.UNXW* PAOB BIGHT new : items go out and drag la a couple ot neigh­ bors to make It seven before whom I can arise each morning What shall I d o! ’ RpTH. Amecdmants tn the pmsont lawn m- lattag to Main dapealtortaa to the and that all deposits of sla te roads shall be wade upon eouipetlUv* bidding hy the banks ot the state, « a s recbm mended In the biennial report of the Brief Resume qf Happenings of state treasury department. OREGON OF SPECIAL INTEREST the Week Collected for Our Readers. The second annual Hood River conn- ty poultry show was held in Hood R iver. BCAW w ii’M vuon rn io w rttM BVSM * V Ü 0 AILÉ a c o b AT IT „ Congratulations have just been sent the Portland tirade Teachers’ a ss» ctatioo by J W. Crabtree of the Na­ tional Education association on the fact that IS schools of the city have 100 per cent of their teachers enroll ed In the national association. The legislature, at Its next session will be requested to amend the pres ent salary laws so as to provide com pensation for the deputy slate treat urer and deputy secretary of state In ) the amount of $300 a month. These ! officials now receive $250 a month. The booklet recently tssued by the ! Fire of unknown origin destroyed the Midway grocery and the House Electric Shop In Milton. The const fork of the Willamette river was frozen over last weak (or the first time within 25 or SO years. Christmas turkeys brought Douglas county growers S 2 S cents a pound, with a few lots purchased at S3 cen ts Jackson county board of commission- ers to advertise Jackson county has Fir Grove school building of school proved so popular that the 10,000 district No. 114, near Oregon City, was printed in the first order will not be destroyed by fire caused by a detec­ sufficient and the commissioners are tive flue. contemplating issuing 1O.O00 more. Two fires causing a loss of more As the result of action taken by the than $51)00 and the destruction of two state gallic commission at a recent houses, were results of the cold spell meeting, a letter was sent to Presl- at Ashland. dent Coolidge by I. N. Fleischncr, of Will Church. United States com Portland, chairman, protesting against tnissioner. and Mrs. Church were burn- the propos d extension of Crater lake ed to death In a fire which broke out , M , 1(|1£l p„rk t0 („elude Diamond lake in their home at La Grande. The West Coast Power company, Ic on Ewauaa lake In Klamath which owns and operates a string of county six inches thick has brought ple,nr!t. p!nnU between ,h e Umpqua aliout the temporary shutdown of t h e . aBd Ya(!uina bays, along the Oregon mill of the Ewauna box factory. j „ „ j,, ,,a4 taktQ Qvor , he pUa, a , ALL-AMERICAN TEAM Selected by Dumb Dan end : Journeys Fishing . tackle Cost ................ guard ' Railroad ............ _... _ center , Subway guard Flying tackle ___ ... . ' end j Bitter Foreign .» quarter back 1 Draw Answer ... back Come ................ ......— back THURSDAY DDC M, 1M4 Should a Girl Marry Without Love! Cross-Word Cross word Puasl. Fsn: "What By Flo word with five letters means s kick In the pantsT" Smart Feller: "That’s easy.— It la Dear Mts« Flo: When I was alk­ keepa you from telling blm bow you FL-AS-K !" ie n I become engaged Io a man who feel. Why not he quite frank about wna ten yenra my aenlor. Aa I waa It—tell him that you feel you ahoukl ao young he thought It would be wise first know many other men In order Ito watt until I waa older. He enld he that you may be able to better Judge. Give $55,000.000 ' wanted me 10 be aure ot what I You aay that you have been very wanted l>-for. I married him lie la happy f»>r three rears. You may de­ in fine man. I admire and reaped him cide after you have known other men i more than any other man I have that you care more for this man than Ie»»p known, but now after then» yesra you poaalbly could care for anyone | believe If you explain ! 