COWBOY STAR. BABE RUTH IN CACTUS COMEDY The broad «mil* o f Hoot Gibson w ill grace the screen of the Ball theatre Friday and Saturday In a real •porting American rola. Hoot. In thl« picture. “Hit and Run.'* ia a enctut country Babe Rnth who rraatiea the m ajors, a n l make» th« outfielders back to the fences when ha steps to the bag With his mighty willow “wand." ■ , In the supporting cast Is the truly mighty Mike Donlln. the greatest out­ field er of his day. a n d 'aver to ba remembered in baseball annals for his I terrific and consistent work at h a t.1 Mike playa a baseball scout. As a result of one such spasm, he I aees the green wonder of the cactus I league, played by Hoot, sock the pill so far, the opposing team has Its renter outfielder outfitted with a horse •o as to avoid toeing the hall. In the cast are a number o f well- known character actors: DeWitt Jen- Bing«. who played a big role In Mary | Philbln's. "The Gaiety Girl;” Harold Goodwin of "The Ramblin’ Kid:“ Mar-I tan Harlan, daughter of the noted , comedian. OUs Harlan, and a notubtr of others. C afeteria fo r Home THURSDAY FERRVARY 19. 1298 TH E SPRINŒBUCLD NEWS F a OE WTOHT Fund T H E FIRST BLOOM Now Ready In the Nl . W. Basement Store A COMPLETE, NEW, Underpriced MILLINERY SECTION FEATURING AN INCOMPAR- ABLY LOVELY MENT OF TRIMMED ASSORT- BEAUTIFULLLY HATS AT TWO AMAZINGLY LOW PRICES $2.95 Building Driveway— W. J. Lepler Is putting In a driveway and retain­ From Dearborn—Dense! Goddard jf ing wall to the garage at the home of Dr. R. P. Mortensen. was tn town Wednesday, TOWN and VICINITY A penny cafeteria will be given by th e Springfield Rebekah lodge Mon­ day evening March 3. starting at 6 From W altervllle—Mrs. J. W. K e y , 4L Meets Monday— JT h e regular o ’clock. The proceeds will go towards and daughter Mary were m the city .m eeting of the Loyal Legion of Log. the W C. T. V. farm home fund The Wednesday from W altervllle. 4 « and Lumbermen will be held public Is invited I I Monday at 7: Jo In the Woodman boll. T ~ . I O ffe rs Goeu t« Marshfield— A1 Perkins M u sica l T r e a t O ffe re d U a r a k f U l.l W w in e « la v a fte r Parent»—Mr. and Mrs Mor The Columbia Ladles concert or- went ,o Marshfield Wednesday after ton Bristow and daughter. Marian. < cheslra of Portland on a trnnsconti- noo°- -were in town Wednesday, visiting Mrs. « « ‘*1 tour will appear in Springfield M # Pneum onl__________ . -Buddie, . . . four Bristow's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W .« the BeH theatre on the night of of McBee Markh March 3, under the auspices of the . . ... _______. . I American Legion. Juggling of dates r ,Or' s * ‘ pneu 1 ' j V laits Fjvther— Mgs. Ona x Deeip left the company in this section with Makes Business Trip F. A. Cling- dau« h, , business trip to Coburg »*•“ ** h’ p f,,h e r Sunday Mrs Legion was able to bring the ladles Wednesday morning. Deer' # ,ormer resident of Spring prehestrn here. field, lives at Wendllng camp 14. The orchestra is said to be the fin- American Legion Meets—The regn . est company of Its Wnd in the coun- lar m eeting of the American Legion or ®" Mc ** "r try. composed entirely of women. The will he held tomorrow night. ’ " ' ta‘ er ** * " " ' tour is being made to sljp x the east.; I**" b**n th,a w‘,ek' but * 1” erners what the westerners produce Goes to Portland— Mrs. Vern Wilk- Probably be finished by Saturday In the way of wonderful musicians inson went to Portland to visit friends New braces and foundation are being and beautirnl women. The program Tuesday. Installed. w ill consist of not only some of the I , , _ _ . ... . ... heaviest symphonies but also som e of Cart~ Th* Anderson Mol-J- Cmnp C r . e k - M r k Ml er the more popular numbers There or company received a carload of cars of Camp Creek was a Springfield vUI will also be several soloists on t h e ,“*’«’’ W ednesdsy. Charles Hayden. yro hom* •* al»o Camp Creek _________________ __ In from Jasper— Mrs. L. M. Bel- was In Tuesday. ______ bring of Jasper was in town W ednes-. M E T H O D IS T E P IS C O P A L C H U R C H . , H ere from Portland— M ik e Beaver. (Ebbert Memorial) . formerly In the hardware business In Building Addition—S. Z. Klntsley. 