.... ■ — . . i , . .... ■. .. .,)■ ■ ■ ■ ■ il.. TOWN AND VICINITY In from Fall Creek W, II. Larmier To Portland Mr. and M r* W alter of Fall Creek waa In town Friday. Hcntt w n t to Portland Haturday. to W. B. Mlkeael of Eugene. M r. Sail Tract Stops In Springfield—Jlarry Norton Eugene-Springfield Free Methodist plans to batid two new Church, Mr. and Mra. L. C. Prldmore have Mlkeael of Hutberlln stopped In Springfield West Springfield sold an acre tract on mill and F street bouse* on tbe tract In the near tutor«. Friday on bis way borne from Cor­ Lillian Gray, Paator vallis, where he haa been taking a Sunday School 8:46. Josephine Lea course In the canning bualneaa at th-j Superintendent. Classes for all. agricultural college, Preaching at 11. Rev. Oscar Blair, Vlajt at Tayor Homo— Mr«. Guy of Albany will preach, and the Blair Kadubaugb and Mra. Macon Smith Male Quartette will sing. A goto by A Secretarial, Bookkeeping or Stenographic course In our visited at the W. A. Taylor home Frl- ( LeVerne Pugh Class meelng will school will prepare you for a good position. day. Glen Itudabaugh, a student at follow the morning service. It's A Good School The Rates Reasonable the University, returned with hla mo­ Young People's Meeting at 7. Led ther to Itoaeburg for the week-end. by Esther Lee. This Is Young People Our school will continue In session all thru the summer Rally day. Come and help them In months. Ask. for our free catalogue. From Marcóla— Mr. and Mra. G. C. their rally. Elaine Archenbaugh a n l Redman of Marcóla were In town Sat-; G rade Morse are the Captains of the urday. Rally. Down from Wendling— Mra. A. P. ¡ Preaching service at 7:46. Special A. E. Roberts, President. Rasmussen wua in town shopping Hinging at this meeting. Eugene, Oregon 992 Willamette St. Phone 666 .. Prayer meeting Thursday evening Saturday. 7:30. In from Marcóla—John Whitsett was a Springfield visitor Saturday. From Oiuglaa Gardena— Phlllln Georg« I ’nrklns a n i «un, linai on, wont to Albany Haturday. Haul from the Douglas Gardens wua In town on business Saturday. Flu* Flea- A flu« fire at tho Willow From Thurston -W a lte r Easton and n|isrlm«nta on aouth aecund atroci T W, Carney of Thurston were In Hunday ulgtit did no damage, town Huturday. Vlaltlng Friand*— Ham lu-nson of For Medical Treatment -Lee Cru- Portland la vlaltlng Mr. und Mra. Nat gun of DexteY waa In for medical Malo of itila city. treatment Friday. In from W altarvllla—Chrl* I ’nllev R *gl*t*ra at H o t*l— W. Drr. a real- and fam ily camo down from Walter- dent of Oakridge registered at the villo Haturday. Spoil bote) Friday. Goa* to Corvadla— Misa Margan t Ships Feed—The Springfield Mill Gurrte wont to Corvadla to «pond Sun­ TIRED AFTER EATING? I mid Grain company shipped a carload day, Visits Brother— Carol Morrison of TRY SIMPLE MIXTURE • of feed to McMInvtlle Friday. Hara from Sutherlin Ml«« Iloton Portland visited hla brother E. E. Jasper V ia to r H * r * — M r*. 0 . L. ' Morrison of this city Sunday and Norton visited hor únela C K. Whoa If you feel tired after eating, ton over tlm woek-and, Hbe returned Wullueu who lives at Jasper vlalled Monday. it 1 h often a sign of gas and un­ I In SprlngflHd Friday. to hor homo In Huthorlln Monday. digested matter In your stom­ Receives New Shipment—Tho Mode Simple buck­ Move* to Naw Location laaac N. Former Residents have Son— A son Millinery shop received a new ship­ ach or bowls. Kndloott h s * moved to ith and fl , wae born last Thursday to Mr. an I ment of hats and art goods from the , thorn bark, magnesium sulph. C. p., glycerine, etc., as mixed «treats from bla old location on A Mr«. Kenneth Tobias of Eugene, form- east this week. nl Adlerika, helps any case gas atraet brtwoon 4th and lilh at root a. , er residents of Springfield. Sunday School Attendance Large— on stoiucah, unless due to deep- Goat to Cottage Grove— Herbert Creamery Buy« Eggs- T h e Spring- Two hundred twenty six people at­ seated causes. The QUICK ac­ Hearn went to Cottage drove Satur­ I field creamery In now buying and