1 don't want to marry him. tt la else. Just within the last few month* that your problem to thia man he will 11 feel as | do. I feel as though 1 understand, and he will have a deep I have missed something. I want tn reaped for your bravery In being hoi- . m ed other men )•->•< about It. lie la id ler than you and l Our marriage has been e-1 for June ■ possibly un lorstuixls belter than yon It Is to be announced next week I think. O n ce It has been announced 1 w l t | The very fact (hat he was wlllli !gr> through with It. Will I he happy I to wait until you w, re old enough Io tf 1 marry him In making other know your own mind suggests that he people happy, do wo not find our own; will be willing Io give you a V ile r happlneaa! W ill I. In making thh chance to know ju„t wlytt you want man's life wonderfully full, find peace . before m arrying anyone ■and contentm int of mind’ Bdna M A S O N S W IL L IN S T A L L I My dear Edna DON’T DO IT A T B A N Q U E T F R ID A Y know of no greater Injustice you could “When the boa« refers to "circum­ *,lo this man who loves you than I* A 8:20 o'clock banquet and public stances not under his control"— I ' - mr-y him without love. You will •” »tallatlcn of officers for Masons and j v W , PORT 1 Just know he ts thinking of hl» wife.“ 'not only wr'rk your own life -vot their wives will be held Friday even­ will wr rk hS. ing by Liberty Imtlge number 171 tn H ia Opinion You s| ak of making him unhappv the Springfield Masonic hall. Officers The government has been as! ed to j Florence, having purchased it from Bilkins: Did you hear that Adolph by hr '«king off with blm You w'lt were elected at a meeting Tuesday pay Astoria the sum of $749$, re re-1 q . g . Bushman of Springfield and 11. make hlui more unbapry »ventunlly night. the butcher was shot by detectives senting the cost of street Improve-j M. Peterson of Florence. 'by marrying him w ltboif love. You who mistook him for a burglar?” Elected officer« art» aa follows: S na- nta near the postoUice building in j p M Lui-as and C. W. Harris, own- T- rance: "Perfectly natural mis­ ( annot pretend a love you do not feel Ralph (Dippel, worshipful ma ter; that city. I crs af a |arge farm In the Tule lake for abv great lensffh of time. Tie* Theron Coglll, settlor warden: Oswald take, I'd say." Twenty-three horses, the last In the section, filed suit In circuit court to pain h« Will suffer whoa you tell him M, Olson. Junior warden; Clark E. street cleaning bureau, will be retired ! recover $2500 damages from a group Yep— Total Loss you no longer love him ts nothing W lB„ ,OB BW(.p| 3ry. Charlee F Eggt- by the city of Portland within 90 days, i 0( seven livestock men on the charge It oraparotf with what he wilt suffer mnnn, treraurer; o II Jarrett trustee Smithers: "Sam Shofet has Just when the entire bureau has become I that stock owned by the defendants 'when he learna of your deceit In pre Appointed officers are: Alfred J. Mor­ motorixed, ! had been driven into the plaintiffs' been run over by a train. Not a thing t-nding to love him. left.” gan, senior deacon; Winifred May. The state irrigation securities com I grain fields and destroyed the crops, When a woman marrtee a man ah« Junior iligoon; Sidney V. Julius: "W hat!