Community News UPPER WILLAMETTE PAGE FTV1 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY FEBRUARY 1», 1286 THURSTON Bell Theatre BEGINNING TO RUN • y Spasisi Corr««pondaltta NOTES FRI— 8AT., FEB, 20— 21 Hoot Gibson Mike Tennis, who has h»en In Cali- The I’lnanant lllll lilxh arhool h«4- kvt ball I n i n w ia defsatsd by a score f'triila for several months has re­ n| W tn 14 by tb*- Ixirana high ichn'il turned and Is visiting at Fred Gray’s. I«KOI ifgturdgy Sight, February 1«. Word has been received by friends Till« k 't h v l i i t ' giiim the high school of Miss Margaret King who formerly wlU piny m ill ths toursnmnnt In Kit resided here that she was married to Fred Richman at Newport last Satur­ gr sa Fabrusry 17 33. Thu young folks of tho Pleasant day. HUI Christian Emlravor aucloty bad a Lee King, who has been a partner Valntlnv social In the Endeavor roomi with Morris Brown for several months Haturday 14. Valentine game« were has disposed’ of hla Intereat here and played, such a* «hooting arrow« Into gone to Newport where his parents a heart, rxi-hanglng valentine« «tc. reside. Anda Colvert from Wendllng visited Refreshments consisting of cookie« and fruit Juice« were served. Tho-o relatives here last week-end. Frank Chlvaller gave a lecture on I present were: Mr. and Mrs. Haya. Frrn Haya, Bertha Manning. Taylor Lincoln In tho church last Sunday | I Circle. Ixittle BenTshodler, llerahall evening, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Baugh and Bvndabsdler, Reuheu William«. Alvin Olson. Lyman Tinker, Lawrence family from Donna, and Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler, Gladys. Hasel and Leta W illiam Culvar from Eugene spent Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs Jed Wheeler, Sunday at Ituy Ilaugh»', Mr. and Mrs. John Willoughby from I Carl Linton, Mary Hardin, Cora Floyd and lloy John, Clifford Thump Harrisburg and Mr. and Mrs. Hollis were callers In aon. Allen Wheeler and Paul Harden from Springfield The Pleasant H ill choir will meet Thurston last Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Curtl»« Price visited for practice Friday night February 27 at the home of Mrs. Dora Harden. relutlve« at Noll last Sucday. Mrs. Frank Campbell and nephew, O. tv. Fletcher, ruunty agricultural agent, will kpeak at Pleasant H ill Leonard Beaman left Tuesday morn­ Wednesday night February 25 at the ing for Gardiner to spend a few days. ■ There was high school party at the high school. The I ’leaaant HUI affirm ative team halt Wednesday evening. The play “The Ihl Funny Family'' consisting of Chester Wheeler and Kay Olaon, lost the debate Friday will be given by the L cd ka Aid So­ night to the W alker team by a vote ciety at the hall next Friday evening. The Leahurg high school will give of 3 to 0. The negative team. Orval Finley and Rmery Schr'nder who a play at the Thurston hall Friday went to W alker lost by a vote of 2 evening. February 27. Smith Taylor, ranger in the C s s -! to 1. Hix new students entered Pteaaant cade National forest will show a large of atercoptlcon slides of I lllll high 'School Monday February IS. number France« Parka of Cloverdale, Mr«. photographs taken along the Skyline' Mary W alker Mauney of Trent, <'rrt trail from Mt. Hood to Crater lake at Linton, Lyman Tinker, Heuben WO* the church next Thursday evening. 28. These pictures are llama and Torvll Robblnann of Pleas­ February ant H ill Ren Stevenson a freshman colored and are very attractive, every­ has dropped ont, having moved away. one le cordially invited to attend. The enrollment la now 89. Reverend W A. Elkina has cboasn as his subject for neat Sunday “The Majesty of Calmness." Church be­ gins at 11 o'clock and everyone Is welcomed. In the afternoon Mrs John Ixiwaon and two daughters Roberta and Itohlna will be bap tliel at Springfield. After a week's visit, which was We love to harbor Ideas If fill'd with aortal engagements. m e,' they’re easy to defend— when alatlng of dinner parties, afternoon we set to maltin' Agger« on the I value of a friend,—hut, the sum teas an Informal receptions both In of any harvest holds the ele­ Eugene and Pleasant Hill, Mr. and ment of doubt, till you reap ycr Mr«. Charles Pi Mason |««ft Friday crop of theories and, later, morning in their auto for their home thresh 'em out. Facts is— we find that friend­ In Winslow. Arlaona. „ ship coroes in several different Mrs Audy Olaon of Pleasant HUI grudes, when we meet tho nrix- in “ H IT AND RUN’ 2 Ree, Comedy “Winter has Come” Rexall Milk of Magnesia pt. 39c SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 22 Rexall “93” Hair Tonic pt...79c Buck Jones Rexall Beef, Wine & Iron pt. 79c ' Rexall Emulsion of Cod Liver in A thriller of thrillers Oil with Hypophosphitis pt...79c "THE ARIZONA EXPRESS” Bay Rum, pt.........................49c 2 reel comedy “Heebie Jeebies” Flanery’s Drug r ------- ----------- Buy your Ford car now at Anueraon- W ing Motor Co., Springfield. F-19 Used Fords, ell kinds at the Ander- gon-Wrtig Motor Co., Springfield F U Butter Wrapper» printed with name, address and weight, In accordance