Ay « IW SI «M S W P— e w - How New Kind of Detective» Catch New Kind of Crook» Sleuth Stories From Real Life Show How Guardians of Law Now Ute Science and Psy­ chology to Solve Mysteries. By IlL-hard K Enright. 1» your mesial picture nr th« tx>- Herman that of u profasalimal man? t ’nleaa you vl< w him «» »uch yuu have 11(11« conception of lh» chans« that ha* ooine over the police bust- nr«« In lh« bis dtl«a in tha last few ilecadaa. „ Education of the public, the elim­ ination of the “roniecn," the "hick" und the "un«u«peclln< cltlxen." have brought in the brainy crook. Keep­ ing pace with that Individual lh« pn- lice have had to develop the acleuce P age twrf > THE SPRING FIELD NEWS THURSDAY. NOV. 13. 11124. packet or bill« had reeled together with other articles that had been In (he tille r'« cage, lay on the table Juat nut or reach or the three. Psychology Again Used by Drtsctlvss Of (he three men being questioned lust one showed an Interest In the tray and the other article«. He In. slated on handling them, looking them over carefully. The detectlvos dis missel the three, satisfied ^hat the college hat bands.’* TOWN AND VICINITY These Campaign«. Ils : 'Now that the election Is over »very one will get back to business.1 Here from O akrdga— Mrs. C. W. She; "George, dear! Won't I have i Call!«on and baby of Oakridge were to teed the pigs any more?" I In Springfield Saturday, Marvelous. W aller (solicitously>: "And how did 1 Broke Arm— The daughter or H. W. Byler broke her arm Saturday while you rind the chop, sir?" Ihner: "W hy, I moved the potato cranking an automobile. and there It was!" In from Harrisburg— Sam Fawver of Harrisburg was a buxines» visitor Ed Purdy's Philos. * In town Saturday. "lllow your own born by all m«ana — but don't take your hands otr the In from Jaspe, — Mr. and Mrs. J. L. steering wheel." Weetrope were Springfield visitor» Saturday. Consistent. Hers from W tndling— Mr. and Mrs. Hubby: "Hut, my dear, what’s the Idea nr wearing your dresses so un Clarence Alford were here from Wend- ling on Saturday. ' usually short?" mystery had been solved— not bsfore, but alter, the newspaper publication o( the story or the fingerprint«. The man a ho had picked up the (ray remarked to another clerk that afternoon (hat even If they found hl» fingerprints on the tray II would not I W ire; "Style, dear, style. The de- »"Hhlng. since he had handled «res le that hair and gown shall be ' in harmony—and I have a boyish bob. of criminology or a technique for It "In full view of everybody." That remark waa his undoing. H U ! ....... . catching and handling criminals. The confession and the return of the bills Fast Worker. result Is that such tore«« as New Ì unlourhed, followed do»« after. He Smiling Gent (at d oo r): "Does your York's are today trained forces. husband play golf?" Perhaps Illustration of some of the 1 had trapped himself. I have told these stories to Ulus newer forma of detective work will i i Housewife: "Yes." beat .how how criminology hs. ud " » '• " o you the new ' d«le. U v . w ork' Smiling Gent: (Still sm iling): vasced and ha. mad., usu of all the 1,1 * hlch W ^ o lo g y and scenes play "Then sign your name on this line. other sc I sb o m In It . progress (»..« of lM*r u , ', , t ^ o r e r ly were taken by You have plenty of time to read those our favorite modern , sychologlc.l de-I '," , ‘ ‘ hlrtl aDd ,'ther a,,d 4H volumes which wo are now offer­ vices Is to "set the crook to catch ! r,iu8**#r methods. ing In Oxford binding at *19.50. bin,self." Two recent case, tllu-trate A* * ih method "Ion. Inlolltgeut and prolonged ques- John O' London Writsa. ! Honing— by relays of detectives— le Oullty Man T rap . Himself. , fflCM|0U, thall any phy. I shall not pass this way again. So It's no matter what I do; There had be-n a heavy loaa ol'steal attack could be. It Is the cul- i l l r a w the pasture, spoil the track. sccurltlsa from an estate and a mam i prlt'a m.-utul reserve that we want I do not care a hang for you. l>er of the •»♦culor'a family was su- I(1 break down. Questioning until he peeled of III« theft W<- could not. ,ltt, rricbed the point of mental ex W ith broken bottles, empty tins, however, prove It. so w ,re forced naustlon aud so has no resistance | I'll strew Ibe road you’ve got to take. to seek some way by which ba would |H, t breaks the reserve. Thia has been 1 I shall not pasa this way again. fasten the crime on himself. j found highly valuable, I do nol care what mesa I make. line day a newsboy carrying lust - one newspaper was waiting outside' Springfield People Wed. this man's place of business, when, be left In the afternoon. The paper Marrlags licenses Issued during the was the one our suspect was