P A O ! SOC TUF SBRINO Pilga> NEWS Haa New C a r-A r th u r U Roberts has purchased a new Kaaex coach. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 1J, 1®2G CATTLE TALE OF DAYS WHEN TEXAS WAS BROKE hair In It. When he heare the dentist la III. When he gets hla frt bcycle. A hay bursa, with a whits face and k white hind feat waa picked up by the polios Friday afternoon Visiting Nieoe— Mrs. A. K Cray ' la vtalting with her niece, Mrs Dallas* “ North of 3«," the new l*aramont In Hlh Father's Life H ara from Portland —C. H Conant, Has Mumpp— Harlaad. eon of Mrs. Murphy this we. k Mrs. Cray's borne PU'ure which opens Friday and Satur- When he Is “allowed" Io keep Iasi o f Portland waa In t h j c ity bunday. Kathryn Duncan, la 111 with mumps. la In Portland day at the Urli They I re. la an epic of the stirring sud colorful pioncan 1 F **r‘a ®W •*«*• The lleet Place to Buy From Goahan— E. J. Snydar. a raai- Vlalta from Jasper— Mr. and Mre. - Party Changed -The Civic Club days that bridged the gap between When the doctor prescribes "com drot of Goshen, was In town Monday oy I.ove were visitors In Springfield brBeftt card wl„ he,(, |nd|BB WBrfnre and America's Indus- P|e‘ » IB U l" from business and "plenty Tuesday. ut gull " i at the Chamber of Commerce rooms trial birth Spores from D onna— Marvin aporra When he earns h it first )IUO a The story takes place Just after the Visits Relatives— Mrs W H. Craft '«stead of the Woodman hall, as »as was down from Donna Saturday. Civil W ar—• story of th.. greatest of week. of Lethurg visited rvlatlvee in Eugene ,,r »* planned. F o r M e d ic a l T r e a t m e n t —MYs M and Springfield Sunday. When the blonde widow seemingly A competent druggist In by na­ all cattle drives from the plains of W ill Entertain— Mrs Maude Bryan Texas to the markets of Kansas, then doesn't notice the gray batrs and give L. Shelloy of Dexter waa In the city ture and training cam ful re­ From Cedar Flats— Albert and John ' and Mrs. C. B. Wheaton will enter- the far-west terminal of civilisation btm a "googley eye." Saturday tor medical tnatnient. H art of Cedar Flats were In town 1 tain the K ill Kare Klub at Mre Itry- The tale haa an historical at' well as garding tbe quality of every­ When he keeps an appointment at D ow n fro m W e n d lln g — M m . Frank Friday on business. J an's home Friday a romantic appeal. Mlaa Wilson, as the dentist's—and finds that he la 111 Pcrchell was in town from Wendllng thing be aells. the young girl who leads her sixteen that week Install Range—John Henderer In­ Saturday. Dinner Queets— Mrs. Grace Roberts When he gets hla ftrst automobile. Buy Your loyal and devoid cowmn and an Im­ stalled a full automatic electric range From Dexter—J. Hills was in town for E R. W ing at 5th and E. Friday. and family and Mrs. F. A. Nickerson mense herd of cattle over an unbiased w ar- dinner guests at the Arthur U for medical treatment Monday from trail for many hundreds of mllea. Is a For Shoe service try the Klectylr Here for Treatment— Mrs. J. W. Roberts home on A street Sunday. dauntless, courageous character. his home in Dexter. Shoe Shop. F N Hutton, who resides In Dexter, waa tn at K etsl’a and you'll be sure aa There la Jack Holt, the young man Visits Family— Floyd Thompson Recovering H ealth— Jam es M itc h ­ town for medical teratment Monday. ’ spent Sunday and Monday with his who loves her but dare not aspire in ell. who has been ill for some time, is 1 to quality and freahnesa of her because he Is a killer, and who Vialt Spam Home—Dave Boyd of ( • “ •IF here He returned to hit work ayatn able to be out of