The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 13, 1924, Image 1

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    S PRIN G FI E L D — T H E
T H R F A R M IA » A - ’ « »
( WILLAMETTE • n n . , .
, „
" T A * People's Paper"
®‘ O. L ibrary
IL L flS M fflE D
Ira. Rose Garrison of Portland and Lejlon Sponsoring Roll Call Thia
Yaar; Committee* from Various
P a rty Questa of Springfield
Organlatlon* Appointed.
C ircle Friday Evening.
Paulin® Clin» Hus Highest Av-'
•rage, 97.’j j Football Came
with Cottage Grove Friday
Afternoon on O p p o n e n t s
Paulin* Cline led the high school
with an average of 97.6 per rant for
the paal all week* of school. Follow-
Ini do»» twhtnd her, with average*
Secretary of Agriculture, who re
el t»0 per rent or above. were 17
ether »tudenta. Iowa Carlton came rently pnaaed away. lYealdcnt Cool­
idge may appoint Secretary Gore In
Second with Bi per rent
Tils place.
The honor roil la aa follow«:
Pauline Cline. S7 5 per cent; Iowa
Carlton . SC per rent; Margaret Od- MASS MEETING ON W. C. T. U.
erklrk. »4 76; Carl MrKInnla. 83 6;
KII(Mh»th llughe*. 83; Emma Roger*,
»3; Elizabeth Walker. »7 6; Evan Superintendent of Farm Witt Explain
Hughes, 816; Mary Whitney, 81.6;
Method ef Caring for Orphan
Evelyn Walker. 81.S; Ada Carr. Ixin-
Ch'ldren at Institution.
ora Dtllaj»). Kuby Gaater. Lucille
Ricwart. Agatha Reala. Cheater Hay­
In the Interest of Springfield's part
den. WlUle Mover*. William Pollard,
of the *40.000 fund to be raised tn
all 80 nr shove.
luine county for the W C T. U farm
Lineup of Team.
home a mass meeting wilt he held
Excitement la running high preced­ Sunday evening at the Christian
ing the football game with Cottage church at 7:30 o'clock Members of
Ore»« tomorrow afternoon at Cottage comltteee from the various organl
Grove. The lineup will be aa follows sat Ions as well aa other towns peo-
for the Springfield team: Ray Caelenl. j pie Interested are urged to be present
raster: Floyd Maklnaon. right guard; i The meeting will be addresed by the
Oral Neet or Lyle Haattnga. left ! superintendent of the farm
guard; Kd Rate*, right tackle; George
The *40,000 to> be raised In Lane
Moon, left tackle; Frank I aiw I b , right county It Io build a gymnasium and
end; Hugh Cowart, left end; John a cottage at tha farm. The farm,
Co», quarterback; M«rt McMullen or started and maintained hr the W. C-
Joe Thomnaon. right half; Oacar Mc­ T. U., takes cars of orphan children
Pherson. left half; Gilbert Marguth, but because of the Increased demand
for admittance the facilities of the
The following Friday a gam* will farm will not accomodate all. More
be played with Junction City here, than >0o orphans are aald to be In
probably on the grounds near the Oregon eligible for the farm.
Poat Office
Once the buildings are erected at
A cast le being selected for a play the farm home the Institution be
to be given soon by the high arboot. comes self supporting. Counties can
Miss Virginia Tomlinson, assisted by turn over money they use for the
Mr* Vern It Rain, both high school support of the poor end pay on each
leather*. *IU roach the play. "The I orphan chin there. The money now
Lltll* Clodhopper" la the play to be I Is being Dispensed through the county
presented. Tryouts are being held be­ Judge to needy and to Individuals giv­
ginning this mornlpg
ing aid to the needy.
The movement to raise the *40.000
la being dispensed through the county
WORLD" IS TOMORROW of the county. It la being sponsored
j here by the Lions club with the help
Thn Parent Teacher "around-tho- of the Chamber of Commerce, fratern-
world-trip" for the benefit of the play- I al orders and women's club*.
shed fund will be held tomorrow eve­
ning starting from the "depot" at
Ssntsncsd on Liquor Charge.
6th and Main streets, stopping In , C. J. Taylor and William Hunxlck-
nine “countries" for refreshments and ar, recently arrested on a charge of Il­
entertainment, and ending at the com­ legal possession of liquor by Law En­
mercial club rooms for a social reun­ forcement League representative*,
ion The first "train" leaves 6th and have been sentenced to 80 day* In the
Main at 6 p. m sharp.
county Jail. Thep pleaded guilty af­
The regular meeting of the assocla ter being Indicted by the grand Jury.
tlon will ba held Friday. Novemoer it
tn the afternoon at the Lincoln school.
