The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 06, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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    n r n n u u n ir tt i m T
An Increase In gas rates, amounting
THVKHPAY. NQV. fl, 1924.
• mo. tallon ha» *2,000 maubera. T h . .
• DOHENA LOCAL NO. 190 • fnriiiera ara faat learning that they
• • • • • •
• « ,
tuvat talc» over the ap«< ulatlra profits
f tha mlditl« Inter«»*» aag han<H« I
Th». b 'lh ta la r and rain which <-«*»• ■h«lr i-8-ltirta Ui a i.a lr« ,; lh -! fal. f
Frida? and Haiur lay or last wash dh, mor« p ro fit lias linen mad« tite r th« f
rodun» leave Iho fa tm than Io tha!
< i nnlilim bj« datiiag« io a number of
th* rat mu art unit h ra. Th« road* from roductlou ther of. And .a they learn
I ' ' 'im to Chrlaman »tor« w«r« al­ they will build mora alron*ly.
ii rt l,n|>a««ubl*.
Make Uniformity the Baala.
Mr I. f t t . »t>jr »rant Thursday nl«ii,
A potato grower ran x«t aa much
o( li ,
weak »I the humu of Jim money for no fto pound sack of pota
Hpabr «tul fatu'ly of Htar.
losa that m«et the U. H No. I grade
he muhi f„r , h„ . am.
Mr, and Mia. John Janoin*» atm
f.n i !y o' t'-itts * Grove ».«-tit Katur* he I,od added 2o pound» of under-
day n rh ar.d tim id ity nt th« horn« of r t i - ’ »tori» to II. and ha rould have
M r nmt Mm. r ti Jinalngs of thia he :.O I Olinda of rulla left on the farm
or stuck f««d The dealer who ha<
F ln r'tir* l.oni’ n’ d Nnrvtal IU«w«l| • r»i . hr hie [I.tato. » rlntply culls nut
f Cotta*'« tirona spi tit th« day, K oq . I he 20 pop etnt nnd paya him for
ay. nt th« horna of Misa larnd’a par­ tha Ko per r a tt rood stock The raiser
ml*hi far hotter do Ihla work than Io
ili», .Mr. u n i Mr». W. A («ad.
Iti th Fnglant] want to Thuraton Fri r»y the d aler to do It— wht«h he
day to remain for a while with her! ’'”'* Valform lty of product la the baa-
•lite r. Mrs Merle Wiliams.
I ta of coopi ratlve selling.
Mr, and Mrs. Ituich 11- uard o f ' _ __
------------ -
K'ar visited Saturday and Bunday at
th ■ home of Mrs. IHruard'a parenta, ’
Mr and Mrs. C. D. Vanvalen of this
By plowing up old strawberry fields
_____ ° f three year» of age or more, crown
Hubert M».l>y t of Collage drove
roo‘ " ’“’ *•1 Infestation can
»’ uyed Saturday night at their little I ’ ,orrr
| I - r tndlcd In Oregon, according to
ranch here
Andrew la n d kitted another hoar!
'n to tn o lo d a ts of th o x-crlm e n t
near here (Saturday. That la the third
Th** »rnund »tiouht be worked
If practical, planted to f i l l
bt«r to be kill d around here within
grain, New atrawlierry field» should
a perl'il of about »I» weeks,
Tha prayer m edine wua held at occupy aoll not recently In d ra w her-
the lum e of Mr, an I Mr». Brown of rle» The plant« will produce profit­
thl> place thia week, Tuesday eve- ably for three years when th«y should
l,o plowed up again nnd followed by
•• thr« > your rotation of crops. At
Th"«« that aerv <1 on tha election
hoard here were J it Kirk J, II Mos­ 1« , t one of these should be a culti­
vated crop. Ptowln* up aet-me to be
by, ( ’. II. Vanvaleti. Wayne Kirk and
Ihu only r medy for crown borer and
H arry Sheerer, and the precinct was
root weevil infestation.
nt'wtly republican Coolldse and Pawa.
