The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, February 26, 1925, Page 6, Image 6

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    TllU R flO AY. FEBRUARY H , IM E
. . . * <•!< with a lira company
•round Star for about forty year®. and »oma quilt® atartad lha waa
• »re ,
* w>,r0ro, to atranaara.
baa a hoat of frlauda whatever ha ha» j
. .
n» ih.. rf.nTul
V»e<l Fordaon tractor, completely I All at "The C hurch of lha t ordi.i
■ y *o«C«at
Continuad from Page Four
Ha diati at tha horna of hla daughter ' overhauled.
Awdaraon Wing Motor Wt koine
C orrespondent®
Mr®. Jamaa Spakr of Star. O te g o u jc o .
• DORENA LOCAL NO. 190 i Thursday, February 1». t»SR.
Mrs. George Pitcher, who haa fceen|
S p rin g fie ld M e lh o d la t episco pal
at the Mercy hoapital for treatmolt!
(Bbbert Memorial»
Professor Pen,Ire and Mias Wrlley.
Chicken thieving haa become more
The Farmers Pnlon member® h e ll
aboM |(>B
returned to h e r 1 The Springfield *UI >»« th-
The Sunday school officer® are
taaohera of the High school. also than a Joke •* Pleasant Hill and the „„ open meeting Tuesday evening home here Sunday.
,, principal feature of the F1re®l4a hour worb|ng , Or ,50 present Sunday nord-
Fl. sate Heerlngton and Winifred Bn- farmer® are becoming much alarmed with about thirty fire present
Mr®. John llolstrom and eon® John ®t 7:30. tog«ther with ®ome good o l ' | , n,
Tb„ s«ndny morning «ertnun
« r o tt.
Corvallis last Satur-
Cecil Wheeler and . Ralph Laird. county Pre»ldent «■*<•{ iw j _ Bvaratt vUlted at the
topic la. "Chrlat before Ptlata and
ll, motored
- Brtaest
— — —- Schrenk.
- -
~ homo of »onga-
da> and attended the second annual Late Wheeler have all! lost hsavUy tMM> very interesting «ugg. <1 Ion® 0» fc, r p ,r»Bta Mr and Mra. J. II
aermon will
will 1.«
H. Kirk
Kirk. The
The Pastor®
Pastor's aermon
b« "The
educational expoaitlon at the O. A. C. In the past ten days. The thieve« t.on,lucltn< farmer union meeting« ¡<>f , b)(| p law Salurday
Salt of the Earth Type of .'briatlanl-
A apeclal musical program will be
Perry Price, who attend® O. A. C. seem to be after the chicken® for meat alM, how to hold the Interest of thej Qjenn jrnnlng« and Mr. Morgan W
bring a personal nv>»»»g» to
eb o n al 7:30, under the direction Of
at Corvallis spent the week end with as the light weight one® are left be- „»embers. He also acted as chairman maj e „ bcslness trip to the Chamber® answer
answer the
tne souls
«oui» cry
cry of
ot need,
o ...,
Murt-hy a ..l»ted by Loraine
home folks.
of the meeting as the president tr»« ml|j Wednesday.
Margaret Russell who attended Nor-
In honor of her ISth birthday Mr. absent.
(. „ J( luUn<a bajl bM>„ cu nt,,B an,j It o'clock hour. "Paradise Regained
|hp |b|pd
mal at Monmouth visited her parents and Mrs. John Palmer entertained, a
Mr Jarbman. an O. A. C. specialist
, p|| tnB b u Rb(w| , Island Red being
helo® «scriptural
aacrlnturnl aipo«Ilion
exposition ...
of .....
... . . c ()f
... ....... ....
h ers the past week end.
number of the neighbors children .or aIao <av, n!anv helpful suggestion® pu„ aU for , c^ypte „r week® II* In method® of enriching the
Individual *p
upon the subject of •The World®
Rev and
Mrs. Harry Benton took their daughter. Bdna. at their home concerning the work In the meetings tpnJa
on| v , h# V(,ry b#<t ,„y vhrl»tlan experience.
Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. at Enterprise Sunday afternoon. Feb-
„„ terming, followed by O R
,n h(< noclt
, Tb„ ,,hurch achool meet« at » : « . Greatest Immigrant."
8 PLarl Childers Pastor.
ruary W Outdoor gam s, w e re played Fletcher. county agent, w h o outlined
Tb0 Ijldlea M, „ loBBry meWlng wa, w ith c la s s e - fo r all a g e
Tt -
Mr. and
Mra. Marvin Jackson and until rain drove the young folks In , bp worb whlch the farmer unionists h,,|d al lh „ church Thursday, with will feel at ea»e In the brotherhood
For Shoe service try ih e E l«irl*'
family from Eugene visited Ray the house where refreshments w ee- and Countv »gent® are trying to carry on|y „ fpw member® present. They c lass which meets *n the »toil
Baugh last Sunday.