Stevena en Budget Commlttaa.
The resignation of the president. Mrs.
Welby 8tevens of Springfield has
Paul Rrattaln. will be considered at been again named on the budget com­
mittee of the county. Mr. Stevens
that time.
served last year. George O. Knowles,
Name Theatre After Flyer.
of Cottage Orove. also haa been
The new theatre being built by the named. A third member will be te-
Me Donald-Schaefer* corporation at ■ lected from the north end of the
Tenth and Willamette street. Eugene, county, according to Judge C. P.
«rill be called "Lowell’ In honor of i Barnard. The budget committee ex-
Lieutenant Lowell H Bmtlh. com­ I pecta to meet some time within the
mander of the round-the-world flyer*, i next week or ten days. County of­
who for several seasons made his ficials are now preparing their esti­
home In that city. The selection of mates for 1826.
the name was the result of a contest
which wa* won by J- O. Slants of Bu­
Officer Hit By Locomotive.
Colonel J. J. Harbaugh, county Ju­
venile officer, was badly Injured at
Logger Injured.
the Spores crossing near Hayden's
Henry Boyd. 23. Is In the Eugene bridge. He Is at the Pacific Christian
hospital with his skull fractured as hospital where hla condition Is report­
a result of an accident on the log­ ed serious. The officer had driven to
ging works of the Booth-Kelly Lum­ the Stafford school noar the crossing
ber company at Wendllng Tuesday. and was on his way home when ho
He la reported to have been struck on was struck by the freight engine on
the head with a heavy choker.
th» Mohawk branch.
Mall Clerk Arrested.
Bert H. Tlllotson, baggage mesnen-
ger on the Southern Pacific Hne op­
erating Io Oakridge was arrested Mon­
day nt hla home In Portland by post­
al Inspectors, charged with stealing
from the mall pouches. The shortages
are alleged to have been more than
*700, and to have occurred on Sun-
toy» when the trains to Oakridge had
no mall clerk and TlDotson handled
the pouches. He was arrested after
four letters containing marked money
were sent to Oakridge. Irons where
much of the shortage had been re­
THURSDAY, NOV. 13, 1924.
Fined In Police Court.
George Dick of Idaho and Mr. Spen­
cer of Montana were fined In the lo­
cal police court this week to the ex­
tent of *2 each for parking their cars
too Hose to fire hydrants.
to Cottage
Charles F. Bgglmann and Mrs. Bert
Doane motored to Cottage Grove yes­
terday afternoon.
With a minimum of |3&0 as Spring-
The local circle of the ladle* of
the Grand Army of the Republic was field's share In the Red Cross drive
Inareoted at a meeting on Friday In which opened Armistice Day.Novem
the W. (). W. hall by Mr*. Rose Gar­ bey 11, and will close Thanksgiving
rison, Inspector from Portland. She USE. the last of the month, plans are
was accompanied to Springfield by a going steadily forward under the
parly of ladles from Portland. includ- leadership of Howard B. Freeland,
Ing Mrs. Hammond, her sister, Mrs. commander of the local post of the
Valera Elder, past department presi American Legion. It Is hoped to
V-AMSS j i t 0/5/13,
dent. Mrs. Anna Kornbrodt, and Mrs. get at least *600, counting Springfield
and McKenzie points
Grace 8und*-rleaf.
Secretary of Labor, who has made-
Committee chairmen announced for
The Eugene delegation which visit
known hla desire to retire from the
ed the local circle included: Mrs. Ed­ -the affair are: L. L. May. for the
new cabinet to be formed by Presi­
na Gillespie, president, Mrs. Rina Beoth.Kelly sawmill; Vern D. Bain,
dent Calvin Coolidge.
Forrest, senior vlce-preldent. Mrs. high school; Mrs. L. K. Page, grade
Mary Hostlck. Junior vice-president, school; Jack Larson, Carl Senseny,
Mrs. Lydia Bowman, Mr*. Ortran. Mr* Vern Woolley. Ray McPherson and M. $37,000 DAMAGE SUIT
B. Huntley for the Legion.
Catherine Smith, and Mr*. Elwood.
