S P R I N G F I E L D — THE W E S T E R N D B V O T ID TO INTBRBBT OR BP/UNOFIKLO ANO T M I FARMBRB OR TMB f W IL L A M B T T B V A L L IV T E R M IN A L O F T H E NATRON K Iz SPRINGFIELD NEWS TEACHERS 10 HOLD INSTITUTE III CIK Pleads Guilty to Raiding «wart» ft /Local Q uinto Reatan by Fast Campu. High; Cottage Grove Alio Washburn« Chicken Coop; Victor Other« Plead In Court LIVI NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN Guilty 04845537 FOR LEGION SMOKER McMulllen and Moon to Furnish J. E. "Curley" Wataon. who waa In a fa*t and hardfought game, the Main Six Round Go; Lewi«, caught »touting chickens from, the ' University high school won from Gibson, Cowart Boy«, Wilson rear of the Swart» and Wash bur n o ' Springfield Wednesday night, in the Meat Market by C. E. Swarta aeveral locval high achool gym 2« to 17. and Hazen to Mix. weeks ago. pleaded guilty to an In- Close guarding was a feature of the Elgnteen rounds of boxing will fea­ dlctment of the grand Jury In circuit game, Riding» of the U. H. their ture the American Legion smoker to court yoalerday. Jutig** SkJpwprth heat player, being held for 12 count», be held February 28, at the Woodman fined him »26. Wataon haa been In »Hho he waa high point man of the hall. The main feature of the evening the county Jail »Ince the stealing of game. Griffis, for Springfield, who will be a six round battle between of the chicken». ! »ubatltuled for Cog. waa a close aec- "MacT McMullen, 14® pounds, and Other Indictment» were returned by "nd netting 11 points, George Moon, the same weight The the grand Jury. Belvtn Doan«, plead- j “Tdneupa for the game were: boats of the first smoker, held last ed guilty to a charge of statutory rape Springfield University High ] month, were only three rounds in and will be fined Saturday morning • fo x 1 F 8 Mempy This is the man, Col. Chas. R. length. C. M Hodgea and 8 F. Gourley plead-‘ Ortffls It F 4 Stearns, Forbes, convicted of conspiracy to In addition to this. Frank Lewis and cd guilty to tha operation of a still Cowart F defraud the government in hospital ! and will be sentenced Friday morning McMullen # C Hall | construction for our crioplcd, blind Bob Gibson, also 140 pounds will fight Nelson Been. Indian Cre’ k youth, Mice * O 12 Riding»] and disabled world war soldiers. four rounds, as will ‘‘Babe’* Wilson He faces a possible penalty of two pleaded not guilty this morning In Lewis 6 G 2 Hayes years in prison and a $10.000 fine. ¡and H. Haxen, 133 pounds. Hugh and ,''Blackie’’ Cowart, 120 pounds each, circuit court to an Indictment charg- llepireok Davidson. Springfield, , will have the fourth boat. Ing him with assault with Intent to Umpire, Fenwick. U. of O. rape a school girl In that neighbor- Springfield took the smaller »hare PARENT-TEACHERS TO Besides these regular fights, Andy hood. Trial will bo later. of a 17-» score from the Cottage DISCUSS SCHOOL BONDS Gibson, 85 pound boxer, challenges Harry Rose-off. Indict’d for assault, Orove high school basket trail team any Springfield boy of his weight to a The Parent-Teacher Association and two round prenmlnary. pleaded not guilty and will be tried last Thursday night The game was hard fought, although It lagged at a11 people of Springfield Interested in] Several musical numbers to be put later. times, and the Springfield team was (I*1« proposed school bond election will On between bouts are planned, but not up to lta beat playing. -meet at the Lincoln school tomorrow ag yet no definite program has been EASTMAN'S GROCERY IS r. T O r> i T C c r u w F D McCargar. Cottage Grove center, evening at 7 o’clock. made> Refreehmepgs will also be SOLD TO C. L. TESCHNER WB)1 h(gh of the aame mak I Beside. the bond discussion, there gerT^ W aatm an -a m e e r v on 5th street haa !"g nine points. Springfield ran In wl11 ** * u lk hy v - D- B*1“- Principal Tkjg entertainment Is being spoa- * X h a . £ b v C L T ^ lin e r an" »«veral substitute.. 