The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, February 19, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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Having tn mind th e co n tin u atio n of th e Federal
Published Bvery Thursday at
aid road policy, th e re is now before C ongress, th e
Dowell bill, jutaacd by th e H ouse an d recom m end­
Springfield, Lane County. Oreaon, by
ed by th e S en ate co m m ittee, w hich would a u th o ­
rise th e appropriation o f $76,000,000 for each of
EL B. M AXEY. Editor
F. C. W K 8TK R FIELD , Manager
th e tw o years of 1926-1927, th e m oney to be
■stared as second class matter. Feb re try 14. 1303 at the spent in conjunction w ith several s ta te s for th e
production of b e tte r highw ays. D uring 1924,
ftostnfflce, Springfield. Oregon
9.900 m iles of F ederal aid roads w ere com pleted
a t a cost o f $171,544,500. T he ro ad s u n d er co n ­
Ona Year tn Advance.__ 3115
Three Months ------ 50c
s tru c tio n will c o s t app ro x im ately $395,000,000
Btx M o n th s ___________ T5c
Single Copy _____ 5c
of w hich th e F ederal governm eint wil imv $176,-
Folks in th e sm all com m unities suvh as o u rs j HOW RICH IS AMERICA?
fail o ften to g ra sp th e significance o r ac ts like '
th ese; yet they have a real bearing on co m m n u lty
H enry Ford, who m akes ten Instead o f tw o u developm
ent and prosperity' T h ere a re tw o sides I WORK AND U V E .
b lades of g ra s s grow w here one grew before and to th e road question. In sm all to w n s while good
b e ,o re has sa,d i r" atls have be<’n w elcom ed by th e av erag e m an
How mush do you think the
th is o,7nl
h’ v r **' <1,°” e, , n tw «n ,-V days; and in som e places local m e rc h a n ts have suffered United States is worth, all togeth­
coup ed w ith Edison s vision of tw en ty years front th e ir c o n stru c tio n . T he com plaint is th at er, In thousands of millions or dol­
ago. w hich disclosed a m a n u fa c tu rin g rural com- good roads enable th e wife of th e fa n n e r to shop lar»?
According to the Census Bureau,
BHn™y;iF]USit \ e ’'T * '? ' condh,ion o i th e fa n u e r j in th e n earest big city It should be rem em ber, - oil the property in the United
b rin g s sh an d y to th e fro n t a situ a tio n of slgnlfl- how ever th a t th e ro ad th a t ta k e s people out o
-Latea three yuura ago amounted
10 about LO'^W.SdS.OOO.
, ___ ,
th e tillag es also brings them in to th e villages
,leans 320 times one thousand mil-
1 • * e
is being chased out o f (he . w h ile undoubtedly so m e trader» have suffered
ion dollar», with 803 millions to
,y 8 ° W o ma5 hinpr-v , Due to im p ro v ed , fntnt th e com petitive appeal of th e city plus ih
It's a great deal of money, but
can raise m ore food than ; good road, th e an sw e r of course Is obvious-
,ou may be sure that it ’s much
rorlc can eat. T he result is he is alw ays b e tte r m erchandising, an d b e tte r und m ore ad
ess than the United States la
° n „a F litte d m ark et. F inally he r u s h e s , vertising. T rad e need not leave th e sm all town
Properly developed, the
to th e eftv and th e city m an would rush aw ay as a fact th e sm all tow n w ith Its low er lab o r cos'
tate of Texas »111 !>e worth more
i . » 1 n e*>
K° o r *'h at to do.
an d low er overhead can give th e olty m erchant!
hen the total “wealth of the U nit­
'd States*' as now estimated.
