0. of o. Ubr*n X S R P I N G F I E L D — TH E W E S T E R N ^1 OF D B V O T B O T O IN T B R B B T B P R IN G F IB L D A N D , T H E F A R M B R a OF TH R r W IL L A M B T T B VALLBY J THE N A T R O r< C U T O F F mi£ SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-SECOND YEA H “The A SMUNGETELI), LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1925 LEGION SMOKER IS I REKOI FOR TONIGHT Moon and McMullen in Main Event; Hoian and Wilton in Semi-Final and Fast Prelimi­ naries on Card. Twcttly-oiie round* of boxing with bout tw in* arranged Iwtore the curtain raise«, I* on the card for the American Leg­ ion smoker to be held thle evening in the W. O. W. hall. Never ha* such nn array of amateur talent been as-j •einblud Inside the roped square I n ! «, thia city. The legion promise* the liveliest rniukcr of all time with u vaudeville act. tuusic and «-ala to top It off. The general public la Invited. George Moon and Merle McMullen will mix six round« for the main event anil from the exhibition* these boy* have put up attain«! other ftghtri Bnapp« , b o u t l o take Ibe place of the Cowait holir afte r they had promised “to l> i. . ih . m w h o a re u n a b le to appeur on love, honor and— ” “ Goeh, we're account of play’ll*» basktftboll thia ! happy,” say them ’ this week. * ------- The American Legion Drum and B ud» cornu will make its first public OAKLAND DEFEAT S. H. S. tbo possibility of another T E R M IN A L O F MRS. DONELLY BUYS CASCADE SUPERVISOR TALKS ON FIRE HAZARD BUILDING ON MAIN ST. Four Le H e a r N. F. M acduff Discuse Foreet Protection and Promo tlon Monday Evening L IV B NBW SPAPBR IN A L IV B T O W N NUMBER 6 Scared! Bible U n iv e rs ity Sella S teven*-P *r- klns .Building A fte r T w o W e e k ’s Negotiations for Property The east third of the Stevens and I'erklns building on Main street, be­ tween Third and Fourth streets, has b eta sold to Mrs. C. H. Donnelly, employment «ecretnry of the Univer­ sity Y. M. C. A. by the Eugene Bible university. The deal completed yes­ terday ended two weeks of negotia­ tions for the property. The price is not announced but the building has j been held at »10,500 and It la believed this was the purchase price. Dean K. j C. Sand rson acted »or the 111 bio : university. Mrs. Donnelly has no present plans I other than lo bold the building tor In -, vestment purposes. She states she i I Mr. Macduff also r< commended that ,, _ „ .. has nt-v r even been Inside the strtlo- | [Aj/ro Sprl„gfleld men who were Ini- the all-woman orchestra. pected that a packed house w ill b ear(tbey both stand or fall together to he ) ,„ « « , wer<: W a„ er u will dance, one giving a special flower (hronjtho(jt w)lh N(ce of 8prlnu the University high In ern, with Dallas, Independence, Rick- Claeses and organizations of the were Mrs. R. /P. Mortensen, M!rs. forward, pinning W illiams against the reali, Scio and Jefferson, and the ofter the bouts. Eugene'and Cottage Qrove. central. Including Albany. Brownsville 8 Prln,rfleW high school are planning W alter Scott, Mrs. Dan Crites, Mrs. side of the edger. He was taken to Dr. W. H. Pollard, Corvallis. Lobanon, Harrisburg. Shedd. !" Unt8 ror ,he ^ “«hteresque. annual C. O. Wilson, Mrs. E. E. May, Mrs. Grand Jury Adjourns Honor Birthday I Tangant and Philomath... The safety "tunt show at ’ he high school, to be Carl Fisher, Mrs. Robert Drury, Mrs. who believes that no Internal injuries resulted. His right side was badly Fred Christopher waa the honor council w ill meet every two w eeks,' pr"sentPd ln ’ he >»««* school audltor- After returning an Indictment W. M. Long, Mrs. John Ketels, J., bruised, although there were no out­ against Carl Lea bo. charged with at­ truest at a rurprlse party given In and look over all the plants In the iU™ * ’ arch ®- Mrs. W . H. Pollard. Mrs. O. H. Far- side wounds. Whether on not there tacking a IB-year old Creswell g ir l honor ot h it 47th birthday ut hla ¡valley, reporting Its findings to the the four c,OMe* ’ ,he H I Y - rett. Mrs. Adraln and Mrs. Dippel. are internal Injuries w ill be discover­ the Ia»nn county grand Jury adjourned 'home northeast of Springfield Satur­ ¡Albany office. Improvements In t h e ? Dranis,lc c,ub- s ’»ff The next meeting w ill be at the ed within a few days. About twenty-five yesterday by Judge O. F Sklpworth. day evening. ___________and both machinery to prevent accidents, and the boys, home of Mrs. Carl Olson when Mrs. Other Indictments returned by the neighbors and friends of Mr. Christ­ first aid Is being planned for the