The country up the McKenxie riv­
A social meeting followed lnspoc-
The suit brought against Dr. W.
tlon. at which Mrs. Myrtle Eggimann. er, which also comes under this divi­
local circle president, was hostess sion. «rill have the following leaders: C. Rebhan. of Springfield, for *37,000
The local ladles were complimented Herold Perkins and Verdoo May. Mar- damages by R R. Moon started yes­
on the way In which they put on the cola; Mra. Kay Baugh. Thurston; MU* terday In circuit court and is under­
ritualistic work, and were Invited to Mae Pember, Waltervllle; Farrar way today. The plaintiff alleges he
he present at the Inspection of the Foster, Y. M. C. A. Induatrtal secre­ was burned on his back In the tak
tary. Wendllng; and Mrs. Lee Seavey. Ing of an x-ray pictures, during the
Eugene circle on Saturday.
time when be was under the care of
The Springfield ladle* who ware Dnana.
Dr. Rebhan. The doctor denies he
guests at the Eugene Inspection Sat­
took the pictures claiming it was done
urday were: Mrs. Egglniann. Mrs. MANY HEAR MUSICIANS
by another physician.
Mary Magill. Mrs. 8am Richmond,
Given Five Years In Prison.
Mrs Ora Hartley. Mrs. B. Doane. Mr*.
Pleading guilty to the grand Jury
Walter Laxton. Mrs. Lottie Bowman
An audience of from 200 to 260 per­
and Mr*. Jennie Canon.
sons heard the program gtven In the Indictment on the charge of larceny
Christian church Friday night by Miss/ from the Standard Oil station at Mill
Stella Bendsbadler and Miss Vtvtai. and High street. Eugene. W. M Payne
was sentenced to five years Imprison­
METHODIST BROTHERHOOD Whinier, both of Eugene, under the ment by Judge G. F. Sklpworth tn
auspices of tha Christian Endeavor
circuit court Wednesday. Paul Mos-
W. O. Benlhln of the Extension de­ society.
kole. indicted with him pleaded not
partment of the University of Ore­
gon at Eugene will be the principal were Included In the program. The guilty and will be given a Jury trial.
speaker at tha meeting of the Meth­ proceeds from the affair were divid­ Another charge of assault with latent
odist Brotherhood next Monday eve­ ed between the entertainer! and the to rob Is against Payne.
George Elliott, found guilty by a
ning In the Methodist church. He will Society. Fortunately, the water had
address the men on the various phas- Rone down in the church basement Jury Saturday on the charge of for­
of welfare work. Mr. Benthln enough so that a fire could be built gery. was sentenced Monday by Judge
formerly resided at Camas. Washing­ and the audience could enjoy the pro­ Sklpworth to a year In the peniten­
tiary. He was charged with raising a
gram In comfort.
*5 check to *86.
Tne Brotherhood will be served
with a dinner In the church base­ FORMER POOR FARM HEAD
ment at *:46 o'clock In the evening L
by tha members of the Ladles' Aid
society. The speaking will follow.
E. N. Peterson, formerly head of
the Lane County poor farm, and his
wife were acquitted by a Jury in cir­
Max Green Jr., small, aon of Mr. cuit court Friday on a grand Jury In­
and Mrs. Max Green, had the end dictment of embezzlement from the
of his left forefinger cut off by h ts 'county The charfe was that clothes
younger brother while at play on had been purchased by Mrs. Peter­
Thursday. The children were play­ son and charged to the county.
ing with an ax In the woodshed, and
Former County Commissioner Em­
neither know exactly how the acci­ mett Sharp was a witness for the de­
dent occurred. The finger was sev­ fense and testified that he had ou-
ered at the first Joint.
thorlsed Mrs. Peterson to purchase
clothes to replace garmernts of her
Buys In Pool Hall.
own worn away by Mrs. Minnie Lask-
Asa Hadley, former Springfield In, an escaped Inmate of the farm.
resident hut more recently a resi­
dent of Garden Grove. California, has
E n tertain “900' Club.
purchased halt Interest In the Past­
The “600" club was entertalnee
ime Pool hall from Troy Hulburt. The
Friday evening at the home of Mr.
deal was completed during the last and Mrs. I. D. Larimer. Sandwiches
few days. Mr. Hadley and Mr. Hul­
and coffee were served late In the
burt will run It Jointly. Mr. Hadley
evening. Those present were: Mr. and
and hla wife will reside tn Spring-
Mrs. Joes Seavey, Mr. and Mrs. Ron­
ald Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Frank A.
Cut Finger Off.
Four L’e Moot Nov. 24.
