THURSDAY. NOV. «. I»24. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWR PACK S IX ' of telling the dangerous kind of sore throat from the sort that is not dan­ gerous. You cannot afford to guess when your child is sick. The first symptom are fever, loss of appetite, Hsrs from Fall Creek— Frank Ktnt- pain in swallowing, and soreness and tley was in from Fall Creek Monday. i swelling of the glands of the neck In from Dealer— Mrs. J. H. Hig­ The throat Is Inflamed and a small gins of Dexter as a Springfield visitor greyish white membrane ran be seen on one or both tonsils. In some chil­ on Monday. dren the throat may not be affected, BORN— At their home in Donna. but there is a blood tinged dlarbarg.' Sunday, November 1. 1914. to Mr. and from the noee, the so-called naaa! Mrs. F. W. Stafford, a daughter, diphtheria. Again the first symptoms weight 9 pounds. may be hoarseness and a hard crouny Here from Fall Creak— Dale Kinta- rough with d lffiru lt breathing. Thlr ley of Fall Creek was a Springfield Is a very dangerous form and Is known as membranous croup or lar­ business visitor Tuesday. yngeal diphtheria. Lowell Lady Here— Mrs. J. A. Hills The early use or tntl-loxla clears ths of Lowell was in Springfield Monday system or diphtheria poison like irsg for medical treatm ent ic. but If its use M postponed. It Is BORN— At their home on 10th and not so effective. Tbe physician who E streets. October 31. 1914. to Mr. immediately gives anti-toxin la tbe and Mrs W illiam Rodenbaugh. a life saver. Cases of diphtheria, car- daughter, weight 7H pounds rlers and known contacts should be promptly isolated and should not be In from Harrisburg— Mr. and Mrs. released until two negatives cultures Sam Fawver were Springfield visitors taken on consecutive days have beer, from Harrisburg Tuesday. secured and until all symptoms of ths Dexter Man Hare—R. Moon of Dex­ disease have dtsappearde. — State ~ ter was in Springfield Monday for Board of Health. medical treatm ent have followed closely the results which have come during the past season from the carefully directed ef forts of the various communities it* capitalise the returns from the tie llonsl advertising of ths railroads and other agencies, believe it reaaonabli to expect the 1930 census to sb<>w si least 1.400.000 inhabitants In Oregon, i f contltsued local fntersat in tbe development program la maintained. TOWN AND V IC IN ITY Hsrs from Goahsn— Mr». R. Roney was In town front Goshen Monday. Ill at Home— Mrs. T. J. McCracken Is seriously 111 at her home on Sth and D streets this week. Had Minor Operation— Leland Fox ley submitted to a minor operation on hla right cheek Tuesday. Went to Donna— Dr. Eugene Keater motored to Donna Sunday, returning later In the day. Here from Fail Creels—J M. Schults of Fall Creek «as in Springfield tor medical treatment Monday. F. Went to Portland— Mrs. John Ketels made a trip to Portland Thurs day to e?end a few days. In from Jasper— Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Jasper were Springfield visitors Mon­ day. Went to Portland— Vernon Grlmee of the Grimes Plumbing company, zyade a trip to Portland Saturday. Injured Leg — W alter Llpes teh through the sidewalk on Mill street NEARLY ONE M ILLIO N Saturday, »rriously injuring his left Punctured Eyelid— Kenneth Casteel leg. punctured his eyelid Sunday when he PEOPLE NOW IN STATE born — At their home on Sth and | ran Into a barbed wire fence on Sec­ Portland. Ore.. Nov. 9.,— (Special.I L str uts, Monday. November 3. 