'out this year, especlailv on horltcul
The Epworth Lcaguo convenes at Bhoe Shop.
Mr and Mrs. Venhousen from Se-
Mrs. Andy Olson who underwent an , uye a|falfa raising, stock raising,
attle who have been tonring California operation at the Goshen hispital Frl- and roeIbods of treating grain
visited Miss Mterama the first of the day February 13 was able to rriurn
Those present enjoyed the »peaking
week on their return trip.
fo her home at Pleasant Hill Sunday, very much and wish we could have
Lor n Edmiston who attends Bust- February SI.
Jackman. Mr. tjslrd and
nass college in Eugene spent the
Vnder the auspices of the Christian pjotcher here more often to wake up
week-end at home.
Endeavor of the Pleasant Hill church , bP comunlty.
John Willian from Cottage Grove Mr. and Mrs. Riddle of Eugene will
After the meeting a lunch of coffee,
sp .n t Sunday in Thurston.
¡give a concert at the Christian church Cake and sandwiches were served by
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Price motored Saturday night February M. A« Mr. (bp Indies,
to Not! Sunday afternoon. They are and Mrs. R ld .ll' are accom pllshel
Most everyone In the community
expecting to rnoTe there tn the near musicians and Mr. Rtddle Is very ac- „{tended the funeral of P n cle Miles
complished in giving readings a good pttcber held at the Chapel at Cottage
Mr. and Mrs A. W. Weaver motorc-l program |s anticipated.
Grove last Sunday. He was one of
to Eugene Sunday and spent the day
Mrs. Swift of Portland visited over (bp c idP„t ptoneer® on the river, be-
with their son. Bert, and family.
the w e.k end at the home of Mr am! ,ng
years old He was also a civil
Rev. Harry Benton, who has been Mrs. E. Y Swift at Pleasant Hill
aWT veteran and has lived In and
the minister at Thurston for the pad
Twelve little folks gathered at t h ' l ___________
.......... ..........................
few year’ put in hla resignation last home of Mt». Belle Wknroer Monday
Sunday, expecting to preach his fare- afternoon. February 23 to celebrate
-<«* •
* * * • • wí. q- • s îv*“- *• «, ' T r ,. • ",
well sermon next Sunday morning.
the birthday of her »on Elbert, w h o ;
The play. "The Dufunny Family" at was seven years o il Sunday Februa-v
the hall last Friday evening was well 22. Games were played in doors until
attended and ^vell »rendered. The refreshments with a lighted birthday
proceeds amounted to $62 00.
cake were served. Those present ,
Thursday evening. February 26. Mr were: I.eland Morris. Robert Phelps, j
Smith Taylor will lecture and show Maxine Baughman. Max Baughma-
som? slides taken of the forest, at Wayne James. Florence and Lucll
the church.
Jordan. Bonnie Jeanne Tinker and ,
John Price Is ill with rheumatism. Elbert Wimmer.
The Ladles Aid will meet with Mrs.
MaT Harden. Arthur Lindley an I j
William Hensen next Thursday after- Guy Mathew® were chosen to repres .
i eat the Pleasant Hill high school a,
This suite consists of Bowfoot Bed, Dresser, und Chlffonette
Next Friday evening the Leaburg ,h e «Vocational exposition held at
school will stage the plav Corvallis last week. Accompanied by
“Peter Slick of Punkln Crick." at the Ar!o Gilbert, an Instructor in the high
Have you a radio, see us for a tiablnet for your set. in walnut
school, they left Friday afternoon.
Saturday morning at lo A. M. Mis« 1 Herbert Harden of Portland was at
Edith Pear! Alton became the bride 1,'easant Hill Sunday visiting his
of Dr. Carl Phetteplace. They were
married at the Catholic church b y i,w<>
MaT »»<« P»»>-
Father O'Hara In Eurene. and left
Shelly. the youngest
for a wedding trip to Portland where <'au^hter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
the brides’ parents reside. The b rid e;■Shelly underwent an operation for
Is a graduat nurse from the Good S u -.Bpp*‘n'l,<’,,is at th,!
maritan hospital in Portland, but has hO8Pital ^ s t week.
been surgical nurse at the Pacific
Christian hospital for some time. Dr
Buy your Fort now.