with taw. Springfield News. ANTI-URIC Banishes RHEUMATISM and Blood Dlsorr'or On sale at all leading drug sto-ea. Combination treatment '.or Rliounn- tlam. Gout, Sciatica and Lumbago, 31.50. For Blots), R- «he», Kcenniaa nnd Kidneys, A N TI-U R IC Liquid, 3100. Results guaranteed or money back. Antl-Urlc Co., Mfge., 82 Front Bt„ San Fraqqlgco, Col. . , Richard Dix in I f a i a i Z Z>mg Star* “MANHATTAN” Yes, We’ve Moved, too To 338 Main Street Electric Fixtures, Wiring, Contracting »« M s r a c e - e » e - * <=». Henderer Electric Supply Puii The Blind For a Shine in New York i S h o r t skirts in New York resulted in a falling-off oi butineaa for shoe shining stands cater­ ing to women trade until an inventive “ Knight of th e Brush” equipped his stand with a com­ mon window shade as is shown here. Now milady has her shoes shined with a mind quite at ease , who underwent a major operation at ed varieties that's common to . the Qoahen hospital Friday February the trades; I f you try to curb 13. 1« reported as doing nicely. expenses when ycr love is run- nln’ short/—well, there’s nothin' , Mr and Mrs. D. E Ferguson of cheaper*n friendship— when you Goshen went to Iteedspnrt last week price the flimsy sort. to visit Mr«. F«rguaon*a broth'r. Oscar But, the everlastin* artickle Lee and wife, who are the parents o ff that’s needed in our acts, ia the triplets, two boya and a girl. only kind of friendship that's a balm far human heart», — In Having rented thalr farm to Mr. and fart, the »tuff ia priceless— H Mrs. O. J. Cartoony, E. W. Fisher and N O TIC E TO CREDITORS results that correspond, from family of Ooahen have moved to West­ Noti’ce Is hereby given that the Devotion's faithful cellar, where undersigned Josie H. Spores has been fir we bottle It—in bond! by the Probate Court of Lane County Dr. and Mrs. It O. Hahn of Casper, Oregon, appointed administrator of: Wyoming, who have been living the' the estate of George W . Spores, de­ past few months on the Overholaer ceased. All person« are h re by no­ tified to preeent the claims. If anv ranch have purchased the W ill Carr vou have, against said estate to the ranch across the road from C. L. undersigned administrator at her resi­ Williams. dence or at the law offices of W il Five members of the T. F. Kabler family are down with the flu end have been threatened with pneumonia, i Mrs. WlU Churchill la assisting Mrs.' For Shoe cervice try the Electyh Kahler In the housework and the care Shoe Shop. F-26 of the atek ones. Orandpa Bohn who has been 111 with rheumatism Is able to be about again. Hla aon Eber, |a confined to hie bed' with an attack of rheumatism. The members of the Woodman of the World of Pleasant H ill will give a basket social Saturday night March 7 In the Woodman Hall. The pro­ ceeds are to be divided equally be twoen the families of Ramsly Moon and Irwin Crow. The Woodmen are promising the beat program even given at Pleasant HUI and Invite everyone to attend and the ladles to bring baskets. Store WEDNESDAY Scientific Prescription Service When you are sick enough to require the service« Of a phy­ sician you certainly need the very best treatment that he can give He cannot give you the best unless hlB prescriptions are impounded from pu^e, fresh drugs. Our prescription department Is equipped with drugs, chemicals etc-, of highest purity and |»ten- cy and all compounding ia done by Rkilled pharmacists who em­ ploy the most approved scientl-, fic methods. , No better prescription service can be had anywhere and no druggist can put up prescrip­ tions at loweT price» than ours and guarantee absolute purity. Hams A Bean. Eugene, Oregon, within six months from this date. Dated this 19th day of February, 1926. JOSIE H. SPORES. Administrator. F-19-26-M-5-12-19 Dr. Ralph ». nrppet. Dentist. Vitus bulWtng. Springfield. Oraaoo. It Always Pays to Trade at Gray’s French Carrying Baskets, each ...................... Onions, 8 pounds .—........................................ Chicken Tamales, Per c a n ............................... Sugar Cured Bacon Stripe, Per lb................... Plmentoes, In ja r s ....—....... ,............................ White Beans, 3 lbs...............7...... ....... .............. Large Italian Prunes, 3 lbs.......... ................... Macaroni, 3 lbs........ ........... ............................ Spaghetti, 3 lbs.............................. '........ .......... Medium Red Salmon 1 lb c a n ......*................. Medium sized Pork and eBans, can ............... ......50c ......25c ...... 15c ...... 25c ...... 10c ...25c ...... 25c ...... 25c 25c We handle a complete line of flour and feed. CaH in and see what we have. Also the Peter Pan line of Bakery Goods. if G R A Z 'S CA5M 5C AR R X r 1» Thrifty shoppers have learned that they can fill the weekly market basket here without emptying pocketbooks. Fresh groceries at special low prices make this possible. You can actually save more money and more patience, as a comparitive experience will show. Come in and get acquainted. Thank you for your attention Phone ■];. Phone 3 ■ WHITE FRONT GROCERY - 9