T lt U n g p A Y - M A R C H 6, m .T. THE SPIUNQFIEI2) NEWS PAGE FOUR Lane County Farmers Union News .O F F IC IA L P U B L IC A T IO N • TELLS OBJECTS OF El • • • • • LANK C O U N T Y U N IT NO. 1* • • O F F IC E R S O F L A N E C O U N T Y • • F A R M E R 'S U N IO N • TRENT LOCAL CLOVERDALE LOCAL Local Reportera J. L. Nortbup * Hey Bower • • Central Mrs. L J (letchell • . Cloverdale Cloverdale local me! In regular ses­ An open meeting was held last Wed • Ralph L aird , Creswell, PreeldenL • • Coast Fork Mrs. (leo. Kebelbeck • • W ill W h eeler, T re n t. V let-P rael- • nesday evening. February 36, at which, sion Friday ev-nlng. February >7. with Mrs M A Horn • Vice-President Riley Petty presiding • Croswell • dent • E. It Jackman, crop specialist from Mrs Ada J ttnlngs • • The meet ng was opened by singing • Ikirena Farm Crop», Dairy Work. Horti- • Batty Kappauf, Cottage Grove, • O. A. C. and O. S Fletcher, county Mra. II Baker • 1 culture, Rodant Control. Poul­ Professor Jackman Says Farm . ,»c .Traaa • agricultural ageut were speakers A America. Velma Morgan sung "Waah • Jteceta Mra. M Gillespie * j | * Hndleyvlllel Locals Work Comes Under • N. A. Horn. Cottage Grove, Door • very fa ir number from the community Ington.'* try and General Llveitock Im ­ Mr« tiravo Jones • As thl» was an open meeting a l l ,* Jasper Five Heads: Urges This Pro- • Keeper • *•" sttenJaace. provement Sought. Mrs ( I M Foster • I business was set aside and Mr Petty j* Lcrnne „ r a m M r B e s t R esults * H . C. Jackson. W a lte rv llle . Con- • The subject discussed was so Introduced K. R Jackman who w tttv * McKensle Mr" Lawrence Mlllcatn gram or B t * duetor. • thoroughly enjoyed that a «real many O 8 Ftncher. county agricultural O. 9 Fletcher had come to make the • -Mt V.rndn Mrs V A Reynolds • regretted the fact that more were not In an address at an open meeting • O. L. Clem ent. Chaplain. Bulah Smith • agent who has been making a lour acquaintance of the local ! * 811k Creek out o f the T re n t Local. P rof E R. Jack* * _ * * * * * E. I l Tinker • In company with E. It Jackman of Mr. Jackman spoke of his member • Trent As several non-members were under Mra W E Post * the Oregon Agricultural College waa man. crop specialist from Oregon the Impression that those lecture's ship In the Farmers Union In Wasco • Vtda nt Pleasant H ill Wedneaday. F ’ bru- Agricultural College, who Is himself a are re for Farmers Union members County and stated he was proud to be * * * * * nry JS. and at an open meeting of member of the Farmers Union, b e -. He only. It was requested that all present a member of this orgun'satlon 7 Z Z Z • Trent local outlined hla work for Ihn longing to the Columbia local, said make an endeavor to correct this ml« ¡spok» of the good work possible for • romlng ye^r as followa; that the main idea of the tour that he WITH THE EXCHANGES A„ the Locals to accomplish, how ancla! CANARY LOCAL 189 and county agent O. S. Fletcher were 1. Farm Crepa, , E T O lb o J i U « U I M .„ « « „ ll.m , ' I - ' ” " « ™ " » « •» " " •» '••I h. • (a) Alfalfa demonslratlon making over the county was to get sc- n< Igliborhood reeling and how the peo­ qnainted and to let the farmers know lo help the farmer, but If the farmer Trent Local are for t e benefit of Ib i Popper carbonate demonstra- ple should educate themaflves In re- O. P Fisk has bought John Nichols' what line of work would be taken up ever gets his head above water ho * n ani' «re cal e open meeting", tloa. gard to the future laws of the state fariu Mr Nichols Is looking for an this year. Prof. Jackman spoke for must help h mself. Give your own » * Coaby. poultry specialist from (c) 8eed Inspectlon and certifica- Ihe spoke with emphasis of the loyal olhwr location In the neighborhood, several minutes on organisations and organisation and your own business C., w 11 give his first e itu r» llon >nd Knraprr are th e ir effectiveness. He said: "There your personal attention and the prob- 8 es to >e given n > * i tr■ > i. ty of all the members a . a necessity, J()hn Dwlry worte for success a All ., must m u s, work w o rs w'lh w ,n no wofk upp< f M#p|(> are over 4000 farmers in Lane coun- lem will be solved.