. . . hou8 b tfu l review of th e fa rm e r’s situation quit a ru n for th e ir m oney, if th e m erc h an ts ad
s one to th e belief th a t his relief will com e ju st them selves to th e changed conditions th e,
Nobody has the fainteet
n ? ’i . 11 ¿'a l'*at,v e legislation, hut in th e a d ju s tm e n t!c a n d ra w as m uch tra d e from th e cities as th
hat tha real wealth of this eoun-
o his business to th e electrical ag e w hich is now ' cities ta k e from them . If no t m ore.
ry amounts to. In ten years the
<tal wealth aeoording to the Ag-
g in n in g to ta k e its place in o u r econom ic life. I T he w orld's advance ca n n o t be stem m ed, but
rea above, has Increased more
b ere is only one an sw er to th e poor condition of th e w orld's trad esm en ca n at least keep step,
an seventy-tero per cent Give
th e fa n n e r phis th e high cost of living for the
• • •
is nation fifty million more in-
JI,r.baP population nam ely th e elim ination of the! “T h e w orm tu rn s ” we often hear. But we
.bitanta. Intelligent, willing to
>rk, and they would raise the val-
idle hour. T he tim es of planting, cultivating and have never heard of one ch asin g a bull dog or
; of the nation's property five
h arv estin g . F o r th e rest, his tim e and investm ent a bobcat.
.•idred per cent In hall a gener-
a r e w aste th a t m ust be spread over th e volum e
• • •
o f his product. If o u r farm s w ere equipped with
M arrying is a good custom but a h»d habit
V hoy sends this information to
sm all m a n u fa ctu rin g p lants th a t could be kept A K entucky m an got th re e y ea rs in th e pen for
• United States Agricultural Pe­
b usy producing standardized necessities. such bigam y
rtinent. Five years ago, when
fo r exam ple a s screw s, nails, bolts, shoe la c e s ,’
~ * *
was In the public school, he
ught s pure-bred pig, female,
k n ife handles and a th ousand and one o th e r pro­
C leaver Is out o f a job as th e resu lt of the way
;ht weeks old. Since then hie
d u cts instead of one of loafing a t a loss. One th e leg islatu re handled th e cleaver.
; has added 100 small pigs to
o f th ese days Mr. Ford will w ork out th e problem
t earth's porcine population. The
• • •
a n d th e idle h o u r will be abolished
E d ito r ia l
C om m ent
A new grad e school building is a genuine neces­
s ity besides being an econom ical and wise invest !
fact » on taxes
m e n t. We all wish fo r new people to settle in o u r
Several highly-inflated political footballs ware punctnr
to w n in o rd e r th a t we m ay build a large and ed and expired Into flabby oblivion before the onalaughl
p ro sp ero u s city, ts u a llv th e people who wish to Ot» few pointed fticta presented at the annual meeting by
s e ttle in a n y city a re those w ith a family. N a- sta te Treaaurer Kay.
tu ra llv one Of th e ir first co n sid eratio n s is th e I T hese fact« referred specifically to taxes. An examine
School. T he overcrow ded conditions of S p rin g - itton of Mr. Kay's address, reproduced in Its entirety or
field s city schools is not a t all Inviting to people another page in this issue, win show how thoroughly h<
to b rin g th eir children here. T he solution of th e has exploded certain popular and praveleot theories or
problem is a new school.any w ay one looks a t It. allegev “hlgh-taxea" In Oregon There are many who ma'
disagree with the »¡Ate Treasurer on matters of opinion
Now is th e tim e fo r th e passage o f a sound there are few who rill question his authority on the fact
b uilding re g u la tin g ordinance- P eople p la n n in g of state finance.
o n building should know w hat th e com m unity
Oregon has been grossly libeled In the pant on th
a n d city expe?t8. No Stringent piece of legisla- subject; and these erroneous statem ents have originated
tio n is needed but one re g u la tin g th e c o n s tru e -1 from within the state Itself. From January 8th whet
tio n along th e lines approved by o th e r Cities' and sta te Treasurer Kay presented his deductions b fore ,h
providing for inspection.
1 assembled delegates of the annual meeting and these dedur
• • •
; tlons were subsequently broadcasted via the press through
out th« state, should date a new attitude on the part of
Oregonians toward the coat of state government.—Orego,
U ucle S am closed his trad e balance sheet for Business.
