THURSDAY FT6HRUARY 18. 1296 TUE SPRINGFIHU3 NEWS ?AGK SIX long engagements. Every day of the end aa a genorad thing, are not con* year you change In some way, and at duclva to happlnaas. even when those the end of four years very little of «loping are not Impetuous youngsters. Several Springfield members of the the old Marla will be left You will The wedding day balonga to lha girl Odd Fellow lodge wen» Mo Alpine m iy t* lO be surprised wken you realise that And bar memories of lha marriage ih s things that appealed to you at should be bright, cheerful and happy. Down from« Mabie—8 Adams was Saturday night, totha dedication o f ’Dmrr Mlaa Flo:— In from Natron—B. L. Smith oí the new I. O. O. F, hall there. ( an) ,ig k iaen year old, and very eighteen seem positively stupid to you Tha wedding should he sacred and town from Mabel Friday. Natron was in town Saturday. Visiting Bleter—Julius B rhlew . of •««““ 1“ »ova with a young man twen- at twanty-ftva. Naw experience« and lieaullful. not merely a legal form. It Goshen Man Haro—Jack Vilas of Hara for Week-end— H. L. Carter Mulino. Oregon it visiting here whh • old' * h» »«> » unl’ a wider companloushlp broaden your should Inspire both the girl and tha of Wendling »pent the week-end in Goshen was in town Saturday. bis sister,i Mrs Fred Free*. Mr. . y In a nearby town He gave mind and change your viewpoint, and man with a fuller understanding of the 8pringfie)d. »“ «">■■«’ •>'*«» '<«>■ * * Christmas. the result le that your mind readjusts obligations they undertake, and mem­ Visit from Monmouth—Mr. and Mr,. Shlewe came Friday (and we wanted to get married at once. itself to the changes. Thia la svan ories of an ugly little office, with an Will Live In Pendleton—Cartiaa F. M. Roth of Monmouth were busi­ V isits from Riddle—Delbert B e a ls ' qj course, It would be necessary for more true of the boy than the girl. Indifferent Juatlcn of the Pan«« of. Meeker iaft thia city Friday for Pend­ ness visitor in Springfield Saturday. of Riddle, formerly of the First Na- ,o | | Ve home while he finished I it is generally admitted that a boy Delating, and curious strangers artlng leton. where ha will make hit home. Return from Klamath— Mr. and Mrs tlonal Bank of thia city, stopped over (,1a college course, because It would of twenty-one is not rally developed as w itnesses. are not particularly In- Vleitlng Parent»—Mr». Beulah Buck- J. L. Clark returned Saturday from here on his way home from Portland impossible for him to support me mentally, Billy la going to collage. spiring. In after year«. It hae the ap­ aum. of Portland, la visiting with her Klamath Falla. Friday. . until after ho graduated and started He wll Ibe caught In a new current— pearance of being towdry and furtive. parante, Mr. and Mrs George Ditto, When Hilly has completed his educa­ Stoo Here—Mrs W. B Scott o f 1,0 * urk’ " ° uld no‘ , foreign to you. He will meet new peo­ Recovering from Illness—George tio n -a b le financially to undertake ple. brilliant men—he will have new » u. Th ima Mishit 10 tbe ring. Rtoe ««Id 1 Down from Mareóla—C. L. Sarasa ! Gun la Improving after a recent 1.1- \Vinb<*rrv mul daucht’ffc, ThtuiiK Scott, „ in o erry u a wa< much to young to be engaged, and csperlenc««— his life will be colorful the rroponalblllllea of marriage- and of Marcóla awa a business visitor : ness. of Oakridge »topped n e ... . marriage was simply out of the quea- —and tho changes In him will be the new Billy and Mario still love tlm . on Friday on the r way o J t.n d - d ld n l * t<> Tuesday. Serving on Jury— Mrs. Maude T. greater than In you. At the end of each oth er- then get married, and ling, to visit another daughter of Mra. ( f # hla college days he may regard tha share your happiness with your par­ Down from W endling—Mrs. Cal Bryan la serving on the grand Jury In Scott. Mrall Nat Chaffee. | know 1 » never love love affair aa "puppy-love.