Phetteplace 1« a graduate of V. of O
Somedmos a life depends on the
F 2«.
medical school and Is at present Wing Motor Co.
: prompt and accurate coin-
practicing st Powers. H« Is the son
pounding of a prescription.
of H. E Phetteplace and ha» spent
Buy your Ford now.
most cf his life In Thurston, where h • Wing Motor Co.
You can have a whole hearted
has a host of friends who extend their
confidence in your Rexall Store
best wishes.
¡to use only the finest drugs, ac­
Miss Etta Mae Deris was married
curately dispensed w ith prompt
to Chris Davis Cassidy of Los Angeles
last Thursday in Eugene. Mr. and
You are always safe at your
Mrs. t e e Davis, rasents of the bride,
Rexall Store, and our prescrip­
served a wedding supper Thursday
tion th arges save you money.
eveplng at their home here. The
young people o? the neighborhood
chivoried them Friday ev ping. The
, .
and Blood Disorder.
happy couple have taken apar’ment» I On gaie al a l| leading drug stores.
In Eugene wh«re the groom has em- Combination treatment for Rheuma-
ploymenf. Th y have the best w ish esl^ sm . Gout. Sciatica and Lumbago,
The phenomenal growth of Skaggs Stores are measured by their useful­
of their manv friends
¡$1.50. For Blood. Rashes, Ecsenma and
ness, which is attributed to the genuinely sound principles employed.
____ ________ '
Kidneys, ANTI-fRIC Liquid, $1.00.
D rag J f a n
Results guaranteed or money back.
7Jie J Ì2 ;
Hundreds of thousands of people throughout the great northwest ate
Gets Cars of Grain— The Spring- Antl-Pric Co, Mfgs., 32 Front St., San
customers because we render a truly great and saving service.
field Mill and Grain Company re- Francisco, Cal.
We invite the People of this Community to visit our stores and study
c ived a carload of wheat from east­
ern Oregon Monday, and another on
s... a i
our prices-
Farm ers U nion N e w s
Community News
3 Piece Special Bedroom Set
in Silveitcne
$ 1 8 .CO
Wright & Son
H e re In s p e c tin g T ie s — W . L. Gray,
Southern Pacific inspector from Eu­
gene was here Tuesday inspecting a
carload of t k s to go to Latham.
Installs Radio—E. E. Archer of Wil­
lam ette Heights installed a new radio
set in his home this week. W. H.
Adrain of the Springfle!! garage
helped the work.
Supervisor Here— Geotrge (Nelson,
supervisor of the tekgraph depart­
ment of the Southern Pacific was here
■from Portland Tuesday supervising
the details of the new line to Oak­
r .*
Receives Cement—E. A. Cllngan
received a carload of cement Monday
from Oswego.
V isits Dunlaps— Mr. and Mrs. J. L
R otoon visited at the W. L. Dunlap
hom e Wednesday
. A. R. Ladles to Meet—Ladles of
G. A. R will meet at the home i
he president, Mrs. C. F. Eggiman
irsday evening .
To 338 Main Street
Electric Fixtures, Wiring, Contracting
H enderer Electric Supply
Concert Orchestra
At the BELL THEATRE, Springfield,
Under the Auspices of the American Legion
Go to Corvallis— Mr. and Mrs. C. F.
Eggtman drove to Corvallis Tuesday.
This is a benefit concert given by a high class Woman’s
Musical organization on a transcontinental tour
Rente Houae—O M Plummer ha»
rented a house on 624 A street and
Stelnhauer, owner of the house on
1th and B where the Plummers now
live «rill m ore back to his house.
Prices: Reserved Seats 75c.
Yes, We’ve Moved, too
General Admission 50c
Hersheys Cocoa,
]K)und tins .
Broken Sliced
No. 2>/2 tins
4 t in s
1 tin •................... 28 c
Peachea, Apricot», cher­
ries, 6 lb. tins
1 can ...x....
canB ...... $1.65
8 lb. tins ...
4 lb. t in s ....
> •
Friday and
Pure Cane
10 lbs., 00
Beet Rugar is branded
‘‘Beet,’’ Best cane sugnr
Is branded either "F ru it”
or "Berry” Pure Cane.
Peanut Butter
1 pound
2 pounds
Oregon Crop
10 lb. bag ....
Corn meal
White of Yellow
9 lb hag ...........
Macaroni and
23c 1 Ib............... 10c
43c 3 lbs..................... 2 8 c
New arrivals, full of
Juice, not frosted; nice
1 dozen
2 dozen
W e will give a Coles Safety can opener Free
with each one dozen can goods!
321 Main Street