S R P I N G F I E L D — T H E W EST ER N O IV O T IO TO I N T I R I I T OF IF R IN Q F IIL D ANO T H I F A R M E R ! OR T H I f W IL L A M IT T I V A L U IT t>. Of O. Libi NATRON :?RINGFIELD NEWS 8PIUNGFIELO, LANE COUNTY, OREGON. twenty - second year ESTIMATE ORDERED ON 2ND SI. PAVING T E R M IN A L O F T H E TEACHERS INSTITUTE HELD HERE SATURDAY THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1925 President» and Vice-President. Inaugurated CUTOFF "T h « A People's Paper" L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 7 ijlEW GRADE SCHOOL P e je r B ptncer, T a lk * on A rith m etic, and N. I . C la rk on Know Oregon Council In Special Session Do oidet to H evo Survey Made and Coat* of Paving 20 Feet Wide Ascertained; Llone and Chamber Backs Movement. Rlrot Some (haiig.»e to the program of Ilio teacher* inalliute held at the nigh school Saturday worn made, whnn I, an II D Sheldon, of the I’nl vnralty of Oregon, was unnb’o to at tend, »nd In III* place, Pe,»r L. Sprit- cor, also of the u.-ilvemlty faculty, A aurvey of Second »trait and the talked on Arlthmet'c Combination« preparation of coat animate« for la v ­ N. K. «'lark, al the University extea ina ».,ra ordered Monday evening by „ ,partraen,, Mpoke OB Know Or a apodal meeting of Iho city count- I which heard reports of committers ra| muâtes' selection« by the Sévirai front Iho Lions club and Chamber of a-hool children of Springfield were Cotmtierce, City Engineer Simon f. ultim a of tho Uiotlnga. The c'-da Kldvdahl K l.rv d .h i waa Instructed tna.ru . to go ahead „„„ (h high with the work at once and prop.ro school «•«• The writer must hand In the TO START JULY 1ST field March 14. The board would SHEDD AT BASKETBALL TO PUBLIC SATURDAY Record«- Lvnn Lan.berry tendered P«P*r In hl. own handwriting on as- like to secure about a block of land h l. reH.gn.tlon lo .he council He I. « F P«P*'- » rl.len nrmory. iOp nmg ______ point. Playing was hampered will be Installed In the city. Those _________________ Hunzlcker of Eugene, ___ has , prepared ■somewhat by the small floor there, receiving mail must provide a box or pians for the new school building, STREET CHANCES HANDS . erlntendent of schools, talked to the , "Mac” McMullen won _____ ---- three wuh the low ceiling which continually rut a hole In their doors where the floor plans and drawing« of the new Another Main street low changed "" J ,our round" of bOXln< frOal Gw>rg” Interfered with the ball i buildings were exhibited several — ”OW m‘ nT " Ud Moon in the main even, of the Am- of , he f)„ t , eam Only playe<1 two carrier can deposit It. hands Friday when F. II. (oglll yBlr places In town before the eleqtlon and theD on|y the #econd ORCHARD PESTS WILL BE Imughi lol 13 lu block 0# from Uelby , bBOef„ , bey had dertved from 1 erlcsn Legion smoker las, Thursday |he Tuesday. i night. The bou, was to have been six half Fftevrn». nevrnw. j. I DISCUSSED FOR GROWERS ------------------------- rounds, but since both ra< n were to Albany won from Spring,leld here The lot I. located between 9lh and p dlK:'UMl„ n ^ Incluí- ! ------- I HOT LUNCH SERVED TO play on the high school basketball Satnrday by tbe game ciose »core, the end of ihe pavement, and he« no Ing as topics, ...................... ............... The control of orchard pests will, O, ,o n « s a k in T C iC H iB « ? high schools, upper team the next night It was shortened , Springfield led 8-4 at the end be the subject of discussion at a meet- _ PUPILS_AND TEACHERS building on It Mr. t oglll h a. no pr(mAry work „„„ clubB wer building plan» at pre.