â Z THURSDAY, FKltKUAKY 12. 1»2B TIIK SPRINGFOBLD NEWS ?AOB FOUR Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L P U B L IC A T IO N DIRECT SALES MADE IN FARM IMPLEMENTS i L O F F IC E R S O F L A N E C O U N T Y • F A R M E R ’S U N IO N * LANB C O U N T Y U N IT NO. H ORCHARD SPRAY PROGRAM PASTURE ROTATION KEEPS. NOW READY FOR GROWERS LAMB PARASITES IN CHECK • HADLEYVILLE LOCAL LEAF SUOT CAUSES TOMATO RAISERS LOSS - • An orchard spray program fur 19.'6 Tomato leaf spot, or blight, a dis­ “It take» a plow to aril a plow" ha» The belief of proxrtaslve aheepnten tludlny vllle Local met at th« regu Ralph Laird, Creawall, President. * has been Issued for the benefit of that pasture rotation reduces the rav- lar no »ting night, February 6. Th' ease which annually causea to grow- becom e a common saying among W ill W heeler. T ren t. V ke-P reel- • Oregon growers b y'(h e state college a g 'i of partwutea among sloop and attendance wag good, about SO pres era a I«"« of 360.000 lima of cotum r> (a rp ien . During the P«»t three or dent. • extension service. The tualerUl com- lambs received a scientific test lari lent. four y e a n the manufacturera oí farm Tho program wns enjoyed hv rial tomatoea, can be largely eon- Betty Kappeuf, Cottage Grove. • posing tt » • « gathered wild arrang'd year at it, Itaville. (Mil.) farm operat jail. Miss Francis McDonald ef Crow troilod by nullable field practices, implen» nt* have been hard hit by be­ eee.-Treas. • ite r this bulltten by 11. P H-irsa, plant ed by th» United Statea Department high school sang a song and several eaya (he United Statua Di-partnieut ing unable to sell and some of the N. A. Horn. Cottage Grove. Door • .pathologist, and Don C. Mute, etitoiuu- of Agriculture oldest establishment» have faletl. According to the re­ ¡msMb rs of the local had en t« est,n g of Agriculture. Dotdeaus and ether Keeper • I legist, of the experiment stu'lon Now the manufacturer« arc consider­ coper »pray mixtures hu’ e glveu most port of the Chief of the Bureau of pieces to give. h). C. Jackson. W a lte rv llle . Con- * Because o f different climatic and Autmal Industry. Just Issued, (list b e I Mr I'ralt from Colorado, who la effective results lu the past, but the ing plans for direct sales to farmers, ductor, * , other conditions fruit tree dtaeaaus lief Is correct. The Govt rumoqt In­ ¡visiting his brother and family wero pro*.»« are n it always suff'clc .i to ratting out all the mlddleproflt agen­ O. L. Clem ent, Chaplain. • and Insects an, I their conttol arc vestigator« found that a system atic tin attendance Also the president ju tlfy the expense. cies. I quite different in the part of Oregun rotation of forage-crop pastures en­ ¡and his family from the Lorsn • Local There I» no good reason for Imple­ v , the p»ores of the fungus <1 > not ■ east of the Cascades and west of the ables lambs to reach market weight I were there and several more. m ents being sold thru wholesales, and form at temperatures below 60 d I t'aacad' a, Since these enemlcc of without visible etfects of paraslti an army of traveling talesm en and green P . the plant» are a Idoiu lie horitculture are more numerous and infection. commission men. says C. E Srence. CANARY LOCAL 189 fsetvd In the Held In the Middle ¡destructive In the western part of tho State Market Agent. Half the price lantlc and mldle Western stat«« be­ Tho system, though keeping para SOUTH WILLAMETTE j state the main program Is ba» I on sites in check, la not an absolutely the farmer pays for the smaller ptccee fore the Inttcr half of June, For thia LOCAL Canary Local No. 1S9 met at their »•estern Oregon needs, wl:h outltcea sure method. While the frtquent chan o f farm equipment it added to the reason good results can be obtained factory price by these middle factor», hall. Sunday February 1. In regular 1 for the eastern districts following ges of pasture proved beneficial, they ! by setting out larg<\ stocky, well- There were 32 present. A i Copies will be sent on request and in threshing machlres. binders, session South Willamette Local held an hardened plan,» early In (he sprint. were not entirely adequate In the eon tractor», «nd like expensive machines profitable and Interesting session was Strong plants, at bwst six weeks trol of parasites of sheep carried open m e-ting at Dun school house on the overhead expenses added make held after which the members sat thcughout the y a r . Stomach worms Monday night. A large crowd was old, that have been grown outdoors, the cost so high that their sale is down to a bountiful repast provided JASPER LOCAL are among the moat serious nods at- present. 