PAGE SEVEN THE SPRINOF7ELD NEWS THURSDAY FEBRUARY 19, 129B OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPEGIM INTEREST ,N T H E C IR C U IT COURT OP T H E tltle or Interest therein or thereto • T A T E OP GROGON FOR L A N E whatsoever; and that said defendants, CO UNTY and each ot them, and any person or. L. H. Dery--------- —---------------- Plaintiff, corporation claiming under, by o r' through them or any of them be (Or , v. • • I I what you wan* to M il, buy what you want to buy thro »" wooo S D. Gager and-----------------------Oager. ever barred and enjoined from assert-' columns- W rlto or phono TWO his wlfs, James Hsatherly and — log any claim thereto. — —— — ——— Heather)y, his wlfs, I This summons Is served upon you Brief Resume of Happening* of — by the publication thereof for six con-, FOR BALK Mum Moll at onro. house­ P o lt HAJ.K— Burroughs Adding Ma­ Joseph Ballsy and-----— Halley, hts wlfs. L. H. Wheeler and secutlve weeks tn the Springfield the Week Collected for hold furniture, complsts or by p4»<«. china, model 3117. Call Anderson -Wheeler, his wife, «News In accordance with an order ot Northwest corner 7th and L street t. Motor Company. Our Readers. Nancy Ann Whlteaker, Beu Whlteak- jths Hon. O. P. Sklpworth, Judge of Mro .Harold Smith. •r, James P. Whlteaker, Prands the above entitled Court, made and Ullt-edge contract on residence In Wblleaker, Lulu Prances Tlmmas, and entered on the third day of January. P-19 The Eastern Oregon Dental asso­ Portland to exchange for residence In Clyde J Thomas, her husband, Junius 1#25. Date of first publication tbe P o ll WALK Rhode |»land Hod hat. h Jarvis, Opal A. Jarvis, also any 1th day of January, 1925. ciation held a two-day saealon at La HprlngflHd. Address Box too. Spring- Ina eggs. •1.26 per setting. E. Donald Young. unknown heirs of any of said defend Orsnde. field. Springfield Lumber Co, tf. Attorney for Plaintiff. ants who may be deceased, and also Uorinlay, South C S treet Morris L Johnson, Klamath county all other persons or parties unknown Post Office Address, Eugene. Oregon. E l# J|J M H I . J-8-15-22 29. F51219. appraiser for the state bonus commis­ dalqilng any, right, title, estate, lien i o , I HALkl -Carbon $«per In large IN T IIE C IR C U IT COURT OP T H E or Interest In the real estate dea- sion, has resigned. STA TE OP OREGON FOR LANE eherts, 26x39 Inch«», suitable (or Breaks Three Ribs crlbed In the complaint herein. COUNTY Burglars entered the general store Defendants. making tracings. Th« N«we Office. Shirley Taylor. Plaintiff, Oeorge Stewart is recovering from at Qulnaby and appropriated merchan­ SUMMONS v an Injury received last week when ho Answer to loot wook'o putt's. To 8. D. Gager and—---------- . — broke three ribs as a result of a fall. dise valued at *700. Alice Taylor, defendant. Gager, his wife, James Heotherly and SUMMONS. Captain John Erickson. for 42 years —.............................. Hsatherly, his wife Mr. Stewart was building a cookhouse engaged tn towboat service on Coos To Alio« Tnylor, defendant: for the Anderson Middleton Lumber Joseph Bailey and— ■ Bailey. IN T IIE NAM E OE T H E STATE OP bay. Is dead at tbe age of 77 years. OREGON, you are hereby required to i hts wife, L. H. Wheeler and---------------- company east of Cottage Grove when ■ Wheeler, his wife, James P tbe accident occured. Two armed robbers held up the »«pear sad aue»«* rouitdalnt which haa been filed against you in whlteaker. Prances Whlteaker. Clyde Parkrose State bank. Just outside the the abovn entitled Court and caused J. Thomas and Junius W Jarvis, also NO TIC E OP P IN A L S E T T L E M E N T city limits of Portland, and escaped within »lx week» from the date of the • ny unknown heirs of any of the said Notice Is hereby given that the with about *1850 In cash. first publication of thin summons, or defendants who may be deceased, and If you fall to »o appear and answer also all other person or parties un­ undersigned, administrator of tbe H. L. Plank of Junction City was the plaintiff will apply to the court known claiming any right title, estate, estate of M att Huller, deceased, has elected president of tbe Lane County filed his final account In said estate fur a decree dissolving the marriage l«ln or Interest In the real telate des­ contract existing between you and the cribed in the complaint herein, de­ with the County Court of Lane County, Jersey Cattle Breeders' association-at Oregon, and the said court has set the annual meeting in Eugene. plaintiff, and divorcing the plaintiff. fendants: Thia summons la served upon you by IN T H E NAM E OP T H E S T A T E OF Monday the 23rd day of February, Crater Lake national park was tbe the publication thereof. In accordance OREGON, you are hereby required to 1825, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. as the tim e) only park In tbe United States which and the Court room