PAGE SEVEN THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSPA Y^FEÖBÜARY 12, 1925 I8T TWB CIRTTBT CO URT O F T H E title or Interest therein or thereto STARB O F (« B O O N FOR LA N K I whatsoever; and that aald defendants, (XJUNTY and each of them, and any person or L. H. D o ry ------— ■ — ■ . plaintiff, corporation claiming under, by or * I through them or any of them be for 8. D (lager and -Oager. ever barred and enjoined from aeeert- hla «rifa, Jataea Heatherly and- Ing any claim thereto —— — ————— Heat heidy, hla wife, 1 Thia summons le served upon you Joseph Bailey and----------------------------- by tbe publication thereof for six con- Bailey, hla wife, L. H Wheeler and •ecottve weeks In the Springfield --------- Wheeler, hie wife. News In accordance with an order of Nancy Acn W hlteak-r, Ben Wblteak- 'tbe Hon. 0. F. Sklpworth, Judge of er, James P. WhUeaker. Francis •the above entitled Oourt, made and U'htteaker, Lulu Frances Ttiomae, and ■ ntored on the third day of January. Clyde J. Tbonata, her husband. Junlua 1826 Date of fliwt publication the Jarvis, Opal A. Jarvis, also any ith day of January, 1825. unknown halra of any of «aid defend­ Donald Young. ants who may be deceased, and also Attorney for Plaintiff, all other persons or parties unknown Post Office Addreaa. Eugene. Oregon. .«•lining any, right, title, estate, lien J 8-16-2329. F613-19. or Interest In the real M tate des­ cribed In the complaint herein, NO TIC E OF F IN A L HEARING Defendants. Notice le hereby given that tho und SUMMONS erslgned, as administratrix of tbe ee- To 8. D. Oager and Oager, hla «rife, James Heatherly and l|ate of E- E. Knickerbocker, deceased. ■ • — - .............. Heatherly, his wife, , has filed her final report as admlols Jo»,-t«h Bailey and------------------- Bailey, tra-trix of said estate, and that Satur­ day. tbe 28th day of February. 1825. at his wife. L. II Wheeler and- the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon -Wheeler, hla wife, James P of said day, and the County Court Whlteaker, France« WYHteaker, Clyde Room at the County Court House in J. Thomas and Junlua W. Jarvis, also Eugene. Oregon, has been set as the any unknown heirs of any of the said time and place for hearing objection« defendants who may be deceaeed. and to said final account.. All persona hav­ «le» all other person or parties un­ ing objections to said final account known claiming any right title, estate, •re notified to file the same In writing, lain « Interest In the real estate des­ with (be clerk of said court before cribed In the complaint herein, de­ said day. fendants: Lena M. Knickerbocker, IN T H E NA M E OF T H E STA TE OF Administratrix of the eatate of ORJKJ d N , you are hereby required to E E. Knickerbocker, deceased. • M '« r and answer the complain, Donald Young. which tins been filed against you In Attorney for estate. J 28. F-6-12-18-28. the above entitled Court and cause whbln six weeks from th t data of the first publication of thia eummone, Lead on McBath •ad If you fe.fl to ao appear and Tourist— ‘‘Say conductor, will 1 answer the plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief prayed for t have time to run over there and get to-wfl: ftr • decree that tbe plaintiff is ths sole and absolute owner In fee a drink before the train leave»?” Conductor— "Yep—go ahead.* simple of Lots one (1, and two 111 In Block four (4) of Whlteaker'e Ad­ Tourist—“ You are sure 111 have dition to Eugene, in Lane County, Ore­ gon, and that none of the defendant time?" Conductor—'‘Crying catfish, yea— above named, or any person or cor­ poration claiming undtr by or through I'm going with you." them or any or them have any right. Classified Advertisements • • I l w M I yeu went te M il. buy wknt yeu want to buy tt»M ««• columns. W rite or phone TWO *oo« W A N T E D - Roll n»P (leak. write P. O. bcx IH. Call SB or | Marcelling done In your own homa. J U S» For appointment« call 103 W. J 16-22 29 -F-7-B W A N T K D —Good. 2nd hand Wicker baby buggy. Call at 820 G «treat (lllcedga contract on reaTJeacein r u Cortland to exchange for residence lb FOR rtAJ.kk--Hurruugb» Adding Ma­ Springfield. Address Box 400. Spring- If. chine, niodol 2117. ('all Andoreoe field. Springfield Lumber Co. Motor Company. IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R 'r"o F T H E STA TE OF OREGON FOR LANE CO UNTY FOR 8AIJC— Carbon -paper In large «beets, 28x3* Incbee, suitable for Shirley Taylor. Plaintiff, v making tracing«. The New* Office. Alice Taylor, defendant. S IM M O N S . A N Y B O D Y « M i n g m ilk at gallon To Alice Taylor, defendant: rate« rati Btreretde Dairy. I t o e e IN T H E NAM E OF T H E STATE OF stn OREOON. you are hereby required to •Pl*e*r aad answer M e complaint which haa been filed against yon In W estfir baa School Blotrlct A new achol district at W eetflr ha> the above entitled Court and cause within six weeks from tbe date of the been crrated b> the dlalrlct bouudry first publication of thia summons, or board In allowing tbe petition of rani- If you fall to ao appear and answer denla of th t place to be «operated (ha plaintiff will apply to the court Horn the Oak: lilge district. A n«w for a decree dissolving the marriage contract existing between you and the » loot houi- will *oon lx nrrdeu It plaintiff, and divorcing tbe plaintiff. I- report»J This ruromona Is served upon you by the publication thereof. In accordance with an order made and entered on NO TIC E O r F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T