sell­ tended the Methodist Episcopal Sun­ tion will surprise you- Adlerika day to «oil nursery «took. Mr. Hearn ing eggs. a commodity not formerly day school services last Sunday. This Is wonderful for constipation— ! handled (here. (a from Douglas Garden*. Is the largest attendance the church It often works in one hour and Flanery's Drug has ever had. A new da»» was orga-1 never grijies. Visits Parant»— Tom Qorrle came Sollelte for V. M. C. A. - Sherman nixed for mothers and babies. The Store. from Portland Saturday night to vlalt | Moody. Eugene optician waa In Spring- ría»« will meet In the League room. hla parents, M r und Mr». C. 1. Qorrle field Friday aollcvlllng for the V M. of Douglas Gardena. Attend Meeting—Dr. Ralph Dipped C. A. and Dr. N. W. Emery attended the Return to Sant turn Mr«. O. W. Receives Car of Corn—Tho Spring- meeting of the Southern W illamette lUllmlre and Mr«. Ernest W alker re- field .\tyll and Gruln (fgnpany re­ Dental society held In Eugeni Satur­ turned to tf the Deorhorn sanitarium ceived a carload of corn Friday from day evening. About twenty five den­ Monday after «pending tho week end the middle w rit. tista of Eugene. Albany. Cottoge In town. Grove. Springfield and Junction City Building Filling Station—George Salta Manager H are -4) W Flint, Davenport I* now building hla new were there. atate M ira manager Of the American filling atatlon In Weat Springfield on Fidelity Investment company was a C A LL AND 8SB Dr. N. W. Emery the Doyllng green farm. ->n ««•-■>* on nlst.- and other work. •! tiualnota visitor here Saturday and Handle« New Lin*— The Springfield Sunday. Nature has provided in its plant, creamery I* now jobbing Woodland W ill Move to Eugene Del Hubert*, life many things which are bene- cbeoae. a commodity which they have a resident of Weat Springfield has ; ficial to man- not formerly handled. bought a house In Eugene and will move (here soon. Lettuce, Mustard, Etc., which Rent* House- Mra. F N. Morefleld conies with early spring may be has rented a house on 7th and K Return* to U n ion — Dr. C. O, Vun converted into the most appetiz­ street« belonging to Frank Sbarmau. Valtah returned to hla home |n Union ing and beneficial salads—pro­ Monday after «pending a week with She moved In Friday. Go to Albany With Spring Comes a Craving for Salads hla mother. Mra. A. II Van Valaah. Down from Brownville— I.aura Goee to Portland Julius Fulop. pro­ Hugh««, a resident of Brownville Is prietor of the Farm er* Exchange «tore vlaltlng her mother, Mrs. Melinda wi-nt to Portland on bualneaa Sunday. Beckett for a few days. He returned home Tuesday evening. Fractures W rist— Margaret, daugti- I III st.Wosnw—W. A. McBee, of Ibn of Tom Swart», fractured her wrist Springfield Iteally company waa taken last Thursday while playing in the til Sunday night. He la Improving school gymnasium. now, however. Cedar Shipment h *r*— A carload of Haa Baby Daughter— Mr«. Roy Cypress cedar waa received thia week llliike of Eugene la the mother of a by the Springfield lumber company linbv daughter,* Phyllis Jsn^ born from the Coos Bay district. The lum February 21. Mra. Blake la the daugh­ her will be kiln dried here and shipped ter of Mr«. G. W. Illllm lre of thia city east. and baa many friends here. Sends Lumber to Oakridge— A car­ Visits Parents For Week-End—Mlaa load of lumber from the Booth-Kelly Relihan visited her parents. Dr. and mill to F. M Stockton at Oakridge Mr«. W C. Rebhnn over tho week end which will be used In the conatrvctlon Mlaa llehhan la attending the Salem of n house there. high school. Return* from California— Peter J. Polanuk returned Friday from Orland, California, where he spent a few days on hualnene. Mr> Ihdanuk passed through Dunsmuir Immediately after the Pickwick atagH accident there Returns from New York— Ed Howe several days ago, and witnessed the of W altervllle returned Sunday from overturned car. New York where he waa called by the Dr. Kerpti B. fttppei. DenttsL Vitus fatal Illness of hla father. Mr. Howe la superintendent of the power plant