ac- | last week by the county clerk Include cusiomed to buy and be naturally pur the following: Frank Thomas Camp­ t r ALL THAT FONO PARENTS chaae-l one on this occasion. Our man bell and Helen Herbert, both ot TELL ABOUT THEIR* B R IÖ H T saw him start at sight of the news Springfield; Hans Olson, of Spring- c h i l u h e n 13 -reu t, t h e n e x t that was »pren/( before him In the field and M yrtls M Strickler, or Eu­ öElftH A TlU N VOLL BE WEAklK, Headline« " G lia l Safety Deposit gene. Byron Haverfleld and Coral Mae LAMP S H A D LS AS HATS — Vault Looted." or aom< thing to that Idltsley. both of Eugene; Myron Low­ effect. The story went on to tell ell Sikes. Dexter, and Helen Pauline that every single vault In a leading Miller. Trent; Samuel H. T rltt. OH- bank a Safety Deposit Department had dale, California, and Ida M. Slough. hern emptied by mysterious crltnl Eugene; Herman Charles Briggs and nala. The name of the bank was Heater Mae McDaniel, both of Hadley- j not given—the story might have up villa; Ancle Arthur Smith, Crow, and plied to half a doaen big hank» down Nellie Agnes Briggs. Hadleyvllle; and town. Oscar Howard Wheeler and Grace Our man aaatnad .taxed for a tno-' Sprague, both of Cottage Grove. . m o u n t-th e n he hurried to the Safe­ ty Deposit Vault of one of our largest Get our price tor photos. Tollman's bank*. And we knew where the ml»«- Studio. Eugene. * D -ll Ing aecurlttea were hidden. It was W ater Bucket, Please. I . easy then to learn the fictitious name Clarice knew a great deal more he had given, to force a confession automobiles than football. She and regain the securities. attended a game last Saturday. When The point In this story 1» that th« lbe vlaj , lng tram ,how up at the copy of the newspaper which our au j „lu< loog^d at them, and then apect read wa« the only one of It» tuyne(, t0 her escort. —is largely a matter of kind. We had had II printed by o n e . -M ercy—they carry an awful lot right Intylng. You buy of the afternoon paper« by arrange (|( , r.aroJ_ d oll't they?” right, here. • ment with 11« managing editor—who ---------- had gladly helped ¡us further the Blonde Bees Opines- ends of justice. "Ability to tell shocking stories has An Inside Job. never yet made a live wire out ot an Another Example: In a teller's cage ojd tuan office »helk In one of the greatest of our banks ; — there had lain one afternoon a neat I Nothing But Health, THRIFT Underwent Operation—Mrs. J. W. Plank submitted to a major opera­ tion at the Pacific Cbrtetian hospital ■n Eugene Monday. In for Treatment— Mr» Ira Hake Been Visiting Here— Roy McCrack­ brought her baby In for treatment en has been visiting In Springfle'.d Friday morning from tbelr home at during the past week on account of motor route B, Eugene. the serious Illness of his mother. Mr«. T. J. McCracken, of Springfield. Here from W altervllle— Charles Returned to Wsehlngton— Mrs. M. Peniber, merchant of W altervllle and bis daughter, Mae Pember, were E. Castle and sons Eldon and Robert returned Saturday morning to tbier Springfield visitors Saturday. home In Charleston, Washington. Had Hand Dressed— Dale Klntzley They had been In Springfield since of Fall Creek wax In Springfield Sat­ the first of October, having come for urday to have fresh surgical dresa- the golden wedding anniversary of Ings put on his hand which waa bad-< Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Thompson, par­ ents of Mrs. Castle. ly torn some time ago. Broks Elbow— Conle Baker, son of Henry Baker of Fall Creek, broke his In from Fall Creak— Mr. and Mrs. left elbow when be fell off a fence at W. D. Glaspey were here from Fall school Friday. He was accompanied to Creek Saturday. Mrs. Glaspey re­ Springfield by his father to receive ceived medical treatment. surgical attention. Ill W ith Pleurisy— The son of J. M. Home Over Week-End— Miss Con­ Maliot of beyond Donna, of the Davis stance Rebban was bon e over the and Davis mill. Is quite III thia week week-end In m Salem high school with pleurisy. visiting her father, Dr. W. C. Reb­ ban. She stayed over Armistice Day Went to 8alem— Mr. and Mr». Char *o see the Salem football game. les O. Wilson and fam ily went to Sal em Saturday to spend the week-end Killed Geeae— W. C. McLagan, Bill with near relatives. Darting, and Jess Yagar went hunt­ Here for Treatment— R. Moon of ing Sunday near Coburg and bagged Dexter was a Springfield visitor Sat­ seven fat geeae. They were out hunt­ urday. He wa» in town to receive medl ing again on Tuesday. cal treatment. Visited at W estfir— Mrs. Emma Ol­ Underwent Operation:—Ira Nice un­ son went to W estfir Sunday for a derwent a major operation Saturday visit with her brother. Hugo Hallin morning at