in tbe County with an order made and entered on appear and answer tbe complain, (he ninth day or January, 1926. which has been filed against you In Court House in Eugene, Lane County,; paid dividends in 1924, according to directing tbe service of summons the above «ntltled Court and cause Oregon, as the place for the hearing Colonel C. Q. Thomson, superintend­ Alt persons to be made by the publication thereof wMhin six weeks from the date of of said final account. en t for six consecutive weeks In the I the first publication of thia summons, having objections to said final account or any particular item thereof, are The date for the Badfic slope news­ Springfield New« Date of first publl-l and tf you fall to so appear and cation th« 16th day of January. 1926. I answer the plaintiff will apply to the hereby notified to file same with the paper conference has been set for Clerk of said Court on or before the Court for relief prayed for therein, Donald Young, tat« of K K. Knickerbocker. deceased, April 17 and 1* In Portland, accord­ to-wtt: for a decree that the plaintiff 23rd day of February, 1925, a t 10:00 Attorney for plaintiff ha» (lied her (Inal report •» adminis­ ing to Fred W . Kennedy, secretary of Post office address. Eugene Oregon. ts the sole and absolute owner In fee o'clock A. M. tra trix of »aid estate, and that Satur­ GORDON 8. W ELLS. the press association. simple of Lots on-.’ ( l j and two ( I ) J 1522 2P—F5 12 18 26 day, tin, sitlh day of February. 1926, at , Administrator of the estate In Block four (8) of Wblteaker's Ad­ the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon Work on the tunnels of tbe Eugene- of M att Huller. deceased. dition to Eugene, In 1-ane County, Ore­ of »aid day, and the County Court J-22 29-F-5-12 1». Klamath Falla cut-off la proceeding Itooiu at the County Court liouae In NO TIC E OE EIN A L S E T T L E M E N T gon, and that none of the defendant rapidly and the completion of the 3S5o N O TIC E IS HER EBY O IVEN, That above named, or any person or cor­ Kugeua, Oregon, haa been aet a» the Dr. Hsrph s. nrppei. Dentist, Vitus foot tunnel which la being bored un­ time and place for hearing objection» John W. Stevens, as administrator of poration claiming u n d r by or through to »aid final account. All peraona hav­ the eatate of Cornelia Stevens, de-, them or any or them have any right. building, Springfield. Oregon. der the summit of the Cascades la ex­ ing objection» to »aid final account ceased, haa rendtved and filed In the --------------------------------------------- s--------— - pected about July 4. are notified to file the »anie In writing, County Court of the State of Oregon I with the clerk of »aid court before for tbe county of lotse, his final ac-> Between *0 and 40 men are working »aid duy. cn the Ashland-Klamath Falla high­ count of his administration and that, Lena M. Knickerbocker, said Court has by order duly made i way in an effort to keep it open. In Administratrix of the estate of and entered fixed and appointed Sat-1 , several places tbe road bate has K E. Knickerbocker, deceaaoil. urday the 21st day of Ecbruary 1926 Donald Young. broken through and it ts with diffi­ at the hour of ten o'clock In the fore- Attorney for o»tato. culty that automobiles are able to pass noon. In the County Court room In the J 29. P M ! 1926 Court house In said county and state the points. a", the day, tint« and place for the Two major general Improvement hearing of objections to said final ac-> HANSON GARAGE bend Issues aggregating *30.000 and county and the settlement thereof.' ) All objections must be In writing and STATE OF OREGON changes In the present city charter Overhaulea any make of filed with the Clerk of said Court on COUNTY OR LANE J #s providing for registration of voters In car. 76 cents per hour. or before said day and time. SCHOOL D IS TR IC T NO. 19 ) city elections will be placed before Dated this 19th day of January. 1925/ Phone 4SF14 voters of The Dalles at a special elec­ John W. Stevons, Administrator. Eugene NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at the School District Bond tion March 6. J-22 29 P-612. Firrf losses In Oregon, exclusive of Election hereby called to be held at The City Hall In Springfield, Portland, In January aggregated *143,- Oregon, in and for said School District No. 19, Lane County, 440. according to a report issued by W ill Moore, state fire marshal. The Oregon, on Tuesday the 3rd day of March, A. D. 1925, between moat disastrous fire was at Silver the hour* of two o clock P. M., and seven o'clock P. M., there Lake, where a hotel burned with a Eat at the loss of *30,000. will be submitted to the legal voters thereof, the question of con­ During the past year the Umpqua SPONG A THOM AS CAFE tracting a bonded indebtedness in the sum of $12,500, for the Valley cannery In Roseburg spent over *33.000 In purchasing produce