TirURHDAV. NOV. 13, 1924. TI IE SPRINGFIELD N W S JlassifiedAdvertisements PAGE SEVEN I IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E I b b .r t Memorial Method)« C O U N T Y ^ ORBOON FOB k A N “ L oc,t* d , l 8 ,,,h C Chureh. r- OREGON NEWS ITEM S' OF SPECIAL INTEREST A bond Issue of 9500.000 for the •OltglerloD of the Baker Unity and ■uherCornucopto roads which waa submitted to the voters of Baker coun­ ty received on unofficial returns 3064 votes In favor and 1906 again« the proposal. Eugene Foundry A Machine Com- L. Moore, minister. pany, a corporation, plaintiff, re. Em- Don't forget the flre-slde hour at ma Hardings, Mary Locke and — - 7;8o p, m., ’wh»n some of our boys Locke, her husband, Josiah Whew and 1 will g l/e us soma orchestral music - Shaw, hie wife. Lydia Grow and w , have chlMr. n., ,mprolniKo Brief Resume of Happenings of FOR KBNT*~*Mauaekeegtug rooms un LOUT- -Open-face, gold Elgin watch, — Orow, her husband, Sarah B. Shaw 1 ' / and - Bhaw, her husband. Hannah Tbe «■“*• quartette will do their The state tax on gasoline and dis­ I' iiciwern 2 ml und »rd. Call 1*4 C the Week Collected for with dUiuon I In bark. May have Verrlll anil Joseph Vorlll. her hue- l'«r l- One of our best short storlee tillate sales for September, 1*24, ag­ u r ia l. hern loet ut 6th and A etreuta. Re­ band, Isaac H Eastman and — East- , will be told. Our Readers. gregated 3277,172*4, according to a ward. rail at News office. tf mnn, hie wife, Benjamin F. Eastm an! The message of the evening will I'.,It HA.’..19--Kxtr« largo r»ed baby statement prepared by the secretory slid — Eastman, Ills wife, Polly Bhaw lx, short and to the point on, “Every i-arrlagu C obi *69. I ’rlcwl al *26 ' of state. The tax was based on *,- ANYBODY wishing milk at ga'Jon and — Bhaw, her husband. Timothy Bo(lv P rl.„ a n . . » « The port of Astoria budget for 1936 "Nt I» a iro « . n ïu Bhaw. h l. wife. Bailie “ T f ’ 998.610 gallons of gasoline and 286,- fates call Riverside Dairy, Phone Bhaw and - has been fixed at *682.644. i 7«8 gallons of distillate. M. Shew and — Bhaw. her husbaDd, ■ A’ lh'’ 11 »d o ck hour the themo 34 F I MUR. CAKOI.INK 8HAFFKK. a c r.d it The Silverton Gun club will hold Rs William Bhuw and — Bhaw his wife, *••• be. "Christian Efficiency." with The Mate land hoard has no legal pleno Inai-her, Ihona n au k (> u . Kpbrtain Bhaw and — Bhaw. bis wife, a prelude on "The W hy” of a chil- annual turkey shoot at Silverton Bun- anthorlty to loan Irreducible school (tM NOTICE OF ROAD OISTRICT Banmel N. Bhaw and — Bhaw. his i dren’a home at Corvallla. . -I«F. funds of tha state on a water dRcb, M tE T IN Q wife, Jamlnia Eastman end — East­ hurch school meets at 9:46. Mie- James W. Fidler, 78, for 60 years a man her husband, Polly Locke and according to a legal opinion handed ph Bliaw ••on study class 6:46. Epworth League resident of Oregon, died at bla home TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: —- Locke, her huaband, Jt NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT down by the attorney-general. The Notice 1» hereby given that a meet­ and — Shaw, bla wife, Henrietta j 6:30. Men's Brotherhood Monday eve near Jefferson. M EETIN G opinion was requested by an Irriga­ Mid-Week People's service. ing of the legal voter» being resident Fleming and — Fleming her husband,' nlng. There were 81 persons arrested In tion district to eastern Oregon. taxpayers and owners of reel prop­ E. K. Shaw and — Shaw, his wife, al- Thursday 7:30 TO W HOM IT M AT CONCERN; Astoria during October and tinea col­ ' _________ Nollco la hereby given that a meet erty In Road District No. 16. In Lane so the unknown heirs of any of said de I T hirty assessors of the 36 to the lected amounted to 31696. log