the Pacific Christian hos­ who Is employed there by the West­ pital. ern lumber company. The Road to Success Our Secretarial, Stenographic, or Bookkeeping course will prepare you for a good position, and— There are positions waiting for you w'hen you are prepared. *»• -A • Monday is Enrollment Day. Our free catalog will be mailed to you upon request. Eugene Business College EUGENE, OREGON E. Roberta, President Mehlln, Posse, Bradbury and Webster Pianos Edison Phonographs and Records Phone 666 andth&way\ to Portland and return Benefit by low week-end fares now in effect, oo sale Friday, Saturday and Sunday— return limit following Tuesday. Or 15-day fares, on sale any day— return Emit 1 y days, w ith stop-over at any point enroute. M ake all your going away plans to take ad­ vantage of these low round trip tares. P ot full information about these and other round trip fares communicate unth Southern Pacific C. OLSON, Local Agent »92 W illam ette Street MARSHALL’S Genuina Hand Mads Violina 121 S E V E N TH AVE., W EST, Harwood Guitars Sllngerland Banjo String« EUGENE, OREGON. Eastman Grocery PHONE 6 6 packet of »500 bills. Strapped with pat Mrs. ])(M, wenl out to swim, paper and pinned, as usual, they made' Jn a mu<1 5 ,,!, for her health; a convenient pocket package. The The health It came and she waa thin label on them read »50.000 But |t took Friend Hubby's wealth Among those who came and went Origin of Style. Into that cage, someone eyed the Customer: "Have you got any leath­ packet with covetous eyes. The bill« were there a little before closing er belts T” Shopkeeper: "No, but we have some then at closing time, when the tell­ ers began to total up their balances they were gone! Who had taken them There was no answer to that ques­ tion? The closest search filed to reveal any trace of the bills. The employees all submitted to search—no clue re­ sulted. Tho officials called In the police. The detectives soon found themselves! 11 against a blank wall. There were no clues, no fingerprints, nothing! Our m«nt believed II was an Inside ]()|)- _ onH committed by sone em­ ployee within the bank. This thelry shock the bank officials. "That means that the thief Is still working here­ with millions within reach. He could have stolen half a million, ns well ns »50.000," was their rejoinder. The clerk» were In a ferment ano all were nervous and upl to do things that would look suspicious. Everyon, wns on guard ngulnst everyono elke. It waa that state of nervous tension that we sought. Tho three men who had Actually been In tho teller's cage all the time that the hills worn Ihcro, had been Interrognl d without result. Our men believed It was an "Inside out with a story that tho bank theft mystery had been HOlved, that finger­ prints had been found (you will re­ member that there, were none) and that "an arrest was Imminent." Care was taken to see that these papers reached the three men who were principally under surveillance. After the three had had Just time to realize that danger Impended for someone the detectives culled thorn Into the director’« room for another ruesiicn. The tray in which Investigate Our Claims It Will Pay We do not employ high salaried salesmen to Bolicit your business. Paychecks and Bank Account» Go Hand inHand We do not pay high rent. We are not forced by high overhead expenses to seek a large margin of profit. What we save in overhead we pass on to you in better quality and better prices. Every wage earner should have a batik account. Where tho In­ come Is known, It Is much easier to take a definite part of It every payday and deposit It In the First National. Regular saving plus the Inter­ est we pay you will repuy you many times In the ftnauclul In­ dependence afforded. Open that account now and make It GROW The Kantleek Hot W ater Bottle is always ready and reliable. " It Can't Leak Because I t ’s Made In One Piece." Kantleek Botles are constructed -• highest quality pure Para rubber and have no seam», patches, binding 01 splices. It Is high overhead that increases prices—it is by reducing overhead that we reduce prices—to Illustrate, our $375.00 piano sells elsewhere for $425.00 and is considered good value at the higher price. If any Kantleek article proves de­ fective within two years It will be replaced without question in any Rex- all Store, anywhere, regardless of where the purchase was made. No other brand of rubber goods gives yot as much for your money. Pries »2.50. T h e First Flanery’s National Bank Drug Store OF EUGENE Since 1883 77>w Phone 15 Drug Mon Springfield. Oro. P. S. Nationally priced articles cannot be sold at reduced prices, but we aim to give you that kind of service that in the long run means a saving to you.