Fat lambs that are much hoavlet
Farlo and Medley war- In th« lead.
f o t ta *
Grove visitor- from h«ra- ' h"?,.’'W p<",.7, ‘
nn' hr,n* “
a price on th« m rrket a* the smaller
Saturday were Mr. Starkey. Mr.
lambs. When up to 90 or 100 pounds
Brown. Mr. and Mr», f . O. Jennin*«.
the cut In rrtce Is usually very heavy
re*ardleas of the condition and qual­
COOPERATIVE MARKETING ity. By f «ding one pound of «rain
INCREASES EGG RETURNS a day nnd all the alfalfa hay the
Iambs will eat, they should gain one-
fourth pound a day. The lambs should
C. C. Spcnc», Market Ag»et.
be fat and weight SO to S5 pounds
f t -85 More on Casa of Eqga.
Here's an actual case, and it shonlq when sold.
To store potutoes successfully guo-l '
t'« an object lesson worth while: A
Clarkamaa county maa has 2K5 hen* circulation of air must be oblalneo
and It ha» been his custom Io slntplv Th« potatoes In storage are not com-
fill th, ca»«». regar lleaa of alga or pletely dormant. C‘ Il activity takes
cl anllnccs, and ship them in. and ho pie«« wh'ch warn:- up the potatoes,
tot the "case count” price, which at Tb«> warmer they get. the greater the
this time was <5 cents per dozen or activity, so It is desirable to removt
*27.00 for two cases.
the warm moist air as rapidly aa poa
A poultry tuau advised him to grade,
,o ke« I’ ,h * potatoes from gat-
clean and classify the neat shipment tl,1R warm. This Is best done when the
which he did. and with the market r o ,“u>""
««or«» over ■ «l»tted
price the same as th • week before. n,,<,r * ° ,h " 1 * ' r m»V c»r«tlaln uo
here was the result: Gut of the «9 ,hr,,u«h •«•*"»- Thia keeps them cool
dogen he culled 16 doaen, which were
,lry * h ,r*1 results In less loss
underslsed. atalned or mlsahapcd. by shrinkage. The storag» place shonln
Th ae filled a halt case, and he label­ be provided with cold air Inlets and
ed them aa seconds. The other *6 doa warm outlets.
i n were flrat class eggs and so labeled
In the case. He got *5 cents per down
tor the IB do» n seconds. 27.75. and
50 cent. for the «Ci down »electa,
Mr# w , 8pal„a and rhn.
f « 5 0 a total of *30.25 a . .« .In s t
*27 00 for the same eggs o th" week
8m ,(b
b«fore. . net gain of »3 26. or » 1 (3 very enjoyable evening with the Pratt I
<■• n il per <*•••.
( fgn ||y Friday. Tbrre w^re several '
There ar? nearly always fair roar- more in¥lle(, but on account of high
kals for first class quality, and the water colllrt not Rr, (h p r,
-gg producer might as well get ihe
T1|<< ,o<.n, w ||, mee| ThuP, day PTe.
higher price as the dealer who grade» n1n({ for „ ROCta, (|Jn<>
won,d , |kr
hl» eggs. Five cent» per dozen Is ,o
n!| many there as can come, j
good mon-y for grading egg«.
j Arthur Simonson optut Sunday at i
Powerful Farmer Associations.
j Scales.
Seven hundred thousand farmers
jjot tranv could g t to Sundsv
are associated In the control and
((n arc<,nn,
h|ah wa,„ r
marketing of four product«, g rain .1 gUnda :
rice, tobacco and cotton. One wheat
Harvo N lghsw sndor
vtsttpd his
father in-law Mr. Smith, on Sunday.
Karl Karlsen’a brother from M l«hl-j
gan is via tins b'm.
Several children are absent from
the Lane Cedar school.
Y our last opportu k y N O W to secure,those splendid serviceab le English
W ool B lan k ets a t this sen sation al p rice $ 3 .9 8 each!
Prosperity Sales! Ncw in
a.t the McMorran & Washburne Store
Elections o ,.t.