1 « «*• h“ h and plans »°r «ored by the Legion because of the Instructor« In School In En«t •rn Pnrt of County Will M « t In Sprlr-gfl«ld for Conf«r»nc« February 28. A local teacher» Institute tor all teiuhera In the aaalarn pari nt I-an» county will bn held Io Springfleld Staluulay, Febrilury 28. according to the annuum rmenl of County Schoo, Kupnrlnt' wlan, K. J Moore, I’rofrsaor llenry ,D. Hheldon. of iha University of C>rr«t>n. will ba the chief speaker In an addreae In the affm oon . Prin­ cipal V. D. Hain of tha high achool «III prealde. Tha program follow«: 10:30 Invocation. Mu»lc, ‘'America'" Special mualcal number, Springfield high achnol. Announcemonta, 1-ocal Hlatory Kir »ay ciynteat and pageant, New school leglalatlon, ale. 11 00—Addrftw. "Tha Teacher, the l"r«aerv»r of Civilisation,” Profee»or Dan E. Clark, U. or O, Exleualon. Noon. Luncheon will be served by the Do- mmtlc Snlenca Department of the high achool at popular prtcaa. 1:00—Bpeclal muatral number > ’1:1ft— Boy» and Girls Industrial Club Work. Mr A. D Collier. 1 4 5 - Depart mental Work Primary work, Mra. Elisabeth Page In charge. High achool. An open forum, V. D. Bain In charge. t'pper grade#. Aaaeinbly room. E. J Moore In charge. 2 30—A round table dlaruaaton of School problem». Eighth grade examination». How beat meet thn Immoral lend-n- cy In achool» ? Corporal punlahment. In what case«? 3:10----- Aitdreaa Dean Henry D. Shel­ don. of O. 3:40—Star Spangled Banner. “The Peopl«’« Paper" NUMBER 5 SPRINGFIELD. LANS COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 19. 1295 CHICKEN TH IE F FINED UNIVERSITY HIGH TEAM $25 BY CIRCUIT JUDGE DEFEATS SPRINGFIELD CUTOFF ’ Thre« hundred thousand units of life-saving dipthrria sntitoxin reached Nome. Alaska, thanks to thia great champion muther, Leonard Sepällä and his dog team 0, twenty fleet Huskies. Sepällä went head-on into a raging blit- zard with the temperature ranging front 20 to .15 below sero. Sepällä had the longest stretch of more than 6S0 miles. Seven relays handled the precious package in the record time 12711 hours (Below) Mias Emily family Morgan Morgan of ol Wichita. \\ icbita Kansas, Nsnsas, the only nnrs« in Nome. There are more (baa thirty cases 1« the town of 1.000. K n,. from r A Faaimsa I The lineups for the two teams and hot lunch to be served at the Lincoln (pojmlarU flrgt gmokar held whJch pro^ guch . (The new Cottage Grove H» “ ade. Several musical selec- mirked guccegg. I of the store March 2. ^pnBgOeM 4 Alstott t,ons will also be giren. F Mr Teschner It the former owner / ' 0* 1 ! 4 Swanson - - - ■ .......... F S- P. FOREMAN STARTS of the Plggly Wiggly store In Eugene. Bate« 8 » McCargar MR. AND MRS. IRA BAKER C |) NEW WIRE TO OAKRIDGE He Intends to rearrange the store McMull«» O Gordon HAVE GOLDEN WEDDING along new lines, but as yet has no Lewis 2 -------- Ballew O Nice 2 ! Oeorge A. Nelson, general foreman ■'"Sr" Eartmln I. undecided on U » 8ub.tlt.te«: Springfield; Griffi. for[ Mr. and Mrs. Ira Baker, of East o f the telegraphic department of the 1 Springfield, residents of Springfield Southern T,glted the Ioca, next business more, but (or ihe pre.