— Farmer Union l8 - »• - P- ,n Woodman hall (al L’ gumlnous hay. house divided against itself can- the local urvavvirw. wu.vu was »i.-m — — a --------— « -------- Professor Jackman urged farmers not stand,’’ so lets stand together as ly appreciated by the audience 'fallen asleep In a perilous position. iAna t '' __ F t« ich c r For over two years U n s served t ft.T ¡thereby proving hla ability to solve members. j - ~ „ „ ( c u l t u r a l ship has b»’ n to work for their organisations, say- members of our great organisation.— Refreshments the exercises. • *more than farm problems He sa'4 R i’ Laird ( otintv i resi« ent, Mr* noun ierlng around without a captain, Ing. “No one has a feeling of loyalty i Farmers Union News, Oregon. ' Saturday night. F«otU»ry 53. fifteen 'th a t he was here to work with the Kaffauf,^ < oun^y S ' - c Hmc» riding on the cre’ t of the to his organization who has not done ---------------- . . . ------------ anything for IL given of his time and '* of our member’ wlnttr-d Lorane txieal him " He told of a convent'on of 'W'sontatlves from the different ixm - bis T hn rj > pw wh )(, h h # g m a n n „,, , ne a nw bis efforts. This Is true also of j • • and spen’v „ v(.ry enjoyable evening. c enzie local ctjurph, school and government" Agricultural Agents to be held In the >'»<■ Interesting talks hB< hr<.(>me demoralised, dlaeoontgcd • 11 4|ry Hansen of Spencer Creek in dtfeussins the use of treating, III of which told that the Union Is and #t , | maa „hnqt (0 despair. Now - ’hailed at the 0. J- Kappnuf home on future to which member» Of the farm .i. ba u . Invited. j talive. growing and renllv doing th’ngs ‘ , hat , ba captain has returned the organizations „ will . wheat or cheat with copper carbonate t Due to the efforts of - r . T C. business Monday. V instead of formaldehyde or blue Carney our road Mllowlne program nrorram waa was rendered, ran.lsred. 1^.___ _ • enma. lh« • H.. ship m II I tt and Mr. and Mrs Jobttnie Perrlnl visile! Mr. F le trh -r gave a brief outline of IA s following ltraw ___ . _ aRR|n man .uPtmlttf man. the In our d 11 i -.n e l has b en Improved over t H w ek-end ’ stone. Prof. Jackman brought' out road the work he Intends lo take up. some ¡after which supper was served, and 1worj, |n unison with Its lender To ex- LOa^htn,2'lr at H a rr‘aburg with these points. of wh'ch will be tests of fertilizer« th* happy crowd of 15ft farmer* Mr Fletcher lo catch u> with lh« \ and crew of workers ' y r , p Prrinls’ aunt, Mra. Jones. for orchard trees, control of Insect home with onlv a few hours between work of the psst two years that ha* Treated with ¿upper carbonate iHa local w ill have 0 . S Fletcher, i The comniuhily wa« very sorry to (1) ¿rain is not killed. been piling up before a dosed door Ctmnty Agent and E. R. Jackman, ,hear of the death of little Viola, small pest» of orchards, cherry pollenlzatloii. them and milking time. Program and go ahead wlh lh» pree n! work (2) A large crop la fcup.ranteed. crop specialist, with us at ouj next daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C C. Oil general livestock and wool growers The evening's prlgram enjoyed by Is beyond all reason unless the farm­ (3) Cuts down the amount of teed meeting, March 