—not even the $1.15 , Ward, mission refused to certify bonds o f ! Extravagance in the conduct of his ¡does not love, thera 1» but a small senior steward; D. W McKinnon, $98.000 for the Shasta View Irrigation j office and an affidavit that he at one he owed me!" ‘poselble chance that she will love him Junior steward Aa Is the ccstnin with district and $95.000 for the Malin irri- j time had purchased liquor from a after marriage. That chance Is on» In retiring masters, C. A. Swarts has Almost—Not Quite gallon district. j policeman employed by the city of a hundrod. On the other hand, the taken the office of tiler. Portly Gent: "Sambo, your a cynic.” I Fire destroyed the interior of the j Astoria were two reasons advanced by j chance» are ninety nine tn a hundretl Sambo. "No. boss—a gln-hlc!” factory section of the Portland V ege-' Governor Pierce for the attempted re­ that she will fall tn love with BORU C H R IS T M A S O B S E R V E D table Oil Mills company, in the North I moval of Dr. Thomas Ross of Port- other man not her husband In Them Yonkers, N. Y. BY C H U R C H PRO O RAM Portland industrial section, and did land as a member of the state fish If you were older—-had kn°wn- man*' A safety first sign to speeding $50,000 damage. commission. men. a»d married a man without love.] motorists reads: (Continued from page one) William M. Ramsey, practicing at­ J. H. Chambers of Cottage Grove It might be a succese because of a "The Christmas Doctor.” by Arthur "Fools used to blow out the gas torney at McMinnville, was appointed purchased 56.000.000 feet of govern­ deep respect, admiration and under- • Now they step on it.” Junior I'engra. ment timber five miles west of Cot- by Governor Pierce to succeed Harry ■ atandlngltui no normal young girl can „My l)o|ly un(, , . . by | . , u| | nB Anna 1*1/ 1^/TOC-ASTgqJ tage Grove and contiguous to about > Belt as circuit judge of the 12th Judi- j be «mtlsflod with self sacrlf're n m ar-; p eOgra Nut Stuff tw ice that amount which he already j clal district, comprising Yamhill and Hall, oh hall, the glad New Year, rag» She wants aetlon—red-blood»l V M other, curtatmaa Fairy.” by Doro- James B. Duke. Power und To­ owns. Polk counties. Judge Belt will re- . bacco magnate of North Carolina, en l vital She wants to feel the Joy j |h y B„svpy On'-nlne-two five is almost here. Jesse Edwards, known as the father 1 K ‘ Radio tenors. The church school meet« at 9:45. November, as against 122 alarms with t0 Cap,ain A' E' Bur«hd» « . 8tat" j Horf-beats (beck stage.) The 11 o'clock hour will have for its 1CS38S of f23.862.19 In October, accord- game W8rden- Ditto—Thunder and Lightning. them e "The Days of the Spirit." Bp ing to a repor» made by Edward Gren- total of $5.981.943 will be requlr Collectors at door. worth League at fi 30. All at "The Tender Chops and Choice fell, fire marshal. ’ ed in 1925 and 1926 for the operation Alrplan's dropping bombs. Church of a Cordial Welcome." Meats of aH Kinds C. K. McCormick, county clerk of of a11 ’ U te d‘ PartI“ ‘-'n‘" and lna“ tu- Silk petticoats, • • • Union county, was elected president tlons ,or w hkh ,h e le’ i' latU!'e au,h- R eceived S h ip m e n t T h e S p rin g field of the County Clerks' Association of oriM' a PPr°Pria.ions. according to the Can you add to the list? Mill and Grain Company received a Oregon at the associations annual *stlnia,ei’ ° f Pr°P°«"d expenditures cari' a I of cocoanut meal from Port­ two-day session in the Multnomah aPPro' ed th* atate budKet com' Our Health Column land yesterday. county courthouse mission. Copies of the report will Dear Dr. Hope: In telling me how­ _ . be sent to the legislators for their to be beautiful you suggested early _ Oregon s death rate will be lower Home from H osp it'1—Charles W '«t consideratlon. to be and early to rise, retiring before this yéâr than at any time In its his- is at home i t h ’" ' 'dine« In W est ten are arfsinfl before sever. The