PAGE POUR THE SRRINOFIEIJI NEWS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2«. 1928 Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L P U B L IC A T IO N FLAX GOOD CHANGE-OFF • IN SPRING WHEAT AREA I • ‘ - CANARY LOCAL 189 LANK • C O U N T Y U N IT NO. H JASPER LOCAL • TIME AND PLACE OF LOCAL MEETINGS POTATO CERTIFICATION GENERALLY PROFITABLE A . . m e a n . of introducing farther . R, c r e sw .ll, . I Potato growers In ihe northwest are Everybody remember Canary Lo Jasper Local will hold Ils regular • Canary—Fleet Bunday and Third > i obtaining hotter yields by using oertl- d iv e r .,n c n c n la the « t o , « « . « o f w ,(| w v ic -P r ...- • the spring wheat belt o f the northern , • cal's regular monthly meeting next h u .ln .es m eeting W ednesday Febru • tktiurday, Farmers Unkiu llall. ; fled ae«d. Sunday. March 1. The secretary has ary 25. and |h e basket social Saturday • Cloverdale- Second and Fourth • , Great Plains area, the crowing of fla x ’. _ „ The merit of certification is slowly w as encouraged by Federal and State * BeMi K i* ,u '’ CoM*»e Gro**’ a splendid letter from State Market February 29, • Fridays, Cloverdale School House, , becoming understood by the general I* are.-Treaa. • Master Spencer on marketing condi­ ”lk>c" Sylvester has been quite sick • C resw ell F lrai and Third Tuea- S g w l e i during the past two years . . . . . . _ _ , < lass of farmers. A large numbci of . f* v*a»«nlt . . t . n . i i . t . l . h A r u t .- « « a n a n . , • N. A. Horn, Cottage Grove. Door • tions to read and other Items of new for several days. • daye, CrvewelJ. M W. of A Hall W i t h th with th-j result that there was an ap­ Keeper ' business that will be of Interest to all. The Sunday school Is planning on • Coast Fork—-Second und Fourth , Inquiries have been received this year preciable increase In acreage over J front farmers, by the czperituent St*. H. C. Jackson, W altervllle, Con­ Tlie new brooms have arrived >n having a program nt the church Friday • Thursdays. Ilebron Church House the 10 year average. The unprofitable ductor. ,1 1 0 0 at Corvallis While planting good shape and are an even bett-t • Danebo— -Flint Tueeday, Danebo March 13. The program will be given returns from wheat growing had made O. L. Clement. Chaplain. , i certified seed will not always result bargain than were expected • School House. by E. It. IT, students. aotne such diversification dtsfrable. Think over and decide whether you Ida Shelley, daughter of Mr an I ’ Dnroan—Second and Fouth Tuee- , in a crop that will pass certification The prevalence of flax wilt and other . requirement», it usually means a colt- want a free traveling library this Mrs. Harry Shelley, .was operated on • day«. Dorena Chogcth. diseases and the lack of new wilt- , slderably better yield of potatoes Tho summer as (his question will be talk d • Hadleyvllle — First and Third for appendicitis nt the Pacific Christ­ free land had caused flax growing to , potatoes will b e more uniform and . over at out next meeting ian hospital last week. ' Thursdays, Hadleyvllle School decrease, says the United States Dé­ , have |« ss < ulls than where the com The pie supper and program Satur­ Mr and Mrs. H Ituthvrn and ' • H e c e ta -F ir st Sunday of each partaient of Agriculture so that the , mini potatoes are used for seed day evening. February 21 was a son. Arthur, and Mr. and Mrs. Arlo ' month, Heceta School House average production was not more than The first *«»» S '1“ * 1B.0MM« bushels, or scarcelv more rarm ' r’ Vnlpn P“ P“r* were received splendid success In every way. A Jones and son. look dinner S unday, Jasper—Second and Fourth Wed , Certified potatoes must he of uni­ form site, showing the varlatal char- than onethtrd of our domestic needs. ,h l‘ w w k There are m ,n y ,rU c,es l,r g e crowd attended, the pies sold at with Mr and Mrs O. J Eldsou of nesdays, W <> W Hall, Jasper Flax, therefore, seemed a desirable ,n d edUcri“ s ™ would >lk* »° «^Prlzxt a good average price and the volunteer West Springfield. ' Lorane-- Seeond and Fourth ' . ad erislica, and comparatively fr a Harry Jones has been blowing out ' Wednesdays |, O, O, F. Hall. program of over SO numbers was crop to recommend. ’ | but sp#ctntn seed before planting. It serves age acre yield of S t, bushels, with a wh,.re there wa3 a god crowd present wish to put on In the future Thursday at Cedar School House < as a disinfectant