paos T H E H P R IN O F IE L D N B W S TIIÜ1WDAY. MARCH 5, 1926 dancing organisation that sponsored dancing. Last year (ba scholarship was won by Neva Service oí Baber. the program. Oregon. The dances were given for the bene­ Here from Portland— Mr. and Mrs. fit o( the Orcbesns scbolership fund The society, which Is one of a number R. Ebbert are visiting friends in the of similar groups In other universities, city for a few days, having driven s» nds each year one Oregon student down from Portland. to the U niversity of Wisconsin for a Wendllnu »eby Bern—An S pound summer of study In lnlrepretatlve girl was born to Mr. and Mrs Albert Cline of Wendling. INTANGIBLE PROPERTY Community News THURSTON NOTES Mrs. Veda Wheeler from Bluslaw vlelbed her brother Charles Taylor a few day* tael Werk. Mrs. frank Campbell and neph'w. I^onanl lleaman returned from Gardner last Thursday afier spsnd- in * a week elsltlng relatives there. Mrs Walter Platt and Mrs Ira Ora> have been attending Ihe meeting* put on by the farm ers Union Auxiliary In RprlngfleW" teurutu« • • m ,k " hal*' The play give» 1*7 **>• l.eaburg high ach-bl .( the hall last Friday evening wna well attended and enjoyed by all The grade school base ball team from llaydon llrldge played tbi Thurston grade school Friday. Tb score was 24 to It In fa«»r of Thurs By tu telai Correspondents NOT ASSESSED I believe that public attention I should lie called to (he fact that we ", are drifting loo much toward single I taiatlon In this county We ere not I Hating on the asaeaament roll Intang ’ I ble personal property In atnounta I consistent with the general under­ standing of Its egtstance, (or Instance, as to money, notes and accounts, we 'find by the summary of the 1*24 as­ sessm ent roll an aggregate amount I of only *104.295 and labile thia la an j UPPER WILLAMETTE Increase of *»l.«56 over that of the i prevloua y»ar It la not yet consistent i with the reported millions on deposit | In our local hanks. This shortcom* lug may be due In part to lack of diligence on the part of the asessor as well as on the part of those In possession of such property neglect-1 lug to report It. and further It may be ¡ i In fart due to a misunderstanding as j to Just what of such property Is re- j qulred by law to be listed. All pro-j ! perly In the State of Oregon la tag- , able, excepting that specifically ex- ! empted by law. Many clasaes of In-1 'tangible property are taxable that arel reldom reported to the assessor Gen­ erally speaking, all debts due or to be- d u n « due from solvent debtors, whether on account, contract, note, ¡(m ortgage note excepted! or other­ wise. either within or without thia stale; all public stock, all bonds, war­ rants and moneys due or to become due from this state, or any county or I other municipal subdivision thereof I ' (excepting such thereof as may be | ¡specifically exempt by law) are tax-1 Christian able. ind three ; Some have the mistaken Idea that ! home of county and state warrants, municipal i ved thelv bonds, etc. are exempt from taxation ; r. Alter and that checking accounts In hanks , rrh songs are not taxable. All such warrants ; the even- and municipal bonds are taxable, and ¡ , 'hero le no exemption from taxation of I »per WII- any money whatever In any amount,I orward to every dollar la taxable. • iox social | have whst may be regarded as a all Satur peculiar notion rrtat'ye to patriotism, s auspices j , geems to me that Christianity and one Is ex- patriotism are svnonvtn*. and that are to be tnjfl , M, Of patriotism Is not that v married o, H e, good shape Dne 1920 Coupe, same as new ............................... - Saturday March 7 th u . wiU be tree candy to r the k id d ie , w ho ere accom p.m , Th )ne 1922 Coupe, h u rry , fo r ...............- .................... Springfield Oregon , immense patronage shown th is type o f g ro c e ry ,» o r. by today prove its popula rity. T h is is due to the fa c t t h a t ) ,he X e t p ric e , C om . in and com pare our p rice ,, you Also torm s. )ne 1924 T ru c k w ith cab. Wright & Son . PACKAGE SERVE YOURSELF ANNOUNCEMENT Anderson-Wing Motor Co. lave an extra good assortm ent o f used cars. nva T he S pringfield .Mews every week, both fo r only 11.76. There w ill be no lees than eight great novels In M c­ Call's th is year, tfie w o rk o f H arold Bell W rig h t. Gene S tra tto n -P o rte r, Fan­ nie H u rst, R obert W. Chambers, E th e l M. Dell, Rafael S ahatlni, V ingie E. Roe and Sam uel M erw in, besides f if t y o r m ore b ril­ lia n t short stories, scores o f ' absorbing articles, a dozen p ra ctica l hom em ak­ ing departm ents and a big section o f the newest fash­ ions every m onth. We can only m ake th is special o f­ fe r fo r a short tim e. Send Y our Order Now 3 lbs. Navy Beans .............- ....... ............ Cannd Pineapple, No. 1 Flats Grated, per can ......................... Sliced, per can 2 2 1 .......................................... 1 Pure Cane Sugar L im it, 10 lbs........................................ *-7 T h e ,, ere b u t . few o f o u r m .n y low price»- Jello, any fla vo r 3 pkgs................. ................................. Hershey Bars 6c bars f o r ....................................— 10c bars fo r ...............- .................... Canned M ilk Bordens o r Alpine, 1 lb can, 3 fo r L im it 12 cans to custom er. C rystal W hite Soap 10 bars fo r ................................. ...... L im it 10 bars to a custom er E v e ry th in , priced e o co rd in ,,,. Come in and see fo r yourself. PACKAGE SERVE YOURSELF CASH AND CARRY STORE Farmers Exchange Bldg. Formerly Eastman’s Grocery