T IIIItS D A Y , FEBRUARY 26, T H E SPRIN GFIELD NEWS l» 2 f i PAGE PTV1 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE corner of the aoutheaat fourth of the HTA'I K OF OREGON FOR ¡northeast quarter of »aid »action 33. LANK COUNTY I which la marked by a Ford axle efauft L. 8 Hcott, Margaret M. Hcott, va. driven In the (round on the northern Ella Halley,— — —Halley, tier hua- boundary of county road No. 322, • • I I w hat you want ta aall, buy w hat you w ant to buy thro •" band; Thomas Clemmena. ------- thence along the northern boundary columns. W rite or phone T W O Clcinmtri», III.» '»Ife; Alfred C k m -Jof county road No. 323, south 88 de- men», -------- Clemmen«. hla wife; | green 67 min., east 42.68 chain» to a FOK HALE It roil Jersey c o » i I i t S A I H Iiu r r o n e h » a < i line U« •J"bn ' 'I'nini ti«. lo-vnna Clemmen». Ford axle ahaft driven In the ground „ e !» „ I ? *“» **'•>; A’»lrew O n ,m en » . --------- io county road No. 4»«. thence along , In bill milk, bargain, al»o Ford i bine, model .1117 ( a ll Anderson , Clim.mens, hl» wife, being the only center of county road No. 48«. north roup«, '84, will take cheap roadster Motor Company. - • - of - — . . surviving ■ heir» at - • law Martha 20 16 chain» to a Ford axle ahal a» part, I'hoae I28W . ------ .((Temniane ard Tbomaa Clemmena, driven In the ground, thence nortl Gilt -Ige contract on residence In , her husband, both deceased; Dellla 89 degree» 57 rnln.. w| both de NOTICE I» hereby given that the l ie .■»late or George W Hporee, de- , M<| ttu e » — « a . eom olalnt ' ’"’"'‘d I »1»" other pereon or partle« ceased All person» are h 1 re b y no- wb|rh . «<><■ :n I '»»known claiming any right, title, ee- undersign'd Administrator of the ea- titled lo present the claims. If any ,.„t 111...1 Court and cause 'a,B- ,,cr "r lnt order of the County Court Hatur- s lx m o n th , fr o -m m this Ib l« date. d a te .2 " d ‘ required to March. 1925, ¡for «joe»« dlsaolvlna th e m n rrlaae , r e hereby hereby required to appear appear and and «1«Y 'I»Y the the 21at 21at day day of of March. 1925, at at Dated this 19th day of February. ," t . . ’"‘'T ;® •*’* «rawer February, / i B, „ between ' “• you and " the * • ’’ the 'h ” compaint filed against I i ’he the hour cf ten o’clock A A. M. at the * dal “ ff and dDorcm« the nU lnilff ’ eu !n th- »b"r” « t it le d "“ »• "» CoUnty Court room ln th* Court 1926. ’OS,K (I erg VIWUB This runimona l. rorvto upoS yon by « " * " • ? « £ » . ' J 8“ ' !»'<’ . b«’ : 5 ° ? ’ JOH1K Ibe'puldlcatlon" hero(',r^ nUL°<"Jdance inJ “> » » <“*«> •'» »ecka from the date'«®», has bean fixed a» the time and F 19 24 M 6 12 1» of the order providing for publication' Pl«™ for hearing objection.. If any NOTH K GF FINAL HBARINO " ¡th e ninth day of January. 1925,i her* 1'1/ and lf J o u / • « *5,Pf>UDl “nd f° F f,Bal Notice I. hereby glv .n that the und ^ “ S i d . ’ by ¿ r X ^ t l o i X ™ ! ? for thP. ie ile f ) -'ll perron, having objection, to •rh‘«n«‘l. •» administratrix of the ea- M Ihereln demanded, towlt for a decree »»W final account nre hereby notified tale of h,. E. Knickerbocker, deceased, . | d ° N e « ‘ itaia ^ r 'n J t n..hi? '«river quieting title in plaintiffs a n d ’*° H|e ’he same with the County Clerk t'r a 'tr lx ^ o f r o u T O V b ^ ^ r » 1 ^ ^ ?»»5 * £ 8 * . In and to follow- ?n or before the time fixed for final Ing land, towlt; Beginning at a bearing thereon Donald Young day. the 38th day of February. 1126. at H. L. BERGMAN, points 20.18 chains south of the north Attorney for plaintiff the hour of ten o'clock tn the forenoon Administrator of the Estate eaat corner of section 33. township l*aat office address, ^ p n , Oregon 7” ‘„¿"Z "" ‘"’ J of eald day. and tbs County Court of Harrison B. Gray, de­ run­ Hoorn at the County Court House ln J 1 6 J12»— F5-1I 19 28 J, 88 ij'u degrees " M ’ 57 min., ceased. ning thence north Eugemi Oregon, has been set at the went 20 00 chains to a Ford axle Williams A Bean lime and place for hearing objections Attorneys for the Estate. to said final account. All persons bar­ Estate of P. M McPherson. Deceased * shaft driven in the (round, thence F-1H-28-M-5-12-19 ing objections to said final account NHTjnK OF FINAL SETTLEM ENT, south 20 15 chains to the southwest wotlre la hereby given that 8eth are notified lo file the annie In writing, M Mel hereon and Walter W. Mc­ with Che clerk of eald court before Pherson. administrators of the estate eald day. of P. M. McPherson, deceaaad. have Ian« M Knickerbocker, fO«»l 1n «he County Coprt o f the Administratrix of the estate of State of Oregon. In and for Ia n « j E E Knickerbocker, deceased. County, their final report ae such ad­ Donald Young. ministrators; end that ten o'clock In Attorney for estate. the forenoon cf Saturday, the 28th J 29. F 5-12-19 28. (lay of Murch. 