com- ' Bn<1 <1rl" Blee club’ wlU present °> *on a“d Mra Crites w ill entertain, Cars In W rec k g rntdl jury this week were Ernest opher came during the evening, which pony. All employees w ill be taught Ev'‘r’rthl“ * concerning the show Is E ller for obtaining money under false was spent very enjoyahly. A lunch Harold Neads, of 391 West Eleven The four class Buy Ford Cars first aid for electrical shocks, drown­ being kept secret street, Eugene, had his Ford car bad­ pretense. Harry Morrison on charge was served during the evening. stunts w ill be judged, the three best Three Fordson tractors, and two ing and asphyxiation from guava of uttering false Instrument, Ivan K. i ones to count five, three and o n e |p ord CBr8 were sold by tho Anderson ly damaged when he ran into a parked generated In the plant. Realty O ffice Moves Kock. charged with a false check. 'Point respectfully, towards the Inter-¡M otor company this week. Wayne | Buick roadster on A street between Mr. McLagan. L. E. Danks, R. K The A. F. Flowers realty office will class activity contest. The, winning McBee, Chester Chase and W . H. , sixth and seventh last evening. The B u rn ett T. C. Johnson, E. W. Albers. class of this contest w h ich ’ lasts for ¡roadster belonged to O. M. Brigg» of Fined fo r Having S till move back to its former location over Anderson ot Springfield bought the Harris Ebbs, Emery Richardson, W il­ George W ilson, of the Spencer ¡Halls Clothing store the first of the on« school year, will have Its numer tractors, S. E. Childers of Eugene and Creswell. The police are holding ths liam Darling and Jess Yager of Butte district, waa fined »150 and I monh. The office has been for some Springfield went to Albany to the als engraved on a silver loving cup ; Springfield and pastor of the Spring- Ford car until damages are paid to given four months In jail In Eugene time In a building on the southwest meeting. donated by the American Legion. fle|d Christian church, bought a four the roadster owner. Justice court Tuesday on the charge j corner of Main and 6th. but because door sedan with balloon tires, and of operating a still. He was arrested the proprietors are not assured a SENIOR WINNERS IN Harold Graves of Eugene purchased District Governor Here Business Reviving— The unemploy­ Monday at his home wlh ta still In ¡permanent location there, they will a coupe with baloon tires. ment situation in the northweet Is Frank Neer, district governor of the WASHINGTON ESSAY move back to their formsr office. operation. better, according to the 4L employ­ Lions Club was a guest of the local Arrested fo r Speeding The Senior class, represented bv ment service letter. A few sawmills club at the regular luncheon Friday Look for Men Hero Attend Eugene Masting Lenabelle Harper won the essay con- Fred Thompson of Eugene was ar­ In eastern Oregon have opened, and Information as to the whereabouts noon. Mr. Neer, who made hla first Ten Springfield members of the visit here Is visiting all the cluba of te8t on ,he llf* of ° « or» a Washington rested Saturday night for speeding a few west of the Cascades plan to Eastern Star went to Eugene last of A. 11. Batson, who Is supposed to at the special Washington blrthdav through the Springfield Btreets. He reopen soon. The greatest aid has Friday night to the regular meeting. have come to this part of Oregon from the state. He talked briefly on Lion- assembly held at the high school Mon­ put up »11.75 bail, but as yet has fa it been ln construction, farm and fish­ Ism. Officers of the lodge were dressed In I Nashville...... ennesssee, about 18R. Is ed to appear for a hearing. ing work, which is opening np. Special muslc by Mrs. L. H. Neet, day morning. colonial costume In observance of ¡»ought by Matt Fisk Batson of Council Members of each class wrote es­ pianist, Rnd Charles Nadvornlk, vio­ Washington's birthday. Tho«e who ■ Bluffs, Iowa, A lettor lo ths effect says. which were Judged, and the best League has Constitution attend'd the meeting wore; Mrs. C. ! has hren received by tho Springfield linist, was enjoyed by the club. Return to 8prin c fle ld ln the class chosen to be read at as­ The Girls League of the Springfield F. Hgglmann. Mrs. W. F. Walker. Mrs, police. The Col Barnes fam ily has moved sembly. The Freshmen and Sopho­ high school adopted a constitution at C. E. Wheaton, Mra. John Ketels Jr., R epairing Yards mores failed to chooee an entrant, and a meeting Friday. Mrs. Pauline Bain, back to Springfield ir o n Wondllnv. Mrs. Levi Neet, Mrs. Ralph