Lane County Prunes. Community News THURSTON NOTE8 Mr. Jooa from Portland visited his daughter, Alla, (or several days the past week. . At the closing of tbe bane County , Cooperative Prune Orowera prune pool November I, It was stated by the stale Inspector that Lane county UPPER WILLAMETTE prunes were among the beat In Oregon for grade and quality. The Goshen Krane» mat In regular The iKina unit handled 58>,OOO pounds session Wednesday, November 11 at thia year which will be marketed 10:30 a. m. A ller the morning bust-, through the North Paelflo Coopera l eaa waa tranacled dinner waa served. * Hve Prune Exchange. The ahernoun was given ovrr to the Itetura hour and a good program waa Prune Bread Contest. ■y ••« •la i Corrsaeondsnte 'Iha luidlea* AM society are going to hold a (iMtkad food sale In Spring, field neat Saturday at the Long and given. Cuss Plumbing shop. The Young Prople'e Sunday erhool I Herbert Stucke has been enguged to In the prune braad contest In the Boys, and Olrla, club work at th e ' Pacific Internation Live Stock showj class hold a party at the Herbert ‘•'Bcb th« acbol In district No. » near home last Thursday evening j Goshen, which has been reopened el- Miss Kila Winters from Eugene vis- '" i remaining closed a number of Had last Sunday at Johu Price's. I years. .Mr. King from Nswport was bare! The Christian church of Pleasant Inst week which waa under the su­ pervision of Miss Helen Cowgill of O. A. C.. tbe first prise was awarded to the Jackson county team constat Ing of Kostni and Frances Gallatin; second prise to Malheur county con slating of Grace Posey and Marlon Boswell; and third prlxe to Douglas county represented by Elisabeth Ren nor and W ilma Howard. The first prise waa awarded by the North Pa clflc Cooperative Prune Exchange, be­ ing a trip to summer school at O. A C-, the second prise of $10.00 by Crown MUIs, Portland, and the third prise of >6 00 by Flelachman Yeast company, Portland. looking after hie property the A n t i HIM held a very succeetful Sunday of the wack. school rally day Sunday. November 9. Mlse Sparks from (Hue Hlver visit- Allhough the goal, which was set for cd Sunday with Mrs Arch «hough SOD, was not reached there was an Curtis Price, who has spent (he increase of 70 per cent. A splendid summer at Me Konst« Bridge, spent program, under the direction of Mr. Sunday with hts parents, Mr. and M rs.'cud Mra. M. K. Hays was given. John Prie«. ’Ians are under way to hold a coin- Miases Nellie and Norma Mathews mun|ty dinner at the church Thanks from Eugene spent Tuesday at tbslr giving day. For four years (ha resi­ home here dents of Pleasant Hill have held a Mra. Marte Spires from Eugene vis­ community dinner on Thanksgiving ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Char­ day b etaw n 6tl and «0 attending. les Hastings Bunday. In the afternoon of Friday, Novem­ Thare was horn to Mr. and Mra. ber 21 Professor H. K. Cosby. the sx- iharleao W illiam's at the Pacific I tension poultry specialist of the Ore- Christian hospital tn Eugene Munday I gon Agricultural Collage, will address morning a son. named John. a meeting of poultry raisers at tbe Morris Brown and Lee King dis­ (arm of Mr. and Mrs. K- B. Tinker posed of a load of their milk goats. at Pleasant H ill. Mr. Cosby will They delivered them to Harrisburg speak on poultry management, deal Iasi week. tag with the subject o' feeding for Mrs. I.lllah Rhodes and daughters. . ... wlhtor egg production. Every one In- lone and Theda, from Springfield | , . , _ . . . . _. ___; .. |lereeted la urged to ba present. The apenl Bunday with her slater. Mrs Tinker ranrb la ooe-half m il; aouth Roy Kdinlston .. , w o a i 6. Mlsa Cowgill will be accompanied by tbe girl having tbe highest number of points In Boys' and Olrla, Club work, and possibly one of the champion girl bread makers. Hundreds of soft warm serviceable Cotton Blankets E very w eigh t, every size, every color, in to pay. who Is working at the County Farm now, waa In Thurston last Saturday gathering apples and making elder. Mias Inus Eyler broke her