of the legal vulera being re»Id mil County. Oregon, will be held at the fendanta who may be deceased, alao state attended the annual convention Had Dinner Quests — Mrs. V-rna taxpayers and owner» of real prup. hour of 3 P. ,M , on the 16th day of all other persons or parties unknown Coos county cheese won first and of the Oregon County Assessors’ asso­ erty in Road District No &6. in U n , November, A. D., 1924. at the McKen- claiming any right, title, estate, lien Stewart of Cottage Grove was a din second honors at the Pacific Interna­ ciation to Portland last week, heard County, Oregon, will bn held*at the sle Bridge BchoolhouM In said Road or Interest In the real property dew ner guest of Mayor and Mrs. Charles tional 8tock Show In Portland. addresses, re-elected their old officers hour o( ] l > M . on tha 16th lay of District, to determine wh’ ther said crlbed In the complaint herein, de­ F. Bgglinann on Saturday. The Congregational and Presbyter­ and selected Dallas as the meeting November, A, D . I »2«, at the Mlnney road district shall levy a special tax fendants. ian churches of Corvallla have decid­ place for the next convention. Hall In Bald Road District, to deter­ of 6 mills upon all the taxable prop­ SUMMONS NOTICE OF FIN A L HEARING ed to make an effort toward federa­ mine whether said road dlatrlat ahall erty In said district for the purpose To Emma Hardings, Mary Ixieke j The Cottage Grove cannery dis­ Notice la hereby given that the tion. levy a »portal t a i or I mill» upon all of providing funds for graveling road and — I-ocke, her husband. Joseph tributed more than *14.000 during the the taiabln property In said district twtween McKenxIa Bridge and Foley Bhaw and — Shaw, bis wife, Lydia undersigned administrator of the es­ The Pacific Telephone A Telegraph for the purpoao of providing funds Bprtnge. Orow and — Grow, her husband. Sar­ tate of Oliver Cooper, deceased, has company has started work at Oregon 1924 season, largely to the packing of CLINTO N HURD, County Com. for general road purposes In dlatrlct products that otherwise would have ah It Kbaw and — Shaw her husband, filed his final account with the County , O. E. CROWE. County Com. 66. Hannah Verrfll and Joseph V errlll. her Clerk, and by order of the County I City on Mtlmstes that w ill exceed been a waste. The amount paid for O-39-N-4-13 Court made and entered on the 8th C LIN TO N H C R I), County Com. produce was *6.694.76 and *7816.29 waa husband, Isaac R. Eastman and — day of November. 1434. Saturday the *30,000. 0. E CROWE, County Com. Eastman, his wrtfe, Benjamin F. East­ 13th day of December. 1834. at the Mrs. Laura D. Harlow, wife of Lou paid for labor, cans and boxes. O-IO-N-t-lt NOTICB OF FIN A L S E T T L E M E N T man and — Eastman, hla wife. Polly hour of ten o'clock A. M. in the Coun­ A. Harlow of Troutdale, was elected In an effort to check goiter among Shaw and — Shaw, her husband. ty Court room. Eugene, Lane County, mayor of that city as a result of the the children of the Lincoln school of Notice la hereby given that L. R. Timothy Shaw and — Shaw, his wife, NOTICE TO CREOITORS Byrne, damlnletralor of the relate Rallle M. Shaw and — Shaw, her hue- Oregon, has been fixed as the time recent election. Eugene the health clinic operated by Notice la hereby given that the of James O'Here. deceased, has filed band, W illiam Shaw and — Shaw, hla and place for final hearing on said The poetofftce of Tumalo. Deechutes the Lincoln Parent-Teacher associa­ final account. All persons having ob­ hl« final account In the m atter of undersigned J E Johnson hae been wife. Ephrtam Shaw and— Shaw, bla county, has been discontinued and tion has started a weekly dlMributlon duly appointed by the order of