Dippel. Rebekahs to Have Cafeteria where they have been fo' some time. Plies In the south yard of the Booth Frank Lombard of the Junior class was also elected as advisor of the Mrs. Jim Clark. Mrs. Gus Washburns, A penny cafeteria will be conducted Kelly m ill are being repaired this waa the only other w riter presented. group, which Is made up ot girls ot Tach home is at 8th an ] D streets. Miss Edna Bwarls and Mrs. R. P. by tfhe Hprlngl^eld (Rebekah lodge week. The tops of the piling Is being The essays were not to exceed 1000 the high school. Mortensen Monday evening, March 2, at the I. cut off, and new. short posts put words. Car In Wreck O. O. F. building. Serving will start there. New Stringers and a new dock The girls glee club and the boys Attorney Improved Ted Keens, of this city had two W lre Craw H ere at 6 o’clock and the public Is Invited. will also be Installed. and girls chorus sang several selec­ The line crew to string the new W. C. Gressman, local attorney, who wheels of the cor he was driving Repair work on the stacker has tions, which the high school orchestra telegraph line from Springfield Junc­ Chamber to Meet Is in the Pacific Christian suffering smashed when he skidded Into a curb been completed, and It was put In accompanied. The whole student tion to Oakridge arrived Tuesday and The regular meeting of the Spring- operation Monday morning. an operation necessitated by an ab­ in Eugene Friday. Mr. Kenna was body Joined In the singing of several began work at once. field Chamber of Commerce will be scess on his brain, is reported to be turning a corner, when the car skidd­ patriotic numbers. After the assembly ed and crashed Into the curb, bending held Friday evening In the club rooms Mrs. V irg il Moon underwent a maj­ which lasted until 10:30, school was slightly improved, although hla con­ Draw n on Jury at Morrison hall. Several community or operation at the Pacific Christian dition Is still serious. Mr. Gressman two wheels beneath the car. dismissed for the day. H arry L. Chase and J. D. Davie ot projects are to be discussed and a hospital Saturday morning. Dr. Eu­ was operated on last Saturday. Springfield, have been drawn on the large attendance Is urged. Southern Pacific Man Hero— L. L. gene Kester performed the operation. Hers From Rossburg— Mrs. Charles Jury for the spring term Graham of the district office of the Service Man Hare— Ed Clark, Oak­ Fisher was In town Tuesday from Form er Rssdent Hoes Simon Klovdhah {surveyed a strip Roseburg looking after business Inter­ ridge service dealer for the Anderson Southern Pacific In Eugene was a visitor at the local depot Tuesday. From W altervlllal— W. A. Parks, a J. W. Machen of Ogden, former In front of the new bungalow of Wm. ests. Motor company was In town Monday. resident of W altervllle was In town Springfield resident Is visiting here C. 8tew art on 6th street at K for a Tuesday. H arry Thelnes of Whiter- for a few days. From here Mr. Ma­ sidewalk Saturday. The new walk Is Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Tyler, who have BUI E llio tt and H arry Linden of ’ Stop at Hotel— Fred V. W>eston of will© was In Monday. been at Garfield, Washington for past chen and wife, who is In Portland, about a quarter of a block long. W alton spent Saturday and Sunday Bend registered at the Spong hotel two months have returned to Spring- w ill go on to California. In Sprlhgfleld. Saturday. H. C. K lant of Portland field. They went for M r. Tylers health Down from Mareóla— Ray Shlelds Daughter III— Mrs. A. C. Pease, who stopped there Sunday. of Marcóla was a busloess vlsitor but the change did him little good. Goss to Rossburg— George Marst has been In Portland for the past here Tuesday. ers ot the Skaggs grocery store motor­ Week with her daughter Mrs. Maud Mrs. W. J. Darling who was oper­ Carl Iversen ot Davenport, Iowa, From McKenzie District— W illiam ed to Roseburg for the week-end. Wagner, writes that her daughter was ated upon at the Pacific Christian Cal Tyler and wife of Astoria have seriously III, but Is now out of danger. 'hospital recently, Is getting along Ovlngton, from the McKenzie river w ill arrive the last of the week. He moved to Springfield and will locate In from Jsspsr— W illiam Drury was Mrs. Pease w ill stay In Portland until nicely and w ill be brought to her valley was In town on business Tues- w ill make his home w ith his sister, here. Mrs. J. J Manwaring , In from Jasper Mondax. Mrs. Wagner Is fully recovered. home on A street Saturday. «’•F- - . . . . .