IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E HTATK O F OREGON FOR LANE CO UNTY Eugene Foundry A Machine Com- jpany, a corporation, plaintiff, va. Em- t. il what , h w a n t to M il. i» z WINN »••>< ekn and NOTICK OF ROAD D ISTR IC T — Locke, her husband, Joseph Hhaw M EETING and — Hhaw, hla wife, Henrietta TO W HOM IT MAY CONCERN: Fleming and — Firming her husband, NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT Notice la hereby given that a meet­ K E Hhaw and — Shaw, his wife, si M KKTINQ ing of the legal voter« being realdent : so (he unknown heirs of any of said dc turpuyer« an,I owner« of real prop­ TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ; fendsiita who may be deceased, also erty In Itoad Dlatrlct No 13, In la n e Notice 1« hereby given that a meet­ all olhiT persons or -parties unknown ing of the legal volera being realdent County, Oregon, will be bald at the claiming any right, title, eatate, Ben hour of 2 P. M , on the 16th day of taxpayer« and owner« of reel prop­ or Interest In the real property dc» erty In Road Dlatrlct No 66. In Lane November. A. D . 1924. at the McKen County, Oregon, will be held at the ale Bridge Schoolhouse In ««Id Road rrlbed In tho complaint herein, de­ hour of 2 P. M , on the 16th day of Dlatrlct, to determine whether ««Id fendants. SUM MONS November. A, D.. I »24. “ht the Mlnney road dlatrlct »hall levy a «portal tax Ta Emma llardlnga, Mary Locke lla ll In «aid Itoad District, to deter­ of 6 mill« upon all the taxable prop­ and — I-ocke, her husband. Joseph mine whether «aid road dlatrlct «hall erly In ««Id d iitrlct for the purpo«« Hhaw and — Hhaw, hla wife, Lydia levy a «pedal t a i of 3 mill« upon all of providing fund» for graveling road Grow and — Grow, her husband. Sar­ the taxable property In ««Id dlatrlct tietween McKenxIe Bridge and Foley ah B. Hhaw and — Hhaw her husband, for the purpo«« of providing fund* Spring« Hannah V errlll and Joseph V errlll, her CLINTON KURD, Ceunty Com. for general road purpoie« In dlatrlct husband, Isaac It. Eastman and — 0 E. CROWE. County Com. 66 O 80-N «13 Eastman, ills wife, Benjamin F. East­ C L IN T O N IIU R D , County Cotg man and — Eastman, his wife, Polly O. K. CROWE, County Com Show and — Rtiaw, her husband, O SO N # IS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Timothy Hhaw and — Hhaw, hla wife, Notice 1« horeby given that Donald Hallie M Hhaw and — Hhaw, her hus­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS Young h«» been appointed tulmini»1- band, W illiam Hhaw and «— Hhaw. bis Nolle« 1« hereby given that the 1 wife, Ephrlam Shaw and— Hhaw, his undernlgned J. K John»on ha« been rator with the will attarhed of the Wife, Samuel N. Hhaw and—Hhaw hla duly appointed by the order of the estate of Henry I’lw re, deceased. All wife, Ji-mlma Kaatman and — East­ Judge of the County Court in and persona having claims against ««Id man, her husband, Polly L eke and — for Lane County, Oregon. »« admin estate are hereby notified to present Locke, her uhshand, Joseph Hhaw and latrator of the ««tate of Hannah J. the ««me with proper voacher* to the — Hhaw, his wife. Henrietta Fleming Johnaon, deceased. All tier «on» having aald admlnlatrator at hl« office at and — F ilm ing, her husband, E. E. claim« «gainst «aid estate are here­ Shaw and — Hhsw hla wife, MO W illamette «tree», Eagene. Ore­ also the unknown heirs of any oi by notified to present the »«me prop­ erly verified to the undersign'd ad­ gon. on or before elx months from the said defendants who may be deceased ministrator. at the office of Fred B date of the first publication of ihla also all other« person or partloe un­ Smith, law ye r, Eugene. Oregon, with known claiming any right, title, es­ notice. tate, Hen or Interest'In the real prop­ In «lx months from the date of thia Data of first publication the 9th day erty described In tbo complaint here- notice. of October. 