best news for th e last week in "jdry. Dr. Frederick D. Stricker, secre­ Springfield after a i f n • • on! In the I Now I can arrange to retire before tary of the state board of health re- ,he luml’Pr ,Rflas,ry " Ce*Ved, frOm (en—but Is rath»r troublesome to arise hospital. all parts of the country by the Nation­ porta. The figures on the death rate al Lumber Manufacturers' association before seven, as there are only five are mr. yet available. came from the West Coast Lotnber- members In ur family. I don't believe SPECIAL PRICE on plate work. Dr N W Emnw. d»ntlgt Sutton Bldg Investiga’lon of the lawfulness of men-, „.„ rfa H o n , which Indndes mort I can get either mother or sisters to the rates and practices of the Puget of lhg |arg(, mll|g ()f WMten> , 3 « ^ . P°wer Sj Light company, whi-h ;ind Wsgh|n<<0„ N,.w bui(,neM (or operates fn various sections of the lh(, m,1Ifl repcrtJne for ,,,e wee!: state of Oregon, was order by the pnd)?]g ncctm l)cr j 3 was i9 Ccn public service commission. above product| (>n and 17 per cent ‘ George Griffith, who some time ago above shipments. \ was appointed deputy state treasurer R e je c tio n of all of the prraeE by T. B. Kay, state treasurer elect, has until the noxt annual eonven- anncunced that he will accept the tjong ,g he,d and , eMctlon of Corvalli» - V & v 571 D E P A R T M E N T STORES office. Mr. Griffith enter upea as the site for tbo 1925 dt-liberutlcas. h li new duties Januafy 5. to be held tom e time tn May, featured -The public servie» commission has the cloalng sessloa of the lf ih annual -aurtvirlzed the Eastern A Western .»aventlon of the O reg o g F o r m e « ' A rare arvl unum wl money saving bargain offer in read­ Lumber oompany to' «/tabllsh Its log union at The Dalles. Herbert Egbert ing metter for the whole family for a year. We offer ging TAUroad across tertaln countg „t Th« Dalles will eoatlrue as presi thisoomtd.-uition to our readers for a siavt time only, roads »n Olgckantaa county It was (j,nt, W. P. L alri af Eugene cs v ie » j it.nwwnl aubmirlptlona w ill b . .xt.oclad fnr ana y .,.r from prwi«nL d ate of expiration. satd that nino gratto uroeslng» are t> president, and Mrs. G. B. Jcneu ef ' Monmouth as secretary-treasurer. ! wolvcd In the ord^g T he Pactfle Tolfephona & Telegraph U nless sportsmen and r^ rn e »on company has requested permission of , ervat|o a (,ta want to sen ber ver tn /.' , j Tills it your thence to get 12 big isruea of each cf th e ’pubHc service commissloa to dis- )y PXt, rm|rn(r-ii tn Or : n th y uin>, four v. j ble m .gnilnea — 4R tv.uea In ell — continue its to» station at Merlin, nre# tbe stat» lejlsla-ore tn order ti.e f ot tkr u i . * l .il w r t x a i o n p i l '* . R f w t . r r m utter (- C Josephine county. « the request Is rIoaad season on these ,(ttle firrhocr approved the toll station will be dis- er8 pfinoananRy. In tbs op'nloti ef continued January 17. Captain A. E. Burghrtuif. suits rttfire , EACH AXD EVERYONE 0?. U3 EXTENDS TO Another Investigation of tks Uma warden, who submitted a r c ort to the • ' ■* ** ' * . * * r i, j tllla rngdds irrigation .project, which , «tgta game commission shov.-fng thdt YOU OUR SINCERE WISH FOR THE MERRI* w ould reclaim 95.09$ a/tres of land in |n tb s four months from November 1, Oregon and WasWngtoo. 19 provided to February 23. 1924. more trim for In an amendment in Ute Jn'orb# jjooq beavers. valn»d at $ lil,« lfl p-jrtment apj>ropr1«tl«» MB ofX^nd taken by licensed u a rsn w ef UK by Lur.alcp licMary. i stats. B LO N D E BESS O P IN E S For Juicy Steaks Ho! vers on Bros, Props. Subscribe For The Springfield New« ANO THIS NEWSMV&l ’ Qvistmas i BIG IM TEBESTIN G « > ISSU ES AT »/■ FK1CC o 4