?AOB FOUR T IIV K S P A Y , NOV. B, j» 2< Lane County Farmers Union News -------- — — — - - --- — DEM O NSTRATE EXPLOSIVE ON LAIRD FARM FRIDAY ‘ CLOVERDALE LOCAL ......... ................................ • . . o f f ic ia l PUBLICATION LAIM« COUNTV UNIT NO. 14 • . ’ T IM E AND PLACE OF LOCAL M EETING S M T. VERNON LOCAL • KEEPING BOOKS REVEALS ""hat tyrotol. the new cnveniinent WEAK P O IN T 8 IN FARM ING explosive for land Hearing can really Owtag to the continual rain and un- What farm« ra are doing ihi .urb Mt Vernon—First and Third do ta action will be demonstrated on “««a! high water the vlaltlng locals Ml Vera«n mat November 6 with Wednesday, ilrsafleld Store. k eplng ami analyaing their farm a. three Lane county tanna next week » ere unable to attetnl the meetlna nt a large crowd The new home w o Hadleyvllle — First and Third The first demonstration will be 'he Cloverdale school house Prlda» •llscilssed. will, a hope that building monta under th« dlrw llo-i Of agrlru. Thursdays. Hadleyvllle School lural rstenslon worker la lllualrai» I held on the farm of John W Root ’ evening. October 31. The home local could he start’ d shortly. by an Iowa farmer who. according io Dorena—Second and Fouth Tues­ near Elmira. Wednesday morning. No- was well represented and four speak- Alex Lewis, chairman, Harry I. days, Doroaa Chwnh. verttber 13. The second will be on the era from Eugene were present. Prest- Heck. Mrs. It. P. Laird and Mr N A r.io rta Io (ho Valla 1 S ta te. Depart Agriculture, has born able Creswell— First and Third Tues Ralph Laird farm near Jasper. Erl- dent Morgan called the m eeting to on the iitidht*«« rinamv « inetu . of « -a_ — I Itowe wer- appointed < ’n in«’ 4 ’ days. CraaweU. M W of A. Hall • committee together with ■he h l « l d l n ,l to £ « h u m an •»'Preclahly um appreciably larger m return day afternoon. The third will be on order. aft-*r which Mr». George Laird . 2 .° * “ ^ “ »*«««1 •«•t Fourth •,.o m m l..i..n will meet at the h ..n ,J " " Ubor ",r',u ,h rh» " * - «hai the Barney Oldfield farm abOTe Wal- announc'd all would sing. "Auld Thursdays, Hebron Church n Ho«««. • ' . o f m Mr and .Tiru, Mrs I H. L Berk near * " UBd’ r*‘*"«»M <•» “ >• strong terville. Saturday afternoon. | Lang Syne.” A short program cot. i — oun« ir. n u l l I . le. I t EMM. u * n r Jaapar—Second and Fourth Wed. l a ,d m Hrl.lge ReMee next ....... Wednesday «»...«......._______» points ,n In M» h l. farming farming a y . Jasper—Second Wed- « • I Hayden eve- *Bd **,"k »’o,nU •T hese demonetrations. conducted slstlng of songs and recitation was - CalTr? « ° . \ , W ‘ nl,,<- Mom mber 13 at T p m. for the ten, suggest'd This farmar h a. kept by the extension service of the agri next enjoyed. cultural college, are to give the farm- John S. Medlev of Eugene present-! - 1 2 8unday Thlrd * Pur'»«««' nf furthering plan, an.) fi accouata over two year«. He found at the and of tha first yaar that crops Huturday. Farmers Vnlon Hall • nance. ers a chance to see how pyrotol works ed his view s on three of the bills to* J * * * ’ TU’* U y ’ l* " ch o • A social meeting of Mt Vernon Is which he fed to I restock brought and how to work it." says George W he voted on this election. He also ----- —- - ---------— — - - - rieciion. rte also RALPH LAIRO School House. . ¡ .e , ,„r November 1» him more monov than whan sold out Kable. agricultural engineer in charge spoke of him self as a candidate for President of the Farmer s Vnlon who o f distribution d i s t r i b u t i o n in in Oregon. llr i'm n r,»»— I ....---. . - of W ^ 2 i T S’ Ct>.“d ,Bd F”Br,h * Mr" ,U u«b **«• Mr. right and that hla malhoda of hsn prosecuting attorney. withdraw from the race for repre dllng his hogs wero efficient Ills fig The government desires that all Hugh H. Earle reiterated his form­ Trent I L " F ” aH’ * Hrown were Placed on th« entertain ten tative from lame county to take Trent—Second and Fourth Wed farmers in Oregon have an equal op- er statem ents In regard to hi? con mem committee and war expecting “7 h'm’ «>"•« W. a position as a federal agricultural a h<,,r,y hearty ,a“*h l . u . h on un ,ha* that «ft'e ............ Rafresh .„ r,.,.» ’ ™ 0B” ' School "¿Md * le"**Bl ,,l,h * " portunlty to buy this explosive which duct of the sh eriffs office should he census agent. is sold for costs of preparation, ship- he elected. He also gave son.« ex C lL .e e .i- - A c - » went comm ittee Will have charge ot per cow for dairy product*. Com par Ing his flgurus with thivao of other t o v e r ta x - s e c o n d and Fourth •¡r a ta at thia date. ping and handling, it costs about halt penaea of the office. > • • • • • • » as much as other explosives, and there Ben F. Keeney gave a short talk ‘ lo**rd',,‘‘ School House. • Ml.a Etta Davis I. employed In farm» In ihe State, ho alsff found OFFICERS OF LANE COUNTY • the «Himber of acres cultivated per are more than 160 sticks In a 50 concerning the need o’ (m-rovement tinu, ” ” * 111 ««nd in » the .b erlffa office at Fug- ne FARMER 3 UNION • pound box. Oregon fanners have or- at the Dependent Childr nV Homo. chaL J Z 1.’ ? Ot ‘n*'‘,,l'n* *“<<•• **rs Ira Gray is vl.ltlng relstlvFs n«sp on his farm, as well as the nun« *■■■ 111 • ber of acres per hor»r, wero below der«d 360.000 pounds this year, and and asked for aid In the roming * ° f d*fc «« they may uc- • at M f,,ri Ralph Laird, Creswell, President. • avrrag.-. cur. those of la n e county, 40.000. Other “d riv e- to obtain funds for the need, Will Whaeler, Trent, Vice Pre«!- • • Mute aome of us at the Old Timers Acting on the Information his ac­ | orders will be pooled by the Farmer’s cd fmproven.»'ni Mr K eener a h a dent. • ' -M. Kenne local. • November S. ip jf. S teven , hall. Spring count I hmi S i gave him, thin farmer fourth Wednesday, g p „ union warehonse at Eugene. spoke of the actions of the «finalist» • field. Wc will furnish the music. H. L. Bsck, Springfield, See- » rented more land and replnenel his h*ll. VVsiHvrrflh- tlon board In r'gard to the a ssess­ Treaa • 13 small, irregular fields, m ating - k Creek Meets ytr„ „„d t T x I i M • m ents of the timbered interests and • T. W. Morgan, Creswell. Oaor- • them Into a fields of better prnpor- Thursday at Cedar Sch.ml House . Glycerin« Mixtur« for bankers. He exonerated him self from • keeper, _ ! t!on. so that the crop ar»a “er «turn H «ceta—First Sunday of each • the charges brought ngalnst him by J. T. Hurley, Creswell, Conductor. G,B on Stomach |'vas firr aard 2« acres and the area ¡opponent which brought an expression ’ «’» h ,.| House W. A. Maby, Creswell, Chaplain. «... t-.x |M,r h,’r*8 I “creased 3 acres lie sold Simpl« gi of approval from the crowd. The subscription to the Farmer’s • iorn hark | two scrub cows and bought three c u e . News contest haded October 31 T h e ’ U "lter B’ J{,n*‘9 spoke fee a few e t c , as mixed in Adi. riha, helps any of good dairy records When he fig. laurels go to Coast Fork as this lo minnt'” ,n faTcr of R ° ««<»? »» <»s<> gai on the stomach In TEN min need his accounts for the second y ar SILK CREEK LOCAL cal sent in the largest number of “ de’ erT,n’ candidate for the office Hies Mnef medicine« get only on COAST FORK lower bowel but Adlertka acta on and com par «el the two years, he found subscriptions during October The edl ' COUn,y commissioner. President that the income from the farm, after BOTH upper and yower bowel and rc tor of the Farmers News Is author««- tO an'’ par" . . . . ’’armera onion m eet. Thurmlay Blov-x *11 gn«ses and ;o|aon». Brings paying all expense* and Interest on ed to give a years subscription ,o t h e ' * " i “ 10 ir efr« ’hm*n u A’ “ to a s t Fonk local h Id Its regular night the amount of money Invested, had person of Coast Fork local who s nt ” alIowp en a«««*“ * , pumpkin pie meeting Ocnber 23 with a good at out — matter von «ivrnr newer (IinUftnt thought will* was In in b en Increased over 1350 a», v -S V« gave h r pupil. systrm Exe. Ilon» f„r «M tlnsic in the eight subscription,, provided' # n d W ffee _ WH ra . A-l Kimball ................