the said estate In the County Court of Wife. Samuel N- Shaw and—Shaw hla jections to said final account or aDy part thereof are hereby notified to mall to the district served by it will of Iodine tablets among the children Judge ot the County Court hi and I s m County. Oregon, and that Hat wife. Jemima Boatman and — East­ present the tam e on or before the be sent to Bend, ' of the third grade and upwards. for I0010 ton- ning thence west along the line of M. O rltflth, for the sum of 394.10. with F U N ER A L DIRECTOR lumber being hoisted from the Ham­ said street 1311-3 feet more or leas Interest thereon at the rate of 6 per A srcceseor to John 8. Coke, United SUTTON TRANSFER F«tl A « a EutopM M t to the east line of Ferry artrqet. cent per annum from the 23nd day States district attorney, with heed- mond Lumber company schooner Trin­ thence south on the east line of Fer­ of May, 1924, and the further sum quarters In Portland, probably will idad at the port dock broke from Phone 87 W. O. W btoek ry street 167 feet, thence east 13! be appointed until after January Its fastening and crashed down on a 1-3 feet more or lees to a point doe ther sum of *44.80 costa and disburse­ OUh-a I-hane Res I ^ s OBJ crew of longshoremen. •osth of the beginning point, thence ments. which said Judgment was en­ 1, according to Senator McNary. ,T7 -------- —Tl ' — north 167 feet to the place of begin- rolled and docketed In the office of Complete returns from all precincts 1 Roy Sandström, 13-year-old son of Ing; the Clerk of said Court in said coun- M r and Mrs. Axel Sandström, of Ban show that George L. Baker was elect­ sad that m u. and each of you have no QBO,. N, M04.EAN DR. N. w . EMERY right, title or Interest therein or ty on the 22nd day of May. 1934, and ,|on. WM killed Instantly when he ed mayor of Portland on a plurality of said execution, to me directed com c#me (n conwct 16.833 votes; that John M. Mann bad Automobile. PH-e and LW* thereto whatsoever: and that you and d b n t is t eoch of you be forevpr burred and “ nd'" B been elected commissioner on his 63.- IN S U R A N C E which was hanging from • pole. Button Bldg. Phone MW enjoined from aeecrtlng any claim of Oregon to satisfy said Judgment, Surety B°nda, Phone S«7 618 first choice votes, and A. L. The city of Klamath Falls author- coats and disbursements, and the thereto. Rssldsnoa Pho«»e 7W •* My buslnaca la to proteot you» tosto and disbursement» of and upon tled . $50,000 bond issue for the butld- Barbur on a plurality ot 12,553 on all T ills summons Is served upon you business by publication thereof for six conee- thls w rit out of the personal property )ng 0, B pubito library and public three choices as the result of the Springfield. Oregon 800 W iliam»,te SL Eugene O.-agon eutlve weeks In the Springfield News, of said defendant, or If sufficient women-s regt room by a vote of 1622 d ty election last week. a newspaper of general circulation could no, be found, then out of the t<> n u >t The board of director* of the Ana published In I-ane county. Oregon real property of said Defendant, In river irrigation project at the north Albert Wilton was killed Instantly Lane county, Oregon, and being un­ SHOE REPAIRING In conformity with the order of the 1 TRY CLOVER, the beet __________ __ near Cottage end of Summer lake have requested n, the Culp creek camp Hon. O F. Sklpworth. Judge of the able to find any personal property be- _________ Work Promptly and v# q( Anderson A Middleton Rhea Luper, state engineer, to make , barber that ever hit Spring- above entitled court, made and enter­ longing to said Defendant, upon which Carefully Dona an investigation of the possibility of ed on the first dev of October. 