-mt, ( on.lder- #Men(le, by tBB(.herB or the T. rlou» I A large crowd was In attendance at i of tbe ba|f Cowart, one of Spring, ing of fruit growers at the Eugene i | field's .star players was iforced to ntlon for which the lot was purchased branrh(>i (b ih# B{, , rnoon ad. the erooker. Tom Sharman won a technical knock-1 ]eaye the game at tbe fjrBt quarter 1 ham’,er ° f t OmI“ e^ e ! pupils and teachers of the Lincoln was 310. ____ thtrrt . ___ _______ day- March 14 and 15. The meeting _______. _____ .. ditlon lo this there was also ij round out . from Bob . Gibson in the third due lo school last Friday noon by a commit­ a powder burn Inflicted by the table discussion of the whole meeting. round. "Babe- Wilson also won a excited timer. While he was In the f has been arranged by O. 8. Fletcher, tee from the Parent-Teacher assoc’ar Entertains Precllla Club Olrls of the high school domestic technical from H. Hasen. Hazen's game he made six points to two made county agent, who Is bringing speak­ tlon yielded $28.70 which will be de­ ers from the Oregon Agricultural Col­ Mrs. Trubert Henderson was hos-1 science department served lunch backers threw In the spong In the by tbe „hole Albany team voted to a fund to be used in starting ti-es for the Priscilla club at her apart­ to shout 105 teachers st noon. third round. f | The game was tied near the last o, lege to speak on the various phases a library for the Junior high school. ment over the Bell Theatre Friday , _______ of the subject. Professor Clayton L. Two bouts resulted In draws. John-'the game, Albany converting a foul This Is the firs, effort of the associa­ Long, well known to Lane county afternoon M-tubers of the club spent z - f n e FIELD MEETS ny Tomseth and "Chick'’ McPherson whlch made the winning counter | tion In aiding the library and It Is the afternoon with sewing and mualc. orchard men, will be one of the speak expected that other plans willl be ltefreahmenta were served by Mrs. W l I rl mcc. fought to a three round draw as did when there was only thirty seconds to era. "Huck” Harper and Oliver Bettis. undertaken to Increase the amount go. After the meeting a Lane county "'rw n'n ’ w number, were taken Into T h e , members of the Oenefleld Besides Cowart's sensational basket Clarence Fandrem and Henry Tom­ necessary to purchase books. . . ,„v . _ was ... , iHorticultural society . will orga- seth wi n through three rounds o, a shoot'ng. McPherson s _-------- guarding - ---- ,, » , be Mrs. R. G. Masters was chairman of Ihe club. Mrs. J M. I-ar.on and Mrs. bridge club, with th r ^ guest«, me, st „ n ,,..« „ l f'n v n n lio l 'v o r rrvori game. Cowart will uga . amp ’ , r Ter .. , ithe committee which took charge of ---- ■ nixf d' Ix-land Eubanks. Other members of the home of Mt«. Levi Neet la« no decision, exhibition bout. They a feature , of the -------------------- , sight avenue east «s a rar, of night when he slipped from the run­ 8. M Goddard, an employee at the a real estate office In the Odd Fellows Bryan. Members attending the party switchboard In the Springfield tele­ the unit plan the plant was built on. Booth Kelly mill wns Injured Friday building at the corner of Fourth and were Mrs. Maude T. Bryan, Mr. and ning board of a car and fell face phone office was begun Saturday. The Part of the new building will he usea downward on the curb. Mirs. Frank DePue, Mr. and Mrs. noon when he fell across some Iron as a rest room for the women em­ rods making the tongue o, a truck Main. The building leased from the Isaac Larimer. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mr. Hinson was in pursuit of a car work will take about a month, and Willamette Press by Welby Stevens ployees of the cannery. The cost with a cutout open, and as he started will maka room for an additional His back wtrs badly bruised. and Al Perkins will be the place of the Adraln. Mr. Fred Cllngan. Mrs. Zella to leave his car, he fell in some way, position at the switchboard. Audible will be about $9.000 William Smith, also an employee a, new business which will be opened Cantrell, Mr. and Mrs. J. L Clark, ringing will be » new feature of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Seavey, Mr. Welby hitting the curb One side of his face