THE SPRINGFIELD PIE« W O Pubttabad Every TharaSay at Springfield. Lane Coanty. Oregon, by _ _ THURSDAY, MARCH 6. 1925 T H E 8 PRING Fl E l JD N EW 8 FAQS TWO T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS « ... - « H . E. MAXKY. Editor .. .. F. C. W K STER ZIELD . Managsr Entered * • «eeond cla«a matter FVbraary 34. ISOS at the Bostofflca. Springfield, Oregon M A IL SUBSCRIPTION RATE Ona Tear In Advance......1135 Three Months Btx M o n th s _________ 76c Single Copy .... THURSDAY, MARCH 5 1935 E ditorial Program I. Make Springfield the Industrial Center of Wes­ tern Oregon. II. Develop a Strong Trading Point; Build a City of Contented Homes. III. Impreve Living Conditions on tho Form. Pro­ mote the Raising of Purebred Livestock and the Growing of Fruit; Work for Better Markets IV. Tell the World About Oregon's Scenic Wonder. land. In trica te economics, am i It Is to the solution o f th is problem It is hoped I)r. Jardine w ill address him self. Co-o|»erative m arketing m ay prove to be the answer. O nly tim e can tell. However the whole nation w ill wish fo r the new secretary of ag ricu ltu re an undisturbed and successful ad- ll A I1R! RU8IXESS -U N D ER PAID H E LP Those who com plain against the IncFeasIng cost o f governm ent, probably w ill voice strong objection to the action o f Congress In tryin g to raise Its own pay as well as the ,>ay o f the mem­ bers o f the dahinet. As a fact the proposed In- creaes would make little dlfferecen In the public expenditure. It Is proposed to increase the sala­ ries o f members o f the House and o f the Senate fro m $7,500 to $10,000 per year The Vice-Presi­ dent and members o f the cabinet wt>uld be paid $15,000 a year instead o f $12,000 as at present It Is tru e that Am erica was nursed to strength In the cradle o f fru g a lity , it is trus that we have largely departed from the honest ways and th rift HORIZONTAL o f the fathers At the same tim e we cannot he blind to the fact that o u r public o ffh ia ls . p articu­ 1. Oft spring. la rly in Congress, in the cabinet and in the deplo- 4 In time past. m atlc service are treated In a n ig g a rd l/ manner. 7. i-egum« The average man in c iv il life finds it d iffic u lt 10. Short for Alonso to g> t along ever, w ith his salary double what it 13. Unit was a few years ago. The salaries o f o u r con­ 14 Itrvaklng of day to. I gressmen ... .. and cabinet oft leers have not kept 17. Did £ ■ " '«“ £ » “ • is the biggest business in the world. It should) 18- To testify be w illin g to hid fo r men in the m a rke t o f com- t» Fondle 20. Sincere merce and trade. SECOND S T R E E T PAVING The co u n cil’s order o f a survey o f Second Street and estim ates prepared fo r paving is a wise move. _ I, to only b u s i n g like (o r .be ¡ « p i e op Second street to know w h a t paving is going to cost before they sign a p e tition fo r it. O f course « ¡tC ti the p e tition usually comes firs t and c ity o rd in ­ 23. Fixed charge ance contem plates it th a t w ay but m any things 24. Boy have been done by th is c ity and others th a t is not E d ito r ia l C om m ent 26. Open (Poetical, good business practice. 27. Period of time Second street, is a m ain entrance to the tow n KEEPING T H E HOME FIRES BURNING 29. Ever (contraction) fro m th e west. Being a m ain entrance to the 30. Round objecta In 1923. the people of Our Country destroyed by fire to w n m any o th e r people besides the property 31. l-utig time ow ners on the street w ill enjoy the benefits o f «35.373,782 worth of property Thi» almost unb.-iievabi* 33. Russian National drink th e paving. It w ould be a fa ir proposition in loM *• ° ” ,r ,w,ce ,hat of '**3 anJ “ “ d r three times as 36. Abbreviation for Russian case the street is paved fo r the c ity to stand at large aa ,h* losa ot l9 0 i 36. To use (as a sword) least the COSt Of paving Street intersections and To n’»“ hes and smoking Is ascribed the largest part 3«. Form of "to be" lik e ly some Of the o th e r costs. ot ,he *°*8’ »29.045,007. Second comes defective chimneys 39. Conjunction T he condition o f Second and M ill streets, as the • nd fluea whlch cauat-d a losa of »20.n2s.u2 Then com«s 41. Abbreviation for relative entrance to the tow n, is a disgrace to any city. «•>»«•• furnaces, boilers and their pipes, with »1»,«68,248; ¿««¡¿el note W e should have a paved entrance to the tow n, fpontan«oua combustion, with »i6.tto.946; sparks on roofsi«" NoU of 4ca,u and i t m atters n o t to th is newspaper w hether it wi,h $16.»»l.3«2. »n• —m w ill hoi its appearance and shape long after you have discard' cd it Our leader for Spring. N o te th e n e w English flange brim, not overdone, but just right. Shown in shades of pearl, oak-tan and mole- moka. You'll like it. Made of excellent quality h atleri' felts: trimmed with silk and lined with satin. From every angle a hat to ha proud o f Moderately priced at— From $2.98 to $4.98 V O lT lX B E S U R P R IS E D " / 1- Don’t you Just love good cake? How often do you eat honest-to-goodifess cake th a t fa irly melt« in your m outh'’ BeT -,9C ,0 0 The Cost of Service N thic loyalty and skill of the human element depends the character of telephone serv­ ice. T h e pro v id ers o f this service must not only meet the m a rk e t p rice s for materials. (They must also maintain at any cost a high standard of work­ manship. Because of advancing prices, the telephone dollar goes only hal f as far as it did ten years ago. More than three-fifths of this ’d ollar i» necessarily expended for wages. Less would neither O attract nor hold the high-grade workers essential to maintain America’s standards. That Bell telephone rates have advanced much less than other prices is largely due to economies in methods and ap­ paratus that have been developed and introduced. It is also because the p ro p o rtio n o f operating plant built at pre-war prices is «till large, though this is steadily decreasing because of new con­ struction made necessary by the nation’s telephone needs. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company BELL SYSTEM One Policy Only when you bake it yourself or eat home made cuke at 50 • One System • Universal Service Your Little Business Problems M any o f you have seen the tim e when you wanted to have a heart to heart ta lk in absolute confidence about some little business problem- You have fe lt it was too tr iflin g to bother the busy banker about and yet ft was big enough to w o rry you. We are never too busy here at the F irs t N ational, that we cannot listen tp you and help w ith all the means w ith in o u r power. yo u r frie n d ’s house. There's absolutely no tric k to bak ing good cake when you use— "‘ttlakes Bread Light as a Feather/'’ No m a tte r how much yoti pay fo r cuke flo u r or w hat your experiences have been In m aking cakes you. can be assured 41 Years Of H elpful Service th a t no flo u r w ill make better