The next regular meeting of thn
Springfield local of the Loyal Le­
gion of Loggers and Lumbermen will
be held November 24 In the W. O. W.
hall. George Davenport, local chair­
man, has not been very well during
the past week, and Larence L. May,
vice-chairman, will act in official ca­
pacity as chairman until that lime,
looking after the Red Cross drive
among thn mill men, and appointing
a representative to the W. C. T. U.
moetlng of the farm home.
DePue. Mr. and Mrs. W. Henry Adrian
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Ewbank. Dr. and
Mrs. 8. Ralph Dippel. Welby 8tevens.
Mrs. Zella Cantrell. Mr. Fred A. Cllng-
an. Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Peery, Mr.
and Mrs. J. L. Clark, and Mrs. Maude
T. Bryan. Mrs. Dippel and Mr. Adrian
won the prlies for low score.
Hostess to Prlcllla Club.
Mrs, Paul Bastard and Mrs. L. E.
Basford were hostesses to the Prlcll­
la club on Friday at the home of the
former. White chrysanthemums were
usod attractively for decorations. A
three-course luncheon was served at
4 o'clock to the following ladles: Mrs.
John Seavey of Eugene. Mrs. O. C.
Basford of Eugene, Mrs. Riley Snod­
grass. Mrs. W. H. Stearmer. Mrs.
Norman L. Howard, Mrs. Alfred J.
Morgan and small daughter Mildred,
Mrs. C. A. Swarts, and Mrs. William
Entertained Dinner Guests—Mr. and
Mrs. W. Henry Adrian and nephew.
Frances Adrian were guests Sunday
at the homo Mr. and Mrs. Leland
Ewbank, at n dinner served Southern
S'stsr Hurt—Mra, Annn McPherson
o P Eugene, sister of Mrs. Jess A style.
Scnvey of Hprlngflehl, was Injured In
Went Hunting — Riley Snodgrns»
Here from Portland—Charles Hirsh.
Bn automobile accident In Eugqpe
of Portland, arrived in
Tuesday night. She Is being cared for
nt hnr homo on north High street, and Slltcoos on a hunting trip last town this morning on his monthly
tu., u«, trip.
Action toivard vacating streets and
alleys In the Central addition in the
northwest aide of town to make room
for Industrial sites was taken nt the
meeting of the Springfield city coun­
cil Monday evening. Action came on
petition of Carl Fiaher, W. C. Mc­
Pherson and other constituting all
the property owners In the area asked
vacated. It 1* understood the Car-
bollneum Wood-Preserving Products
company, which has been hampered
for space at the present location, will
purchase a track here for a new plant
and extensive yards to take care of
greatly Increased business The pro­
posal to vacate the streets and alleys
In block 12. 13. 14. 16. 30, 21. 23 and
23 will be acted on after it is adver­
tised 30 dajrs.
The council approved a grade to
be established between B and E street
on Third street. Property owners
want to make improvements in the
way of sidewalks and retaining walls.
On motion the council ordered the
Mountain States Power company to
remove a water meter under the side­
walk on Mill street near Main. Boards
were removed lately when the meter
was read and a pedestrian fell into
the hole and I* now asking damages
for Injuries.
A petition, by F. O. Hastings, to op­
erate a skating rink In the old pool
hall building on Main street near
Third was approved by the council
and the license will be granted after
the next council meeting In conform­
ity with ordinance 344 regulating
skating rinks.
The Library board has approved the
name of Mrs. Fred Hinsen as a mem­
ber to succeed Mrs. Vida McClain,
resigned, and the conucR concnrrel
In the action.
A petition to lower the culvert at
Mill and A streets was received from
property owners in that district.
Chairman McKlin, of the street com­
mittee, reported the culvert on grade
and that it would not relieve the
drainage problem of the district of the
culvert were altered. The petition was
laid on the table.
The taxpayers meeting win he held
by the city council on Monday, No­
vember 24.
Due to a vote taken among the
employes of the Booth-Kelly sawmill,
the" mill was shut down together with
other business and industrial activi­
ties of Springfield to celebrate Arm­
istice Day. November 11. The vote
stood 71 in favor of working, to 91
tn favor of not working, with a plur­
ality of 20 In favor of the shut-down
The California power line of the
Mountain States Power company went
out Monday at 10 a. m. and was not
put in again until 2:30 a. m. on Tues­
day. The sawmill, however, was only
Entertain* Kensington*.
shut down for about a half hour, since
The Kensington club entertained on
It was carried by the local power
Friday at the home of Mrs. Levi H.
plant. On Friday the high line went
Neet, with Mrs. Neet and Mrs. W. C.