«»upm tendance. After a business session a - I ,.,. gorh.ls- s . .a — H allow een surprise » Friday afh r •ses.« e The next Joint meeting of ' the Gres I program was given followed by aup a llali.t constipation Guard« again it apper you send your name and address to SPECIAL PRJCE on plats work Dr noon c.sm as were play.-d « n,| rulll dlcltla F bn«ry’s drub strtra. the county secretary and treasurer 7 “ nd W*,ker N W Emery, rtrntl.t Kuttn„ nidg ->n« received « box of cunjy This contest is closed for October " ! ' Cr*” rfI’’ The resolution com m ittee appoint . " "" Alice Haldert u only and reopened for the month of eT5"ing’ J? . *«* ed ’r* »«« B p F c C. Fahrer, Wm. Jones and en party s . ’. r ' ., November, somebody i , going to win , “ “nt* ’° n9- Hurt McDole ght. Mrs J. K m . | , nf , r a „(| M urr . another veara Leon #nd * » «*< *- »'»Hed In Clover- The good , , _ . , The good road com m ittee waa re another years reading materia! pret Bnchanan r e c e l w a f r1„. for .d ale Sunday. talned. ty cheap, so get busy and secure " h" '’«*'»«1 m .„ w ,roan few subscribers to the Farmers News | L. J Getchell Is the only farmer In ’ The supper comm ittee for the aex: Cloverdale that has not yet finished quarter will be Mrs. I v ,n Aboen- John Wilson won the «pp|e c n le s t Wanted. his years harv et You may frequent- Miss Lela Kelly. The third member Prig«. Refreshments were serv.-d .t ö U ’o hour. 5000 farmers wanted at once to Join ly **“* h,m ra,n or "hine wandering ig to be appointed cc» » , f n L .voH’,r ’‘g y o " o f s e r v ,c e y « u • » ’> MU* Ueulah Smith spent tb- w«ek the Farmers union. j through his cabbage patch gathering i c î i  . » y o " ,r ; r .L " '" '" n u ," '> “ end with Alice and Lora ilaldem aa. Xow that the elections are over, the her* and tl,erp • hard crisp head for Bridge Washed Out. Miss Estellä Melsner visited school . The high water in thia vicinity re­ crops harvested, the fall sowing done ’omebo,,T'’ sauerkraut barrel. loss »» of wnat what is Is known last Friday. Bread Is your best food—«at more of It. and practically nothing to do it is the Ther® wer® no church services Sun- sulted ------” io the ■""» Mr George Sweet U re-roofing h l, desfre of the entire personnel of the day eTenin* ° » ln g to the high w ater as the ,l,e Cedar Creek bridge. It Is a "■*“ w « i™ „ „ i„ Farmers union to again stimulate that The next m eetloS » ill be Novembei 60 foo‘ ,pan crossing the Coast Fork barn. Always fresh nt the Rood feeling which existed last win- 1 dVer Th® hr,dr“ wa” built g ntnel *~ ter and bring the nnion back to a ' Mr9' F' p>an',,rr>m has two of 5’ears a<° Besides five farmers it it Position which will be higher at this h,>r nlece’8 children with her for the "h®’ * the Welse Lumber company time time than than we we have have ever ever reached reached be- be­ Week Their moth®r- Mrs w H- Wa,<1 froln the D,ain road’ Personals. fore Commence talking union, be a of Eugene has gone to Portland to at Mrs. John Perenl and »wo chltdre« Orang AIridale pup, for booster, drag that delinquent neighbor tend the funeral of her slater's boy Fred Fro»«, Prop- •a 111 w i l l , -L i.c a a ln A fine program was held at the are chicken pox. of your out to the next local, bring In Cloverdale m eeting October 31. Those H alel ’’uehrer. from O. A. C.. spent | a new member. The union stands for a wonderful purpose, however, we get who took part In the program were: ,be week-end at the horn-- of her out of it Just what we put | D > Florence Getchell. Mrs. Floyd Lord, P*re;>t«. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Fuehrer. high Espre De Corps mena we will be Mrs. Mrs. Tivey, Mr. Roberts, Mr. ! Mr"- Archie Craig and daughter. up and going and accomplishing thing« Getchell. Lois Getehell, I «elite Mor- i Winifred, from Siskiyou are visiting worth mentioning on the other hand gan. Beryl Beaver, Vera Palmer and •'*ra' Craig's mother, Mrs L. H. Oil- , crlst. If we are not interested, don’t tr> Florence Flower. Mr. and Mr*«. W c . Johnson were don't atend meetings we »III soon be Su.’