1924 lu defendants: I kited October 30th. 1924 IN T H E N A M E OF T H E S TA TE Signed: DONALD YOUNG. Attorn J E JOHNSON, Admlnlatrator. FRED E S M IT H . ey with the will annexed of the estate O F OREOON. you orc hereby re­ quired to appear and answer the com­ Attorney for Admlnlatrator. of Hoary ITerre, deceoad. plaint which has been filed against Eugene, Oregon. e 0-9-16-16 «ON-« you In the above entitled Court and O 30. N-6 13 20-Î7. cause, within six weeks from the date of the first publication of thia J summons, and If you fail to so appear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff w ill apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In tho complaint to-wit: for a decre» that the plain­ tiff la the sole and «beolnl* owner Eat at the In fee simple of the following describ­ SPONO A THOMAS JFIWEIJCIl ed real property: CAFE Beginning at a point 698 2-3 foet Repairing a BiMtcJaUy Comer 3rd and Main west of tho northee«t corner of coun­ Springfield, Oregon , ty survey No. 113, in the city of Eu gene. In the connty of I-ane. and state Oregon, being In the south line of Eighth street of eaid cltv. and run­ W. F. WALKER ning thence west along the line of Call said street 1321-3 feet more or leas F U N ER A L DIRECTOR to the east line of Ferry Istrnet. SUTTON TRANSFER Full AiMo Bqolp'iwnt thence south on the east line of Fer­ ry street 167 feet, thence seat 132 Phono 57 W O. W block 13 f«et more or less to a point due south of the beginning point, thence GQjce Phone Res Uho^s MJ north 167 feet to the place of begin- •ng; I «nd thsf you. and each of yon have no right title or Inlere’ t therein or DR. N. W. EMERY GEO,. N, MoLEAN thereto whatsoever; and that you and each of you be forever barred and Automobile, Flee and Life O EW F48T enjoined from asserting any elalm IN 8 U R A N C I Button Bldg. Rhone 20-J thereto. Surety Benda,. Phone »17 This summons Is served upon you Reeldenco Phone 1«J M j My buelnere le to protect yo*r by publication thereof for six conse­ business cutive weeks M the Springfield Nears, Springfield, Oregon i 860 W illamette S t Eugene Oregon a newspaper of general circulation published In la n e 'county. Oregon in conformity with the order of tho SHOE REPAIRING ! TRY CLOVER, the beat Hon. 0 F. Sklpworth, judge of the hove ontltled court, made and enter­ Work Promptly and 'd on the first day of October. 1924. barber that ever hit Spring- Carefully Done Date of first publication the 9th day field. of October, 1924. JOHN A. NELSON DO NALD YO UNO ,. Attorney for A. A. ANDERSON 509 Main Street Palntlff. Post Office Address. Eu­ gene. Oregon. I BARBER SHOP 0-916 2S-30-N-6-13-29 ClassifiedAdvertisements J B U S IN E S S s I 1 ■■■' — — — — Replaces W allace OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIALINTEREST Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. Salem's city budget, as approved by the council, provides »249,600 for next year's expenses. | An increase In gas rates, amounting to about 60 cents per month for each customer. Is asked by the Southern Oregon Gas company and will go Into effect In Roseburg November 16 un- lees suspended by the commission. About 400 feet of temporary false work Installed by the Pacific Bridge company for the construction of the Pacific highway bridge over the W il­ lamette river at Harrisburg went out with a loss of »7000 to 610,000, as a result of a sudden rise In the river. Alexanders. Inc., the oldest depart­ Leonard Oilkey, a Linn county farm ­ ment store in Pendleton, one of the er. has been elected secretary of the landmarks of the city and of the east­ ern part of the state as far as mer­ Albany chamber of commerce. chandising history la concerned, will John Wesley Goodman, 73, natlv« ) suspend business, according to a ot Oregon, was burned to death when statement by Carl Cooley, manager. hla residence in Coburg was destroy­ Brron K. Wheeler of Eugene, who ed. waa arretted aa a California bank rob­ John n. Hedlund. 60, connected with ber suspect and held In the Lane the Blue Lake Logging company, was county Jail for a week, filed suit in found dead in the woods, pinned un­ circuit court against Sheriff Taylor der a heavy timber. and bis bondsmen for »50,000 dam­ During May, June and July 42 resi­ ages for alleged false imprisonment. dents died In Jackson county and 76 Damages In the amount of »1584 children were born, of whom 41 were were awarded Ruby Dodson against boys and 34 were girls. the city of Bend by a ctrcntt court All rain records were broken for Medford and at the southern Oregon experiment station in Talent by the heavy rainfall In Jackson county. Budgets filed by the various school dtatricta of Tillamook county show that 679,294.62 w ill be needed to run the schools during the coming year. The eastern Oregon Older Boys’ conference was held In Baker with 85 delegates present from cities and com- munltles of the eastern part of the state. , The city budget for La Grande has been adopted by the budget committee, and now awaits final approval. The total amount of the budget la »125,- 814.50. Jury after hearing the suit In which Mias Dodson alleged that she had ; been permanently injured In a