The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 06, 1924, Page 8, Image 8

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    TI1VHHÜAY, NOV. 8. 1024.
(Continued from l'âge 1.)
Motored to Monroe— M ayor and M rs
<5 118 l i t
123 414 Charles F. Kgglntann made * business
H e rb e rt Cex .............................................................................
L. L. May .................................................................................
97 285 trip by m otor to M onroe yesterday.
33 171
W . C. M i Lagan ............... ..................
76 249
Ueo. S te w a rt ............. ...............................
Council to Most— T h e
S p ringfield
city council w ill meet In the city hall
For Recorder
37 104 Monday night at 7:30 o'clock.
C A. lkM»»vrman .......................
»0 104 »4 333
87 336
K. W . Sm ith . ..
Im proving a fte r lllnesa— Mrs. John
C. P arker la Im proving a fte r h e r re
F o r T re M u re r
S8 156 186
602 cent a tta c k of ia 'M ttu g l Influenaa
F or Justice of the Peace
R e tu rn to Monroe— Mrs. Ferol Per­
68 kins mid baby return to Mouroe this
U L au s b e iji .... — ...... X ...................... .........
sanitarium s, camps, soldiers' homes.
V isiting Parents— Mrs. Rdeese Cox
In the com m unity. For example. In
helping disabled men and women In accompanied by her little daughter
places where they were transient resi­ arrived from M arshfield F rid a y to
dents >178.074 from national funds
alone was required to help solve th e ir
problems. E v .r y Red C n m . service I .
P' * r ’r T hey returned yeeterday
ever a t hand ready to meet the In- 1 *" ,h e lr home.
Nearly $12,000,000 Devoted to a «
” * “ « ne *1 of «»•*
1 women.
Helping Victims of Great
T he enlisted men In the
A rm y, the Navy, and the
Japanese Earthquake.
“ d
Moving to Eugene— M r. and Mrs
Regular Howard B. Freeland are moving from
Marino ’ h eir home on 8th and A streets to
Corps, w ith th eir home ties mean a W eal 8th and W ashington streets In
never-ending Red Cross service which
i Eugene.
OVER 3,000 BUSY CHAPTERS figures cannot fu lly Interpret. In this
w ork a total of >«85 385 was applied
Changed W o rk — E rnest P a rr sev­
In m eeting an obligation under the
e r ,1 his connection w ith the Pastim e
Aid to Disabled War Veterans
i Pool hall on Monday, and yesterday
filled for over SO years.
i b-. gan w ork in the Loop I’ool hall.
Paramount and Reaches
Domestic Operations Extensive
In the past year Red Cross oper«- '
Nearly $4,000,000.
Here from C row —C C. Stu rtevan t
tlons were almost wholly confined to m erchant fo Prow, was in town on
continental United States and the
business Tuesday.
W ashington.— More than >31000 000 Insular possessions
Relief work fol­
was the total of funds expended In low ing disasters called for Imm ediate
B ack fro m N o r th — A l P r k i l M
*11 activities of the American Red activities In 193 places and a total of
Cross during the last fiscal year, >737.803 17 was spent In this service turned IXtesday a lte r an extended
ended June SO. says a statement le­ alone. In S3 m ajor disasters trained trip north.
aned by the National organization. workers were kept at the work of
L eft
fo r
Portland— Mlaa
L ucille
T his expenditure was almost one- reh abilitation for many months
Sm ith left yesterday for Portland af
sixth of the amount of money dis­
In carrying on the health activities
bursed by the Red Cross in the war a total of >414.58« 8« from Red Cross te r visiting In Sp rin gfield w ith h«-
year. July. 1917. to June, 1918. Of national funds, and >808 000 from Chap­ fath er, Reuben thnltb.