building, Springfield, Oregon. Visits Parent«- Mr. and Mr«. Frank Smith and dnughler Marjorie of Pleasant H ill were I - town Monday to visit Mr«. Smith's paronta, Mr. and Mra, J. W. Markham. How Much Do You Spend for Groceries? The chances are, if we were to ask you what you ]ttdd for groceries a few months back, you would not be able to tell us. Yet, If Income and outgo are to be kept in the cor­ rect proportion, a record should be kept so as to see If your expenses are growing greater Use a First National Checking Account to give you this record. Has Baby Boy— Mr. nnd Mrs. W . t). Morgan of Wendllng nre the parents of n baby boy horn Fr-hrunry 20. The baby, which iwel^lied nine pound«, waa born at the home of Mra. Harbot on A street. Both the mother and bnby are doing well. Mrs. Morgan wna Mnry Ellen Moon before her mar­ riage. BPBC1AI, PR»CH on plate work. Dr. N W. Emory, dentist. 8utton Bldg PLANT GRAFTED FRAN­ QUETTE WALNUTS They will make you money One of the best blocks of Vrooman Franquette In State, select type, well grown. All other stocks, filberts, apple, pear, cherry, prune, plum, peach, apri- cotB, etc- Small fruits etc Right stock at right prices. Submit your want list, send for prices- 35 years In buslenss. _ W e Can Train You Eugene Business College THE LATEST MODES IN NEW Spring Millinery ARE HERE The Mode H E M S T ITC H IN G STAM PED GOODS DREfiSMIAKING For Juicy Steaks Tender Chops and Choice Meats of aN Kinds Holverson Bros, Props. EVERY CAN OF EG- G IM ANN'S ICE CREAM viding the dressing is made with; Squibb’» Olive Oil is rigidly inspected before it is allowed to go ouL The cover must be on tight, the tub must be solidly packed with Ice and firmness for a long time. Those giving dinner parties or hold­ ing other functions can order HcKiniann's ice cream well ahead with a surety that it w ill be in perfect condition when it is needed. It is sweet, pure and delicate and will impart to any salad a. rare nutty flavor. It’s best for cooking and medi­ cinal purposes, too. Price 50-85-$!.50 • EGGIMANN’S 41 Years Of Helpful Service The First National Bank OF EUGENE •Isos 1SS3 nt Waltervllle. Making Feed—The Hprlnfleld Mill and Grain compnny Is making a new variety of little chicken feed by grind­ ing Manchurian corn. The corn ot the middle weat fulled to mature thin year, making It loo «oft for thia pur­ pose. ao the Japanese corn, which la flinty, feeeinbllng popcorn, la being used. P A G E THREW * T H E S P R IN G F IE L D N E W S T H U R S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 2«, 1925 tkrough the SOUTHLAND to the EAST Z 8 The Easiest Flowers To Grow-fwafe? (bmutus M O S T OF O U R . VERY home, whether mansion or cottage can STA N D A R D S IZ E FLOWCRPACKETS profit by plantings of “old-fashioned annuals. Many of them are fragrant—others with long They . provide gor- stems suitable for cu itting. t— geous color ... in the , yard - r d from early summer to frost. Sunshine, moisture and a soil good enough for grass are all that’s necessary. A F E W A T 1O 4 You will be surprised at the big garden assort­ NO BETTER SEEDS m ent you can select, for a little money, from the A T A N Y P R IC E Northrup, King Co. Seed Box at local dealers. A T LOCAL. T hese seeds are as good as money can buy. E Try some or oil of these:- Sweet Peas, Aster», Cosmos, Zinnia», Marigold*, Petunia», Nasturtiums, Phlox, S w eet William, Bachelor Button*, Poppy, Stock», Gypaophtla, etc. DEALERS N orthrup . K ing &C o ’ s By T rain and Ship to New York Go this way—it costs but little more S h u ts route to C alifornia— (four fine tra in s d a lly ) — thence scenic Sunset route to New Orleans. Excellent meals In the Southern Pacific dining car. Connection at New Orleans w ith pala­ tial steamers for New Y o rk —meals and berth included In the one fare. Stopovers en route; sea the M ardt Ora* at N ew Orleans. Ask about Carrlso Gorge route from San D ie g o - ApacheTrall detour o f Arisons, For further information, ask Southe Carl Olson Fon« 65 CARLTON NURSERY CO. C a r lto n ,O r e g o n 4