City Monday, where they a tte n d ­
ed th e sliver wadding an n iv ersary of
Mrs. L arso n ’r par nts.
_____ ~
W e Can Train You
of romance
“ Laughteresque ”
7 West 7th.
High School Auditorium
Kodak Finishing is Our Business not a Side Line.
Ice cream
is an
come refresh m en t.
alw ays
D ainty
Friday Evening, March 6
ap pearance, delicious in flavor.
It appeals to both eye and pal­
T he flavors a re so skill­
fully combined th ere Is nothing
Return« to P ortland— Miss Anne
W rig h t who h as been visitin g h er
p aren ts. Mr. and Mrs. S. O. W right
h ere for the past, th ree w eeks re ­
to m a d ,o h er home In P o rtlan d T ues­
day Miss W rig h t w ent w ith th e W.
c W right's, who drove up. Mrs. J C.
M cM urray also accom panied
th e
W rig h t’s, going on to Bend w here she
is visiting h er p aren ts
else like It.
T ry a box and
learn for yourself how good Ice
cream can be.
Adults 35c
Children 25c