THURSDAY JAN. 1. IP2S .- ■ THH SPRINOPTCIxD NWWS PAGE TWO Mr». Cheater Elsnut of Eugene Ill this Week Mrs M lnney. inolher of Frank Mlnney, Is III at her son’s brought her baby to Sprlngft* Id for me,Real treat meat Friday. home In Vida this week. Mrs. Annie Woods of Goshen Is III M ill to Run The local Booth Kelly this week. sawmill will operate all day as usual Mr». L. M Sh. lley was In town for o iI T K T ) DRUGSTORE ► • w5 ’ ’ . I- STO K ES Cash L stores a A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ALL ft V« ■ Y— Ÿ--- < ' 7 ’5 = * 'a’\ y I We feel gra te fu l fo r the patronage accorded us d u rin g the past year. The New Year w ill find us using every e ffo rt in m aking "SKAG G S' PRICES” more a ttra c tiv e than ever. Visit Our Stores, Study Our Prices and Save. Cherry Bark Cough Syrup a 50c Drug Store D rag Store ANTI-URIC Banishes RHEUMATISM and Blood Disorder On sale at all leading drug stores. Combination treatm ent for Rheuma­ tism, Gout, Sciatica and Lumbago, $1.60. For Blood, Rashes, Bctenma and Kidneys, ANTI-URIC Liquid, »1.00. R esults guaranteed or money back. Anti-Uric Co., Mfgs., 32 Front 9t., San Francisco, Cal. F R ID A Y Soda, 3 Pkgc. ..ISc Med Red Salmon, T all cans. 2 cans 3b V No 2’/ 2 Tomatoes, 3 cans ............... 43c No. 2 Sweet Corn, 3 cans ....... 40«. No. 2 E arly June Peas, 3 cans 43c No. 1 G rapefruit, 3 c a r- .............. 43c Plue Rose Rice, 3 lbs 29c C itron Peel, lb. 49c le m o n Peel, lb. 33c Sunm aid Raisins 4 lbs. 43c Fresh S alter ePanuts 2 l b s . .................. 39c Fanery’s T he Isn’t it great to inke a pnn fu ll o f golden-crusted hot rolls to the dinner table and there EVER YD AY PRICES The most pleasant tasting. The most effective. The most satisfactory relief for colds we know of. Safe for children as well as adults. Contains no opiates. Larger size bottles than most cough remedies at the price. 25c Fresh fro m yo u r own oven! EVER YD AY PRICES AND SATURDAY FEATU R ES BANANAS 3 pounds 23c Sweet Juicy ORANCES 2 dozen 35c Fresh PEANUT BU TTER 2 pounds 35c Lean S gaur Cured LACON 29c pound Fancy Christm as CANDIES 18c anu 23c pound Graham, S lb sack 39c Farina, 9 lb sack 49c Cornmeal, 9 lb. sack 47c Pancake Flour, large package 25c Quaker Oats, large package 30c Kellogg Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. 29c Kellogg Bran Flakes, 3 pkgs. 33c Shredded Wheat, 3 pkgs. 35c Bulk Crackers, lb. 16c Graham Crackers lb. 18c Big K Flour, 49 lb.. $2.25 Big K Flour, bbl., $8 85 Wo receive our vegetable? and fru its fresh every m orning. enjoy th e ir feathery lightness doesn't It top o ff the meal tho? You’ll enjoy m aking rolls w ith “Qtlakes Bread light as a Feather/' It is true th a t m any flo u rs have a tendency to discourage baking at home but If you use F E A T H E ItF L A K E you w ill get. bakings tliu t are bound to please and delight. ft' E v e ry th in g Seasonable We make delevcrie« EUGENE, OREGON Corner 8th & Olive T h in k o f the economy, too. Only the best stores sell It. SPRINGFIELD’ OREGON 321 Main Street i