m 1924 TMUBSîDAY ÛBC. TKK SPfUNOrraLU M7WH UFFEM WILLAMCTTK W BFAKTM BNT OK T H E IN T E R IO R United States Land Office. Rate M r. and Mrs W ill Churchill vara bug. Or» e ’ , *«ona to such application, an oppor- Kyriinasucm Is not heated. j U n ity to filo their protests with the Elmar and Ernest Olson and their H'-gater and Recover of the United sister Mabel Ulson, arrived at th«-lr s<" ,e* I-®"'1 Office at Kos-burg. Ore- home at Eden vale Saturday morning t nr ? ot“ ‘ 8 or /»Election. Cl«»» IfladAdvortigem ant» te Mlk, buy wW«l yo« » M l te M te M M . W rit* sr pSron« T W « ANYBODY wish!«» i n i * at aallon O A» KUH H Al.B—Ona «-cylinder 7 passenger (»tl »mobile. First clam rataa call Hl Taratile Dairy, I'koae condition. Cheap. »160 00 down, son balance on payments. Call Spring- field 30. 04 tf ANTI-URIC Banish»» RHEUMATISM and Blood Disorder Ob tale at all leading drug atorea Ctmiblnnlloa tnatm out for Khntma tlam, (lout. Sciatica arid Lumbagn. H 50 For 1th hh I Rushes, Kcsantna and Kidneys. A N T I Ü It 1C Liquid. »10« Results guarantend or money bach. Antl-Vrlc Co. Mfge„ 32 Front »t.. Haa Francisco, Cal, D E P A R T M E N T G F T H E IN T E R IO R U N IT E D STA TES LAND O FFICE Rosebwrg, (ire . N ot I I . 102« NO TIC E FOR PUB LICA TIO N FOREST CXCHANOEB. Notice la hereby given that on N o vember 11. 1024. Nora A. Smith, of Wksldpovt. Oregon. filed application N o 016830. under the act of March 20 T022 («1 Stat 4661 to eirhange the S 1-2 HE 1-4. Bee. 2«. Tp IS 8 , Range M West, and Iola I and 2 Section S. Tp 14 H . Itangs 10 West. W M , within the Rluslaw National Forest, for Ike ‘timber on HE 1-4, HW 14, See 8. Tp 21 H . Range l East. W M . within Che I ’ascad» National Forest. The purpose of this nottea |a tn allow all parsons claiming tha lands selected, or having bona bide objeo tlona to sorb application an oppor­ tunity te file their protests with the Register and Receiver cf (he Cnlted H tn te s teand Office at Roseburg Ora I gon Any such protests nr objection» must he filed In this office within th irty days from the dele of the Prat publication bf thia nolle», which firs t publication la December 4. 1»24 I I ANU. I. A. CA NADAT Register DM4-1V1S-SS PAG« BEVBN .T H O U G H I t ’a called “the U- tiona blessed past; over nine- l"«n hundred Christmases huts voiced si'-glance truo— each Christmas mom more hallowed than the last. We celebrate this birthday with the anthem aad tha feast. for tha shepherds must be diligent as when they saw “the bright an’ morwin’ star” a-i4axLi' In the east. a n ’ heard the strains of " P e a c e Good-will to Men." W a eontem- ?*>•«. loaded down with blcssin s rare, provided by 5 Jf,ra“ °,ua Master-hand, while faith endows ability to feel His pmaence there,— It’s a faith that «U His children understand. L rt doubt» an’ fears assail as by whatever law they may__we'll treat 'em with Urn dignity of ■ w m -and pray divine forgive­ ness on tills bloused Christmas- lay, from evil thoughts to which all flesh la bom. Lord P ’ r US « “1 nw-Anm.; m tin- journey as a » run. for T1»»1 hast ronipiaved death. Hast ° ° * ' tb th ra s h V«*d i ^ 7 tfl th" forgive as we faggte», - - ..- »»'«- s.» "No Lorrgrr A T< yy * as, LV sitS W S and alatora Miss Mabel Olson is nt |Iicat!on of thia notice, which first tending Normal at Monmouth this publication la December 25, 1924. H A M IL L A. CANADAY. year and the boys are employed In Register Washington Dec 25. J. 1-8-15. On Saturday December 21, the Wheelers tit Pleasant H ill were the .« went n K P A n T M K N T T H E IN T E R IO R envy of their neighbors as ih they UtiRe.l States Land Office, Rose­ briskly to church and return In ____ _____ burg, Oregon. December 2, 1924. died dravfti by two horses. There w as'Nottea for Piibllcatlon. a time when thoae who had autos were Fra-mt Exchange envied but a slalgh and span of horse. 