doors. guards her from many perlla despite every Item. Rolla. North Dakota, and his sister j ln >’lore«c* Monday night. I her scorn of him because she- believes I New Garage Built— A new single' Mrs Ed Pain of Olbanv visited nt the We art» apeclal agents for Receives Grain—The Sprtngflekl h* •• • »nd <“ >•«<«• »R h a , garage Is being built at the Baptist O W Spain home last Friday. M ill and Grain Company received a rufTln Rudabaugh (Noah Beery). parsonage Visiting Mother— Miss Anne Whight carload of corn from the middle west, commands Interest ai*d admiration I Goes to Dallas— John Edde went to of Portland Is spending several weeks C. P. Hulegaartl ban pur­ ’ • carload of wheat from Eastern : ‘ hrou«bo“ ‘ Dallas. Oregon Tuesday, where he will There Is the tracking of a murderer ' chased the Interest of bln with her mother. Mrs 8. C. W right of • Washington Monday, make his home. political Intrigue, perilous fording oi I form er partner, A. C. W lnther this city. Gore to Silverton— Mrs. F. A. Nick- swollen rivers, stampeding cattle, an I In the From Marcóla— L. Anderson of Mar- Let us develop und print your Freman Landsbury has purchased ' »raon, who has been visiting In encounter with Indiana, olve— the j cola was in town Friday for medical the Steve Hannel residence on C Springfield since the ftrst of the year story has all the elements of a stir-j FUma treatment. street. Mr Hannel lives now in Buhl, went to Silverton Tuesday, where she ring picture, with the colorful, plci- In from Cloverdale— Mr. and Mrs. Idaho. wlult relallvee. Mrs. Nlck»raon urraqua background of the days fob George A. Brown were in Springfield iplans to return to her home In Che- lowing tbe Civil War. when (bis coun on business Tuesday. T heir home Is Visits Parents— Mr. and Mrs. Mar- welah, Washington, about March 1. try waa In the throes of a grim re- in Cloveradle. Ion Cautbers of Monroe arc visiting construction A complete and up-to-date with M r Caruthers parents. Mr. and Undergoes Operation— Richard Eaa- Erne, t Torrenre. playing Jim Na Loading Hops— Two carloads of Mrs. Sam Caruthers of Thurston thia : ton of W altervlUe underwent a major b<,arf Talala's (Miss Wilson) ranch line of groceries at all times. hops, one for St. Paul, and the other week operation at the Pnclftc Pacific Chrkrtla» forem#n. corap, „ M , h. of for ■ Chicago, were loaded from the i hospital In Eugene Munday. 1# featured players In the production. Southern Pacific hop warehouse Tues­ visits Son— Dick Sharraan went to roport’ d th be recovering rapidly Other hlg names In the cast are day Eugen Sunday io visit his son Ray Down from Marcóla—A. Steven» of David Dunbar. Stephen Carr, Guv Marcóla was a Sprlngfl' ld visitor Mon­ Oliver. Wm. Carroll. Clarence Geldart. Aid Meeting Held— The regular Sharman. of that city, day meeting of the Baptist ladles Aid was George Irving and Ella Miller held Wednesday afternoon in the Here From W a n d h n g -lrl. Dc' Irw in W lllat directed the produe- church basement. The afternoon was “ ond of Wendllng was In town Frt Holey W edlock lion which was adapted for the screen day fcr medical treatment. spent working on quilts. by James Hamilton ?roin Emerson He— “Dear— our home life will be Hough's great novel. Visit,ng from A rix o n a-M rs C. Mason V is it. F rld a y -A . J. Davto of Camp Ideal. 