PAGE TU R E S Community New» UPPER WILLAMETTE ■ y Scarnai Corrasnondsnta THURSTON NOTES time. J tell you Ellie It's a rotten shame and 1 am pretty much disgust­ ed with them all." "Now, now. SaBle, don’t take It so seriously.” She patted my shoulder. "Th-.y didn't think yoar father waa really III. Maybe If you had been In their place you would have done the same thing." She rallied to their de­ fense. "Remember," she erent on, “the time when Bob Wilson wae killed In hla car, on your house party at At­ lantic Bench. When they brought the news back to the cottage, nobody be­ liever IL” Remembering, I covered my face with my hand. J,I can see you now," ahe continued, "and the picture la vividly clear. Re­ member. Sallle, what yon said with that fanny little twinkle In yoar eye. *Bob oughter change hla brand!" abe whispered. "Oh. but Ellie, that waa different, I didn't know. I didn't," I walled. "Neither did they. Sallle," she d e­ clared, "it's -hard for ns to take In tragedy, especially at a fiance." She closed the subject, but I shall never forget her litlte talk. (To be condoned) Isiwrenra B aiter and Hubort Oray (In Tuesday evonlng, October 28 birthday dinner followed by a sgr- made a trip to Newport laat week. prtae party waa »Ivan Mary Mae Lind They report the achool cloaed at "Your father needs you. Sallle he smiled.” lay of Canal Fork, and Kmery Hcbren that place on the account of »cartel That waa like Ell»«. She waa a but­ la—shall I be perfectly frank with der at the home of Mr. a«nd Mra. fever. terfly, but her heart waa as big aa Mra. Charlea Taylor had soma you?" Clarence F. llyde at 1*1088801 Hill. the great out-of-door». I nodded dumbly. Cover» ware laid for eight for the dental work done In Eugene yd Ryan from Eugene apent the girl’!*' Mr. Wrlgnt'a voice waa Infln and eenlor cleeaea of the I’leaaant record at hand. "Yaa, we have no Italy tender and kind. HUI high achool aurprta- d the honor ( week-end In Thuraton. bee-na-naa" vied with the "dumdum- Like a flash tb s thing be bsd Just There waa a party at tho hall Hal gueata. Thoae prevent for the evening dum-dum-dum-dum" of the piano told me waa picturing Itself on my lowe'en night. Henry Adrian from were: Mr. and Mra. M E. Haya. Mil crowd. d rrl Arnold, Cora John. Roy John. Springfield brought bla radio out for brain. Father lying there—111—need­ My nerves were on edge. ing me and wanting me. for I knew Hilda Knutaon, Oertude Dilley. Jullua the evening "Ellie." I exclaimed, “tell them foi H K I’b -tlep lace motored to Cree I “ »• depth of hie love, and yet torn Swafford. Eula Drury. H aiel W heelei. goodness sake to be qnlet or I'll well Friday evening Hla daughter. | between hla fine, unselfish spirit and Arthur Llndlay. Maurice Dilley, K. A. »•cream'.” Eva. returned home with him for the his human longing for me at hie side Hanktna and Mr. and Mra. Hyd*. She aped sw iftly down the hall and "Let's leave now. On the first Friday. October 31 the lower grades week end. She le teaching at Crea- I could hear her calling at the top train." 1 leaped to my feet. He glanced ot the lleaaan t Hill public school un-' We|l this year. of the stair: d«r Mra. Phelpa gave a aurprlae pro- Mias Ethel Harris from Brooks at his watch in the semi-gloom. "Turn off the Jaxx down there. Sal- "There Is a train In one hour and a gram to the upper grade». A aong. «pent the we -k end with relatives and lleta Just bad a massage from her half. We can make It. Don't burry; “Falling Leave»'* by »1» little girls friends here. dad. He’s 111. D’ye hear?" waa followed by a recitation "Their Belmont Ruaaell, who haa been you have enough time. That la. un "Aw. wassa matter with the old !eaa— J hadn't thought of It, but"— Surprlac" by Robert I’helpa. Six boys w<, rklng at Silverton, and Mlaa Mar- man!" a harsh voice replied. "Trying gave a Brownie drill. Katherine Keb-| garet Russell. who la attending Nor- he stammered—"perhaps you'd rath to ruin Sallle’» good time. Telll her |er and James Jordan a dialogue. maj a j Monmouth, visited their par- or go alone." "No. no," t waa quick to reply. not to worry. I'll mix her a luvly h igh -' "l-umpkln and Jack O’Jaintern." E l-, <-nta. Mr. and Mra. Fred Ruaaell. over "I*lease don't leave me. I couldn't ball If ahe’ll come on down." A door I bart Wlmmer gave a rsclu tlo n . "A I ' thv week end. Perry Price, who le attending O. A. bear being alone." My vole« quavered closed. liad Reare" and tu cloalng ala Billa C. at Corvallla. spent the week-end "Tell me that I can count on you." ’ I could hear one of the glrla trying j glrla sang "Ooblln Man." I begged. to atop him, but It too late. The upper and lower rooma of the at hla home here. "You moat assuredly can." he avow­ I threw myself on the