2” °D would b ate bean welcomed by any Fisher. Omgon. filed' upplIcnHo?'Nm one Sunday. 015886 under the Act of March 20, E II Tinker received a telegram 1 ^ 2, (42 Stat., 466) to exchange, the Monday 1 tailing of the death of Charlae ■ N W \i) Sec 7, Tp. 16, • OOr"kn“ M W hlt“ * r - Tp 16 8 h ' T o W e«E W. M ^ t M n t £ U. S. Awakening to Properly Equipped Air Force Need week. Mr Ooranaon was formerly as Sluelaw National Forest, for the soclata»-with Mr. Tinker in the mining lt® ber on the 8W % SEM , Sec 8, Tp. ' buslnesu. In Arizona sod Canada and 8 R *” * " 3 E * ' 1- w M. within tbt Washington. D. C., Dec. 26.— France 1 there la every reason to believe tiid m X t ' m *“ Or’ ‘ ° n f H - Ver‘ ' 1 ^ ‘ d; « X 0“ \ M . re: o t l c e , . t o . , . ( ha* 60,000 aeroplanee In actual ear-! PresMot looks w ith favor on the move, | 1 • montte, four years ago. He was a low all persons claiming the lands rice. Unless the political dra” goT" shows , member of the Elks Club a t Olobe, fn 1^ ------- . ' . . bOn flile ° bR M. PLUMMER 6th and Main. Eat at the SPONG A THOMAS CAFE Corner 3rd and Main W. F. WALKER FMNIRAL DIRECTOR Call BUTTON TRANSFER Hull Auto IqulpM snt W. O. W Phon« 57 bloek M M. Rea- DR. N. W. EMERY ORNT18T on Birtp. Phene ÌO-J fteeldenee Phone 1 U M Springfield, Oregon SHOE REPAIRING Work Promptly and Carefully Done a e o . N, MeLCAN AutemeWle, Fire and Life I N S'4J R A N C C Surety Bonde„ Phone S17 My iMsInssa Is te protect yuwr »use In see 860 W t'lsmette St. Eugene Ovegoa WM. G. HUGHES AND AUTO INSURANCE NO TARY F U B L IC . BARBER B ld g ., S p rin g fta d d , O r« . ( Oregon District Manager The Equitable L ift Asaursnes Society of tha United States Phone 11»7 Y t i g Caatle Bldg., Eugen«, Ore. “The Loop” Your Home When In Springfield JO HN M. W IL L IA M S eomP!aJnt *• he*rd W at 018 <5eveIoPment In aeronautics ,a so electrical that « • roon as one t7Pe aerop,ane bulIt *8 obsolete, The President, however pays no at- teotion to such arguments. He know» that the scrapping of aeroplane? Is Ito- thing to the cost of scrapping b attr< ships. He sense« the fact that one dar^ ^ l American w ith some high explosive and Yankee piuck can „ t a baftieshV, with Its i h o j a n i o r eighteen hundred men In th« twlnk ling of an eye. H is aafe to Ray that now tbe President has set himself to this investigation It w ill be persu-»d to Its logical end, regardless of in fluency or noitten e?art,le88 of ,n* uuence or poltlee, A Snappy Cross Word Puzzle Ph«ne 43 ROBERT W. EARL Ccroer 5 and A CHOP ftR. S. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST V it u » Trom "Ore date hereof, auch petitioner for aeroplane purposes. -wW «PP»y to the Common Connell for W e n t A le n - e , e . _ . - * " ° r t '“r vacating all that part of ■- c h. Secret* ’'>' Seoth B street lying west of the west ,, , v ..* ”* ,h” • * Street In said Town 0« .. i ecull#r‘y' ,ybi,e th® President Is SurkagttVIE. ’ r ’ ris ln « Ws Inquiry. Charles F. Dated at Sprinrtleld, Oregon this S’,r’’’\ R®presentatiTa from California, 4,b « • * of -December. 1P24. Introduced a bill providing for the asked, on Thursday and Friday Jano ;8nnNnFlEU ’ M B L * G RAIN COM rreat on of a deparimrmt of »erona,1- •ary 8 » n d 9. 1825. ’ PAN T. O Q Burhmsn President * bX # Secretary of _______ ___________ Aeronautics who would have a place iE. J. MOORE. County School Supt. , in *he cabinet and direct the entire Dec 35. Jan. 1.... NO TIC E FOR PUPLICATIO N . »»’»’ Ion plans of the government. It Is d e p a r t m e n t OF T H E IN TER IO R not known whether this measure C A L L A N D SEE Dr N. w Em *r» U. S. L A N D OFFICE at Roseburg. * ’ 3 reS,,,t ° f w>nTersat,oni' pe’ « on nisi, end o«h«.