1914. ond street. The injury w ill not re­ —There are 955.462 people in Oregon to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Conn, a daugh­ sult seriously. It is thought. today. According to a detailed survey ter. weight TH pounds. Lsft for North Dakota— Mrs. J. Kov­ Just made by the Oregon State Cham­ Ill at Home— Miss W inifred Tyson al and four children left for Dickin­ ber of Commerce the state's increase Tyson has been ill at her home on E son. North Dakota Tuesday, where in population during the past five street bet ween 2nd and 3rd streets, they will make their home. Mr. Koval years has been greater (han it waa for has been there tor some time. daring part of this week. the entire dead® of 1910 to 1930. Through the cooperation of the see- Entsrtvincd Guests— Mr. and Mrs. Lebanon People Hare—Mr. and nty-four commercial organisation* af­ F. L. EPard of Eugene were dinner Mrs. L. J. Gray and son. Ben. ac­ filiated with the state chamber a guests and spent the day Sunday at companied by Miss Esther Brown, car. ful estimate has been completed the home of Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Mor­ were Lebanon visitors in Springfield The five year period following (he tensen. ’ Sunday. They visited at tbe home of government census of 1910 shows a Mrs Gray's sister. Mrs. A. C. Wilson. Homs over Week-end— Miss Con­ gain in population for the entire state They had Just returned from a three stance Rebhan was home last week­ of 11471. or 19 per cent. Ths ten months' trip to Indiana, returning end from Salem high school to visit years prior to 1930 showed an In­ through Texas and California. her father. Dr. W. C. Rebhsn. crease of only 16.4 per cent. If the same relative growth continues the Went to Junction City— Mr. and Here over Week-End — Kenneth popoulation In 1930 will be approxl- Wilson was here from Salem sccom- Mrs. B A. Washburne went to June- pany. left for Dallas. Oregon on Tues- »><” » City Sunday where they visited mateiy 1,170.000 Officials of the state chamber, who* visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. »belr ’ on and his wife. Mr and Mrs. Claud Washburne. They returned Sun­ Charles O. Wilson. day evening. BORN— At their home. Springfield rural route 2. October 31. 1924. to Mr CARE OF S TR AW BER R Y BED and Mrs W illis Bertsch, a daughter, weight pounds. The tahy has AFTER F R U IT IS G ATH ER ED , been n a m d Marjorie Leota- It is advisable to set a new straw­ Left for Canada— Miss Lucille Cook. berry bed every spring, but in the niece of Mrs. Levi H. Neet. who has small home garden, at least it will been in Springfield and vicinity for , o«ttn ^ay to the for the past s veral months, left for h e r ; . ; cc,nd an<] possibly a third season home in Calgary, Alberta, Canada , j be United States D'partnient of Ag Sunday. , riculture advises that if the bei Is _ . . ____ u — Mr and Guests st Rowe Home— Mr. ann I to be ’ aT«<1 i f f another year any V r , A Cannon «pent th dsv with ’k b " !h* r "uch as w“^ - M r and Mrs. N A. Rowe Sunday. «n hav H r Ca non la the Eugen retresen -. a' ru “ nl' * d ‘ h^ ,he ,umra' r tative of a Portland telephone con- ^ o u ld be raked off as soon a . the i crop Is gathered. Then the older ccrn 11 lcntf shouH fcc pulled out or re- Visited Special Serv'eea— Dr. S. A. moved vri'h a hoe, leaving only enough Dt nlord. Methodist district superin- of ths young r ones to send out run- intendent. came from Eugene 3tmday . aers tc make a new narrow or wide evening to attend the special services matted row. as desired. If tha leaves coninet d by the local pastor in the on the plants left are spotted with ’ '’.tetase, cut or mow them off and 11 Sjr.ngfield Methodist church. 