.day guestj at the home of Georgs on the decline. Now friends, again en Kappauf. deavor to revive our union with a T R E N T LOCAL Mr. and Mrs. Julian Small, newly- spirit of being interested, each mem w:,ds, were given a rousing serenade her do a little bit personally and Trent local of Farmers union will on Monday night at the home of the don’t wait for George. Mr. Harry mcet next W ednesday night, Novem- bride’s _ ______ _ Ahesne. About brother. _____ Ivan Jackson is going to put on a drive for the remainder of tbt year and It I, ber 12 at the high school building, fifty guests were present ------------------------------ Mr. and Mrs Jam es Simpson from hoped to get every eligible person In M n e county to Join the union, now NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Pioneer have moved to the Walter Notice 1« hereby given that L. R Woodard ramp. Is the opportunity to show whether or Byrne, datn'nistrator of the estat - Th • t oast Fork „„„A —___ _ not we can bring in a new member if James O’Hare, deceased, has filed ..m eted i -h \ Y C° ” Mr. Jackson will b - at the disposal hie final account In the matter of tn ,ct*’®' ■* showing the effort of the aid estate in the County Court o f ' hPavy rains of any local at any and all tim es dur lng the remainder of 1924. Call him. get ' an e Countv. Oregon, and th at S at ----------------- - irday, December «, 1924, at 10 o’clock him. h e’ll be only too glad to come n the for noon of said day at th e' and visit you and assist you in build County Court room in the Court lng up a new membership, remember House in Eugene, i.ane County, has been fixed as the lim e and place by ! X U i L* ne co""ty ,;aid c ° urf ,or th>i ” “ • goal W o ’,e !®25 H«ons to said final account and set Prunes— H. L. BECK, Sec-Treas. Bement of said estate. Any and all Sugar— — ____________ _ ’ objections to said account and the j As the real character of e For ,k< - ,lnal a®ttlem ent o t said estate must I O r e g o n - g r o w n , very drug store is easily read Ir, Bacon— fo r Christmas this year, send pho-; be filed with the clerk of said court sweet. C. & II. Berry, Cane Its prescription department tographs. Tollamn's Studio. £>-11 on °r before the said date of bearing D e l i c i o u s , mild cure, lb. cloth hag« $2.09 we wish to emphasize the Date of first pubfeation November One lb........................... f r 1924. rare excellence of mater­ Dr Ralph 8. Dlppel, Dentfat. Vitus medium strips L. R. BYRNE, Administrator. Ten lbs:, .................... 9; ials and service which ar< building, Springfield, Oregon. Nov. 6-13 20 27 Dec. P«r lb......................... 25< 77ie S e c r e ta r y ’s L e tte r A Suggestion Farmers Union EXCHANGE Springfield Bakery stores BIG K~ Prescription Problems employed In the compound lug of prescriptions and re­ cipes at our store. • Quality White Front Grocery Store We have just received a full line of imported Mac-Noodles Regininni, Tarfalles, Coiled Spaghetti Mostacioli and Al­ phabets. 'Wc keep right up with the lew drugs and alwavs have Just what the physician prescribes. Baxk of the service ren­ dered is— year’s experience added to our technica knowledge of drugs — all applied for the benefit o our patrons. Keep fresh vegetables, fruits and first class groceries. “ See Our Window” Your patronage appreciated. Phone 9 W. A . Taylor Phone 9 R O I M LB. SACK--J2.25 ALL WEEK F riday an d ALL WEEK S a tu rd a y PRICES PRICES F eatures Soap— Crystal White Honey— Hersheys Cocoa__ 5 lb. Pall ................ 88t 1 qt. Mason Jar ...... 65» H lb. tins 2 for 2’jc 20ob* r ...................... 78c ‘' J ,arH free with 20 Walnuts— Bananas— Mop Sticks— With chain mop holder A 35c mop stick for 18c Cotton IMops— Nice large and bright 3 Ibs. 25c The best In the world. New crop Oregon’s ............ 35C jb Oranges— Macron! Of good soft cotton twine for borne use Small but very sweet Mach Best quality, made real Remolino flour 3 dox......................... 43c 2 lb. 38c and Spaghetti of 28c W e Pay The Highest Price for Local Produc. SKAGGS UNITED STORES, N o.213