11. ’ ham. who died at 2 A. M. Monday. difficulties, poultry work, rodent con ers take the oars In their hand* and the Joint meeting was as follows nsed 20 to 25 per cent. The pie social was a great success, after a prolonged Illness. Th' funeral trol and new crop experiments. (4) Grain grows more etea>y an4 netting the sum of »28 'w ill be held nt the Chapel Tuesday Mr Fletcher told of the Farmer’s Plano duet, Elanor Nixon and Alice work too, T hl* can lw> done only through organisation work. Farm er* Kent. ftS ^ r. Thé local wishes to thank all who p.fternnn and Interment In the Taylor Creamery plan lo aid farmers In thi » I who do not belong to any organize- (5) Grain cad stay (n cold or damp helped with our program and eompll- J,ano Cemetery. experiments In alfalfa. Mr. Fletcher ( Reading, Donald Nixon, - ,tlon should Join one. tnembera of the ground longer without Injury. ment the little folks with their Bongs , Mr«. Fred Overton of Dunsmuir, stated that ho would give h it attention Piano Solo. lx,'s Jackson. ‘ ^.bmera I ’ nlon who have become dis­ and readings. CiMfornra, Is visiting at the home of to the marketing end also and ende»-! Dong. Beulah Rouek Grows ahead of weeds and interested should turn out again and Several of bur members atten led j,er mother. Mrs. L. H. Oelcrist. 1 vor lo establish new lines of marketing I Reading, Nina McPeck choXes Ptem o u t TÍfrk John Cherry of Camr A called He gave as his Office hours Tuesday ; Plano Trio, Alice Kent, Gwendolyn help make the -owing year a banner (7) Care sheuld be taken not to the millinery school held at Mt. Ver year for Lane County farmers. Titos« morning and all day Saturday, and In- j Hnlght. Elanor Nixon, 'on Mrs G M. K ’ lbelheck Sunday. breath the copper Carbonate dust. non H all last week who have been turning out should Mrs. J. O. A. Young Is employed at v lt’ d the farmers to call on him ¡Reading. Katherine Wright, In regard to planting alfalfa Prof. '• • upon themselves to bring out there. He will nlso meet them there Plano 8olo, Clifford Travlllon. Cottage Grove. Jackman brought out these points. E. F Carllle called on Lincoln T a y -1 by appointment. After the speak'ng Dialogue, Reginald Haight, Frencle old members ond gather in new ones JA SPER LO C AL (1) Should be planted on well- The Lane County Fnrmers Union , , . , » • • • • • lor Sunday. .1. Low«r played several pieces on bis i Horn. drained land or on rolling land. - The weather Is so fine now that the phonograph. Plano Duet, Cllta and Bobble Walden. N f ws Is cooperating with Mr. Fletch­ (2) Grimm Is the variety to plant., er In his work and has offered him Jasper lecal met Wednesday Fcbru. farmerg are a|( busy and Mr Tedford. i Refreshments consisting of dough Reading, Francis Horn, fa ) Crown set down well below the and Arnold Collier, county club lead­ surface of the ground can be culti­ ary 28, and elected Arlo Jones vice- , he roa(j patrolman Is giving our road nuts, prunes and coffee were served. I Plano Solo. Thomas Wright, er. spnee In Ils columns for the pub­ president and Maurice Hills conduct- a regt i The next meeting will be a strictly pleading, Elanor Nixon, vated after the first year. lishing of news of live Interest, an­ or. Also appointed a committee to, Mj gfI Anna jepson and Mrs M. Jep-; business meeting. j Plano Duet. Ludle and Leonu Land (b) More resistant to clover stem nouncements of meet'ngs and demon­ son called Wednesday afternoon on I ___________________ Reading, Alma Grousbeek. rot disease because the crown Is low I * et new members strations, organizations of clubs etc. The basket social and radio pro- Mrg o M Kebelbeck • • • « • • • • Reading, Mrs. R. P. Laird, (3) In most cases the seed should be gram was enjoyed by a larg> crowd c K wood now takes In camp B i t V E R N O N LOCAL • m”m,