1 burn them. Lett for San Francisco— Oswald A pound of nitrate of soda pei M. Olson left for S in Francisco Tues­ quare rod of ground scattered around 11 day to be gone for two weeks or so. ¡ the plants will start a vigorous growth j | H i t portio n rs warehouseman in the IF t t fertilizer on when {he plants ! | Springfield Southern Pacfic derot ¡are dry. I t it w ill Injure any damji | w ill be taken by S. A. Gay in bis ab- ira r ta of the plant It touches. Han-1 Perce. led In thia way a bed may be k e p t1 V isiting P aren ts— Miss Csil Gray, for sev ral years, b cause the new | Llants of one year are taved for fr u it - ' p ro p rieto r of th e M ode M illinery «I Portland's present population is placed conservatively at 315.000 Cur­ ry county takes the lead with a <6 per cent Increase for the past five year period, while Lincoln county Is close second with 60 per oent; Jose­ phine county is next with 60 per cent, then ixkne with 49.. Linn 44. Deschutes «1. Columbia 37. Cooa 34.9. Jackson 33. Klamath 33. Douglas 30. Marloa 37. Benton 31.9 and Multnomah 31. The increase for Tlllsmmook and Yamhill countlea Is the same aa tbe Bsn-rsl state average and the other countlea come in the following order, Crook. 17. Uaksr Union 15. Was­ co 14. Clatsop 13. Harney 11. Polk 10. Clackamas 3 1. Um atilla 5.3, Washing ton 5. Hood River 4 9. and Gilliam ,1.6. No estimates were obtained tor {he remaining counties; therefore thej 1910 figures were used In the present compilation. lt.t. kitchen, with not enough space for covered with «h» ting sud shaped and a table, a shelf that lum a down un finished with sysistä and cords Io der a window is most convenient it lace It to (he Ironing board. may be used for eating breakfast, as Injured by Goose Gun. well as many other practical needs W hile oul hunting Thursday. It L. Chuck Roast: t ’huck roast makes a Burnett of the Bprlugfield plant of (he very appetising dish If the bone Is Mountain Míales Power company, removed, the meat rolled and tied fired both hartéis si once In hl» with a string and then roasted It aagerueaa to kill a goose Tbs ahol makes a very Inexpensive dinner. gun kicked, and tbe Impact with his upper lip resulted in a gash which Berry Juloe: When juice Is lsft oe needed several stllches In close up sr from fresh or canned berries, add Meveral front teeth » « < also loosened gelatin to It In tbe proportion of one leva! traapoonful of gelatin to one but not knocked out. But anyway. Mr. Burnett killed tbe gooae.t pint of liquid Bosk tbs gelatin In one quarter cupful of cold Juice, and then add one and Ihree-qusrlers cupfuls of hot Juice. Turn Into a erst mould, chill, and It will be found excellent as a deesert or salad. THRIFT Balt Bets: There are many waya of bringing color Into (hs scheme of one's tabls decorations, and one of the most novel affects Is obtained by using salt anti pepper sets made of J Venetian glass In lovely shades of rose, mulberry, green, pink, and red T hrifty Tip« M Ik: If you hare a large quantity of milk which you wish to keep fresh FO R TH EH O M E for several days, scald It. pour It Into sterilised boillte with sterlllxed stop­ By FLO pers. cool and keep near the lea. E m m i l W o o d w o rk Enamel woo- It will keep for several days. work can be kept clean very easily in the kitchen by having a damp cloth Ironing Board Cover: A vary good handy and after dishwashing each day Ironing board cover la mads of felt. wipe all the small spots arouni draw- e In the serving, and that's no trouble at all. You ran be confident the cream will I. delicious You can feel (hat no hottie pre-.arvd dessert could he better. Mo save bother and have Double Action For the best by using our leu cream. EGGIMANN’S More Value for four Money a t all tim es—-its up to you to ta k e ad v an tag e. left S aturday for Twin F all’ Idaho, ing th ° nr-st. Old b 'd s may be cP-ait- up, Ju' t tn<-ptioned, hv hoeing I for an f xt'nded visit with her par- ents. Mrs. Vernon Grimes has charge or plowing tbe space« b e tw e n row«, of the M illinery she; in Miss Gray's and leaving the youngest plants In