arm last Sunday while U r I ng Io crank a Ford. Prank Campbell and Mlsa Helen Harblt were married In Eugene. Mon- day afternoon hr Rev. E. V. Stiver«. Their many friends Join In wishing them a prosperous lite. Mrs. J. T. Harblt had quite a ser lout tim e last Saturday In sneealng aba must have broken an artery which ft wra necessary to call a physician Catch These Catchy Phrases if You Can T5 to find what would stop It. | We are publishing this week a newv INSTRUCTIO NS. Little Billy llearosn spent several pugI|e The answer to the n*w put- I f you have not yut tried to work ' days visiting hla grandmother. Mra. will be printed next week. The one of these rusels start now and you Herbert. will find the pastime most Interest­ ” p ul,le printed this week w m Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gossler ing. Start In (he upper left hand I from Wendling spent 8und«y In composed by Bruce Cola and contains corner and follow the Instructions as many catchy words, which, however, ilsted below under the "H o rlto n ta r I Thurston. Mr. William Barnett purrhaaed are wej| guown , 0 # jj onr „ , 4 ^ numbers. For Instance the first word I about forty white leghorns hens last M r Col> h>< Is a shade of brown. As there are | Mppiask. ' Carl Kreamer and John Edmlaton pu,11,; he “ •*» words that depend three white spaces the word has only three letters. In the second line, are digging potatoes tor Frank Chlva upon Other; for Instance, hl. there are two spaces so the "Conjunc­ Her. j number 20, horlsontal. has a direct tion expressing doubt" has only two ■ '' relation to question 1$. letters. The Springfield Mill and Grain com-1 To get the word« In the vertical pany received a corlAad of wheat from columns you use the same method eastern Washington Tuesday. The first word und°r "Vertical" col­ umn has three h paces, hence three let- E. E. Morton of Eugene wo» In on tot* will form a wonl that designates a piece of neckwear. The first word business Saturday. In this column starts with the same' F G Il BALE— Plano In good condition. le ttfr you usel In the horlsontal col- I Call 114 J. Springfield. N 13-Î0 umn. Often It la easier to ship abon’ I and get some of the short words ad j Dr. Ralph 8. Dlppel. Dentist. Vitus you will have a clew to the beginning building, Springfield, Oregon. J___ : of some other word. When you have | completed the task every space will I be filled, and no mntter which way I you read, up or down, you w ill have! some word. ity. B ea u tifu l and .th orou gh ly dependable cotton b lak n ets o f superior qual­ We can afford to sell no other! Fine C otton D ouble bed size sh eet b lan k ets in pretty greys and tan s w ith brightly colored borders and stitch ed ends. 98c. each. 64x76 All W hite 1«. 17. Sick. Objnctlve first person singula’- pronoun. 18. What you send with the laundry. 1». Eve's better half. 20. One of the son's of 19 horlontal 21. The opposite of under. 22. Fast tense of tread. 28. Adverb meaning at what time. 24. Wlhat golfers drive from. 26. Abbreviation for a Now England state. Sf. Reversed abbreviation for this country. 28. What your pet corn grows on. 29. It hPlps hold a Ford together. 80. One who speaks the Slavic lan­ guage as his native longue. j« l. How the baby crlee when you want it to stop. I 82. W hat any school boy can make when teacher's back 1« turned. ,88. Where your friend sis pa you. 2E. W lint her father Is apt to say I whon you ask for her hand. A suffix. A I^ tln Another 21. 92. 28. 3: 27. 28. 2» fi. n 32. word meaning "and." Latin word meaning | "good.” To make full. Capable of doing. What a hunter do«» before he fires. Where you are sick. An English river usually thought of In connection with Shake­ speare. Metals In the raw Rtate. Adverb moaning at that time. A growth of the skin, frequently occurring on the head or neck. $1.23 S h e e t B lankets B eau tifu l sn ow y w hite dow n-like sh eet blankets su ch as w ill give very sa tisfa c ­ tory service. T h ey launder easily and b eau tifu lly. 66x80 H eavy C otton $1.79 S h e e t B lankets E xtra h eavy thick and so ft sin gle s h e e t blankets o f a m uch w anted quality. C harm ing big plaid patterns in pink, b lu e and tan. N eatly stiched ends. O P A $ U « D u “ N ashua" C otton S h eet B lankets G enuine " N ashua’’ b ian k ets o f fin est q u ality. P lea se n ote th e extra size, 72x99. All perfe?t and you m ay buy a pair for $4.75. 