1925. at the Court room thereof, have been, by the Court, fixed and appointed as the time and place HANSON GARAGE Classified Advertisements ‘Ji? OREGUN NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. More than 4880.004 will be spent ln Portland, and a total of 43,000,- 000 In the entire »late during the present year by the Pacific T ele­ phone A Telegraph company for e i- tensione and Improvements of plant and equipment. Not so many seta of twin lambs a* usual are being born this year in tho corrals and shed, of Umatilla county abeep men, according to reports from Mr». Mabel Beat has been appointed growers. The tingle lambs are rugged 'ostmaster at Snntex, Harney county. and healthy, however, and promise to make excellent growth. The annual meeting of the Umatilla The basketball championship of dis­ County Hankers’ association waa held trict No. 2 of the Oregon State High In Pendleton. School association will be decided ia J. It. Raley, a Pendleton attorney, a tournament to be played ln Pendle­ has been chosen to manage the Port­ ton February 28, 27 and 28. The dia- land Rose Festival th l. year. - trict eomprJge, Morrow> VBatllla> u u . The annual three-day convention of ; liarn and Wheeler counties, the Oregon Hardware and Implement Tfae gU te h(ghway brldge Retail D ealer, will open In Portland | , he an(J CIark on *rc Construction of a bridge over the Columbia river between Longview, Wash., and Rainier, was approved by the senate. ' lower Columbia river highway, Is near- i lng completion, and according to A. G. Skelton, resident engineer ln charge of the work, the structure will be opened for traffic about March 1. An extensive program of street Im provementa for 1925 In Oregon City bas been tentatively outlined by the city commission. Lebanon la Inaugurating a building program for the coming season in which more than a mile of street pav ing will be a part. The Portland Kennel club will hold its annual bench exhibition of blood- ed dogs in the Portland city auditor- turn April 2. 8 and 4. Two carloads of Irish Cobbler and Early Ohio seed potatoes have been j purchased by the Umatilla county farm bureau and will be distributed to growers ln the county, according to i Fred Bennion, county agent. The seed was certified by the state of Minnesota. So many sheep and goats have been killed by dogs in Polk county that the dog fund, from which stock owners are indemnified, la exhausted, and the March 8-8, Inclusive, was announc­ I court has Instructed Sheriff Hooker ed as dates for the annual northwest­ to round up unlicensed dogs and de­ ern convention of the Christian and mand that their owners pay the r e ­ quired fee at once. missionary alliance tn Hood River. F ifteen years In the state pentten- The Deschutes river within the city llmits of Bend will soon be spanned tlary and a fine of 41000 was the sen- by a new bridge, if a move launched | tence Imposed by Circuit Judge Lea­ by residents west of the river ma­ vitt on John Taylor, confessed leader of the robber* who on the morning of terialises. Wooden bridges. Instead of con­ January 4 shot and killed Oscar crete, will be built over the mill race Erickson during the robbery of a at Patterson and Hllyard streets in gambling house at Klamath Falls. One hundred and seventeen m ills Eugene, according to a decision by the reporting to W est Coast Lumbermen's city council. Practically 75 per cent of the wheat association for the week ending Feb- in Umatilla county was killed by the ; ruarf 14- manufactured 95.608,917 feet December freexe and it will require of lumber, sold 92,786,333, and shipped I about 4750.000 to pay for wheat with 88,646,111 fe e t New business was 3 per cent below production. Shipments ! which to reseed. District Bond (• A special election will be held by were 4 per cent below new business. The Pendleton office of the forest ■ 11 school districts in the northern in Springfield, of C,ackamag county February service has received formal notice Lane County, 28 to vote on the proposed union hign from the government that an appro- school at Milwaukie. priatlon of 41200 has been allowed for 1925, between The passenger, freight and ! construction of five sheep corrals on SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND ELECTION NOTICE Overhauls atty make of car, 75 cents per hour. Phone 45F14 Eugene • b u s in e s s ol’1> rJ,on* »«'<’ "port*STATE OF OREGON and for the final itetthiucnt of the t in t v o d i a m p ■ »late of m id d e ce ased ¡COUNTY OR LANE h eth m W a l t e r ss SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 19 ) M c P h e r s o n . w M c P h e r s o n , Administrators. A. E Wheeler. Attorney. F 26 M 6412-1.9 28 d ir e c t o r y Eat at ths SPONG A THOMAS CAFE Corner 3rd and Main NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at ths School Election hereby called to be held at The City Hall Oregon, in and for said School District No. 19, Oregon, on Tuesday the 3rd day of March. A. D. the hours of two O clock P. M., and seven o'clock P. M., there telegraph station to be added by the the southern part of the Umatilla na- . L t L , x Southern Pacific Railway company on ‘ional forest. The corrals will be used will be submitted to the legal voters thereof, the question of con- ltg Eugene-Klamath Falls line is now 1 in « ”*“ ting sheep when they are brought onto the forest for graxing. tractlng a bonded indebtedness in the sum of $12,500, for the ln operation at Westfir. The appropriation of market road John M. Jones, Portland postmas- ter, has been named rice-president of money among various market roads of Clackamas county has been m ads The vote to be by ballot upon which shall be the words the National Association of Post­ by an order ot the county court. Th* masters to represent Oregon, Washlng- amount to be expended totals 41,02.- No,’ and the voter shall place a ton> Maho and Montana. Bonds— Yes” and “Bond; 676 and will provide hard surface and Call Advices received at lone state that cross (X ) between the word "Bonds” and the word “Yes,” or road improvement for 18 market roads an oil well drilling outfit has been shlp- SUTTON TRANSFER betwoen the word "Bonds” and the word "No,” which indicates ped for the IoDe Oag Oil company in the county in connection with the road development program for th s i, i and that drilling operations will begin Phone 57 his choice. , year. ' not later than March 1. Gorden Nosker. charged with reck­ The polls for the reception of the ballots cast for or against The Hermlgton high Bchooi debate less driving, has lost his driver's the contraction of said indebtedness will, on said day and date team won the deb“te against Pendle­ license for life and must pay a fin s ton last week and thereby stepped on GEO.. N, M eLB A N and at the place aforesaid, be opened at the hour of two o'clock the first rung of the ladder that may of 4250 and spent one month in jail at Bend as the result of a wreck sev­ Automobile, Flee and L ife lead to the state contest. P. M„ and remain open until the hour of seven o’clock P- M„ of eral days ago when his machine left IN S U R A N C E The Coos bay district, which Is pro­ The Dalles-Callfornia highway and Surety Bond»,. Phone 817 the same day, when the same shall be closed. gressing rapidly in development of the turned over. Ed Burdett and M. 3. My buelneoe It to protect yetir butlneee Magee were serioksly Injured in the By order of .he Die.nc, Schoo, Board 0. Soh.o, D ie ,» « No. I ,** '* y i l l a m ette St. Eugene Oregon wreck. 19, Lane County, Oregon, made this 3rd day of February, A. D. dated for the first week of May. Labor conditions in Portland and John B. Bell Jr. of Eugene, has been throughout Oregon are brightening NEW RAZOR 19L'j. appointed principal cadet at the end unemployment in some lines is CEO. H. DITTO. For Sale ! United States military academy at already reduced. This fact Is pointed WM. G. HUGHES Attest:- Chairman, District School Board. Guaranteed. Price $2. F IR E A N D A U T O IN S U R A N C E Feb. 5-12-19 i West Point by Senator Stanfield, with out by the report of the United States R .W- SMITH, District Clerk. Itoy Jarman of Echo as first alternate. department of labor. whlch hag made NOTARY PUBLIC A. A. ANDERSON George A. Neuner, Jr., of Roseburg. I a survey of the entire Pacific divl- , Office at BARBER SHOP was recommended by the Oregon sen glon In practically every part of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK ators for United States attorney for state extensive building programs ar* Springfield. Oregon the district of Oregon to succeed John noted. S. Coke, who resigned some months Eugene was again chcsen as the DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL ago. next place of meeting by the Ore­ II DENTIST An estimate giving Portland a