-|Cox; Cowart for Bates. for the past twenty-four, years, cele- depot Wpdnegdajr Mr Nelgon ,g here ent plana to have a vacation ________________ I1»™1« 1 thetr golden wedding February to gnpPrv1ge the CTectlon of g new. KILL KARE GUESTS OF MRS BRYAN FRIDAY l°’ SeTen ot eiRht llvin8 children at- coppCT teiegraphic wire to Oakridge. 400-FOOT SPUR NEARLY ow ner, wn, MRSJBRYAN FRIDA COMPLETED TO MILL tended the ceremoBy, whlcU wag cut, A natcar ho]dinK geyend The Kill Rare Klub members were '¡"?orl h ^ b o ’levlrthele«'?w as able To ‘tele,>hone booth’ w*r’ Bent up the guests of Mrs. Maude Bryan and Mrs. Bak r' h0 -Oakridge line Wednesday for distri- Work on a 400-foot spur track to the wa,(C . E Wheaton at Mrs. Bryan', L e e * were married P° 1“tS slong Springfield Lumber company started yesterday, it will be ready 5 Friday. Bridge was played during 61 In Morgan county. Ohio, the place of b lhe f|rat of the w ^ k . it la eatlmat-.afternoor, niter which a two course ' ' _ -------- ' _ I, . . _ . , , ,u„ (thetr birth, in 187«. b u ce tnew tney p n r .i C T Y n ilV ^ TWCt M flR F ed by R. H. Parsons. luncheon was »erred by the hostesses.> jn d,fferent 8tateg. , FO G A R TY B U Y S TW O M O RE SURPRISE SHOWER GIVEN The new planer Is about Installed Mrs. Wheaton was high score winner. wlgconglll jowa Kansas, California LOTS IN SPRINGFIELD MISS DAVIS AT HER HOME at the plant, and work will start'of the afternoon, while Mrs Poln- and Oregon. They had ten children, Two more lots were purchased this full tilt the first of the month. The dexter made low score. Mrs. W. H. eight of whom are living. R. J. Baker A surprise »bower w u held for Ad rain won the guest prise. of Lodi, California was unable to at- week by A1 Perkins for S. N. Fogarty, ! company received a carload of Port Ml»« Etta Davl« at her home near GOOD FRUIT CROP IN of the land revaluation SIGHT FOR TH IS YEAR Ortord cedar from the Western Whke Guests for the affair were: Mrs. tend the ceremony. Other children a Thurston last Thursday afternoon. Adraln. and Mrs. Herbert Clark o f |pregent were: g incialr Baker. Pearl department of the Southern Pacific Cedar mill in Trent this week. Many beautiful and uaeful gift« were Springfield and Mrs. Wilbur Beckof Graham and Ethe, w^kigy of port- 1° 8«n Francisco. The lots are on given Mlaa Davla. who will be married Pruning Is going on In most of the' Eugene. Members of the club present land, Nellie Cooper of Kalama, Wash HHh and A «treats, and In reality are soon Refreshments were served dur- orchards of the county and early l-n DELEGATES TO OREGON were: Mrs. Oeorge Blair, Mrs. Bert Ington, Ruby Paris of Marcola and but a lot and a half, one having a In« the afternoon to the following mirations are that another large fruit a r n iC I I I TIIRA I COLLEGE Vincent, Mrs. J. H. Humphry, M r Janice McPherson and Mary Ray frontage of 32 feet, and the other 1« gueata: Mr» J. It. McPherson. Mr», crop will be grown thia year, accord- F. L. Poindexter. Mrs. Fred Chess of ( gteTeng of Springfleld. Of sixteen feet on A street, and extending heck Jackaon. Mr«. R. P. Laird. Mr», tng to C.' K. Stewart, county fruit In Five delegate» to represent Sprlns- H>th 12» fe«t- TM lot» belonged Frank Ingersoll, Mr« C. 1. Oorr,« Jr., i apeclor • M'r Stewart haa been mak fleld high school at the educational Eugene, and' Mr«. M. M. Peery, Mrs grandchildren. Harold. Pauline. Austin Mr«. Charlo« Tryaon, Mra. Fred