7 new members Joined the can be obtain'd from the Booth early ao limited that the factories are bard by the sisters of the local and enjoyed In Hie spring at a reasonable price, tacking farm flocks, and for their com­ ranks of the Union. a social hour together. Vlaltoes wire: E T Seals and More than 30,000.000 such plants were hit. plete suppression some m t hod of Jesse Wallace, who has lived at treatment such as dosing with dilute wife and brother Smith of Hadley*- shipped Into Indiana In 1923. and some Canary local has taken advantage The move to make Is for manufac­ turers and organised farmers to deal of a broom bargain and has order'd Jasper for 40 years sold his place copper sulphate solution Is desirable. » il l lo< al it I' loilnl and wife and growers In th« east»rn Btales have directly and cut out the whole middle five dosen. Members who have used , recently. He has not decided where Details of the method are obtainable II. C. Jackson and wife been using them. Hume large north­ works. This should result In sweep­ them report them quite satisfactory. i he will Isetle. The next meeting will be held on ern roinpanlea manufacturing tomato without cost from the Bureau of Ani­ The young peoples Sunday School mal Industry, United States Depart­ Monday nlghl February 33 This local will give a pie supp> r ing price reductions and greatly Thia product« are now growing their own» benefit both the factories and the and program Friday evening Febru­ ¡class will give a Valentino's party at ment of Agriculture, at Washington. will be a goo I meeting aa the pro­ | lanla In the »outh Home of these farms. There is no Justification for ary 21. to begin at 8:30 P M.. the pies I the home of Mrs. Jesse Wallace, Sat- D. C. gram comm ittee say there will he southern grown plsnts have distribut­ ¡urday n ig h t | to be sold at auction. Everybody is the present huge middle expense*. something doing. All are Invited. ed wilt and riK»t knot In clean flekl«. Each The Booth Kelly Lumber company Co-operation Conquering the World cordially Invited to gtXend. and (or thld reason a syat T tie h4a returned i Fall Creek. th is question: "Does oo-calbd private (under th« old tomato vines In the fall, Vida Local's new officers have business do anything that cannot be from Eugene where shefvjkderwent a | This road. If built, will tap one of The Farmers Union held Ils regular but they ntnal be hturoughly roverrd.l taken up their duties. o and i the largest body» of standing timber done*better by the producers and con­ serious operation some m -cling Wednesday night February i The fungus grows as a saprophyte on The last meeting, of January 24 IL I left |n I-ane county. The Company sumers them selves through co-opqpa- Is doing nicety. ¡dead words, grasses, and the remains was wel lattended and a gixxl meeting liv e organlx aUons?" Wherever there I We are anMclpatlng .BB q »'II nt re­ • haa made no announcements. At (he next rgular meeting two of various crops. e«pectally cornstalk«, held. which J. R. Conard. our Local secretary, is d Incus sloe to eliminate middle coats sults from the new g is weeks from Wednesday night the and destroying them by turning under Committees were appointed for the Union Is planning a smalt program and profits there bobs op the argu­ our committee on IlghtMB miirchased ¡and Harry Jones made a business trip or burning 1« •" Important factor In year. I — , to Eugene Monday. ment that American business is based from Mr. Wheeler. and pie social. 1 control, One of onr members. Mrs. Clauson Mrs. C. F Humphrey gave a dinner Canary local has received ’|i r e e new on the middle men and there does Ju m lta Schwerlng. who has been was reported sick and has «Ince been I for her son John and little grand- not seem to be any way to remove members so far this .»'AML a on the sick list Is able to return to I daughter. Lois Mumphrey Monday. It taken Io the hospital, where she la school at last. them, says the state market agent, now on th e wuy to recovery. I being their birthday. and be advises the organised farmers Mr and .Mrs Cunningham are spend­ Hoad work Is the general order o f ing a few days with their daughter at L. Ft. Hack and Arlo Jon-s are cut­ TIME AND PLACE OF and producers to be their own middle MT. VERNON » C A L the time«. In the Vida district, not- Junction Cltv ting wood ow Hills place. LOCAL MEETINGS agencies and retain the profits now withstanding the general bad weather taken by the thousands of wholesalers, Dense) Godard Is sawing wood and of the past week A crew of men are delivering It on the road. Vida... Second and Fourth Satur­ t Wed- brokers, dealers, commission men that The Mount V°rnon I days at Mlnney llall operat» between the growers and con­ nesday evening Februar; ring to • SPENCER CREEK LOCAL • fixing the O at’ Creok division of the The W ult'rvllle Ladles) Aid will County road, Mt. Varnon-v-First and Third sumers. If the present middle profits the disagreeatleness of I gather. meet Thuradny with Mrs It. J. Koos- Wednesday. Braefleld Store 'mberst Spencer Creek Local held an open! Hen Mlnney expects to have his er. could be divided between producers and som e sickness am llodloyvllle — First aud Third meeting on Monday February 3. at the men at work In a week or tea days, and consumers both classes would the turn nut was rathe Jnga Kaldor hs» gone to Bortlsod to Thuri^aya, lladleyvitle School i has home of Mr and Mrs, Joseph Oempl. j blasting roek and putting In a crusher visit her stater, for on In tlftnlte Ume. prosper There would be far greater However tt»»» w^» c D « < * * — Second and Foutb Tuns- m lo o k tA large crowd wav preaenL Mr. . at the Tuck- r pit. consumption and demand, with higher something up their slee There was a large crowd attend'd days, I >ornn« ( burnh m eet-. Fisher and wife. Joined the ranks of prices to the grower and lower prices for a W-*l iX&Klil *b--t>