from Corner 3rd and Main purpose of Erecting a Grade School Building. the farmers of Douglas county, and approximately *35,000 for labor, ac­ The vote to be by ballot upon which shall be the words 1 cording to the report presented to the "Bonds— Yes” and “ Bond»— No,’ and the voter shall place a stockholders at the annual meeting. Classified Advertisements SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND ELECTION NOTICE • b u s in e s s d ir e c t o r y cross (X ) between the word "Bonds” and the word “Yes," or I . The fur Industry in central Oregon between the word "Bonds” and the word "No,” which Indicates his choice. The polls for the reception of the ballots cast for or against the contraction of said indebtedness will, on said day and date and at the place aforesaid, be opened at the hour of two o’clock P. M„ and remain open until the hour of seven o’clock P M„ of the same day, when the same shall be closed. By order of the District School Board of School District No. 19, Lane County, Oregon, made this 3rd day of February, A. D. CEO. H. DITTO. ttest:- Chairman, District School Board. ,W S M IT H , District Clerk. Feb. 5-12-19 NOTICE OF SPECIAL T H ELECTION “The Loop” Your Home When In Springfield JO HN M. W IL L IA M S Attorney for Vet. State Aid Com., Soldiers Bonus Loaoa. L. E. BEAN Attorn-sy Stats Land Board. State School Fund Loans. WILLIAMS A BEAN ATTO R N EYS 880 W llllam sHa 8t. Eugens, Ors. Licensed to practice In all Courts of the State, and United 8tates. D. W. Roof JEWELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon ’ CLEANING AND PRESSING Phone 78-J We Call For and Delivor 0 . M. PLUM M ER Stfr atyl Maili. For SCHOOL D IS T R IC T NO 19 State of Oregon \ County of Lane ’ ss School District No. 19 ) -♦ f" » f NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at the School District Special Tax Election hereby called to be held at the City Hall Ini Springfield, Oregon, In and for said School District No. 19, Lane County, Oregon, on Tuesday the 3rd day of March, 1925. between the hours of two o'clock P. M. and seven o’clock P. M., there will be submitted to the legal voters thereof the question of voting a special tax in the sum of $12.500 for the purpose of Erecting a Grade School Building, and the purchase of grounds tor same. The vote to be by ballot upon which shall be the words “Special Tax— Yes" and "Special Tax— No," and the voter shall place a cross (X ) between the words Special Tax” and the word “ Yes,’ or between the words “Special Ta»" and the word "No," which Indicates his choice. The polls for the reception of the ballots cast for or against the question of said special tax will, on said day and date and at the place aforesaid ,be opened at the hour of two o'clock P- M„ and remain open until the hour of seven o’clock P. M. of the same day, when the same shall be closed. By order of the District School Board of School District No. 19, Lane County, Oregon, made this 3rd day of February 1925- Attest: O 1A» Cb »*• GEO H. D ITTO , Chairman, District School Board. la seriously menaced by the use of poison by government trappers, it Is held by private trappers In Lake and Deschutes counties. It la said that many valuable fur bearing animals other than coyotes are being destroy­ ed. One hundred and eighteen mills re­ porting to the West Coast Lumber­ men's association tor the week end­ ing February 7, manufactured 97,012.- 062 feet of lumber; sold 88,300.404 feet and shipped 87,964.120 feet. New business was 9 per cent below produc­ tion. A full-grown bobcat was electrocut­ ed on the 66,000-volt line of tbe Vale Electric company, between Vale and Nyssa. The eat climbed the 60-foot pole and got its face against the top wire while Its legs were around the ground wire which runs the length of the pole. A switch at Cayuse, where a big Mallet engine was derailed, waa block- fd by Harvey Strong, a 17-year-oid In- liaa of Toppenish. Wash , according m a confession which the youth made n Deputy Sheriff Bennett at Pendle- ,on. The Indian gave no reason (or its action. Suit to foreclose a mortgage for 1372.683.14— the largest sum ever in- rolved tn a legal aetton tn Jaritson •ounty— was filed la the circuit court it Medford by ths Welch investment xnnpeny and J. BSewart o< Spo- tane against tbs Rogue River Valley "ansi company. A pulp and paper m ill costing *2,- 100,600 w ill be erected at 8L Helens it once by the Hawley Pulp & Paper company and the Charles R. McCor­ mick Lumber company, it was an­ nounced by W illard P. Hawley Jr., vice-president and general manager of the paper company. $The Eugene city council has order­ ed a special election April 16 to auth­ orise issuance of *584.000 In bonds for the following purposes: F ifty thousand dollars sewer reconstruction, *25.000 new fire apparatus, *20,000 for pav­ ing street Intersections, *376,000 for McKenxIe water project, *135.000 