this extraordinary sum >11.031.303 was te r treasuries— appropxlm ately >1.353-
Am erica's contribution to the Red 88« In all— was applied, riv in g some
Heard Coolidge 8peech— A fow ol
lie ei f of
cross for
tor re
or the
m e Japanese
J a p a n e s e earth
e a r ia
jdea of U)# extent of Red Cross ser- the friends of M r. and M rs W lle n n
„ . _____Monday
nursing, nutrition
IO the epeech of P re .ld e n t Cool-
general funds of the Red Cross, and It sprsadlng knowledge of p e rro n ., h y (
represented probably the largest spon gUne M<1 car, of
, lck
hom a
taneons outpouring of beneficence of
For advancing the eanse of human
W en t to Corvallis— Mrs. A rth u r L
a single nation In the history of the
safety, the First Aid Instruction, local- Roberts and Mrs Ivan M ale
ly by Chapters and over extensive
O vsr 8.000 active Chapters expend­ national te rrito ry by the Red Cross last week-end at Corvallis, where they
ed during the year >4.869.000. the Na­ Instruction car covering trunk line visited M rs Robert's sister. Mrs. El
tion al organisation disbursed >16.497.- railroads, and In teaching water- sle Davie. They went to Corvatlta
355 38. making the total >21 368 355 35 safety and Incrwaatng the membership Friday, retu rn in g Sunday,
— a ll for hum anitarian w ork which of the Red Cross tJ fr S a v In g Corps,
F o rm e r
R e s id e n t to
M a r r y — A n-
reached practically around the world. the total cost was >388 33 4 71. of which
In announcing the year’s record of >318.334.71 cams out of national funds noucement has
Am erican Red Croat Industry the ex
Springfield friends o f M r and M rs
A rm y of O ver 5.500.000
•c u tlv e officials at Washington empha­
The Junior Red Cross In the schools John C M cM ullen of Portland, that
sise the fact that the extensive and
th e ir daughter. M b s H d len HBsa>
«ever-halting work of the Red Cross — w ith over 5,500.000 In Its “1 S erve-
depends almost wholly upon the na­ ranks— was aided w ith >233.510.75 to beth M cM ullen. Is to be m arried to
tion-w ide support of the organisation which It s estim ated the Chapters add­ Joseph B erkshire, Wednesday morn-
from the memberships enrolled daring ed some » 7 7 .0 0 0 — a total of >510.510.78. Ing. Novem ber 19. at 9 o'clock In the
the annual roll call which this year In various other domestic activities the church of M adeline. Portland. Miss
Cross spent » 8 3 .4 7 3 19. and the
. .
. . . . . .
Trill be In progress from Nov. 11 to Red
Chapters In th e ir numerous voluntary M c M u lk “ «»ended
the Springfield
37. when everyone Is asked to Join
Uvei In
or renew th e ir membership in the services
Springfield v ic in ity for many years
>1.048.000 during the year
Am erican Red Cross.
from M r. M cM ullen was fo rm e rly Spring
Soldier Service Paramount
Japan, were met w ith national funds > field's c ity atto rn ey
Service In behalf of the disabled as follows: R elief of refugees In '
veterans of the W orld W a r and their Greece. >200.887.18; Junior Red Cross
Get our price fo r photos. Tollm an's
fam ilies Is a paramount obligation of projects |9 9 579 75; League of Red
D - lt
the Red Cross.
The organisation, Cross Societies. >185.000; other In­ Studio. Eugene
through Its Chapters, is constantly In sular and foreign work. »21.855.3L
touch with thia duty In 2.6 IS communi­ The American Red Cross budget for
G ra n g e to E lec*.
ties throughout the United States— 1934-25 It 34.847.790 85. or »888.388 9«
O fficers for the year w ill be elected
the Chapters alone daring the year ex­ less than the budget for the year
pending In service for veterans about ended last June 80.
by the Lane county KTange at a m eet­
>2.000.000. The National organisation
ing to be held at E lm ira N o rem b er
expended >1.735.825— a total of » 735.-
In good deads tor sll peoples hi 29 T he present officers are E. J. W ard
835 applied to assisting war sufferers tim e of distress the Amertcsn Rad
of Irving, m aater; H. C. M ille r, of
tow ard recovery from disability and Cross never rests
Help this work I Goshen, secretary; and Mrs. H. L.
w ith your membership dollar— Join on
| Plank of Junction C ity lecturer.
This work Is constant In h o s p ita l* Arm istice Day.
Club to M eet— T he P rlc llla club w ill
meet F riday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock
w ith Mrs. Paul Harford at her hniivr
on 9th »(reel Instead of w llh Mrs.
R o u t*
W ent to
Portland— Mise Eunice
Parker went to Portland Nalurday and
w ill return next Tuesday She la visit
ing friends there.
Coming from Canada— Mrs. t*eorg„
llersb ey o f W ababaw. Canada, Is ex
parted to a rriv e thia afternoon In
Springfield tor a visit w ith her par­
ents. Mr. and M rs W illia m Lanabery
Aid to H ave All-Day M eeting — The
lisp, 1st l-adlee' Aid w ilt have an all
day m ealing In the church parlors
Wednesday. each lady takin g her din
Bed w ith her aud planning Io stay
all day to do quilting. Men w ill be ad­
m itted. too. If they w ill help quilt,
according to those In charge.
