S P ”c J) — THE W E S T E R N „1 o . U l » » ” O CVO TB O TO IN T E R E S T O F S P R IN G riE L O A N O T H E FARMERS OF TH E f W IL L A M E T T E VALLEV T E R M IN A L OF NATRON THE SPRINGFIELD N TW ENT Y -FI 11ST Y BA It KESTERS OBSERVE 66TH ANNIVERSARY •• Labor’s Head Formar Pastor of Spnngflald Christ- Banquet Held Friday Night Whan Naw n Church Raturna to Hold Ssrlaa Officer* Taka Chairs tor En­ ot M ee tin g , Hara suing Term. A serlea of evangelistic service« start- ball Friday night. beginning at 41:30- In« on January 4, Mr Leavitt waa o ’clock. The affair was «Iran by the M nr rimi for 8# yrnra la tho record o f' pastor of the church her« for two member« of (he Springfield lodge I Mr and Mrs N .I.o n K o » t.r of 4lh and end le widely known In th s « om number 171 for Mesons. their wives It atreeta. whoae wedding ni.nlver.ar» I w u"l” r’ H'" « ’ ,"ar,Dlf thU h" *>»- , “ »<' •'•"«r*. was December M. Mr Keater was h,ul •lilendlil nuiccss a . an evangelist Officers Installed were: 8. Itnlph »1 year, old on October 1«. and Mr. ,n«1 «rea.urer; O. H J a m It tru stee; A . j t e r . .I e .i a .e .1 T h e y have nine gran d whnrsver ■;»,.»Ibl» fred J Morgan, .en lor deacon; W in’-' Children, three grmtffrand«hlM twn. h" » " * a ou‘ ^ « • ’"hnltle. where the fred May. junior daacon; Sidney V . and three great great-grand children. gospel |a seldom If ever perached. Mr. Ward, «enlor steward; D W. M<- : 1— 3 ^ Mr. and Mrs. K esler were born near and Mra. Leavitt and team have a Klnnon. junior steward and C. A. | Gospel car and a large lent which Swart*. retiring master, tiler. la in d n li. C an ad a, w h e r e o n e so n . Aar People’« P a p e r* L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 60 SPRINGFIELD PLAYS YUREKA FRIDAY NIGHT Barnstorming Tour of Oregon Being Made by California Quitet of Basketball Player* Mr. and Teddy Imavltt. evengellat anil form- A Into! of go persona from Spring Observe • r pastor of the »prlngfleld Uhrl.llan field and neighboring town« attended Reunion ,llur,h' »"•« family Will return to fo ie, foe banquet and public Inatallet’on of Genera- city and fill hla former pulpit In « officers In tba Kprlngfleld M asonic, CUTOFF "T h e SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY JAN. 1, 1925 LEAVITT WILL CONDUCT 80 ATTEND MASONIC EVANGELISTIC SERVICE OFFICERS INSTALLATION Mnrriod for 66 Years Mrs. Nelson Kester Event with Family December 26; Five tions Present. THE GM CROWD SEES PASSING OLD YEAR Springfield High School will meet Gathering at Chamber of Com­ the strong Yreka. California team In merce Watch Coming of 1925; a game of basket ball to be played Io Program of Fun Followed by j in th<- High School Gymnasium Friday Basket Social at Midnight. evening January 2 at 7:30 o'clock. Yreka has bben barnstorming the Wll- Bedecked In colorful attire a gay (ametta valley and southern Orgon crowd g a th e r ^ at the Springfield during the holiday season, playing Chamber of Commerce laat evening among the many games. Dallas. Rose- and ushered the old year out and the S rV “th Fran.kl,n H,*h Of Portland new one In. More than one hundred The Southern, have a fast aggregation people were present and listened to a T ? eXPe, t ° Dfi ° f t'”' Proy8tr<’m had been an invalid Speech of welcome. President Walker. E'lgar Kester h a. three ch ildren.! B U IL D S E R V IC E S T A T IO N >n(, y o u n f man ¡from paralysis for two years preced- __ „ _____ ______ flee. Speeches, D e tlrln g M ayo r Charles Floyd. Clarence and Phyllis Hugh Ing her death. She was 49 years, The address of foe evening sras glv-[ George Valller as city street com Eggim ann, M ayo r elect G. G. Bushman i K i.te i«»r n m o n e maiint*. i A n ew servie® t ta tio n . o f c o n c r e te t — - — — , — , m o n sj.g an(i a r has one daughter, (saline months and 14 days old. She was born Mr and Mrs K esler are In excellent and steel ™ r u c U o n . an equipment „ ' “ ¿ ¿ ' vn lver.