44 Cofaboy ’ ’ in Cabinet Reads Life Story o f N ew Secretary o f Agriculture Appointment of Jardine to Head Agriculture Boon to Co-oper- ntive Marketing; Rugged Westerner, Still in Fortiee, Hae Had Colorful Life and Knows Farm and Ranch First Hand. A Fighter Now In Charge. PAGE THREE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1925 In sports, lie played four years on the varsity football team, captaining It the last year. Ourlng the summer he pitched hay and worked on dairy farms, tine »unituer he was out with a surveying gang ed there three years, from 1807 td .Farm to Washington 1810. Then he returned to th* rugged west he knew so well, little realizing or with little ground for hope that fifteen years later he would return to Washington to head the Department of Agriculture and sit aa a cabinet member. After graduation he taught for a When he return««! to the west In year, then sought and obtained a Jeb 1810 h« was offered a profeaaorshl « a« manager of a farming company which was tilling acre» on the whole­ at Kansas Agricultural College. After w W rttt.n Htwclally for the New» sale plan In t'tah. Then i-aWn his throe yenrs a» professor of Agronon- By Julio Thoms» Wilson f lr .t contact with govarnipent work my he was made dean of the Division Washington, I> Feb. 6 "III I* He sought and sepur*d a Job us an of Agriculture and director of the ‘»in eowhoy" will likely he tbi- battle aasl.tant In the cereal brunch of the Experiment Department. In 1818 ho . . - a __ ( f t . If I U /a tn r s u a I'P M M I cry In the I»- inrtiiX’iil of Agriculture Department of Agriculture. He work­ for the n 'x l four year« Thai there t» going to he «out® plain and fancy rlillng 1» a foregone conclusion, t tho»e acquaint**! with the life »lory of l»r William M. Jsrdla1*. former cow hoy and ranchman who beoomes secre­ tary of Agriculture. March 4th. * Cowboy In Cabinet From the great went, come» Jar- SUITS Maxello all wool suits, gray worsted, itlae. Born In Idaho 4« year» ago. he «petit the first »Ista n year« of ht« conservative tut- Our price ........ hl« father"» ranch He life on •'punched cattle, broke broncos, nt YOUNG MENS SUITS In brown and gray, spirt 25 cent« »»«'It, anil nttcmle-l dlatrlct srhoof In the winter At 17 he felt and con-xTvative cut, u t $ J 5 . 0 0 lo the m il Io he out sti'l doing, an he h ft the home ranch and went to Big DRESS SHIRTS Without collars attached. Silk Hide. Montana, "here he got » Job on a cattle ranch, lerform lng the strip«‘s and plain dor. Exceptionally good values usual talk« ' f » ranch hand lie then became Intsrosted in dairy­ ing Iteallrlng the n-ed of education he . ntered the Utah Agricultural Col­ DRESS SHIRTS With collars attached, cheeks lege. graduating In tool Those year» at school Were »ctl»e for young Jar­ ami stripes at dine. lie « » tfp mid doing and active dent of th« Kansas College. That Is the post he now leaves to become tvecretary of Agriculture. Dr. Jardine Is a rugged westerner who will bring to Washington first­ hand knowledge of agriculture. He has always been an out spoken advo­ cate of the farmers' Interests, lie Is openly opposed and a foe to govern­ ment price-filling on farm commodi­ ties. He run» counter to the views of many men prominent In the agri­ cultural department and the Infun ences of the farm bloc In congress. er, Cecil W. Creel of Indiana, now dl- dector of Agricultural Extension of Nevada University as assistant secretary of Agriculture to Dr. Jar­ dine. may be expected. Thia Is In line with the naming of Jardine hy President Coolidge. It Is und««r stood that Creel Is in complete accord with the views of the new secretary and - " 1 vigorously- carry out Jardine policies. Vnder Jardine, a radical change 1» expected In the policy advocated by «ste secretary. Henry C. Wallace Mr. Wallace favored the government handling the surplue farm products— • •—■ the virtual fixing of prlc««a. r»r Jardine la «spoclally Interested ’ 'n co-o-erative marketing. In ad- 'dress, he has said: "Only 