Try- ing Inapeotiona In many orchard» Of exposition at Oregon Agricultural Col- Eugene Kester and the hostesses of an(J Wubnr McPherson of Springfield; to M ts . Edith L. Fish of Eugene SprlngfleW. Elsie Cooper of Kalama and Edna an 11" The transaction ivas made through ■on. Mr« William Eyl«r. Mrs. Maggie the ednnty. lege at Corvallla this weekend were Elisabeth Paris of Marcola were pres- the F. L. Flowers realty company. Smith, Mrs. C. W. Hanaon. Mra. Ira j w hile the cold weather caused some elected by the student council of the -ent. -Mr Perkins recently purchased sever- 150 st Waffle Supper Gray. Mr». H. R Garvin. Mra. J. W. tr(Mia lo crack and killed tome out- j , rh00i ______ ____________ al other lots for Mr. Fogarty. right It has not seriously damaged the 1 ‘ About 150 people attended the waf- Cooley. Mr» C. 8 Carpenter. Mr». The exposition, for which all Ore- Wlllla Burch, Mr» Alva Armitage. orchards, Mr. Stewart betteree. gon high achool atudenta are guests. :n® »upper held at the Methodtst BOYS START JOURNEY On Business Trip Mr«. E J. Reynold«, Mra. Lew Davie. T -n ty -flv e The commercial orchard a In the wttt be held from February 20 to 23 In- church Friday night W ITH TEAM AND WAGON Charles O. Wilson, manager of the Mlaa Rtnnlr Vooley. Mia» Inaura Try- county for the moat part are In good ,-luslve. Bernakl Hplton. Bllxabeth w® cleared from the sale of son. Misa Burn Davis. Mlaa Emma condition, aaya Mr. Stewart, who do­ Walker. Iowa n.w« » Carlton. Margaret - Oder- __ _ Two smalll boys of Eugene, between Carbolineum Wood Preserving com- Qf „ and „ declded tQ run pany returned Tuesday evening from navi», Mlaa Cryatal Bryan and Mlaa clares thal many of the small family kirk L'nd Hobart Wilson were the «h1ch will be u.ed for civic improve- orchards are a nuisance. Inspection d gelerted They will be ac- ,n‘‘nt' . . I «way and go to eastern Oregon. They 8 business trip to Salem and Portland, EXta Davla. shows many of tfiyee uncared for orch- comoanled bv Mis. Virginia Tomlin-1 Se’ eral “ ®“ hers of Mrs. L. 7 « H appropriated a team and light covered ' « e left again this morning for Spok- to L c G1Ick. w ho'ane, Kansas City, Omaha, and Lincoln. ards to be badly Infected with s c a l e aon, __ _ a ______ _______ of the high n®"'» c“ “ »« «’ocutlon entertained THREE INJURED IN AUTO faculty member ......... ' " with readings, and a vocal solo was lives west of Eugene and started ou t.) "*»r"tog by way of Denver and Sac- and other dlaeaaea. school. • ACCIDENT ON HIGHWAY given by Mrs. Bernice Van Valxah Frlday They were several miles e a s t, Mr. Wilson Is going In the and Mrs. 8. 8. Potter. A community of Springfleld on the McKensie high- ¡'toterwtt of the firm. Marriage License« Issued Three people were Injured In an New Line to Oakridge Bing was enjoyed by all present way when the neck yoke of the wagon The following marriage licensee auto wreck In weat Springfield early A new telephone circuit to Oakridge H all’s Store Located hare been granted by County Clerk * .........- broke, and they decided to abondon Saturday morning, when a heavy car. R 8. Bryson during .he week: Mor-. one »day for parking too close to the project and Is a continuation of work .Tuesday night at the Chamber of neas 1« caused by ill health, and h i I door sedan, and L. TelPrson, also of the evening by Mrs. Wright and Miss nesday for parking Commerça rooms. started last year. fir« hylrant. Scott. plans to atke a vacation. Eugene, purchased a touring car. »