fall caused by a faulty sidewalk in Decem­ I ber, 1922. I Tunnel work on the Eugene- - Klamath Falls line of the Southern Pacific will be well under way with­ in 30 days, according to John G. Mc- i Fee of the firm of Henry & McFee, which has the contract for the build­ Asst. Secy, of Agricu.ture How­ ' ing of 17 tunnels in the Cascade moun­ ard Gore. He gave up cam­ tains southeast of Eugene. paigning for his election as Gov­ ernor of West Virginia, to take 1 The Southern Pacific company has over the fail duties ef the late ‘ filed with the public service commis­ Secy. W allace sion a ta riff authorizing reduced rates on canned fruits and vegetables in Gish and against James M. Griffith carload lots between Sutherlin, Doug­ tor the sum of »104.00, with Interest las county, and Corvallis. The rate Robert L. Wlnnlfred, for many years thereon at the rate of « per cent per under the new tariff Is 27*4 cents for one of the leading residents of Rose­ annum from the 6th day of March, suu the farm er sum of »40.00 attorn burg. committed suicide by shooting 100 pounds as against 36H cents un­ eys fees and toe further sum of »61.40 himself at the home of E. 3. Addison, I der the present schedule. cost and disbursements, which judg­ Members of the state emergency ment was enrolled and docketed ia near Lorane. the office ot the clerk of said court Dr. J. A. Best has resigned as Uma­ board held a brief meeting in Salem in said county on the 7th day of tilla county physician because the Red and approved deficiency appropria­ M a r ti, 1924, and on an execution Cross incurred bills and the county tions aggregating »13.876.76. Of thia issued out of the circuit court of the amount »10,395 was to care for claims State of Oregon, for the County ot court paid them without his knowl­ resulting from the activities of the Lane on the 10th day of October, edge or sanction. state veterinarian and state livestock 1924, ujxzn a judgment rendered there­ Both the Osborne and the Gibbs in on the 22nd day of May, 1924, in sanitary board in thè campaign driers at Amity are operating at full favor of 8. J. Gish and against Jameu against the foot and mouth disease. M. G riffith, for the sum of »94.10, with capacity, drying apples and walnuts The Mountain States Power com­ interest thereon at the rate of 6 per Tor the O-egon and California Fruit pany, with headquarters in Albany, cent per annum trom the 22nd day Growers' association. has filed with the public service com­ of May, 1924, and the farther sum A half dozen of Lane’s largest of »35.00 attorneys fees, and the fur­ mission a ta riff providing for a gen­ bridges. Just inspected by state and | ther sum of »44.80 costs and alsburse- eral reduction In rates. The new tariff, ments. which said judgment was en­ county engineers together, have been ! if authorized by the public service rolled and docketed In the office of deemed unsafe in a formal report just commission, will affect 11,740 consum the Clerk of said Court in said coun­ made to the county court. era and will reduce the annual rev­ ty on the 22nd day of May, 1924. and The Haines Telephone company fil­ enues of the company approximately said executions to me directed com­ ed with the public service commis­ »18,000 annually. manding me in the name of the State of Oregon to satisfy said Judgment, sion application to increase Its rates , Thirty miles of The Dalles-Cali- costa and disbursements, and the on party lines from »1.60 to »2 and on fornla highway In Waeco county were costa and disbursements of and upon private lines from »2.50 to »3. ordered surfaced by the state high­ this w rit out of the personal property Oregon has been asked to send a way commission at a meeting in Port­ of said defendant, or If sufficient demonstration team for the making land. When surfaced this will com­ could not be four.d, then out of the real property of said Defendant. In of prune bread to the National Boys’ plete the highway in that county. The Lauo county, Oregon, and un­ I and Girls* club congress in Chicago. section is from W hite River to Cow able to find any personal property be­ November 28 to December 5. canyon. The work was awarded to longing to said Defendant, upon which Jonathan apples, sent from Hood Joslin & McAllister of Spokane for to levy, I have levied upon the fo! lowing described real property In River to Englsnd by Dan Wutlle & »138,400. Twenty bidders competed Co., have returned growers a net of a i for the award. Lane County, Oregon, towit: Beginning at the south west corner little over »2 a box. according to Wal-1 In an effort to secure commodity of Donation Land Claim No. 44. Notf. ter R. Woolpert, sales manager. rates for binder twine from Portland No 6608 in Township 19 South, Range Judge Lawrence T. Harris of Eu­ into the distributive territory of the 1 Wcet of the W illamette Meridian: thence North 27.50 chains to a point gene has been Invited to be the first Portland Cordage company, complaint 12.50 chains south of the Northwest speaker at a series of Americanization has been tiled with the Interstate com­ corner; east 11 chains. North 12.50 meetings planned by the women’s merce Commission by the Portland chains to north line, east 29 chains to club at Corvallis November 17. Traffic & Transportation association. northeast corner, south 39 SO chains i Lloyd Lyons. 30, was killed instant- ; It is maintained that the lack of such to southeast corner. West 29 80 chains ) !y at Walton. 30 miles west of Eugene rates places Portland at a disadvan­ to Southeast corner All In j on the Coos bay line of the Southern tage as compared with eastern com­ County. State of Oregon. Now, therefore. In u - m ..ame of the Pacific when a donkey engine In slid- petitors in eastern Oregon, Idaho and titate of Oregon, In compiance with I ing down a mountain passed over him. Montana. raid execution, and In order to satis­ John L. Etheridge, former head of In cose Governor Pierce approves Not:c« of Road District Meeting fy said judgm mt, lat fist, costs and * Morris Brothers, Incorporated, defunct I an option requested by B. C. Miles, a IO W HOM IT WAY CONCERN: Notice Is hereby given that a meeting ii sburtements, a"d the costs and ex j Portland bond house, was re-lodlcted Salem capitalist, covering the pur- J DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL pcn*es of and upon this w rit, 1 will of tho legal vot r» being ev id e n t tax­ on Saturday the 22nd day of Novem In Portland by the federal grand jury chase from the state of 45 tons of payers and owners of real property DENTIST ber, 1924 nt the hour of one o'clock on charges of using the mails to de­ flax fiber between July 1 aud Decem­ In Itoad District No. 12. In Lane Coun­ In the afternoon of said day. at the ber 31, 1925. and 180 tons of flax ty. Orogon, w ill be held nt the hour routhwest front door of the County fraud. Phone 43 Coyotes and bobcats had several . fiber to be delivered during 1926. Mr. of 2 p. m. on the 22 day of November. Court House in Eugene, Lane Coun Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. A. D., 1924, at th I-ogt Valley School tv, Oregon, offer for sale and sell fcr days' freedom from persecution this Miles and his associates have propos­ H ouro In said Road District, to de­ cash, at public auction subject to re­ week, owing to the elections. Fifty- ed to erect a modern flax spinning termine whether said road district demption as provided by law. all of six government hunters received per­ mill near Salem. It Is said that the M shall levy s Hpeclal lax of 8 mills the right, title and Interest of said plant would cost approximately $175,- upon all the taxable property in said defendant, James M. G riffith, or anv mission to return to their residences 000, of which amount more than »75,- COLLECTIONS to vote. district for th ‘ purpose of providing r c ro n or re rio n ’ claiming by, funds for maintaining Or building through, or under them, or either of No Co lectlnn. No Charge. October’s exports from Portland 000 already has been subscribed. | roads in said district. Four men were drowned near Pow­ W illamette Collection and Credit then, in ano to the above described represented a value of »7.233.166 and p CLINT" N HURD. Connty Ccm. r r o it r t y . Service for 10 months of the year the total Is ers, In the southern district of Coos O. E. CROWE, County Com. F R A N K E, TAYLO R , , county, when a logging train went 860 W illamette 8treet, N- 6-13-20. Sheriff of Lane Connty. »38,587,737, whereas for the corre­ a Eugene, Oregon, 0-23-30 3-6-13 20 sponding 10 months In 1923 values ag­ down on a bridge on the railroad on Salmon creek, and another man was Phone 378 gregated $32.574,039. Notice of Road District Mooting .