“?; O w n. h a d V u a ’r ^ Z n t and to u n ' ilmaD L-M ay. b- ,1th. considering their advanced estimated at »1.500. Is to he built by . ,. " n e-eo n H'nM,n “ "1t , u he hospital, h t , ' -^-regon; three u brothers, and wyxaaw, Solo, Walter Gossler. I h i-T r n n i T V L U ir 'U lA /A V of , e o Spr|ngf|e p o n i f n e i id a H o s p ita l. H ® .v u t o .a , I Herman i c t u i a u ttuu J . a u c i UDBBior. , Ha» 24 Ol !•> I» >.l, »«»a h. as fl-.t l x e . 1— . . Prey of _ __ IN T E R -C IT Y H IG H W A Y m easurements of 24 fet by Includes,m a. lini, Day. 1« It was _ • the first t tim In iirrlvwI MrIy thfi w(1<>|t wf(h , * sack .-w Frank Marshfield, and Otto Song. Muryphy-Moshler Quartette . .........................................’»*•» restroom as well a t the 34 years that Mrs. Olson and her ... ReedsDort- b e s id e s e ..................— _______________ . T*artette of „hncni.t.. chocolate fudge. He ..................Prey came again Prey of of Reedsport; besides th r e three Auctioneering of baskets, Julius Fulop High water has caused considerable B,a (|„n brothers had been together for Chrsf. h„ er g haskp( of canned grandchildren, and John K etels, auctioneers. It ••nvcnli-nce to the residents of l Four brands of gasoline will bo maa. the last time being In Bayfield. and > Ily Hp anoth„r y,g,t br, ng . ■,rfl, |,l th is w .-, k On I ue«,lav hunitlod: Union. .Standard, Shell and Wisconsin A total of 17 persons sat )nB „ i . r_„ ' „ k n t s n T w , I A tto rn ey Arrives Atend Star Installation foe highway between HprlngfU-1,1 and r (h(, „pr|ng tourist trade. Be wife and six children. Frank. D oroth y/ I«» I, »-,fc « . „ x 1 On Christinas Eve a group of young Mr Cre8!nian has opened his office star on Friday evening ot last w e k . r e e e c . r or , , ___ ............................................. to lake ,n the e s street-car or «., go f . 0 r ,,,. o m ,- ... ,.,.. . __ . ......... ....... ■"” > •" * '»*•• i i ^ . w Z o w » t X . u t o V o fo?.: M; Mnre. v c h X i 7 n V u h; „ ? ; r. z nr o ’’r? br ' : ian ,h e Commecial 9tate bank buiid/ i: dEugente „ ^ s - p on E a s ie r now liv e s P r e v io u s Io th e ir ,h ” r ,a,r>r ,r "m P1“* other route. i A Pa"' w a s p r e se n t- ; . .. , «nur«" in Eugene came over to Spring- installed warden and Mrs. W. th e ^ th r o ch'folr'n ilr F" J M T ° * ,d '° ’ 7 ^ «-on0er H o u r ,- Mrs. Clark E. Wheaton Is the past a few In sta n c e s c o m in g a b o v e th e m a ll AT LANSBERRY HOME nd|n O lson v n o n e e r so n o f M e . foree <'arrlpd thevlctrola up foe stairs " s Prln* fle,(l library will be open worthy matron. Odin Olson, younger son of Mrs Hnd played for them. | to 0 ,6 public on Mondays. Wednesdays Those attending from here w ere- boxes. Cars hnd to he pulled nut by ( Olson, w a s home from Bridal Veil for ' — - — — »— - - ------ . . , “ rrom nere wer'’ - nnd Saturdays in the afternoons begin- Mrs. Walker. Mrs. Eggimann Mr3 teams, anil several men were forced to Mr. and Mr. William Lansbery en- H# rpturnf><1 to Brlda, ning with next Monday. Instead of Wheaton, Mrs. CHff Abrams. Mrs Here from Blue River— Bart Tate, use rafts lo reach their h a m . and eyed a family reunion and homecom -. V e|| WednwM, BV morn,ng hu, w11, bp brother of Mrs. L. E. Danks of Spring- only two days a week, on Wednesdays John F. K etels. Mrs. 8. Ralph Dlppel other mil lying buildings. Jn g of their children and grandchild- i i hack agnln nn() rpnialn for r Iongpr m v n rx p .(x n i ix u ti ir iu n ill io i II H » ll« ff p i-iJ .. and Saturdays. and Mrs. Levl H N eet The Springfield Mill and Grain com ren on Chrstmns Day at their h o m e|y ,H|t w|(h h(g mother and brother 1 6 Junctlon- arrived here Monday pany was unable to operate II. flour- on O street. ,Jflhn Ha„ n rPturned to We«tflr on ! Io visit his sister. He left for homo V isit, «.ren t.