S P R IN G F IE L D — TH E ORVOTKO TO INTKF OF B F R IN C FIK L D » W ESTERN T E R M IN A L O F THE NATRON THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWKNTY-FIRST YEAR U.S. FARM CENSUS TAKERS SELECTED Field Deputies Gather Five Year Facts on Agriculture Sworn in by Director Ralph Laird o f This District. The fluid fore* to take the five years eaasua of agriculture ba* been SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREOON, THURSDAY, NOV. 20, 1924 Woman’s March to White House LOYAL LEGION TO MEET TO HEAR DISTRICT BOARD New Budget Adopted for District at Rscant Masting In Portland and Oradars Wages Raiaad. A meeting of the Springfield local of the Loyal legion of Loggers and Lumbermen will be held Monday eve­ ning I d the W. O. W hall. A report on the district board meeting of the 4L In Portland will probably be made at thia time, according to the secre­ tary of the local. D. W McKinnon. Among the things accomplished at the Portland meeting la the fid ng of the wages of graders In pine yards east of the Cascade mountain* at I f 40 a day. an Increase of to cents. The new budget which was adopted for 11*26 calls for a *26.000 Increase over last year, amounting this time to a *160.000 expenditure. The name of the Four-L bulletin la to be chang­ ed to Indicate more closely the par- pose of the organization. The trustees agreed to a resolution giving mill employe* in emergencies the privilege of working overtime to load cargo vessel* or do other press­ ing work without violating the rules of the 4L. CUTOFF “Th« People'* Paper" L IV I LEW SPA PER IN A L IVE TOW N NUMBER 44. Children Farm Home Fund to Be Raised Organization and Individuals To Be Asked To Give Toward Lane County's Share For Erectio of Buildings For Homeless Children. The W. C. T. U. farm home foi practically selected by Ralph L b M , homeless children will receive sub­ director of this district according to stantial assistance from Springfield If bit announcement today. Forty men a campaign mapped out by commit­ Will be selected to collect the facts tee* from organization* in thia city of this district comprising I .an», Doug la successful. At meetings Sunday. la*. lions. Jeafpblne and Jackson Tuesday* and Wednesday night*, the rougtlea Mure iban <0 applicant« committee laid plan* for an active bate applied for the poeltlon of field campaign for fund* to be raised to­ deputy In l.ane county but only 12 ward erecting the new buildings at could be nale< led and they have l>e«n the home. After a meetings this eve­ largely rboaen because of their knowl­ ning at 6 o'clock at the Christian edge and prukimlty Io Ilia locality church solicitor* will take the field. aereM, ‘according to Mr. talrd Led by the Lion* chib the move­ The fact* to lie gathered are to be ment to raise Springfield's share of G o tt (But g l « l ol T *a a * vo»oi or «.gum.«.« strictly confidential and will not ba the 344.000 Lane county fund for new divulged to liny county official or oth­ Anothar milestone has bean passed la woman’« advance upon the building« is being sponsored by the White Ro-ic i |c the election of woman governors in Texas aad Wyo­ er lu i officer, aaya Mr. laird. lie varioua organization* of the town. ming The«« two women will guvarn more than !>»• million citizen* aay* (he government want« fact* eu Committeemen elected from the va­ when they taka office. that Allai« can be made ap showing rious organization* Include G. G. the general condition of agrlrultura Bushman and James Pointer, Lion* REBEKAHS HONOR STATE The ra1 MAN HELD TUESDAY WORLD" IS SUCCESSFUL vaine, building*, amount of crop*, ac­ of all Cooildgs's ioiua* throughout George Davenport and L. L. May. The local lodge of the Rebekahs -.he nation, will succeed th* !a*e reage production, debts, expense. live- Many Taka Delightful Journey and Charles H urd. Springfield C arpenter, Four La; George Cox and M. A. Neet. entertained with a dinner and special bvoator Lodge of Mxsi. sad carry stock, dairy, poultry, wool and ani­ Woodmen of the W-o-ld: Mrs. McKlln all battle* for the President in toe Much Money la Raised for •a n a - Shat Saif Saturday w ith 