L . f . ,11 do out ,h a r. in g re y in g th . „ h .,1 . „
„» M u ll,; ,tn Plo , b .l„ lib .r .l,,; bu, „ . . I , ;
k „ p p,osp, rrt> ln mo , io „ _ w ort
in , . „ ig,
and ac, , „ d
per»,! Her. I. , Big .to r . read, to
,our . , e r , ne.d in „ i „ , ar apparal. hou „ ho,d
mgs etc. at price» that willl fit your purse!
500 Pieces Sparkling New, Pure
Aluminum Cooking Utensials - - A Sale!
Small and medium
worth $1.48
Xie» p
11 quart dishpans, good ewight, highly
2'/a quart heavy water pitchers— plain
6 and 8 cup coffee percolators panneled
and plain.
An extra special— Highly glazed and
superior article to the one found or­
dinarily at this price. On sale in
the basement store.
Covered kettles with safety draining de­
vice on cover. 5 quart size
M edium Sized
D rip P ans $1
F rying Pans, w ood en
H andles, $1
2'x quart double boilers—panneled
Cafeteria trays— very handy to use for
cooky sheets—extra heavy, worth $1.48
Sauce pans with wooden handles, 3
quart “ lifetime" aluminum
— -------
& and 6 quart covered kettles, very
Heavy aluminum colanders in a large
vonvenient size. Just like the one illus-
S e e T h e Live
Mineral Oil
C ham pions
Russian Type
Notable live stock from all parts
of America will b« exhibited
at the Pacific Internatlon Live
Block Kxposltlon and compote
for premiums totaling *90,000.
The Horae Show, too, will be
worth coming tulle« to enjoy.
Take at least a day and more
If you can and go to Portland
thia week. It Is an unparalelled
opportunity of studying wbat
the First National 1« keenly In­
terested In— the breeding of
mol's and better stock.
Is both odorlosR and tastelesa.
It therefore appeals strongly to J
those who realize the value o’
medicinal mineral oil as an in­
testinal lubricant, hut who find
the smell and taste of certalr
olla objectionable.
Furthermore, Pureteat Miner
al Oil possesses a very high spe­
cific gravity, ns well as a viscos­
ity (body) that is equal to, i:
not exceeding, other types ol
heavy medicinal mineral oil.
A sclontlfldally perfect prod
Pint $1.00
The First
National Bank
D rug Store
Since 188«
” —»**>■— ana
pr** Man
Phone 15
Springfield, Ore.
Which of These Things Do You Need at Saving Prices
EXTRA SIZE TURKISH TOWELS ..........................
A wonderfully fine Turkish towel easily worth $1 00
Beautifully woven and bleached. Thick and luxurious.
FINE COTTON TOWELING ..............................
i2 ’/ 2 YD.
Here’s sturdy cotton toweling that you will find hard
to duplicate at this low price. 16 Inches wide, unbleached
red stripe border.
UNBLEACHED LINEN TOWELING ........................... 22c
Finest English toweling, full 16 Inches wide, thickly
woven and very soft and absorbent. You w ill like the
durability of this splendid toweling.
GOOD HEAVY SATEEN ......................................
39c y.D.
Yard wide sateen ln a big variety of wanted colors as
well as black. Rich lustrlous finish and you know the
price is very, very special. Supply your needs at this low
COLORED INDIAN HEAD CLOTH ........................ 39c YD.
Genuine “ Indian Head’’ cloth that needs no introduction
to the home sewer. Yard wide and available in these colors:
Light, medium and dark blue, medium and dark brown
green, rose tan and gray.
STAMPED LUNCHEON SETS ....................
j-| 29
Of fine quality Indian Head cloth, clearly stamped with
handsome floral and conventional dsigns all readyto em­
broider. 45 in. cloth with 4 napkins, ai1 stamped Buy them
now for Christmas gifts.
12 MOMME JAPANESE PONGEE .......................
79c YD
250 yards only to sell at this way less than regular price
In natural color and 33 Inches wide. Men’s shirts/wom en’s
blouses, handkerchelfs, curtain drapes are but a few of
1«8 11SVS.
SubstantlaUy made of heavy black oil cloth. Just the
things to keep books dry and clean this winter. Handles
are securely sewed. Excellent for shopping.