10 per cent farmers themselves and their Im­ mediate associates— the business men of each agricultural community. Gives T heatre P arty Mrs. W. C. W right entertained with a theatre party last Thursday ntgbt. Those who made up the party to Eugene were Mrs. J. C. McMurray, Mrs. 8 O. W right, Miss Anne W right, and Miss Helena Scott. Fractures Ribs Robert Klxer, who hauls wood near Goshen was in town last Thursday for medical treatment. M r. Klxer was hauling wood Thursday when the team Jerked him from his feet, throw­ ing him against a stump and cracking several ribs on his left side. What to Expect In plain words, Dr. Jardine Is a flghtur. A polite but positive «hake- up may be expected Such opposition as Is thrown up will meet a mental vigor credited with a thorough ac- through a lifetime spent In studying of the troubles of the farmer can be i remedied by legislation. The other Hr 8 Ralph Dtppel, Dentist. Vitus them. The appointm ent of a mid western 80 per cent must be solved by the building, Springfield, Oregon. LADIES’ DEPT. MEN’S DEPT. LADIES WOOL SLIP-OVER SWEATERS—With tie, at only..................... £ 2 .9 8 to £ 4 .5 0 £ 2 4 .5 0 £ 1 9 .5 0 £ 1 .4 9 1 £ 2 .4 5 £ 1 .2 5 to £ 1 .7 5 New Secretary O f Agriculture SWEATERS Slip-over jind coat style, ruffneck collar, up to $6.00 values at only £ 3 .8 5 DRESS TROUSERS- Assorted patterns and ma­ terials at ................ FELT Assorted HATS only £ 4 .9 5 10 5 6 .5 0 colors and styles at £ 2 .8 5 «> £ 3 .9 5 WORK HATS Exira gtxxl values at our price ""‘y WORK SHIRTS £ 1 .9 8 Blue Chambray work shirts, good heavy grade............ 89c KHAKI PANTS hard wear Heavy weight, made to stand KHAKI PANTS only Medium weight, good value at ....... S I . 65 £ 1 .9 8 UNDERWEAR Two piece cotton medium weight ...... underwear, 85c UNIONSUITS--Cotton Unlonsults, medium weights, at ............ -....-.... W illiam M. Jardine, President of Kansas Agricultural College, will become a member of President Coolidge'» cabinet March 4 as Sec­ retary of Agriculture, to succeetl H. M Core who then takes office as Governor ol West Virginia. £ 1 .5 0 ATHLETIC UNIONSUITS—Good valeus, at only ........... „... ..................... 75c to 95c ALL WOOL UNIONSUITS Extra heavy, regular $6.50 value at ............ .......................... 5 4 .9 5 MOLESKIN VESTS— Leather lined, sleeves, knit collar and cuffs at only leather S7.30 MEN’S SHOES BROWN WORK SHOES—Medium heavy uppers, plain toe, Uskide sole, at o n ly ....... £ 3 .8 5 MEN’S HEAVY WORK SHOES—Extra heavy sole, solid leather .... £ 3 .5 0 to £ 4 .9 5 MEN'S OUTING SHOES— Bicycle toe, Just the shoe for spring and summer wear £ 1 .9 8 t<> £ 2 .8 5 KODAK DOUBLES THE FUN Whatever you favorite outdoor H|K>rt may be there’» twice the fun with a Kodak along. And later, In your album, the story is yours for good. The Kodak line Is well repres­ ented at our photographic counter; come In and see. Autographic Kodaks $6.50 up Kodak Film is the Yellow Box Finishing of the quality kind 16-INCH RELIANCE SHOES—Regular $10.50 value« at only.............. ........................... £ 8 .5 0 BRE1ER CO. You will always find a SAVING worth while on every purchase made at the C. J. Breier Co. store. BOYS SUITS—In the popular brown, gray and blue- Suits that w ill please you from the lining out Mothers note with approval the excellent service giving qualities of material and the care­ ful tailoring which prorides for longer wear as well as good appearance. The6e prices offer a definite saving ... 5 7 .5 0 to £ 1 1 .5 0 KNICKERS—Boys Knickers in a large range of much wanted colors and materials ........ £ 1 .3 5 BOYS HATS— Dress hats in assorted colors and Btyles ... „...... ............-•••• 85c to £ 1 .2 5 DRESS SHIRTS— Boys Honor Bright dress shirts and blouses, assorted patterns, at........ -... 75c WORK SHIRTS— Boys blue Chambray shirts at ................................. - ............ -*■ —«-—— 65 c BOYS SHOES— Red Center dress shoes. Solid leather, wide toe, size, 9 to 13 at only £ 3 .2 5 Same as above size 1 to 2 at ....... £ 3 .4 5 Same as above size 2 ^ to 5i,A at ... 