22 meeting last evening honoring their upper branch mal* alaughlared for meat aa welt and Mra. Nettleton. Christian church; tloagraaa. f it ef P la y *h « 4 Fund. R if la. state president. Mary D. Moss (Mrs. a* numerous other facta. Whan the»» Mrs. Donaldson and 'Ira. Van Valxah. William Moss) of Lakeview. Oregon. are collected the government egpacta Methodist chnrch; Mrs. Bench, Mra. M ore than *160 were realised toward Funeral services for Charles Hurd, Members of the Walterville and Mar­ CHEESE FACTORY MOVES to be In a position to formulate ka MaOtll and Mrs. Barnard. Rebekah TO SPRINGFIELD STORE lodge; Mrs. Pointer and Mra. Cmson. Intelligent agricultural program fur the plavabed fund by the Springfield carpenter, who committed suicide at cóla lodges had been extended an In­ country. Parent-Teacher* association, which 4:30 o'clock Saturday morning, were vitation to the attalr, and were repre­ W. C. T. U.. and John Ketels, Mason- The McKenxIe River Cheese fac­ la lodge. The list of luer krauti th, crowd The home Is self sustaining once Two Southern Pacific men have TO CONSULAR SERVICE excluding Sluslaw National Foraat. J «ntertalnad la tong by a group of According to ht* wife, he had threat­ the building and equipment is furn­ been surveying In the local Southern ened to kill himself several tlm-’s re­ Florenoa »redact. excluding Florence Duu.h children ished. It is to take care of this de­ Joha W. Hamlin, son of postmaster Pacific yards near the depot this mand brought on by the homeless that city Hecata precinct, excluding Blue Alaaka ia la i >n(, , aIUM crack. cently. Mra. Hurd was present when week. Though they refused to state Uw National Forest. Herman precinct. w#r# . arvad an(, , nwrU,B. her husband put the barrel of hl* .23 and Mrs. Frank B. Hamlin, has re­ new buildings are badly needed. Chll- their object, their maneovera would excluding Slualaw National ***•»• | B„ a (l0Mn duaky Indian maids. rifle In hta mouth. She struggled ceived *n appointment to the consular i dren are taken from 3 to 15 years seem to Indicate that they are sur­ Minerva precinct, excluding Sluslaw |p lh, pe<>pla were guided with him. trying to prevent him fix m service of the United State*, and ex­ of age. given an education and taught firing but he pulled the trigger and pects to leave New York City tor veying for a double track between the Christian religion. National Foreat. through two darkened room*, and in- Springfield and Eugene. The men Enumerator—Bart Flanagan. Alva-|t# anwhn. rm nU(, wlth lh o , u th* bullet penetrated hl* brain, caus­ Tirana. Albani*, aa secretary to the This is the only protestant chil­ were from Portland headquarters. United State* consul of that city. dore precinct. Davl* precinct. Irving n#st T,ewad K,n l Tol h„ ing Instant death. dren* home in tha state with the ex­ Mr. Hamlin graduated from Har ception of exclusive lodge and church precinct. l-one Pine precinct. Sant* b Mrg Ka,|ema caT. a fifteen vard university In June, and since home«. Heretofore children, who be­ Clara precinct, WUIskanila precinct. j ta)k Q0 har , raTe|a through Egypt P.-T. WILL CONSIDER ■ ntertaina NsedlecrafL that time has been employed by the Enumerator—Oalaey Jacoby. Arml PRESIDENTS RESIGNATION national committee of the Republican Mrs. Carl Flecher and Mrs. W. H. came dependent through lose of par­ They aerved stuffed date*. tag* precinct. Edward* prectnet. Pollard will entertain the Need leer* ft ents, have been sent to the reforma­ In Scotland, oatmeal cookies were Glenwood precinct. Jasper precinct. s-rved, the entertainment constated of The Parent-Teacher association will party to organise Republicans clubs club this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at tory where they would associate with Pleasant Hill precinct. Springfield several Scotch selections on tha vlot act upon the resignation of the presi­ In collage* and universities through­ Mrs. Fischer’s home. 14th and Pearl criminals or placed out to board by praclnct* 1 to 4. coextensive with lln. and some Scotch dance*. Harry dent. Mrs. Paul Brattaln. at a meet­ out the country. He visited the Pa­ streets, Engene. The meeting is the the state often in questionable ln- cific coaat this fall In the Interest last one before Thanksgiving, and the vlronmeots. Springfield city. Lauder rendered several selection*. ing tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. of his work, stopping In 8prtngfteld affair will he In the nature of a Enumerator—E. L. Mathawe. Bailey At the meeting Sunday night W. F. Other business matter* will be dis­ fh e Americana were enthualaetlcal- to visit his parents. He is a former Thanksgiving party. precinct, Blanton praclnct. College ly recalved In Hawaii by aaveral Ha­ cussed aa well at thia time. Walker was elected chairman and H. Craet prarlnet. Eugene precincts 1 to waiian maids, who played guitar« and E. Maxey, secretary, by the organisa­ A contest In the varioua classrooms etndent of the University of Oregon. 30, coextensive with Eugene city, danced thetr native dance. Delicious at the Lincoln school la being carried Eugene. tion committeemen. Many At League Maeetlng, Goeh»n preciad. on by the pupils, to see which room pineapple was served. Between 100 and 125 persona were Spsaks At Brotherhood. Enumerator—H. C. Jackson. Blue Marrlge Licenses Issued. On entering Ireland the people had can get the moat parents and friend* W. O. Benthln, of th* University present at a gathering of the Ep­ River precinct, excluding Cascada Na­ to kiss the blarney stone for good to attend. A »mail prlae will be Marriage licenses have been issued worth league of the Methodist church of Oregon Extension division at Eu­ tional Forest. Camp Creek precinct. lurk, while three people sang popular awarded to the winning room. gene was the principal speaker at and the Christian Endeavor society during the past week by the cotfnty Fall Craek precinct, excluding Cas­ Irish songs. The Americans were giv­ It has been suggested that the next clerk to John Henry Garoutte and cade National Foreat, Oats Craek en coffee, chocolate and potato chips. meeting of the asaoclation be held In the meeting of the Methodist Broth­ of the Christian church In the Meth­ erhood at the M E. church here Mon- odist church Sunday night. The serv­ Mary Johnson, both of Cottage Grove; precinct. Ixiebiirg precinct. McKentle Everyone was welcomed home by the evening at the high school, and ^ ' ’‘' ’”’^ 7 ’ ” * " 7 ices were held Jolnty at the Invita­ Herbert J. Williams and Geneva M. precinct, Including County Poor Farm, the Comerdal club, where every tour­ th l. Z .V ^saffily’“^ 7on;.'.s"u'wo"uW Coffees both of Eugene; Lewis N. end excluding Cascade National For­ ist voted for the country ho enjoyed then be possible for business men to 'he them, of his alk The next meet- tion of the Methodist young people, Klbby, Wendling. and Anna A. Sippy. who nsked the Christian Endeavors to Ing of the Brotherhood, the third est. and SaMlam Natlonnl Foreat. the moat. Dixie won by a close mar­ attend as well a* their wives. Monday of next month, will take th* take charge of the service in their Mabel; Judah lAdflleon Heath and Thurston, precinct. Mabel W right Walker; Earl H. Bow­ form of a father and son banquet. church for that evening. Enumerator—F. C. Führer. Brum­ gin. Woman Struck By Auto. yer, Klamath Falls, and Anne Hass- Election of officers will be held at baugh precinct, excluding Umpqua Mrs. W. A. Taylor was struck by an Taxpayer* Meeting, ler, Eugene. Club To Meet. National Forest, Cottage Grove pre­ automobile In Eugene last night Just that time. Community work Is Mr. Benthln s Mrs. W. L. Rouse will be hostess meeting for taxpayer* to look cinct* 1 to 6. coextensive with Cottage after getting off b street car at the Strike Called Off. of u Valley r-____ Juncttcn C” ». Tisnnas^evi preT I Her* from Dexter *«- M tb . George al F praclnct, exclud /•is-'S'l* National Forest. Mldilla etnet. Long Tom preclaot, Prairie pre- Buthnell was hero fro-n DdK'-ir Tbnrs Bee of Wandling nhs a Springfield time to trend Th •i.sc'.' ln ; with ih j released on bonds and his case la set for later. Richardsons. Fork vrcrlnct, excluding Cascade Na- clnct. day for m(dtcal treatment. J vlsltoj Thursday. 1 * ' ?*• .4