M o ra i t i lc le n t p iu n a mark> tin g an.
mure econoiullcal production are tw<
Ueuuble remedies suggested for the
fireeent prune situation, In (ha coat
of prune production tuvasllgatio. s
opnducled by If. II, Sen,Ider of (hi
Or« gon cxi e r l m e i it station and It S
Bess«, extension service spclallst it
tgrni management lle lle r m nrkctlns
Would Increase the price the grow s,
receives and economical production
reduce the rusts I It* grower pays.
Prune growing based on available
markets is said In the report to be
one of the moat desirable perm anent
farm enterprises suited to western
Dragon. But for several years (he
price received for prunes has not
been enough to give reasonable re­
turns on the Investment. G reatly In­
creased production ' and Inadequate
........... .............
tra 81W ».'« >h* m alo rsaaoua for
his condition.
"T h e nu„'l«er o f b "srlug prune trees
n P ’ « U n'ted N ates h is Inciessd from
9 m illio n to 13 m illio n In the lu it lit
reara,'* saya the report. "Organisation
In m arketin g baa not
grown fast
,ito u a h Io care tor the tncruase-1 con­
sumption. ru t out useless com pell|lon
br i ween growers, or cut m arketing
costo to the (lim it."
im ria lle know ledge of the cost ,<
production noi heretofore available is
«esentisi both to more economical
production and b elte r m arketing T he
m arket «gent who does not know ihb
coat o f the g<sNls he sells la poorly
prepared to obtain fa ir p riera for his
g ro w e r*
O row era' organisations need this in
form ation Io make effective Ih e lr de-
mande for low er transportation n a i i ,
meet foreign com petition abroad, and
eecare protection agam a It at hum«.
-------------------------.------------g------- -----------------
R e tu rn e d fro m Portland— Mrs
F K el Is returned Tuesday night from I
a trip to l*«rtland
m veral d a y *
Big Double Bill
where she spent
Sold Oat Crop— K E H ill wns In
S p ringfield Tuesday disposing o f his ,
oat crop, comprising approxim ately '
2000 bushels.
H e re
fro m
Two Knockout Features
W a lt e r v .lie — C h a rle s ‘
Pem ber, pro prietor o f
store at
W a ltc rv llle .
form er
Springfield resident, was here on bus­
iness Tuesday.
V ia ted Parent»— M r and Mrs. H e r
bert Smeed and Steven Smeed, all
of Eug-me. spent Sunday afternoon
here at the borne of Mrs. Smeed'a
parents, M r. and Mrs. A l Montgom ery
Club to M eet— T he
club w ill meet this afternoon at the
home of M rs. Bernlca Van Valsah at
10th and C streets.
Kelp Ore
“Nature's Health Gift from
the Ocean"
In pound package«. To be
taken after each meal.
For Sale by
Phone U S— W
Or call 226 West E St.
Battlin’ Bates
Santa Fe Trail
Riot i
Buck at his best at a two-fisted son of the plaint who
does his stuff under the big te n t
The king of champs
In A round of fun and thrills!
“The Confidence
/■ r * *
One of our Davenports
Will be very nice during the long evenings this winter. Come in and inspect our stock of
Comedy— "Children Wanted
Davenports and Chairs in Velours, Tape3try and Mohair covering.
Bakers cut Velour Dgvengort, full spring construction. Prices from $98.00 to $140 00
Chairs to match, fro m .....................................................................................
i00 to * * . 0 0
Leather Davenports at .....................
L"’ " ’"r • " ai™ "™ "
.............. ............................................... J 20.00 to $36.00
Mohair IJaraapom from ...................... _...................................................................
3-pie<ie Tapestry Davenport s e t................. ................................
«See this special In our w in d o w -
$165 00
Bilvertone Dresser, Chiffonier, Bed, Coll. Sp
ring and 40 lb. cotton mattress for $88.00
Wright & Son
Tom Mix
“The Heart Buster"
i 4* >
Two real comedy—
J .
• À -J b
“ Dawn of a Tomorrow"
Santa Fe Trail
Two free tickets good Friday
or Saturday. Mrs. E. W. Albers
kindly call at box office for
! same.
To frewe tickets good Sun­
day or Monday, Mrs. I. A. Val­
entine kindly call at box office
j for your tickets.
Two free tickets good Wed-
| nesday or Thursday. Mrs. R. E.
Morris kindly Gall at box office
for your tickets.
’Watch for new names next
week. They are taken at random
from the telephone directory.
I t ’s got the Dem psey W a llo p
The Homo
Of T h j
Any Sent
Any Show
Any Tin <
Kiddies a Dime
Come and Bring
the Whole Famil