1924. ,0 levy, 1 have levied upon the fo! j L Lumber company when caught be­ field. Date of first publication the 9th day lowing described real property the development of the land in the JOHN A. NELSON tween a log and a stump and crushed. Lane County, Oregon, towit: A. A. ANDERSON Beginning at the southwest corner , Changes in the state game laws dry bed o f Silver lake by a system 509 Main Street n^’ N -M D YOUNG. Attorney for °Peu ^ aa0DB unlform 'hrough- of deep wells and electric power to be Pain,Iff. Po»t Office Address. Eu- NoD6 m ‘ l°nnTownn»hlp HI S outh^R an^ BARBER SHOP developed at the irrigation dam. gonc. Oregon. O-9-16-2S-30-N-6-13-Ï9 1 West of the W illamette Meridian: out the state, were recommended in Edward H. Edmundson of Salem , _ J . thence North 27.60 chains ,0 a pojn, • meeting of the Um atilla County WM. G. HUGHES has received highest honors at the N o t'C O o f R o a d D i s t r i c t M e e t in g (bains south of the Northwest Fish and (jproe Protective associa­ .F IR E ANO AUTO INSURANCE Annapolis naval academy, according to J DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL te» WH<»M IT MAY CONCERN: .. corner; east 11 chains. North 12.60 tton at pendleton. NO TARY PUBLIC a letter received In Salem. He is ren that a meeting chains to north line, east 29 chains ,0 , paraloo who ghot Notice Is h e r e l y given , Offloe st ' • DENTIST northeast corner, south 39A0 chains stepfather. Jamen Snid- a son of Mrs. Alice E. Edmundson. His recent award makes him a “five to southeast corner. \ \ eat . 9,SO chains FIRST NATIONAL BANK .11 in 1 on a trapper and hunter, residing at striper." the highest honor that can Phone 43 Springfield, Oregon to Southeast cor"»r All In san e , u County. State of Oregon ¡ p«*'' Indicted by the grand Jury be bestowed upon a naval cadet, and Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. ty, Oregon, will he held a t the hour Now. therefore, In . . une of the at Roseburg on a charge of murder an honor granted to only one man. of 2 p. m. on the 22 day of November. 1 A. D.. 1924. at the Los, Valley School Stkte of Oregon, In complanes with in the Becond degree. Shipments of broccoli from Douglas ROBERT W. EARL House In »aid Road District, to de­ raid execution, and In order to aatls- ¡ Approximately »2.276,090 of second .. 1 termine whother »aid road district District Manager county Jumped from 176 carloads In fy »aid Judgment, interest, costs and , half state taxes have been received Tha Equitable Life Aaauranea »hall levy a »pec tab tax of 8 mill» COLLECTIONS disbursements, and the costs « id ex at the state treasury department. 1923 to 400 in 1924, according to upon all the taxable property In »aid Society of tha United States Foster Butner, manager of the Ump­ penses of and upon this writ. 1 will No Co lection. No Charge. dlatrlct for th" turpose of providing // Phone 1197 Y L n Saturday the 22nd day of Novem About *390.000 is outstanding. Out of qua Broccoli Exchange. Mr. Butner W illamette Collection and CradH fund» for maintaining or building her, 1924 at the hour of one o’clock 36 counties In the etate only six have said that thia year an even greatei 2fJ Caatla Bldg.. Eugana, Ora. | roads In said district. Service In the afternoon of »aid day. at the i not completed their payments. acreage had been planted but that due C L IN T O N HURD. County Com 880 W illamette Street. ' southwest front door of the County j In the absence of other employes O. E. CROWE. County Com. to the dry summer the crop to be m i.