for new reservoir, mains and pumps. *10,- 000 for repairing city hall, *30,000 for paving street Intersections, *26,000 (or incinerator and *9000 for paving. Snow at tbs summit of ths Cas­ cades. near tbs Willamette pass high­ way, not far from Crescent lake. Is 15 feet tn depth and la packed Into « glacisr-llks mass by heavy rains and aub-xero weather, according to reports being brought to Bend by trappers. Net toll receipts of the Interstate bridge at Vancouver totaled *21,717.16 last moath, an Increase ot *2947.41 over January, 1924, according to Auditor Rae. Multnomah county's share was (13.841.18 and Clarke coun­ ty received *9227.45. The gross re­ ceipts were *27,524.52; expenses wets *4566.02. Ths Campbell Towne company of Oshkosh, WIs., submitted the highest bids to ths department of tbe Interior on a stand ot 37,000,000 feet of timber comprising the Creek unit of ths Klamath Indian reservation. Prices per thouxand board feet were *6 11 for pine, *2.52 for Douglas fir and (1.01 for other species. There were three fatalities due to Industrial accidents In Oregon In ths week ending February 12, according to a report Issued by tbe state indus­ trial accident commission. The vic­ tims were; R. A. Rlssue, Ccttags Grove; 8. B. Hamlin, Yamhill, and George Hyde, Trenbolm. A total of 467 accidents was reported. The 6 per cent tax lim it was ex, ceeded by the Lane county court In fixing this year's tax levy, according to a decision of Judge G. F. Sklpworth at Eugene, and a change In the rolls will be made accordingly, according to the county court, which w ill pro­ ceed to reduce the tax (10.716 55, the amount that tbe lim it was alleged to have been exceeded. Machinery for the payment of loans cggregatlng *1.500,000 for the relief of eastern Oregon farmers tn reseed­ ing purposes began to function when representatives of the board of con­ trol left for eastern Oregon cities to complete local arrangements for handling the money. The plan calls for a local committee of five to serve without pay in each district. The rivers and harbors bill carries an amendment adopted on motion of Senator McNary providing for a pre­ liminary examination and survey of the Columbia and W illamette rivers from Portland to the sea with a view to a widening and deepening of the channel. The project contemplated ts the most ambitious yet put forward for any river in the United States ex­ cept the Mississippi. An amendment to the rivers and harbors bill providing tor preliminary survey of Umpqua river and harbor with a view to thetr improvement was adopted by the senate committee on commerce. At the same time tbe committee gave Its approval to the McNary amendment giving local In­ terests on Tillamook bay credit for $265,000 already expended by them on harbor improvement. Reclamation of the Fort Rock dis­ trict of the Deschutes national for­ est for grazing purposes, supplying range for an additional 30,030 head of sheep, or 8000 head of cattle, is being backed by sheepmen of central Ore­ gon. An appropriation of approxi­ mately *100,000 by the government for the purpose of bringing water 35 or 40 miles from Paulina lake to the arid Fort Rock country is being urged. A trust deed given by the Tide­ water Mill company, which is a sub­ sidiary of the Porter Bros, company, which owns large tracts of timber land in western Lane county and tbe old Hurd sawmill at Florence, to the Detroit Trust company, securing a loan of *600,000, was filed for reccrd in the office of County Clerk Bryson at Eugene. The deed covers several thousand acres of tbe company's hold­ ings. Because of the heavy damage that was done to »’heat seeded last fall on the farm at Moro experiment station the groin nursery In Um atilla county will provide vulnable data on the re­ sistance to winter killing offered by the varieties seeded there last fall, according to D. E, Stephens, superin­ tendent of Moro station. Last fall on the Moro farm 10,000 single row plantings were made and every row of ths wheat was winter killed. Some varieties seeded In the Um atilla coun­ ty nursery were killed, but a big per­ centage is expected to some through with only nominal damage. Grower members of the Hood River Apple Growers’ association last week rocetvcd checks, aggregating *400.000. covering the oo-operative agency's third cash distribution on tbe 1924 apple crop. The association set a new record for cash dividends on apple pools Just before Christmas, when It cut a melon that exceeded *400,000. A second cash distribution of *300,000 was made in January. The fourth distribution, to be made In March, will reach an approximate *400,000. Previously the co-operative sales organisation had advanoed to growers on supplies and for harvest­ ing expenses more than *1,100,000, and the total returns to growers on the 1924 tonnage, which was slightly In excess of 2,000,000 boxes, to date reaches *2,227,000.