1924 w ith ab o u t one billion on th e rig h t side of
th e ledger. T h e D epartm ent of C om m erce in
fig u re s ju st m ade public s ta te s th a t th e exports
re ach e d th e am azing to ta l of $4,590,146,873.
w hile th e im ports am o u n ted to $3,610,552,566.
T h e export to ta l for 1923 w as $4,167, 493.080 and
im p o rts for th a t y ear w ere valued a t $3,792,065.-
963. So it will be seen th a t im ports have de­
creased while o u r exports have gained In value.
O ur largest foreign p u rc h aser last y e a r w as G reat
B ritain who took $982,034,509 while Im ports from
th a t co u n try am ounted to only $336,476,902 Our
ex p o rts to G erm any w ere valued a t $440,537,797
a n d im ports to taled $139,257,900. F ran ce took
$281,663,972, while we im ported from th a t coun­
try $147,636,972.
• • •
P ity the poor p rin te r w ith an increase o f 25 per
c e n t In paper stock nrlces.
Notwithstanding the fact that Oregon produces a larg
share of food for her needs, last year 6.138 carloads of
fruits an I vegetables were unloaded at Portland. Of this
number. California shipped 2.366 carloads an I Washlnvtor
shipped 1,031 carloads Into the Oregon port city. Callforn
la has always led in supplying Portland's urban populatlor
with fruits and vegetables. Last year the carloads wen
fewer because of the quarantine against California, hnt
Cailfornia still remains the prominent shipper to Portland
In fruit and vegetable Industry.
Of course.' Oregon people want certain fruits and
vegetables tha can not he grown for climatic reasons
within her own borders. But It Is time to Inquire serlouslv
If we should not utilise mor® of our own products, even
though to do so we must sacrifice some of the fine fruits
of other atates.—The Oregon Farmer.
tie boy wrltss: “She paid for
y clothes, three year» in high
tool and gave me spending mon-
also. I am now In my second
sr in college and she is still
ng the some.“
’Ms hoy has Joined the "better
•s— better stock” campaign, and
' work hard to Improve the pig
I f It were possible to Improve
nan breed es easily as we Im-
.ove cattle or, clvilisntlrn
would progress rapidly. Unfortu­
nately, eugenista make little prog­
ress, But something might be
> .'hat proud mother of 100 little in five years never smoked
cigarettes or drank cocktails. And
the father or fathers did not eat
before their sons the example of
bootleg law breaking and contempt
fo r the Constitution.
Dear young ladies of Vasaar
College, edth beautiful, tail fore­
heads, nimble feet and nimble
minds, tell what they think of to­
bacco. 433 say they liko cigar­
ettes, 624 never smoke.
No m atter what you may think
o f women smoking, how wuuld you
•newer this question?
Which will be married first, the
433 girls that smoke cigarettes, or
the 624 that don’t smoke cigar­
ettes? And which will make the
best mothers?
| tate of Harrison B Urey, deceased,
They are Bsttsr Managers
( f(led his final account with the Cmin-
Htalletlca In the hands of the Ore­ , ty Clerk of Lane County, Oregon, n a
gon I'ubllo Utility Information Bureau the Hth day of February. 1026. ami
show eonriualvely that public utilities by order of the County ('ogrt Hatur-
which are owned and operated under 'day the gist day of March. 1016. at
, the hour cf tan n'cloch A M nt the
private management are more effi­ County Court room In tho Court
ciently conducted than those operated house nt Eugene. I s m County. Ore­
under municipal ownership. The sum­ gon. has been fixed as the time ant
mary of three figures Indicate that the i place for hearing objections. If any
Ito ««hl final account and for final
privately owned utilities sp-nd only settlement I hereof.
