PAG® FOUR THE SPRINOFIEU) NEWS H er» from Lsaburg—-John Currie was a busto« i» »!•' nr from L»«burg lodUnapotk Recommend. N.Uon l SSjunl System yoaterdsy. In from Jasper— M. L. Walls.-« of Jasper was in town yesterday transac­ ting business. , / .£ Here from Marcela— Mrs. H. B Yorgrr was In Springfield from Mar cola on Thursday. Changed Residence— Charles Pad dock moved Tuesday from Weat Springfield lo the R. W. Smith resi­ dence on D stret near Emerald Heights. Quests at Dinner— Dinner guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs W. C. Reh- han on Friday evening at an Inform­ al dinner were: Mr. and Mrs. L eri H. Neet. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Huntington, and Dr. and Mrs. S. Ralph Dtppel. Homs from Hospital— L. C. Pride- more, of west Mill street, returned home Saturday from the Mercy hos­ pital In Eugene following a major operation. Hand Burned— Misa SarlUra Walk, flour cheimst for the Springfield M ill and Grain company, had her hand sev­ erely burned by chemicals on Satur­ day. Recovering from O peration— Alice Siegreet of Springfield is recovering from a major operation performed on Wednesday of last week at the Pacif­ ic Christian hospital in Eugene. Visited Parent»—Mr. and Mrs. Fer­ rol Perkins of Monroe spent the day yesterday In Springfield visiting Mr. Perkins* parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Perkins. Back from Camp—George Lartsonl returned this week from camp above Oakridge because of the bad weather there. He reports three feet of snow in the vicinity fro mwhich he came. Working on Smoko Stack— Two taen began work on Saturday replac­ ing some of the brick work on the smoke stack at the local plant of the Mountain States Power company They continued their operations on Tuesday and Wednesday. Returned from Portland — M i a s Florence Coffin returned Friday from Portland after spending several weeks there. She will be In Springfield this w inter with her mother, Mrs. J. W. Coffin. 8idswalk Built— A new board side­ w alk along M ill street for s distance of nearly two blocks Is being con­ structed by the Booth-Kelly lumbei company. The walk runs from the highway bridge across the W illamette river to the mill race near the p la n t' of the Springfield M ill and Grain company. »• TTO»»f © © A \i » t i - ,\ ^ W / i s 1 ’ < , HIGH ,A « S bwi’anaprifs ’s making an e*?ort to esf.M i.h . . - .cnenta «f automob.les in trafile. T r s - c '.Îç lic e ^ h h k th ? , auch -tu p le signals a . illustrated c o u l d a n d hand signals fo r drivers to ir«.’ . Ä v ^ n o t Ä t.-ll »..«> I b - only locally but nape •> This Week] B y A rth u r NATURE’S METHODS. FORD ADVERTISES. FLYING JAPAN. WHEAT Sl-51 Nature’s okl-faahlooed mat hods a r t creditable Ponnsylvento State College era noanoas the champion Uttar of Ilf* teen pigs. 8 months old, weighing The mother of that little fam ily to entitled to some kind of a moora In six montas ane « nwnv in nearly two tons of pork to the OOQOv» world’s food supply, and Is da lees bosy with a brand new litter li The name of the lady, a “purw-hred sow,** to i GirL Humble and plain. A raes horse called Chilhowee has broken the world's galloping record, covering a mile and ooe- eighth In ooa mínate 48 4-5 sec­ onds. That would have been im­ portant oocw. now It's a mare inci­ dent in a gambling sport. Paul Revere to-daw would ride ha a small automobile, blowing has born as ha want with the “cut out* wide open. Or ha would fly dose to the ground In his Httls monoplane, or would stay at boma and wake the country side through the “loud speaker* in every house. Thee running speed of a horse is as un- Important to-day aa the flying speed of a falcon that also was important ones. Henry Ford’s business, prosper­ ous everywhere, gains in propor­ tion more rapidly abroad than in the United States. Business men who say, “ My business doss not need advertis­ ing. ” might study Henry Ford's methods. His products are wall known, yet Ford advertises sys­ tematically, elaborately and con­ stantly here and abroad. His ad­ vertising is good because be in­ trusts it to P R O F E S S IO N A L A D ­ V E R T IS