for the seed and kilts good price throughout the year, made „ program and eats are mentioned, The schools observed Washington's spencer Creek—Third Friday. ’ the disease organisms that may have the crop fairly profitable to growers. What can this mean Are the mem- birthday with appropriate exercises. SPENCER CREEK LOCAL • Pine Grove School House. « reached the surface of the seed front These agencies did not attempt to in hers of Farmers Unions owners of Use corrosive subll The railroad company Is busy reen­ T r e n i- Second and Fourth Wed- ■ the containers crease the acreage in 1924. but only such appetites that they cannot go forcing its grade after the recent high aeadaya. Pleasant Hill High • male for treating them before the to stabilize the ains made in 1923. out for a two hour meetin without water. ( School Bldg • • e»«»| is cut for planting Spencer Creek local met In regular Preliminary estim ates for 1924 indi being fed. Hardly that. Good eats H. P. Sutton Is logging off the Er session Monday evening February 23. Vida—Second and Fourth Salur- • cate, however. that about 3.375,000 —the very act of eating breaks the hart brothers timber at S.ltcoos, Ore. at the home of brother and sister days at Mlnney Hall. • GOOD PAC KS, L O W E R F R E IG H T acres were sown, or an Increase of harrier of formality and opens the Glinpl. Secretaries will please send In • approximately S3.8 per cent over 1925. doors to sociability. Men and women The members were all very haptw lim e and place of meeting and • The surest way to get a lower Much of this increase in the past two when served with a plate o f san 1- over receiving our charter, and are changes of dale as they may oo- • freight rale In Oregon on the perish HADLEYVILLE LOCAL years has been on old land instead wiches, cake and a cup of hot coffee now ready to eettle down to a deflnlt car. • able commodltlM of the northwest Is of newly broken sod. This has been or chcmolate will sit and visit with routine of work. Io grow, grade, pack and ship them made possible by a better knowledge each other for an hour or more. talk, The members of the local voted The Ifh d ty v lile local held their so there will b« fewer claim s to be of the wilt and the production of wilt- ing over their own personal problems to change the meeting night from met by lb» railways arcordlng to C. J. resistant varieties, especially Xor’h exchanging experiences of their dally regular meeting Thursday night O. S. Fletcher and E. ft. Jockman Monday to the third Friday of each • MT. VERNON LOCAL • Hurd, market specialist of itie ext»n- Dakota Resistant Xo. 114. developed lives, or discussing more fully some month. were the speakers. • • • • • • s e e s |alon servlre The coat of claim s Is by the Xorth Dakota station. It wns measure brought up In the meeting, Of much Interest was the discussion H. 11 Smith was appointed to act Ml Vrrnon Loral had a very good passvil hark Io the grower In the high estimated that about 26 per cent o t Without this bit of refreshment the on the good road committee and W. i of a home for the local, recult Ing in 'raeettag Wedneaday. February 19 Mr rales io cover the amount of the the Xorth Dakota crop v i a grown on members say good night and are gone, | the appointment of a committee of Jaekman from O. A. C and Mr Flatc-h claims. W. Hawley on the fair zoard. sod and 74 per cent on older land. it is not to satalsfy a demand for H. H. Smith and Jesee McCullloch 'fo u r, carl Olmpl, Frank «lent. John er, the County Agent were both pres­ A method of growing flax and wheat l°°d that "eats ’ are served but a gave a good report about the County I Fisher and John Moes, Instructed to ent a n ! made some interesting and as a mixed crop, developed by farm clever way the women have of say­ Wood sabes contain about 6 per see what could be done about the helpful talks. Convention held at Springfield. ing “stay awhile ami visit.’' era In southeastern Minnesota, has cent potash and 30 per cent lime The ! Mrs. Frank Anlauf is spending the matter. i Refreshments were served taler in potash supplies the plant food ele­ been fully investigated by the depart­ A committee of four was also ap­ week with her sisters Mrs. Frank the evening to a large crowd of mem- ment and the State stations and found From the report of the W omzn’t pointed for th<- ’’good of the order.” ment potassium, and lhe lime ran be Hem eaway and Mrs. A. G. McDaniel. bers