366 for operating expenses, lut of
All persons having objections to
every 3100 of revenue received, while sold final account nre hereby notified
It costs munlcIpally-owncd plants to file the ««me with the County Clerk
on or before the lime fixed for final
nearly 375 for operating egpvnses, or hearing theToon
over 16 per rent more than the private
Administrator of the Hatat»
of Harrison II. Gray, dn
Williams A Benn
NOTICE la h y eb y given that*7!ñ« Attorneys for th« Enisle
FIB 2« M 6 13 1»
undersign'd Administrator of the es
Batteries Made New
We rech arg e, rep air
n in i
rebuild b a tte rie s of nil make«.
Eight h o u r «ervice
Ignition Work of All Kinds
Springfield B attery - Electric Co.
T hird and Main
Enroll Monday
F or a B ookkeeping, S ten o g rap h ic o r S ecretarial course at
T he Eugene Hunlne«« College.
O ur equipm ent is m odern, o u r teac h ers efficient, and o u r
ra te s a re reasonable.
Eugene Business College
A. E. Roberts, President
992 W illam ette St. ..
Eugene, Oregon
P hone 666 ..
For Juicy Steaks
Tender Chop« and Choice
Meats of nN Kinds
Holverson Bros, Props.
^ O U 'L ^ ^ E ^ S U R P R IS E D
Men have spent most of their
time on earth fighting and mur­
dering each other. But the reel
job of the human race is to fight
against and conquer Nature.
Every canal dug, desert irrig at­
ed, swamp drained, Is a victory in
the really Important war.
Canada Is growing rapidly. Up
there they welcome good Immi­
grants. Hern we discourage im ­
W hat is more Important even
than immigration is human happi­
ness and Independence. Canadians
attend to that. In Canada 92 per
cent of farmers own their own
farms. In the United States, only
62 per cent own their land, tha
others are tenants paying rent.
The nations in which those that
cultivate the land own the land on
which they live grow in strength.
The power of France is due large­
ly to tha fact that Frenchmen own
their land. T hat small country has
more than nix million land owners,
a great improveraant on tha days
a t monarchy, when a handful of
nobles, ecclesiastics and royal prin-
ess were the land owners.
fvwtuf, aged
Lorens Koenig,
seven ty-
B çyV B - B To 16 M»AA6
etereo. t h c
p h a ^ vin o
h a t io h - vjidu
co n Te a r
15 BIG- P ftIX B fe - FR E E
B at ©
OF "OLD P O P ' «H t h . v COMIC
W R IT E N A M E , A D D B ~ 3 6 ANO
B A C K O F D R A W IN G -
O S 5 O /H A T K 4 N O O f
G L O V E o a . B A T VOO W A N T IP
A C S ' W IM N E C . — ÎÜ N D
D R A W IN G S C A R B T H I S O A P /J R .
M V D B A « P C lE S O G I
I M ..
R e c a iv e o a l l o f s o lia . f » . -
O R A N I M G S . E V E R V O N T I IS G C ffA T
ALL arc 6 N O N
M V C A A S p /jL
c o c o e s A T , o n .
two, devotes
devotae his
bis working
hours to
stacking shingles in a lumber yard
at Omaha. He inherits
f 118,000.
but goes on packing shin “and he'll
I quit, I ’d die,** be says,
give the money to bis children.
Perhaps the habit of hard work
hasn't got as Arm a hold on them
‘,(ïlUtkes Bread Light as aHather/’
as it has on him.
A lthough th ere 1« a k n ack to m aking good cak es— you will
Our life depends on the glands.
Our happiness depends on habit
We are more like machines wound
up and set. running than creatures
of free will.
have th e beat of luck If you use FEATHERFLAKE flour—
ANYBODY wtahlns milk at gallon
rates coll Mvernlde Dairy, Phone
It certain ly m ukce w onderful cakes.
J u st try It— "you'll
be su rp rised " how w onderful.
Only the Best Stores Sell FEATHERFLAKE
CALL AND S^E Dr. N. W. Emery
on or* <« on plat» end other work. ’ (
Savo your foot by having your
rhoen repair'd at the Electric Shoe
Y O U 'L L