1 w ill come home at evening Here's real entertainment. Is visiting friends in the city. She s f'reek was a Springfield visitor Fri- an t we will sit by the fire— I'll rend a daughter of W. L. Bristow of Pleas- daF- tbe parer and— can you darn socks’ " G REAT M OMENTS ant H ‘" Balcony Finished—'The enlarge* Sweet Thing—“Oh. sure, that'a one In a Boy's Life -A E- Jordan, an ac- ment of the balcony In the Farmers of the ftrst things I am going to c o u n tlrt f X V v n FTancbco" audited Exchange was finished Friday and the Foil. When he Is told he can keep the tramp dog which has followed him new mlllnery department moved the Booth-Kelly books Friday. SPECIAL PRICE on plate work. Dr home. there. N W. Emery, dentist Sutton Bldg When the doctor aays he has Sack from Salem— W F. Walker. Recovering from Illness— Mrs. Sam measles and must stay home from who has been in Salem for the past Save your feet by having your school. several days attending sessions of the Ragland who has been confined to When he earns his first 10 cents. legislature. ie turned to his home here her home with illness, is recovering shoes repaired at the Electric Shoe 7 Wa«t 7th Eugene. Oregon rapidly. Shop. F2Ä When his first little girl friend Friday. sends him a note with a lock of HER New Lights Inata'led— Three big Inverted bowl lights were Installed In . the Booth Kelly mill office Saturdsy.l They replace many small lights, which were badly placed and caused eye-1 strain. Photo Supplies Photo Supplies Announcement Eastman Kodaks and Supplies Glenwood Grocery The only way to save that picture is to let Baker-Button Frame It Eastman Dealers Returns Home— Miss Gladys Bur­ nett who has been visiting for some t ’m= w th her sister. Mrs F. E. Keyes, j returned to her home In Carspairs, Alberta. Canada. Returns from Portland— Mr. and Mrs Henry Skinner returned from I Portland Sunday where they had been I visiting with their daughters. Misses Lena and Marie Sinnar. Mrs. Slnnar ] has been in Portland for about a month, but M r Sinnar was only there for the week-end Bell Theatre Friday and Saturday, X- Tv E Feb. 1 3 -1 4 FF *¡ J U H r i dL IRVIN WllXAT c RtOOUCTX» ■no m * * vao« U IASKY I— I JA C K H O LT I ERNEST TORRENCE S W.h»z, ■■ LOIS W IL S O N N O A H BEERY MSCÁLLS fLSKL'AW I J - ’ i l ■' W Quick*-Abundant Power The Motor T hat Cost A Million A Qi McCall’s. $1 00 ? The Springfield pj 7C News. $1.25 1 t j l - 'J Save $.150 CHS HERE is your opportunity to get McCall’s Magazine for the coming year and The Springfield News every week, both for only $1.75. There will be no less than eight great novels In Mc­ Call’s this year, the work of Harold Bell W right, Gene S tratton-P orter, F an­ nie H urst, Robert W. Cham bers, Ethel M. Dell, Rafael Sahatinl, VIngie E. Roe and Samuel Merwin, besides fifty or m ore bril- Uant short stories, scores pf absorbing articles, a dozen practical hom em ak­ ing departm ents and a big section of the newest fash­ ions every m onth. We can only m ake this special of­ fer for a short time. Send Your Order Now CL QaramnoU Also tw o reel comedy, "Wide Open’ The Million Dollar Motor in the New Star Car — a motor that delivers 20% more power, that peps its way from 5 to 25 miles in % seconds. Full Force Feed Lubrication to all hear­ ings and cam shaft. Never a burned- out bearing in a Star Car. Oil under pressure is the only safe lubrication system, is the verdict of automotive engineers. e[See It T o d a y^ D rive In lt^ C o m p a re It]* At Popular Prices Springfield Garage SUNDAY FEBRUARY,15 Pola Negri in “Forbidden Paradise” This Is the picture th a t was greatly censored while running in Portland. Comedy, “Nobody to Love” WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Irene Rich and Monts Blue in Lucretia Lom bard” Million Dollar Motor X Smooth Disc Clutch YODAV Four-Wheel, Brakes w T ubular, Backbone Blyfflg MILLION DOUAR MOTOR'S