5 3 .9 5 - £ 1 6 .5 0 to 5 2 1 .5 0 JUST RECEIVED—A large shipment of ladies ready to wear, stepins, combination suits, bloom­ ers, night gowns and pajamas, assorted colors in silk, mercerized charmeuse, voile, chepe de chine and nainsook, priced to save you money. SILK HOSE— In assorted colors, prices range from .................... - ...... 98 c t° £ 1 .9 5 SILK FIBRE HOSE—Special at only........ 59c MERCERIZED LISLE HOSE—In black, brown and white, good value ------------ — 45c LADIES LIGHT WEIGHT UNIONSUITS—No sleeves, low neck, knee length at.. 50c to 65c LIGHT WEIGHT UNIONSUITS—Large sizes- Size 44 to 50 at................. ............ ................ 75c DRY GOODS APRONS AND DRESS GINGHAMS—Assorted < colors and checks, at this low’ price per yd...........-....-........... ....... 15c to 20c FANCY DRESS GINGHAMS—Large assortment to choose from ....... .......... -......25c to 29c CRETONNE—In a wide range of patterns. Good prade per yd......... ................. -......2 0 to 35c FIGURED VOILE—In blue, brown and pink, per yard .......-...... ....... . ........... -....... 4 9c KRINKLE CREPE—Assorted o n ly ....... ................. — colors, per .............. 32 to yd., 39c 19c 30-INCH BESTONE CHAMBRAY—A variety of these much wanted figured and plain colors* SOAP SPECIALS—Palmolive, Almond Codoanut and Rose transparent, regular 10c values 2 for .............................................................. 15C per yd.......-................... -..............39C TALCUM POWDER—25c value Crystal, hard water, Cocoanut and Fairy Queen soap at only ...... ..................- ....................... 4c 35c PALMOLIVE SHAVING CREAM GENTLEMAN AUTO SAFETY RAZORS—Pack­ ed in leather case. Special ... ............. «*...49c FOOT POWDER—Regular 10c value 2 for 15c FANCY ARMBANDS—At BROWN VICI KID DRESS SHOES— Extra good values at only ..... .............. * ........ ...... 5 4 .9 5 LADIES PURSES— Nice assortment to choose from ................................. £ 1 .2 5 to 5 1 .6 5 STATIONARY—Assorted colors in box, at BROWN CALF DRESS SHOES—Wide toe, solid only .. .«........................ 65c to £ 1 .2 5 welt, at only ...... ..............- .... £ 7 .5 0 at - - WORK SHOES—BOys heavy work shoes, made to stand rough wear at £ 2 .4 5 to £ 3 .4 5 wide toe ..... .......... ................. £3 9 8 BROCKTON BENCH MADE POLICEMANS SHOES—Triple sole |welt, rubber heel, water LADIES COATS— In latest colors and materials JAP CREPE—A large assortment of new colors. Special per yd-... ............................... — 24c BIXBY’S MILITARY KIT— Shoepollsh brush and cloth, at ........ ........................... - ............... -3 5 c £ 3 .8 5 to £ 4 .9 5 * ....................... -.... 5 4 .5 0 1<> £ 5 .8 5 DRESS SHOES— In black and brown size 2% to 5y2 .................................... £ 2 .8 5 to £ 3 .4 5 BLACK KID DRESS SHOES—Cushion Insoles, leather soles ................. -• LADIES BLOUSES—Assorted colors In figured crepe, Canton Crepe and silk Jersey.. 10 to 25C THESE PRICES ARE NOT SPECIALS FOR ONE OR TWO DAYS BUT GOOD THROUGHOUT THE MONTH OF MARCH. GILBRA DRAWN CLOTH- of the much wanted ........ -A splendid variety .......... -...55c MERCERIZED CHARMEUSE—Has the appear ance of an all silk cloth. It is highly mercerized. W ill w ith stand hard wear and retain its desirable appearance, per yd............. .......................... 59c 36-INCH MERCERIZED POPLIN—Regular 65c value, per yd.............. .......................... -.... 55c 38-INCH WHITE OUTING FLANNEL—Good, heavy weight, regular 35c value, our price, per yd..................... — .....-...— ...— ..........2 5 c COLORED OUTING FLANNEL— 27-inch good grade at per y a rd ........... ............................ 19c 36-INCH BLEACHED MUSLIN— Extra valne at, per yd................................. —- good 15c 36-INCH, COLORED INDIANHEAD—Extra good value, at per yd...... .............. ....................... 49c