*--------------------------------------- crushed to death under a ten-ton TO W HOM I f MAY CONCERN; Three armed robbers entered the NOTICE OF ROAD D ISTR IC T Not ce Is h- reby ptven th-it n meeting boulder which fell from cliffs as he M EETIN G Aurora State bank, held up Miss M il­ I ------ — ------------------------------------- -----------I ot the legal voters being resident tax­ HOM IT MAY CONCERN: dred Benolst, assistant cashier, and was passing In Camas Valley. All payers and owners of real property ce Is hereby given that a meet- robbed the Institution of approximate- ' were the result of the recent severe In Rood District No. 3, In Lane Coun­ the legal voters being resident storm which swept Coos county. The ty, Oregon, w ill be held at the hour v«rs and owners of real prop­ ly $400 In cash, a few money orders ’ dead In the logging accident are: All kinds of gravel for con­ of 2 p. m. on the 22 day of November. in Road District No. 1. In l ane and a number of checks. Charles Lumbert. engineer, of Pow­ crete or road work. We * A. D., 1924, the Compa-ny Hall at ;v t regon. will be held at the A report on the forest fires In the I Mabel In said Rond District, to de­ ¿f 10 A M. on the 15th dev cf Slualaw national forest this year, ' ers; Floyd Rice, fireman, o t Powers; make a specialty of erttahed termine whether said road d iitrlct Archie Boone, conductor; W. C. Wood- „,hpr A D . 1924. at the Coburg rock and rock sand. Bunk­ made at the office of the forest in I shall levy a special tax of 4 mills ring, mechanic. ers nt foot of Main on Mill Eugene shows a total of 61. The total j upon all the taxable property In said District, to determine whether sal" district for the purpose of providing street. number of acres burned over In the ' Professor Elwood Mead, recently ap­ pointed commissioner for reclamation funds for constructing road from tho read district shall levy a a special tax national forest was 1167. HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. of the Interior department, has of­ Church above Mabel to the Linn Coun­ nt 4 mills upon nil the Usable proper The steam schooner Acme, loaded ficially proclaimed the lower Klamath ty line past OehKosh Lumber com­ ty In said district for the purpose of providing funds for Cross Roads and with 100 tons of steel, went ashore lake drainage district reclamation pro­ pany mill. Side Roads of District. on the beach near W hisky run. four ject a failure, aud Informed Game C L IN T O N HURD, County Com. C L IN T O N HURD. County Com. O. E. CROWE. County Com. miles north of Bandon. H er crew was Warden Burghduff and W. L. Finley FRANK A. DE PUE O E. CROWE, County Com. N- 6-13-20. rescued, but the vessel, valued at »76,- of the National Association of Audu­ O-30-N-S-13 A TTO R NEY A T LAW 000, was declared a total wreck. bon Societies that dikes would be NOTARY PUBLIC Two feet of snow blocked The •»pened and the water turned back In­ Grange to Elect. NOTICE OF SHER IFF'S SALE ON , Officers for the year will be elected Dalles-Caltfornla highway 60 miles to the lake. Lower Klamath lake was Sutton Springfield EXECUTIO N Notice Is hereby given that by v lr -1 by the bane county grange at a meet north of Klamath Falls at the Fort at one time the principal breeding Buldllng Oregon. tue of an execution issued out of the I Ing to he held at Elm ira November Klsmath hill, for a short time last ground for migratory birds on the Pa­ Circuit Court of the State of Or“ ' £9, The present officers are E. J. W ar 1 week, but heavy automobiles broke cific coast and one of the most Im­ Hr. 3. Ralph Dlppel. Dentist, Vitus gon. for the County e f Lane on j through the drifts aud the road was portant bird reservations the coun­ 27th day of September, l f l ' , upon a of Irving, master; H. C. M iller, of I building, Springfield, Oregon. opened to Bend. try. Goshen, secretary; and Mrs. H . L. Judgment rendered therein on the 6th V • «»-- 1, m oi In Fewae O T ' Plank of Junction City lecturer. --»•*» », ■, - a-., N, t —At-.« , BT - -a» «3MB M. D IR E C T O R Y D. W . ROOF of »»-M. WM. O. HUGHES FIR E ANO AUTO IN8URANCK NOTARY PUBLIC , Office at FIRST NATIONAL BANK Sgrlngfield, Oregon ROBERT W. EARL Olstrlot Manager The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States Phone 1197 Y 21B Cattle Bldg.. Eugene, Ore. J ---------------------------------------- “The Loop" Your Home When In Springfield JO HN M. W IL IlA M fl Attorney for Vet. State Aid Com-, Soldiers Bonus Loans. L. K. BEAN Attorney State I-and Board. State School Fund Loam. WILLIAMS A BEAN A TTO R NEYS 860 W llllam ette 8t. Eugene, Ore. Uceniied to practice In all Court® of the 8tatn, and United Staten. Squeak - Squeak - Squeak Repair that squeaky wiheel before Ita too late. $1.60 per wheel F A D Service Station CwiiivT 2 m.d A «SW.' SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL GO. L In on pW:*« Oh plate And Other work. « 'W