«J THE SPRINOWELD NEWS PAGE EIGHT OFFICER ASKS HELP IN CURBING DISEASES B A P T IS T CHURCH 2nd and C Streets J Carlton Wetterhahn. Pastor Bible School 10:00 Morning service 11:00. Morning Message “Not by Pow er or by Might, but by My Spirit Saith the Lord B Y. P V. Service 8: SO Evening Service 7: SO Sermon topic, “The Second Most N eglected Doctrine of the Faith.' Recovering from Operation Mrs M. B. Huntley underwent 8 major operation at the Pacific Christ- ian hospital in Eugene Monday. She is reported to be recovering nicely Dr W C. Rebhan performed the op- eration M arriage Licenses Issued During the pa-. I week marriage licenses have bo. n issued by the county clerk to the iollew lng: Wll- liim F. McV'ee and Eleanor Riley, : bo!h of Bugen ; George C. Tibes. sart a n l ttu'-b Helen Hawkins, both of Eugene Motor Route C; Peter C Lere .Msrsh*;eM, and Agnes Corrinr Sanders. Eugene. William M. Hunter, and Parmente,. both of Spring fjeId; Radolph Wehlfeld. Eugene: and {-¡ara Johnson. C resw ell; and w Hand and j Moahby, both of Cottage Grove. Relative Seeks Information Grand Jury to Meet Information concerning a Mrs A meeting of the Lane County grand Goble who died in thia vicinity about I haa ^ 1 1 ^ by Judge Skip- ffty years ago is being sought for worth for Monday. February 18. at by her relatves In the East. It is jg o'clock. A number of criminal believed that Mrs. Goble was buried j are to be taken up. fn the old Springfield cemetery. Any- j T he )Urymen are: C. W. Mullen, one haring any data concerning her for-man; William Hodges. Maude Hie Is asked to give It to Mrs. John j T Bryan. Frank Needham. D D Dtek- K etels. erson. W illiam Grime« and S3. F. ------------------------------ Mulkey Davenport Will “ Beard the Lions" Gecrge Davenport, “mayor of Glen­ A rre s t on Hide Charge wood Park.” so-called, and chairman A L. Flowers, of Eugene, was ar- of the Loyal Legion of Loggers and rested after lie h fll attempted to Lumbermen, will be th? speaker at collect bounty of J17 on five coyote the Lions club luncheon Friday n oon ., hides said to » ev e been sent Into the Tie will bring a m essage from the (state from Montana. He was bound lumbermen to the busln;gs men. over to the grand Jury by Ju sticj Charles Nadvornik, violinist, and Hatold Wells. Flowers said he was M rs. L. H. Neet. pianist, en crtain ed n tiin g for another man. the Lions at last Friday's luncheon ------------------------------ with music They were well received From W endling-M r. and Mrs. by the members. Claude Downing were down from Wendling Tuesday. 'I ' l 1. .J. «T! Buys New F e rrf- JL Nystrom Wendling bought a new Ford touring REV. CHILDERS TALKS C. A. Swarta aud Jack Oliver have car from the Anderson Motor company Wafftna, coffee. Ice cream, home ON BOOK OF GENESIS made candy, ham. and popcorn are leased the slaughter house belonging thia week. Monday Tuesday Wednesday NEXT WEEK Io the Byarta aud Washburns meal Visiting Oom California— WlUlam market, and will operate as whole­ Hill la visiting In (own from Boca. sale butchers. The building is In the California. ML Veruon district. Oats Supplies lie n s Goff. Huperln- u n d en t of the McKensy fish hatchery Reception a t Church was In town Wednesday getting sup­ To welcome new members s recep­ plies. tion will be held nt the Methodist V isiting Father- Mrs. Ruby Kirk church Friday evening. February IS. Rent House The Lem Chet wood house on 8th nl 7:80 o'clock. The church ling about Patrick Is visiting her father. Al Sen- street near K. has been rented by Mr. 40 new members. A general mixer seney of thia city. and Mra. W A. Mwanson. who moved and good time Is planned fur the even- From Leeburg—Wayne Yarnell « a s in Saturday. George Read, who form­ I»« a business visitor from Leaburg Wed­ erly occupied the house, moved back nesday. New Em ployee--Glenn llolt. form to his own home at Olh and B. In for Treatment -L . Anderson was erly of Kansas, has been employed by In Fprtngfkld Tuesday for medical the Swarta and Waahburne meat mar­ Sent to H ospital— Mr. Barker, aged treatment for nn Injured finger. ket. father of Mrs. Lee W. Putnam, was j some of the Items of food which will be served at the Waffle Supper given at the M A ll Prices Cut and Slashed for Quick Sale •• I«, -V-. , «, GREEN MERRELL CO. n