and friends. to be desirable and profitable under Auxiliary Committee as adopted at used Io neutralize aridity In our soils. Mr. and Mrs. Chas McCulloch and consisting of Frank Gent. Mrs. Carl som e conditions. Satisfactory re-(the ^ntloaal Convention at Oklahoma Wood ashes that have been exposed son Tommy and Mrs. Lucy McCulloch GlmpL Mrs Joe Gitnple and Mrs. suits with this mixed crop were ob- ’Clty’ N °v« n b er 18-21 and printed In EXCHANGES lo ihe rains are leached and are not went to Eugene and Cottage Grove Edward ^laldorsnn to arrange a deft- tained it* rather fcxtenadve expert- tha ,owa l ’nion Farmer«, we wish to Monday on business. nite proram for each meeting j We wish to acknowledge the follow a s valuable as unlearhc-1 ash-- J ad­ m ents conducted in 1923 by the Min- caU attention to the following parai The n ett meeting will be held In Ing exchanges thia week vises iho experiment station. The program and pie social given by n eso’a station and by the department Fraph. The Iowa Union Farmer. Columbus the Hadleyvllle school was a decided the Pin»- Grove school house. Friday In coopemt'cti with the Xorth D a-! “The Junior work has two principal Junction. Iowa. cussees. The children were drilled by evening March 20th. Save your feet by having your kota station. The mixture of the two puri’O8ea- aw nely, the education of their tea« her, Mrs. I-ewls. Tho Kansas Union Farmer. Salina. shoes repaired at the Electric Shoe After the business meeting a social crops holds weeds In check, prevents farm ehlM» n » the knowledge of co­ Kansas. The negros from Coontoam and the time was much enjoyed. Shop F 26 heat canker In the flax seedlings ¡°I>eratlve work- keeping in mind th it Cute fam i!» were exceptionally good. Refreshments! of ic e cronm and makes the Fax crop easl»r to handle ln another generation they will be the The Crow high school gave their cake were served at a late hour an I with the grain binder, and at the farm lead8rs’ an' straw contains Hebron bridge. nearly 10 rounds of nltr-g-n, 5 pounds Mrs. L. H. Uilcrlst is having new Im­ of phosphoric add. and 10 to 12 provements added to her home. pounds of potash, says tho stale col­ Miss Hazel Führer returned to O. lege experiment station. A. C. Monday afternoon after spend­ ing the week-end with her parents. Heavy pruning of winter Injured The Christian Endeavor held their monthly business meeting and parly fruit trees should be delayed until the Hlgrad® Dress Flannels, 54 and 56 Inches wide at the Kelly home last Saturday night. extent of the damage has been deter­ Madelle Kappauf was absent from mined, says the experiment station. BEAUTIFUL STRIPED FLANNELS school two days last week on account Promiscuous pruning or cutting back now may remove some of the best of a very bad cold. VERY SPECIAL J j? Mr. and Mrs. Harry McDola have wood from the tree which cannot be told from the damaged wood until a new sport model Chevrolet car. I’e r Y d. Mrs. J. T. Pleser and daughters of later In the season. Editorial Springfield Baker-Button Hospital B. Valenzuela Spring Fianneis Your Oven $ 3 .7 5 Housewives are convinced that it is more economical to buy our Perfection Bread You’ll find it so, too, if you Just try one loaf of this new bread— fresh and tasty all the time. (Don't forget that we must have that order for pastry, Gookies or cakes in time.) Thank you- Springfield Bakery Salem spent Thursday night with Mrs. P leser’s sister, Mrs. George Kebelbeck, and family. The Coast Fork local of the Farm­ ers Union held a special committee meeting Monday evening, relative to the marketing interest». Chairmen attending were; W. T. Garoutte poultry; O. A. Nichols dairy; A. L. L en t, livestock. R epresentatives of this committee were appointed to confer with other locals: Hugh Trunnel with Lorane and Robert Powell with CresWell. Others to be appointed later. The payuD contest voted at the last Getting spray outfits In shnpe be­ fore tho season starts Is advised by the state college experiment station. Some orchardlsts will have to Increase their spray outfits due to the growth of the orchard to prevent [serious trouble. If they cannot get over the orchard ln time, the Insects may get a start on them. Butter wrappers printed with name, address and weight, In accordance with law. Springfield News. For Shoe service try the Electric meeting Is progressing satisfactorily. Shoe Shop, F-2« i k B E A R D ’S Eugene