popu­ gon Retail Merchants association at For lation of 355.445, and, with the dis­ its closing session ln that city. L. L. Phone 43 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO 19 tricts just outside, 460.000, was made Thomas of Marshfield was re-elected Your Home When In Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ora. by the industries department of the president and O. F. Tate of Portland Springfield •jState of Oregon i Portland chamber of commerce re­ secretary; W. F. Kennedy. Corvallis, cently. was elected first vice-president; J. C, County of Lane ss The state supreme court has hand- Mann, Medford, second vice-president School District No. 19 | JOHN M WILLIAMS I ed down an opinion affirming the c!r- and M. L. Grant, Portland, treasurer. Attorney for Vet. 8tato Aid Com., NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at tho School District cuit court for Coos county in the case A fine point of law Is Involved In Soldiers Bonus Loana. Special Tax Election hereby called to be held at the City Hall in of L. W. Pearce, who is in the peni- the request of the Southern Pacific L. E. BRAN Springfield, Oregon, in and for said School District No. 19, Lane tentiary at Salem awaiting execution railroad, which proposes to adver­ Attorney State Land Board, tise Oregon In Its dining car service ‘County, Oregon, on Tuesday the 3rd day of March. 1925, between to" ‘he murder of James Culver, Btnte School Fund Loans. the hours ot two o'clock P. M. and seven o’clock P. M., there. Work is expected to be Btarted in for several months this season and will be submitted to the legal voters thereof the question of a short time on the ten miles of raii- wants 100 pounds ot clams from Coos WILLIAMS A BEAN 1 voting a special tax in the sum of $12.500 for the purpose of way to be built by J. H. Chambers. bay ln March to serve its passengers. ATTORNEYS Erecting a Grade School Building, and the purchase of grounds lumberman of Cottage Grove, from The law forbids exportation of clams 860 W lllla m e tte 8 t. Eugene, Ore. i for same. | ,h»t city to a tract of timber beyond from Coos bay, but whether this Licensed to practice In all Courts I Lorane, where a large sawmill will means commercially or as gifts was The vote to be by ballot upon which shall be the words, be built. of the State, and United States. not plain, and, so the chamber of com­ /'Special Tax— Yes" and “Special Tax— No," and the voter shall Between 13,000 and 15,000 acre feet merce, to whom the request came, has j place a cross (X ) between the words Special Tax" and the word ){ Wftter at present i8 impOunded tn asked the fish commission for advice. “Yes,' or between the words “Special Ta»" and the word “No,” the Ochoco reservoir near Prineville, The rivers and harbors bill as re­ which indicates his choice. and It Is believed by H. M. Chadwick, ported to the senate carries prelim­ inary provision for practically every JEWELER The polls for the reception of the ballots cast for or against assistant state engineer, that the reservoir will fill to capacity this win­ Oregon project urged before congress Repnlrlng a Specialty the question of said special tax will, on said day and date and at during the lust year. The two most Rprlngflt'ld. Oregon tho place aforesaid ,be opened at the hour of two o’clock P- M„ ter and spring. and romain open until the hour of seven o'clock P. M. of the The house bill a u th o riz in g a d d itio n important relate to the deepening and of certain lands to the Santtam na­ widening of the channel of the Colum­ same day, wltan the same shall be closed. tional forest in* Oregon was acted on bia and Willamette rivers from Port­ CLEANING AND FRANK A. DE PUE Ey order of the District School Board of School District favorably by the senate. A house bill land to the sea and the Improvement PRESSING A T TO R N E Y A T LAW I No. 19, Lane County, Oregon, made this 3rd day of February 1925 transferring a tract of land in Lane of Umpqua river and harbor. Both Phone 73*J NOTARY PU 0I.IC county to the state of Oregon for fish proposals are for preliminary exam- GEO- H. DITTO, hatchery purposes also waa success- j Inattons and surveys by the board ol We Call For and Deliver Sprlngfleid ¡Attest: Sutton Chairman, District School Board. ful. ... ____ , OTKilWU's. _ ... .... .. ._ . 0 . M. PL'JMMER Oregon. i Huldllnq R. W. Smith, District Clerk. I ------------------ , and f»iaiii._ -J t- , _ . _ . _ .. .. purpose of Erecting a Grade School Building. NOUSE OF SPECIAL IM ELECTION “The Loop D. W. Roof i