IN G M E N Harvest 75500 Pounds of Nuts. Went to Cottage Grove — Mr and More then 75,000 pounds of wal- Mrs. Levi H. Neet went to Cottage nuts were dried by the Eugene Fruit Grove on Monday because of the Ill- Growers association plant and at ness of Mrs. Neet’* father. N. J. Nel driers of members of the association this year. This Is the largest amount ever handled. Recleved at the Eu­ gene plant were 107.344 pounds of green nuts which weighed 63.103 pounds when dried. Over 3000 pounds of nuts were cracked at the plant. PNEUMONIC PLAQUE Fora knoc-v how foolish It wvi.’d be f r - an advertising agent to undertake automobile con- str-ac'aon without consulting an ex­ pert. He also knows that it would be foolish, in him, to do his own advertising. < There is not a business In the country, except that of the prison keeper, that couldn't be doubled in volume by the right advertis­ ing agent. Even cemeteries ad­ vertise, and prosper by it. " I f your business isn't worth advertising, advertías it for sale." IS DREADED MALADY From time Immemorial the very mention of plague has struck terror to the hearts of mankind In practical-, ly every land and nation of the globe.' W ith the establishment of Interna­ tional travel the tragedy of plague began. No other disease of man has ever assumed the alarming propor­ tions of this one dread malady that could, when enshrouded In medieval superstition, decimate one-fourth of (he entire population of the known world. The Pensacola Journal devotes almost the entire editorial page to a picture of the latest gigantic flying machine built for Japan by German workmen hi Denmark Inside of flve years the coast of California will be within 24 hours of Japan. The fastest flier needs O’ .'y increased fuel capacity to «rusa the Pacific in M hours, now. Wheat to cheerful. deliveries at Chicago >151; May. »154H - I f this column you may that whan wheat sold you were told that it above »150. W ith the knowledge of tha exact cause and most of the factors undet lying the mode of transmission, plague has lost Its ability to spread death and destruction broadcast; yet until the world can be Induced to take certain essential precautions, plague will continue to exist. It ta only on tha actual eve of an out­ break that the public will demand ac­ tive measures of preveatloa. December closed at you road remember fo r »1.17 would go Great Britain takes woman suf- . frage more seriously than it is taken here, where we allow them to vota, but apparently, don't think much of them in public office. Forty-one women are candidates fo r Parliament in this election. * They include “noble women.* with assorted titles, one lady formerly a domestic servant, and one stenog­ rapher. W hatever you think about the British, you must admit that a they po ssess a genuine brand of democracy. The -F u ll Ihnner P ail* to old- < fashioned. The “ Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Q erks,* ate., aay they don’t care so much i about white . . . . collars for »hey must have silk stocking» for their wives. E R. Fitzgerald says that women feel inferior when not wall dressed, and every work­ man's w ife should have three >, pairs of silk stockings a year. So aha should, and the rail railroads will probably arrange It, rather than have a sf •trike. You can get vary good silk stockings for »2 a pair ( • « adver­ tisements tn this newspaper), so that that would only amount to an increase of 2 cents a day in wages. The interesting thing to that tha workmen ara now worrying about their wives’ happiness, rather titan about themselves. That’s sp irit­ ual progress. f* ? * bo,t son, sr. They brought with them on their return Mrs. Neet s neph*w. Rob ert Lee Nelson, whose mother to In the hospital in Eugene. » Rodent plagua has been slumbering along the Pacific Coast for a number of years. The present outbreak of pneumonic plague In Loa Angeles em­ phasises tha fact that plague still ex­ ists In this country. The relation be­ tween bubonic plague presumably de­ pendent on the variation in the char­ acteristics of the race of bacilli con­ cerned In a given outbreak. The black death of the