9prtngfle|d> and now state agent for Church school m eets at 9:45. with classes for all ages. A recently orga­ former Springfield realtor. Is building OMimohfle carg, wag tn , own W edne. nised class of young people, beyond an addition to his home. ¡day from Portland. visiting former th e high school age meets in the par­ V isits Uncle—Mrs. Luetla Welden- •••o cln to t. ■ • 9 » sonage parlors, with a round tabl" i keller, who Is employed at Cottage Rerlster at Hotel—J .H Blakeley plan of providing their own leaders Grove, visited her nncle. J. S. McKay and C. C. Davenport of Albany, F. M. from their own number. There w ill. ' Monday. be organized next Sunday in the Stockton of Oakridge. J. P. Dtmrnet League room a bible study class under Visiting Mother—Dr. C. O. Van of Marshfield and Mrs. Wm. Brown the church school and meeting at the Valzah of Union is spending a few and Mrs. B Scott, both of Corvallis, earn» hour for young married women, days with his mother Mrs. A. B. Van registered at the Soong hotel Mon- The Pastors preparatory member- Valzah of this city. day. F. E. Lash of Woodland, Wash­ •h ip class meets In the study each ington was there Tuesday. 8unday during the opening exercise« "* T°m Thurston—George Platt, of the school ¡Charles Grant and A. T. Petteplace Moving to Springfield At the 11 o'clock hour the p a s t o r Thun,ton wfTe ’■ town on L. K. Posvar. formerly of W illow tj w ill take for his theme "Christianis­ Tuesday. has rented the D. P. Day house on A ing our Christian Ideals.” Im proving from Illness— M rs. Ira street . between 3rd and 4th streets. 1 At the Preside hour of 7:30. w e will w Baker o{ rmlte , who ha„ b ^ n lh and h)g famUy m0T# g some old songs and have a n e w ; , or , be past four weekg )g Tery much immediately one on the screen. The pastors theme improved w ill be “Throwing the Spotlight on Going to Auto School L ife’s Puzzle.” Special m csic will Returns to Camp—D. K Mitchell be presented at both services. returned to Wentflr Monday afternoon W. C. Moshler went to Kansas c |tv j to resume his work at the camp there Wednesday where he will attend sn Bank Will Close—Banks of the City Wr Mitchell has b«“en visiting In lautomobile school for the next eight w ill be closed Monday, February 22, Springfield for some time. or nine months. Mr. Moshler weut W ashington's birthday. by way of Portland, and will return Entertained at Dinner— Mrs. Dallas the southern route through Los An- Murphy was hostess to Mr. and Mrs. In from Thurston— Ray Baugh of Floyd Rader and daughter of Eugene '***••■ Thurston was In town Thursday. for dinner Sunday. Mrs. Rader and Mrs. Murphy were high school friends I Used Fords, all kinds at the Ander- r-T akee Lumber—J» O. McPherson In Eastern Oregon. son-WIng Motor Co.. Springfield F-19 ■.took two truckloads of lumber to Oak­ ridge today from the Booth-Kelly mill. I Ford Batteries »1« 50 at Anderson- W ing Motor Co., Springfield. F-19 ....... l > a 1 l ------- and $3.95 Every hat brand new ! Never ahown before, here or elaeu here. H undreds of »mart little hate for drew», for talleeur, for »iiort» shopping or knock about w ear Hate of atraw and »ilk and straw roniblnatlona. All bewitchlngly trimmed with gay flowers, rthlxiii novelties. quilUs. wings In fact every mode of garniture la In evi­ dence. Bold In the baaem ent store with all the custom ary courtesy and servios o f the larger departm ent on the second floor. . AN AMAZING VARIETY OE MIVEI.Y HATS FOR MATRON AND MISS AT PRICES YOU'D NEVER EXPECT TO FIND SO LOW Basem ent Millinery Ojamlng Special. Smart Untrimmed Shapes, $1.95 Thia group offer» a moat comprehensive selection to the woman who desires to trim her own hat. Finely made of qhlpped tnllan. a strong favorite fur spring In a boat of becoming shapes and colors. Dozens of Buckram Shapes, 75c each If you wlah to m ake the entire hat yourself choose on« of these well made buckram shapes at this low price. Pleasing variety. ' « a _< - vz ’ A sjHicial display of low ly fruit and flower w reaths and Individual flowers and foliage. All priced with extrem e moderation. > tor U M __ I.! . I I -_J g M . I I » « S tA » A M S B S l . l l . l ' L ' — FOR STYLE Q U A LITY t ECONOMY F ^ Our Reputation for Fine Printing Increases as N ew Customers tell Us of their Complete Satisfaction. Good Printing of Every Kind is assured You. CALL AMD S i i , Dr N. W. Emery «n pr» .w on niau »bd other worn, n Ford Batteries *16.50 at Anderson- W ing Motor Co., Springfield. F-19 4