** ents and your friends. Start your Barnee and family of Wendling warn Eugene this week. new Ufa without haste or confusion, In town Saturday. Mrs. Barnes form­ V isits Nephew—John Hallln of sny one else, and we are planning to Hare on Business— Mr and Mrs. You are much to young to marry. and It will alwaya b« a beautiful erly lived in Springfield. W estfir visited his nephew. Oswald dope In the spring We wilt have to . T. W. Carney of W altervlllel w ere In You have a lot of good fun com ing to memory. Olson, at his home Sunday and Mon- keep our marriage a secret until Billy > you yat before you accept the respon­ Goes to Portland— Mr. and Mrs. Springfield on business Friday You are only eighteen. Marie, and day. He returned home Tuesday is able to support me. Do you think sibilities of marriage. Wh- n you have It may be that you will he In love Harl McPherson and daughter. Paul­ In for Medical Treatment— Ed morning. . » • *•!! happy? Don’t you think had yeare of happy girlhood—care- ine. went to Portland Saturday morn- several lim es Indore finally marry­ 11 am old enough to know my own mind Whittaker of Thurston was in town i free gaiety—wh« n you are able men­ ing The fact that you wrote for ad­ lng ) Goes to Albany— Miss ClaF» Wise, ,inj w,lal j wan, • Friday for medical treatment. tally and physically to consider the vice shows that you are not quite assistant In the offices of Drs. W. C. Marie. R e tu rn e fro m Salam—W. F. Walker responsibilities of being a wife and sure that you are right— -or that To Corvallis for Week-End— Anne Rebhan and 9 Ralph Dlppel, motored --------- returned from Salem Friday where ha motb’ r. then, and not tie fore, are yon attended a m eeting of the state em- I. Gorrle went to Corvallis to spen I to Albany Sunday. i raoat certainty do not think yon old enough to marry. Do you think you are Justified In disobeying your the week-end. parents. Talk It over with Hilly and balmers board I Return from Hospital—Guy Redding “a happy, in fact. 1 am quits It la fair or unselfish of Billy to ask try to make him understand your Building Garage— Ott Whittenberg- and O. Sankey. who were operated on '“ at your chances for happiness you to give up your own youth and sit viewpoint. V isits in Marcóla— Mr. and Mrs. Second thought never Charles Mott drove to Marcóla Sund-y •er Is building a garage for Mrs. at the Pacific Christian hospital about « • " f f small. at horn«— a married woman- waiting hurt any one. And in later year»— where they visited with Mr and Mrs. Ogilvie on W illam ette Heights. two weeks ago. returned to their home , know. Marie. you are positive that for hint to graduate and give you a when you are happily married with J. L. Kelly. Sunday. you know what you want now. and no home of your own? And If you do memories of a gloriously happy wed­ Baaigh of From Thurston—Dan _ . u . _ . 'doubt you do, but what about five marry him—and find at the end ,t ding day, you will realise that mo­ on business ¡Thurston was in town Go to Corvallie—Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Inspects ..Lumber—S. A Harris , rom four years—that he does not love you ther’s objections ware wise and Justi­ Tlanery and daughter. Dorothy, drove Saturday. visited the Booth Kelly plant Monday. —then who la to blame? Married life fied. to Corvallis, where they visited rela­ a( Taken to Hospital—T. C. Baker was where he Inspected lumber for the lasts a great deal longer than youth, tives Sunday. Door Manufacturing ' taken to the Eugene hospital Saturday Nicolai mcoibi uovr » compao) of ever haring thought of marrying why make II longrr? Mr B. Ualph D ip p e l Oao« tat. V II Billy. That la why I disapprove of Improving from Illness—June Moore morning. Mr. Baker has been 111 for of Portland. Elopements are dangerous. Marie, building. S p rln g fM d . Oregon •m all daughter of Earl Moore Is im­ some time. Drum m ers Practice— T h e drum »•>•’ proving from an attack of ton«II its tion of the American Legion druw Business Visitor»— M. J. Wearln of a t the home o í t t r aunt. Mrs. M .