Middle Ages Is to be regarded as plague pneumonia. It to highly contagious. The specific cause is the Bacillus pestto. infection Is produced by Inoculation. Inhalation. Ingestion or slight mechanical abra­ sion. Rodents are the natural ra te r -, volra of plague. Infection spreads from rat to rat by means of the flea. Tha Infection la caused by the flea hits. JTague always oaeura first aa an kpfxootlc among rats Hr other rodents and It Is usually oaly as the rat popu­ lation Is decimated by the ravages of tha disease that the rat flea Is forced to bite man to obtala food. The ground squirrel acts as ■ reser­ voir for the rural spread of Infec­ tion. which mav then be tranamtttted to (he more domestic rats. Sanitary control of plarue. Ilka that of most other communicable diseases, la concerned first with Infected hu­ man beings and animals. The plague bacillus does not exist long outside of the body and tha disease la spread by the dischargee. The prevention of plague consists of a campaign for the extermination of rata and vermin, and the proper Isolation of human casea. Long range preventive measures are II N e w O utlet For Mohawk Valley. To- improve the road over the moun tain from Mabel, in the Mohawk val­ ley. to CrawsfordgTille In Linn coun­ ty a special meeting has been called , on November 22. Help In Improving the road 1» also expected on the Linn county end. The road over the moun-! tain if improved for automobile travel will mak<- Mohawk valley points about 30 miles closer to points In the lower ' Willamette valley. W e G ive You A nother Opportunity Owing to the Unfavorable Weather We Have Decided to Continue Our Big Sale of Stop patching and darning with a needle and thread. Use-— iooth - Kelly Lumber “ D A R N -IT-A LL” Will patch socks, sheets, dresses, stockings, suits, auto topa and hun­ dreds of other articles used every day QUICKER, EASIER and CHEAP­ ER! Large tube with simple direc­ tions 60c postpaid. Send check, mon­ ey order or half dollar well wrapped. Drop postcard If you wish further In­ formation Fred H. Kenney \ ? Underwent Operation— Ira Nice un d a re nt a major operation Saturday a t the Pacific Christian hospital In Kugene. Visited Parent»— Miss Beulah H ar­ per, teacher at W ailsrvtlle. was down over the week-end visiting her par­ ents In Springfield. TWO SIDES OF IT!! » -V« ABCS JT The quick response of our friends in recognizing the great values we ottered has reduced this special stock very greatly, but we still have plenty of real bargains and urge that you make an effort to attend this sale at an early date as it is necessary to inspect the stock to appreciate what you can buy for a small amount of money. If you have use of lumber for any purpose a trip to our Spring- field mill will convince you we have what you want. DO IT NOW! Eugene, Ore. T he Booth-] Lumber Co. Springfield Phone 55 necessary All seaport towns having squirrels and other rodents for years communication with plague countries should examine rata caught about wharves and other places. for plague. Plague may slumber In rats, ground before human rases occur. Plague can ba controlled effectively by measures directed against tha rat. —Hlate Board of Health. Q uackenbushe’s 160 Ninth Ave., E*at. Eugene, Ore. ALARM CLOCKS— Cornel 4-lnch face .................... ....... ......... ......................... >1.00 Lord Dunbar, 4%-inch face ......................................... >1.10 AXE HANDLES— Very good grade of oak ........................ ................................ 30c ENGLISH DECORATED TEA ROTS .....„.................. .. Boys’ and Girls’ Skates ....................................... „..... >1.75 ELECTRIC IRONS .................................................................. J3.50 Auto Service Eveything and A nything For Your Auto WILLARD BATTERIES BOSCH IGNITION SYSTEMS 8TR0MBER0 CARBURETORS SPARTON A KLAXON HORNS AUTOMATIC AND HAND WIPERS WEED CHAINS, ETC. GOODYEAR, GOODRICH, GATE8 SEIBERLINC, C. T. C. AND U.8. TIRES Get our prices before buying elsewhere. Springfield Garage GENUINE FORD AND CHEVROLET PARTS 414 MAIN ST. PHONE 11 X 85c ROLLER SKATES. BALL BEARING—