—Hubert Travis le ft. Here from California—M iss Beat- ngan on Tuesday. milling department, beginning Mon- ! Attending the dinner and festivities g a,t„rday for his Home in Sacremento, Californ- rice Davis of Merced. California came day. due «0 the hlrh water reaching wers; Mr. and Mrs. Claud J. Lans ' Thp pypnt wRg celpbratde on,y Returned to Portland-M r. and Mr- * °"t Wedn7 day' a,ter ’J8“ 1"« 0¥Pr T“* d«J’ to Springfield to visit her the turbines The faed-mllllng depart hery and children. Coy. Elma. Edith. |hp (.br1MmaB H e s t o n and reunion wth his parents, Mr. and sister. Mrs. B. Valenzuela, head of fob nient |s still operating, however. The Aren. Henry and Wayne; Mr. and Mrs. day. but was the birthday of Odin All,’ on s -WHson and two children Chrstmas , Mrs. A. C. Travis. Spm gfield general hospital. plant Is expected to start up again Lynn Lansbery and son Arble; Hugh Olson as well ¡Bernice and Tom. returned to their som e time today. T-anabery; Mr. and Mrs. Coy Lons- ____________________ home In Portland Sunday after spend Married In Vancouver—Mrs. Ethel Legion to Meet—Installation of of- Tho high water lackm! 2H feet of hery of Deerhorn nnd their children, Entertained with Lvrge Dinner— l,1,f ( hrl8fo>88 8t th» home of Mr. and Hailley and Orson Vaughn were qnlt- fleers In foe Springfield post of the being as high as It wan In January Nnouil and Carl; Mr. nnd Mrs. George A total of 21 persons enjoyed a tnrkey ' ’ r8- McKinnon. Mrs. Jelllson ed In marriage In Vancouver. Wash-1 American Legion and the Ladies’ two years ngo. according io gungiw Hershey of Canada, and daughter d|nnpr ()n c b r |« ,ms« day at , be bome ls a «later of Mrs. McKinnon, used by George Davenport, but there .Emmy Lou; Mr. and Mrs. Drury Morse <)f Mr Rnd Mrg a(dnPy v W a rd / ,n8P»ctor Hers— Inspector Ander- lngton, on Christmas day, according to ¡Auxiliary of the Legion will be held n report received. Mr. Vaughn Is the at the regular m eeting Friday night in ls no doubt about It, It was too hlg>, ( of W estfir^ Mark I). Lansbery of , Guests nup„ g o of f Mr w e em representative of the Mr. gn() and Mrs. M rs. Ward W ard w r n - : °"n’ ’ ■ > c - ■ u, um Nicolai n iiu i»i . j obn V a u g h n o f t h is c it v H o th o x v n n r 1, ,, Roosevelt Bench, Oregon; Mr and Mrg. pptpr Arno,(, Door-Manufacturing company of Port ' an pnlt)|()V of (hp Bootb.Kpllv ,,, ’ I ’ W' ? ? wi'’ for comfort. ..... — ........... ............ .............. i.,r i ^ nd; . was 1 «» a Sprlngfle-d , , e"JPloy of the Booth-Kelly turn- start promptly 8 o 'c lo c k m ,t »¡11 Tomseth. Henry Tom ......... .eth, - Alice Tom- Tuesday In- ils h(?r an conipRny " y at “upper Mra. Pnttl Lansbery of Portland W a ter w a s very d e e p In so m e p la c e s h i t w e . u S p r in g fie ld and E u g en e, an 1 Fined this Week—-George Mailer seth, Abhle Tomaeth. Eddie Tomeeth speetlng two carload« of lumber to be Attended Family Reunion—Mr. anil Bert Tomseth, Percy Tomeeth, Daisy shipped to his company. was fined »2 this week for parkng lie- Mrs. N. A. Rowe of this city attended Tom sH h.'Echo Tmitsafo, Mr’ and Mm. aide a flro hydrant. Visitino at Myers Home— Mr. and a family reunion In Albany on ^ J 8’' John Tomseth. Ellen Tomseth. John r»,i,»i fknu n* 4 the 1» r» Hu tv in /»F r flY Jtl Mra. Ail'M 1_ . Jr _ w illiam Shriver of Spok Mr8' Oeore h'1™® of Mr. and Mrs. dinner In Eugene nt (he homo of Mr. to Albany were Mrs. Rowe's two sons. Mgy RIIpn ahr,ypr gnd Mr #nd Mrg ¡Charles Myers. They arrived Tuesday Fruncís I-omb«rt.y of Jxia Angeles, T. Nysten. and Mrs. William Lightfoot. night, and will be here until after New California, who hns been visitin g In ¡ Year’«. Mrs. nnrton was formerly Springfield for some time, nnd Nick. L eft fo r Albany- Mr. and Mrs. B i l l " 11** R