Springfield service when the work is the mill, had the middle finger of his during this month” Clvle Club Meete Tuesday wns bruised badly, and he received Stevens, and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs right hand badly smashed In the feed a slight cut on his chin. The ac­ completed. Members of the Civic club are plan- rlllers of the lathe machine Thursday Mark Peery. W reckin g Old Building cident occured on 5th street. nlng a meeting fo Tuesday evening afternoon. Eight stitches were re­ New Line Added The frame building on tne siuth In Ihe Chamber of Commerce. A .pa­ quired to close the cut. Logger Injured west corner of 6th and Mu'u Is being Beginning Saturday, Sneed’s depart­ Legion to Meet per sack lunch will follow tho busi­ Earl Brigggs, working in one of the torn down to make room for rh«, new Wendllng lumber camps, was Injured The regular raeetln og Springfield ment store will handle shoes for men, ness session which will convene nt Hostess to Club 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. Jesse Seavey wns hostess for First National bank building. The Wednesday when a choker hit him post, American Legion, will be Friday wemen and children. To make room the Chrysanthemum club nt her home work of demolishing the old building violently in the abdomen. He was evening in the W. O. W. hall. Business for th© new department, the partition Attend Eugene P arty "’odnesdny afternoon. The afternoon is In charge o, L. K. Page, who started taken to the Eugene hospital In an having to do with the showing of the In the back of the store has been Mrs. Paul nr«ttaln and Mrs. Paul was spent In sewing, and an elaborate on It Wednesday. So for no definite ambulance, where he Is reported to moving picture "The Lost Battalion," moved back twenty feet, and new Scott, of Spokane, Washing,on. who luncheon was served by Mrs. Seavey. plans for their building has been be progressing. While the bruise was at the Bell Theatre will be taken up. shelves put in. Is visiting here, nttendnl the costume Members of the club attending fhe made by the bank, according to W. G. very palnfgul and dangerous, hospital Refreshments will be served. authorities believe that no serious party given by the L, O. E. clyh In meeting were: Mrs. M M. Peery. Mrs. Hughes, president. Twins are Born Six Fords were sold by th© Ander­ Injury will result. Eugene Thursday afternoon. Maude T. Rrynn, Mrs. J. L. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. George Ditto are the son Motor company this week. Fred Leaves for Arkansas Mra. John Ketels, Mrs. Rnlph Dlppel, Roseberry of Springfield purchased a grandparents of twin girls, daughters Mr. and Mrs. Ed Burres and family Breaks His Leg Dies at Hospital Mrs. B, A. Wnshhnrne. Mrs. Henry left here Tuesday for Bald Knob, T. V. Ogden broke his leg Tuesday coupe with haloon tires, as did Web of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Fish, and born W. H. Taylor 07, died nt the Spring- Adraln and the hostess Arkansas, where they will make their when he fell about seven feet while Yarnell. Mrs. W. W. Wright and here Saturday. field county hospital about 11:00 The babies weighed 234 and 2’4 future home. Mr. Burres lived on doing carpenter work. Mr. Ogden Dari Spores bought a touring car Queets st Dinner—Mr. nnd Mrs. Wednesdav night. The body Is In pounds, but are very healthy. Mr. with haloon tires, and Fred Lindsey charge of file W. F. Walker rhnpel. Dallas Murphy were dinner guests of east Mnln street. He recently sold wns building an addition to his house and Mrs. Fish will move to Salem of Eugene, and W Chase of Chase his ranch In Condon. Oregon1 to G. when he slipped and fell, fracturing So far this morning no relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Anderson of soon. gardens bought trucks. W. Zimmerman of that visinlty. his leg. Eugene Wednesday. the dead man have been located K "•*««•* *“ ,h* * n<* ‘