- worx • Oregon, November S ' L924. wttb ,be President or Indirectly at his N O T t o r r. a... k_ ;--------k r NO TIC E is hereby g lv n that Carl ’ “ K8«*«tion- or whether the provisions S ila I n v *‘? n thÄt i Vida. Oregon, who. on are the sole creation of Mr. Curry bv‘ state Land Board of th state of '»gust 17, ,920. made Homestand ------------------------------------------- 1 * ’O " receive sraled bids nt Its Entry, No. 013224, for E U N E U See- office t« th e « a U U i ballding at Salem, tlon 27, Townshln !6 Socth Rarge ^ M w " P f« T 0, K ° ^ Or’' B m F e b ' 2 B>8'- W illam ette » X A. A. ANDERSON Office a t FIRST NATIONAL BANK , » p rIngh« Id, -------- -------------------— 'Eighth Grade Examination The uniform stat» eighth grade ex- aminations will be given at echoola which have pupils who have compiled with the conditions the law Imposes and fo r whom questions have been NEW »A2OR For Sale Guaranteed. Price $2. JOHN A- NELSON 509 Main .Street PIRE ‘»Ä S - Ä " P •“ “ “ S ä ä CO LLECTIO NS No Ge .lection, S o Charge. lo the Bm rd the right to reject any W illamette Collection and CbNdlt and nil bids: y Thomas, all of Vida, Oregon, Servloe H A M IL L A, CANÀDAY. Raid lands are situated in 1*ne 860 W illamette Street, Register. 1 County, Oregon and described as fol- Eufene, Oregon. , N-2Î-Ü-4-11-18-2F. lows: to wit: Beginning at the meander post be- Phons 878 tw-çn Serrions 32 and 27, T 17 F R. D E P A R TM E N T OF TH E ENTERIO R of W M ' on ,h<> r W *t hftnk o f 1 United States Land Office, Rose- SPRIN6FIEL0 GRAVEL CO. All kinds of gravol for con­ crete or road work. We make n specialty of bYtitk rock and rock «and. Bl|( er3 at foot of Main on street. HENRY W. CHASE. Prop. % chains from the corner to sections 21, ^ otics for publication. 22. 27 and 23. and running thence Forest Exchanges. V-r Van k . Npt,CS 18 her0hT «lven ty, that will pay you well. W rite us at once. Nognr Corporation, 301 Couch Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Dec. 11-18 36. I the meander line; thence along me­ | 21 S. Range S West. M. W. within the 10. God be willing (Latin Abbr.) ¡Cascade N,.t:on«l Forest. ander line, S « " d e g r e e s t v . tens chains. Tho purport of this notice ,» to al­ 13. An exclamation. S. 85 degrees W 6.60 chains. low all persons claiming the lands se 13. Grandchild (S co t) N 9d decrees W 6 13 chain». N. 2234 degrtes. W 1.48 ehsln« to lected, or having bona fide objections 14. Ardor for a cause. the piece of beginning, containing to sucj) application, an opportunity to 16. Deep mud or slueh. ’13 368 seres. and Rocolver of th« United State* 18. Nickel (abbr.) Apellcatlon should ho accomt'enled hy check or draft for tho amount of [*n d OfAcr, «1 Roseburg. Oregon. Any 19. Light Infantry (abbr.) ) hid. end should ho addressed to P G uph protests or objectlohs must be 20. To throw BROWN, U L E F K S T3TE LAND filed tn this office within thirty days 122. A stupid fellow; lout. BnARD. RM,F,M. OREGON. and rvazxvw« 4 Is a el — __k a, — t marked aonllcstlon and bid to pur­ from the date of first publication of 24. Personal pronoun— plural. this notice, which first publication Is 26. Used to rowing. chase riverbed land In I* n o enwntv. G O B R o tw December 11, 1924. 27. Negative Clerk State Lard Board. Hamill A. Canaday. .28. French author. Doted at Salem, Oregon, Register. Doretehrr 6. 1MM 30. A measure of length. D«c. 11, 18, 25, Jan. 1. Dec. 11-18-26, J. 1-8-16 22-2», F. 6. 81. A boy’s name. Vertical 2. Suffix meaning affected by. 3. Actual experience. 4. A ray of light. 6. For Instance. 6. A hand cutting tool. 8. Rhorlum (abbr.) 9. To observe. 11. The second planet from the sun. 13. A constellation noted for It» group of three bright stars. 16. The atmosphere. 17. Not well. 20. Central part of a wheel. 21. Noisy. 22. A orustneean. , 23. A speck. 26. Before noon. 23. To accomplish. 2». Therefore.