54x74 Double $2.30 C otton B lankets Good m edium w eigh t double b lan k ets in grey or tan w ith n eatly striped borders. A serviceable blanket for $2.50. 66x80 Downap $3.98 C otton B ankets, Pai r U nquest!on3biy oen o f th e finest blanket values in this im m en se sto ck ! S o ft luxurious double b lan k ets o f a very d es cable w eigh t. N o lint or rou gh n ess. C hoose front tan or blue. 64x76 Double $4.93 C otton B lankets H eavy double w eigh t cotton blankets, al pattern s in all colors. VERTICAL. 1. Piece of neckwear. 2. Agreeable or pleasant. A shade of brown. 8. A Truth, Conjunction expressing doubt. A small Insect. The result of a cause. Abbreviation for certificate of I Where most things «re made. deposit. A musical organisation. What you grow every day. An Improper contraction. A king or nobla; also a French If you didn't guess 14 vertical It's gold coin current In Ccotland no usii to define this one ae In the 16th and lflth centuries they are are identical. This Is a hard one. 98c S h eet B lankets new and perfect attractive big plaids 66x80 Haavy H O R IZO N TA L Accordin' to my notion now it ain't the time to mourn - whau the hills is dressed fer Autumn, and the frost is on U)s rn?— when we view the ripened apple* with their cheeks of ruby-red. drlnkin’ sweet November vun- • shins from the glorious ot i-e ! head. No— tt ain't no time fer Wsepin’ a t the knell of sur-mer * day«, when the heart should he j rejoicin’ In its thankfulness an* praise. Let me tune my lyre to emphasise the glory of the land, with the music set before me, that a child can understand. I.ot the w in g r of glad October fan the love-flame in the soul, as she wields Uie vital process that a feller ca n t control. I f it weren’t fe r blessed ripeness, In the vineyard, sheaf and ear, you would nse some hungry Ag­ ger In’ as to where we'd go from here. All hail, serene November, when the pantry and the bin keeps a-preschln' ro g la r ser­ mons Bh the goodie« «bored within. A ll hall the psace-an’- plenty with a thousand tint« embossed, as we banish every shadder with the smiles we put acroetl im m en se sto c k s you ■will find it e a sy to se le c t Just the blanket you w ish and at just th e price you wish Hsre from Chicago. Mr. and Mra. O. O. Pike, son Ed­ win and daughters. Helen, Jean and Mary Jane, of Chicago, Illinois, are visiting at the home of F. O. Spencer, 1 A wedding of much Interest to the on C street. Mr. Pike Is looking for residents of the Upper W illamette I a suitable location In the weat. Mrs. that of Mlsa Helen Pauline M iller of Pike and Mra. Spencer are old school Trent and Myron Lowell Sikes of De| friends. ter, which occarrad last week. Mlsa M iller It the daughter of Mr. and J. W. Weatrope of Jasper was In , Mrs. A. T. M illar of Trent. She at­ town on buslnsss Saturday. tended tbe Pleasant H ill high acho last year wbara aha was popular with Morrison and Cllngan. feed dealers, the younger set. The young folks received a carload of feed from Port­ t> T * her a chlvlarl Saturday land on Monday, 1 Uncle J a h n ____ fa c t In th ese $5.95 C otton B lankets If you arc look in g for an extra heavy, so ft and lovely cotton blanket for real * ith nnd service you will look in vain for a b etter blanket than th is on e at $5.95. P retty patterns in all colors. S ee th ese! Positively Your Last Opportunity To Secure Those Wonder English Wool Blankets At $3.98 88% PU R E ENGLISH WOOL WEIGHT 4V ¿’■‘w *• » . A preposltloa. Fat from beef. The opposite from bankrnnt. A small animal that hops. A color. W hat the Mrs. hate to darn. The last syllable of a well-known patent medicine. The fourth musical sylllable. AbbfiTiat.'on for "and go forth." 14, A cjthical hlrd of Arabia. Foz?