-io A Court House in Eugene. Lane Coun Eugene, Oregon. , N- 6-13 20. Ore<(jn offcr for Rnle anrt gen for » robber entered the Multnomah Corn- harvested this winter probably would Phone 378 cash, a, public auction, subject to re merclal A Savings bank at Multnomah be about the same as the 1924 crop. Not'CA o f R oad D is tric t M e e tin g (lemptlon a» provided by law. all of i station, near Portland, forced the tell- There were four fatalities in Or» ............................................. ........ _ the right, title and Interest of » » er Into I d the vault ____ ___ _ - Tf> W HOM IT MAY CONCERN; and ___ escaped with gon due to industrial accidents dur Your Home When In Notice is hereby given that a meeting defendant, James M. G riffith, or any j 45 j„ anane County. make a specialty of oruehed A. D., 1924. the Company H all at Attorney tor VM . State AM Com., 1 0-23-30-8-6 13-20. statement issued at Salem by Frank Handla, Portland, bucker; W illiam F rock and rock «and. Bunk- , Bramwell, state superintendent of Big-ch. Camas Valley, laborer, and 8oldl«w« Ronua I-flans. termlne whether said road district ere at foot of Main on Mill banks. Beall Albert Wilton, Vela, wood back­ L. B. BBAN NOTICE OF ROAD D I8T R IC T shall levy a special tax of 4 mills rtreeL Colonel J. J. Harbaugh, 78-year-old er. A total of 639 accidents were re M EETIN G Attonray Stain Land Board, upon all the taxable property In auld HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. district for the purpose of providing TO i t M AY CONCERN: Lane county Juvenile offloer, was ser­ ported during the week. Ptoto School Fund Ixmoa. fund» for constructing road from the Notice Is herebv given that a meet- iously Injured when a Southern Pa­ Goose hunting on the upper Colum Church above Mabel to the Lion Coun- ' Qf lhe legtll v'oter» being resident cific freight engine struck kis auto­ WILLIAMS A BEAN bla river Is goed now and hunters re past ty line pa»t OahKoah Lt tiber com- lBip nyarg and owners of real prop­ ATTO R NEYS mobile at the Spore's crossing on the port securing limH bggs In lhe vtsta- pany mill. erty In Road District No. 1, In Lane 860 Wllrtanaotto St. Eugene, Or». FRANK A. DE PUE C L IN T O N HURD. County Com County, Oregon, will be held at the Mohawk brunch 10 miles northeast of ity of Rlaleck sad Arlington, accord Licensed to prentice In all Courts O. E. CROWE. County Com hour of 10 A. M. on the 16th day of Eugene. tag to annoanceuwat of Captafu A. E A TTO R N EY AT LAW N- 6-13-20. November. A. D.. 1924. at the Coburg of tho State, and United Btate*. J. L. Sehnavely and N. E. Benyon. Burghduff. state game warden. Hs NOTARY PUBLIC I Schoolhouse basement In Hahl Road eoginper and fireman on a steam said goose hunting would be gaad ( m Visited Parent»— F. O. Luts *"» » 1 Dtgtrlct, t0 determine whether said shovel belonging to the J. F. Shea the next two month* on tha blutti Sutton Springfield Buldllng Oregon. ’ company, are though to have bean along the Columbia rlv *r sad I* th« Squeak - Squeak - Squeak F u killed when the shovel was carried wheat fields. Sportsmen are warned Repair that squeaky wtoenl hater« ty in said district for the purpose of Sunday evening. acrcBS the road and 60 feet of level that the territory along th* QoMinbls It* too Into. 1 Nr. 8 Ralph Dlppel. DenNsL Vltua providing fund» for Cross Roads and ground, down an embankment of 76 river for a distance of a quarter of 1 Side Road» of District. *1.80 per wheel | building, Springfield. Oregon. W en, ,0 8utharlln— H arry W. Whit feet, and plunged Into the Bull Run mile Inland on eaoh tide It 1 C L IN T O N HURD, County Com. F A D Service Station | ney went to Sutherlin on Sunday to O. E. CROWE, County Com. refuge. river. CA LL AN D 8JCR Dr N. W. Kiner» Cornpr 5 and A O-30-N-6-13 wil gfliwwJb AQ a I wl^aia W ©Lie. th I • • I I what you won« Io M il, buy what you wont to buy through thooo •alum na W rits or phono TWO A BU SIN ESS D IR E C T O R Y D. W . ROOF M M “T h e Loop” A