the absence. ( ro v - E ntertained at Dinner— Rev. F L D IP T H E R IA MOST FEARPD Moore was a- dinner guest at the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. If. F’oliard , DISEASE AMONG C H ILD R EN Sunday at their home. Rev. Mr. Moore 1 --------- bad just r turned from Klamath Falls Diphtheria is more to be feared th a- ti e r ’-er.'ng before, after a visit Mrs. anv o th-r eommnnlcablo d ls-a“ - ol Moore is still there visiting a »on. • childhood. People still die of diphther- | la, usually because diagnosis Is not Here over Weee-End . . T a t*'jn»ade »«,,ly aud because antitoxin is brother of Mr«. L L ,>anl *• ’ " nP I not given |n time. Many unnecessary Saturday evening from M K ' nzie f rotn diphtheria occur. The early ridge to spmd th- week- nd w ith Mr. antitoxin ha* not made It a and Mrs. Dank« a t th e ir home a t con tro ,,ab I„ blIt although It S p ring field Junction He returns | reduced the number of deaths home Sunday evening. | Kreatly, statistics yet show that it W ent to Dallas— W . C. MeLagan. j «• more prevalent than ten years ago superlnt- ndent of the 8pr1ngfield plant Fifteen thousand children under flf- of the Mountain States - Power com­ teen yaars of age die of diphtheria an pany. elft for Dallas, Oregon on Tues­ nually in the United States. Over one day to inspect a plant there for his hundred die In Oregon annually from company, which has rented it to a this preventable dicease. W ithin the lumber concern. He returned yester­ past four weeks th re have occured In •° at least four deaths froi day. diphtheria which might have been pro­ v»«iu«o on w a y to Callfarnia— j v e fed had antl-tflixln b«an given W . Hoppe, formerly a resident o l . proolptiy. Douglas Garden*. i> visiting In Spring-, , or, threat may fP o t seem o' field on his way home to Porterville, | much eon«enuere» A gsrgle, an e«, California. He is accomfanied by his | ternal application of a liniment, a son, Lawrence, Mrs. I^w rence Hoppe,, ^ , 4 compress, or some other home and baby Betty. Mr. and Mrs. Law- [ r(,mP,|y may bp suggested. But don'l fence Hoppe and baby are on th e ir, Utile th a t you will n.-ver ml*» .«.ci» s »o u l inixod union suits, good heavy w eight ' t — 'n il become Hie ow ner of tha at ................................... S2 85 wonder cirnn r of lliern nil. Men’s cotton union suits, m edium w eight. value at only ..................................................... C ravencttc and wool overcoats. lo w P ric e ? ............... ............................. S3,98 A w onderful SI.FO All new styles, a t these 5 1 7 ,5 0 to S 32.50 M en’s m oleskin leather lined vests, leather sleeves, k n it collar and cu ffs ............................... 5 6 ,5 0 to $ 9 ,5 0 \ \ hen you buy a cl ancr— watch every point. T,ook for n motor driven brush Io get the thread», loosen caked mud. Insist upon powerful auction to draw up all the dirt nnd to operate the A T T A C H ­ M ENTS powerfully. T H E P R EM IEH D U PLEX ha» B O T H -d ou blo action—«to CI.EA N CLEANER. If you are in need of B lankets it w ill pay you well to set? our fu ll size heavy gray w ith blue and pink border at only 53 9 3 duplex. • W ool-nap B lanket}. Sell fo r $5.00 all over the state of Oregon. O ur spt al value only S3.95 M en’s wool shirts in all colors, plain or checks. A t a g re a t saving ............ 5 4 ,9 8 53 45 to A com plete line of hats and caps in latest styles and new ­ est colors, at low er prices than elsewhere. C. J. Breier Co. Cth and W illam ette Street, Eugene, Oregon. n H S l' AMONO C LEA N ER S Won t you come In for a demonstration today, or call up? ou ^ ’ m '" 0,"U ‘ ° * h3W y° U ,h ’ PREM IER out obi actions on your purt whattover. y ° v ° " n horns, with- MOUTAIN STATES POWERCOMPANY ; --my., -anarsTTù «P li