out again, though the mill ran in the
Rebhan as hostesses. Those present
were served wRh a twocourse lunch­
eon. The next meeting of the club
Pine Needlea Meet.
will be in tiro weeks at the home of
The Pine Needle circle met at the Mrs. Lawrence L. May. with Mrs.
home of Mrs. Bernice Van Valtah on May and Mrs. Henry Korf as hostess­
Thursday afternoon with fce follow­ es. Members present at the Friday
ing members present: Mrs. Mary gathering were: Mrs. Harry W. Whit­
Magill. Mrs. Nina McPherson, Mrs. ney Mrs Will Wright Mrs 9. C. Wright
Alra McPherson, Mrs. Bert Doane. Mrs. J. C. McMurray. Mrs. Herbert
Miss Mary Roberts. Mrs. O. F. Kiser. Clark, Mrs. Annie Knox, Mrs. J. T.
Miss Pauline McPherson. Mrs. Milton Moore. Mrs. Lawrence L. May. Mrs.
Cyr, Mrs. Al Montgomery, Mrs. Thor- S. Ralph Dippel, Mrs. W. Fred Walk­
val Nystrom. Mrs. Charles F. Eggl- er, and Mrs. Henry Korf. Guests es­
mann, Mrs. Wilbur Lloyd, Mrs. Sidney pecially invited for the occasion were:
Ward, and Mrs. Lottie Bowman. Spe­ Mrs. C. A. Huntington. Mrs. Sidney
cial guests for the occasion w"re Mrs. Ward. Mrs. E. May, and M m . Floyd
H. E. McElhaney and Mrs. Steven D. Thompson.
Eastern Stars to Meet.
A meeting of the Springfield ladles,
Entertained at Cards—Mr. and Mrs.
Jess A. Seavey entertained a few who are member* of the Order of the
friends at cards on Tuesday evening. Eastern Star, has been called by
Mrs. Charles F. Eggimann. chairman,
Back from Portland—Miss Eunice for next Tuesday evening. The ladles
Parker returned home from Portland will meet at the home of Mrs. C. A.
yesterday morning after spending 10 Swarts.
Those who went from Springfield
days in Portland visiting friends.
to the meeting of the Eugene Star
Returned from Trip—W. D. Fritts on Friday evening were: Mrs. Clark
returned Friday after a business trip E. Wheaton. Mrs. Mary Magill. M m .
to Portland. He was gone two weeks Eggimann, Mrs. John F. Ketele, Mra.
W. Fred Walker, Mrs. Swarts and
B daughter, Miss Edna Swarts, and
Back from Bandon—M m
Kessey. president of the Commercial Mrs. Cliff Abrams.
Johnson returned Saturday from Ban
don where she visited relatives fori
»ccompanled by Forest
Recovering from Influenza—Mrs.
Fritts, took a 42-mile horseback trip,
some time.
starting this morning for tha vicinity John C. Parker Is improving after
a recent attack of Influenza.
Called to Wsehlngton—Mra. Lottie of Mabie to drive home some cattle
Bowman was suddenly called to Ab­
Rev. “Ted" Levitt, former pastor
erdeen. Washington, yesterday by the
Improving after Operation—Oswald of the Springfield Christian church
serious -Injury to her son, Leland. 19
years old, who was hurt In an auto M. Olson is improving after hla op­ will commence holding special meet­
accident. He had been staytng with eration In the Southern Pacific hos­ ings at the church here starting Jan­
hla brother. Bd. in that city. It was pital in San Francisco, according to uary first. Rev. Levitt has been in
feared that would not live until his a letter received by Southern ’acitlc the evangelistic work since leaving
the church here.
mother arrived.
Concreat Log Made at Mill.
The concrete brow log. for some
time under construction at the Booth-
Kelly sa«vnilll, has been completed,
though the complete unloading device.
Including nn electric hoist, has not
yet been Installed.
A further Improvement at the mill
Is the installation of a set of gravity
Her* from Weatflfr—Mrs. Ray Calll
rolls, which will make posslbel a re­
turn of material to the timber slier son and baby were here from West­
without Interfering with operations. fir this morrtlng.
Legion to Feast on Duck.
A roast-duck feed at 7 o’clock, to
be followed by nomination of officers,
has been scheduled for a week from
tomorrow nltfty, Friday. November
21. In the W. O. W. hall. The Legion
drlvo for membership began Armistice
dny, for new members and renewals of
membership for the coming year.
To Make Room for Industrial
Sites Part of Central Addition
Is Petitioned to be Closed by
Property Owners.