Harold Dugan Is contemplating | The ladles of the Mount Vernon (5) Must be planted on firm ground w ill be operated on for appendicitis # {rlo g0llth f<}r hlt hea| th Farmers Union and Auxiliary met at (8) Ground must be well worked to this week. Mrs. G. M. Kebelbeck visited Mrs. |at ball on Thursday and Saturday of k ill out grass and weeds. Several members of the Mt Vernon j j , f.ojn Taylor Sunday afternoon. last week, for the two day millinery (71 Tim e to sow depends on condi­ local attended our social last Satur M r and Mrs. Aldrich and son of school, with Miss Cooley as instructor. tions of the land. day. Camp A spent Monday evening at the About twenty five ladles wore pres­ (5 ) Cooperation In Introducing new crops. new methods etc. (a) Treatment of wheat for rust by copper carbonate. Jb t Buying treating machines. (c i Volunteering land for trial ,do not M K „ Gllcrlst. home. Ms and Sirs. Abner O lh rlst spent HADLEYV1LLE LOCAL the week end at Lebanon vl ting Mrs. Gllcrlst's parents. They are planning on leaving for California the middle Mr. and Mrs. W I. 8 eals and sons, of the week. Mrs M. Pratt, Lottie Mae Pratt, H. H. Smith, W. Relck, Mr. and Mrs. ; Marriage Licenses I «sued Cal Hickman all attended the Lorane , During th» past week County Clerk Baturday night local nnt'4»’»oy »»>»«••< ' M and Mrs. W. I. Beals and sons R. S. Bryson has Issued marriage visited Mrs. Seals’ sister, Mrs Ora lleens, s to th e follow ing; Jo h n Al- Davis of Cottage Grove, Bunday. fred Moore and Cornelia Agetia Ellef- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Blmouson and son. both of Eugene; Etanley Walker son, Charles, and Mrs. M Slmousen and Gladys Hoik, both of Eugene; visited Mrs. M. Blmouseus' »tster Mrs. Frank Wesley W alk’ r. Crawfords- I Johnson and Mrs. Lambkin and th- lr vlllle, and B.byl Cn.ce Windham, of fam ilies at Cottage Grove Saturday Mabel; Homer O. Purdy and Hazel night and Bunday. Fay Bowles, both of Eugene; W illiam The Hadleyvllle local will meet Mitchell THum and Irma Beager, both Thursday night for a soqlal time, of Cottage Grove; Edward .Lee Mur- Would like to see as many out as pry and Florence M yrtle Sterling, tossible. both of junctlog CU£. B utter wrappers printed with name, » address and weight. In accordance , w ith law. Springfield News. P LA N T GRAFTED FRA N ­ Q U E T T E W ALNUTS They will make you money One of the best blocks of Vrooman Franquette In State, select type, well grown. All other stocks, filberts, apple, pear, cherry, prune, plum, peach, «apri­ cots, etc- Small fruits etc Right stock at right prices. Submit your want list, eend for prices- 35 years in bu8icnss. CARLTON NURSERY CO, C a r l t o n , O r e g o n .. I ent, some making ahts, others Just taking notes. 1 s surprsng how much one can learn In so short a lime, but It Is cer­ tainly worth ones time to tnke th® course On Thursday we enjoyed .» covered dish lunch. On Saturday each srought an Individual lunch and a ijommlttec served hot oyster soup, tea and coffee. Igiter on we hope to have Miss Cooley give us the dressmaking coots«. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Casslty have moved to 351 West fllh fit , Eugene. We are sorry to lose Mrs Casslty (nee Etta Dav!») from our Union, club nnd community but wish this young couple a long, happy and prosperous life together Mr. Casslty a carpenter and Mrs. jCssslty Is working In the tax depart- meat at th? Court Uoaao. Garden Seed A big variety of fresh seed In package or hulk. Yea, Groceries of all kinds, plus cjuallty and servlc« m akes this store itopular. Morrison & Clingan Hay Grain Peed Land Plaster