*’• W alterville and R. McCroaald of Lan- and bugle corps practiced Tuesday Caste.». dax were business visitors in Spring- evening in the Chamber of Commerce rooms. Earl Thompson had charge V isits Parents— Miss Mildred New­ field Friday. of the practice. land. who is now teaching in the From Roseburg— Mr. and Mrs. W ashington high school in Portland Frank Root of Roseburg visited with visited with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor last Thurs- SPECIAL PKiCE on plate work. R W. Newland over the week-end. N W. Emery, dentist. Sutton Bldg day evening. Drive to Washington— Mrs. J. C. Save your feet by having your Gose to Dundee— Mrs. A. C. Travis F. W. HOGG. Prop. Parker and daughter, Eunice, drove shoes repaired at the Electric Shoe ' went to Dundee Friday where she will to Centralia, Washington this week. Rooms $3.50 per day. F’» Starting Friday evening. Mrs. Park­ ■visit for a week or ten days with Mr. S ho p Wards $2.60 per dnv. er’s mother died there refeswtly. TOWN AND VICINITY and Mrs. W. J. Morrow. Mrs. Morrow is Mrs Travis' daughter » //J £* 1 ^ ,O n rlC lC tX C C jrj f ’ The only way to save that picture is to let Springfield Hospital Returns from California— Frank A. DePue Jr., returned from California Friday, where he had been for several months. Mr. DePue plane to enter the University of Oregon at the be­ ginning of the spring term. In town for Week-end—Mrs. Ernest Walker sp-nt the week-end in Eugene returning Monday to the sanitarinm at Deerhorn. where she is having treatment. Undergoes Opera*.or— Mrs. W illis’" Darling is recovering nicely from a major operation wh'ch was perfo.’n.M! Saturday a i the Pacific Christian Los pital in Eug be Mr . Darling lives cl * A street between Fth and 6th. Guests at Dinner—Mrs. Maude T. Bryan and daughter, Crystal, were dinner guests of Miss Margaret Mor­ rison and Miss Marian Lowry at their apartment in Eugeoe. Miss Morrison is associate editor of the Old Oregon., University of Oregon alumni publication, and Mies Lowry is society editor of the Eugene Guard. ! B. Valenzuela Baker-Button Frame It Eastman Dealers Supt. 7 We«t 7th KiiKtHie, Oregon Our Oven IS Your Oven Housewives are convinced that it is more economical to buy our W e’ve M o v e d Perfection Bread TO OUR You’ll find it so, too, if you Just try one loaf of this new bread— fresh and tasty all the time. (Don't forget that we must have that order .for pastry, qookies or cakes in tim e.) Thank you Springfield Bakery N ew L ocation 338 Main Street Get Accurate Travel Information T h e b p rin o fiieia News, bi tc $1.25 I >«. I □ Save $-60 HERE is your opportunity to get McCall’B Magazine for the coming year and The Springfield News every week, both for only $1.75. There will be no less than eight great novels in Mc­ Call's this year, the work of Harold Bell Wright, Gene Stratton-Porter, Fan­ nie Hurst, Robert W. Chambers, Ethel M. Dell, Rafael Sabatini, Vlngie E. Roe and Samuel Merwin, besides fifty or more bril­ liant short stories, scores of absorbing articles, a dozen practical homemak­ ing departments and a big section of the newest fash­ ions every month. We can only make this special of­ fer for a short time. Send Your Order Now -your local Southern Pacific agent is eager to aid you in all your travel planning. Benefit by his experience and wide knowledge con­ cerning all transportation matters. Rely upon him for full in­ formation regarding Fares Schedules Routes Reservations, etc. For wherever you plan to go, S o u th ern Pacific and its connections can take you. Carl Olson, Agent Southern Pacific (ONE BLOCK WEST OF FORMER LOCATION) Next door to Anderaon-Wing Motor Co. AND WE’RE READY FOR BUSINESS, REMEMBER— EVERYTHING IN CLOTHING FOR MAN OR BOY- LOTS OF NEW STOCK IN OUR NEW LOCATION. Hall’s Cash Store