bed. tears [ Mr. and Mrs. Bert Weaver visited II-asan t Hlll publlc acbool rach had ed. "It waa Jual that I did not want to streaming down my face. Ellie, return­ a party on the aftarnodnT of Friday., A. W. Weaver laat Bunday. ing, saw that I had heard the fiasco October 81 Several games were play-j Fred Bussell la In Eugene on Jury Intrude. -•< ed but thoae which caused the most duty. ’ | »Upping around through a aide door on the stairs. merriment were a peanut hunt, draw- Henry Adrian brought hla radio out , went unnoticed to my room and "I'm sorry. SalUle." ahe comforted. Ing the eyes, nose and mouth In the from Springfield Tuesday evening and gent » maid for Ellie, to whom I ex “It's Juat that they don't understand." "And don't »want to!" I flung at her. face of a pumpkin on Ihe blackboard Installed It In the church so th e ( plained. In the meantime I threw a while blind folded and bobbing fo r ( neighborhood might get the election few neceaaary things In my bag. "Fair-weather frelnda—that's what apples hung In tha air. Refreshments returns sooner. “Cheer up. If you can. Sallle," aug they are. It didn't make any differ­ of apples, oranges, nuts and can d y, ----------------------- gest*d my boateaa. "You'll come ence to them if my Dad waa dead." I were furnished by Ihe teachers. Mrs. SWEET CLOVER SEED through with flying color». You al- winced at the word. “All they want la ways do. You were born like that, 8 good sport to amuse them and then M B Haya, and Mra. Jeaae Phelps. MOVEMENT ACTIVE The school cenaua for Ihe Pleasant You are one o f those few choe«0 one« when a fellow get« In trouble they aren't willing to leave their play Hlll district shows that there are 54 Sweet clover seed movement haa on whom the Orent Sculptor has children between the ages of 4 amd been fairly active but not quite equal Springfled. Oregon. October 27, 1924. 30. thirty of this number being boys, to that of laat year, according to the Budget Committee met and waa called to order by Mayor C. F. Egglmann. and 24 girl» Last year there were Vnlled State» Department of Agrlcul- .. . I-H It,.» aKnnt as i» r , l w" moved and carried that C. F. Egglmann act aa chairman of the 43 on the cenaua. twenty-flv® boy» ture. Il t. estimated that abou 45 per Budget CommltUe and 1» girl». Rlx fem lllea with chll-l cent of Ihe crop bad been sold prior jt waa moved and carr| ed triaC R. E. Moshler act a» secretary. dren of school age have moved away 21. The greatest movement Estimate of the Budget Committee of the town of Springfield, Oregon. during the past year and ten fainlllea I *’ „HI bad taken place in northeastern North EXPENDITURE FOR THE YEAR 1925 have moved Into the Pleasant 50.00 ' Dakota, and aoutheaatern Kansas. • Lumber _________________________ —.--------------------------------- — • 300.00 I district These fam ilies are: Chari«« g offercd to grnwer!, for clean I Labor, Man and Team 12 Months 700.00 K. Curtin. T. F. Kahler. Je«»« I'helpe. October 21 averaged about Crushed Rock ...................................... 100.00 An”V T w X i T h i i " »«o - ««>•' r « £ - i « . croM ,ng* - 250.00 100.00 Z n . C . F. Hyde Out of ^ . « 3 « .r e e l. 25.00 . vear at a corresponding time. In the cleaning Ditches the census 33 ar- now attend -I » - ■ 125 00 heaviest producing district» about Equipment and Supplies „ --------- --------------------- 100.00 l„g Pleasant Hill high achool. » are pald gro„ er, Sewer Pipes --- ------ --------------------------- I » 50 ________ >1750.00 T o t a l ................................................................ under « and 4 have graduated. The quality of the 1924 crop P O L IC E S U P P L IE S Mr. and Mra. Clarence F. Hyde , sll„:uly b - r ¿ lev than ............. J 180.00 - , ( II»»*. yf’«r 1 Town Marshall. 12 Months ............. ....... ............... ................ 1,200.00 pent aeveral day» this we. g In Port |n „ fuw d|air|cts, particularly i l Night Watchman 12 Months ............. --------- ----- ............. _. 1,400.00 land. i In ncrthwe»t“W and west central 1 Traffic Officer 12 Months 2 780 00 ............................................................... — ¿.isu.uu The members of the Christian En- Minnesota. the quality I» Inefrlor to I 0,a ••••“ In Which Her Friends Fail Her m R E C O R D E R 'S S A L A R Y ,1. ,v,,r at I'lcasant Hill held a very ,,at ((f lagt year Recorder 12 Months ....................................................... Interesting tnsetlng Sun lay night. M r. | weal clover seed was Import-- T R E A S U R E R 'S S A L A R Y M F. Hays was leader. the tot lr be , , ,ng , he rirnt two weeks of Oc- I Treasurer 12 Months ..................... s a ™ « ...« « •“ ...ATT0RNE ys „_..> 900.00 Next Sundny the toçle will h» "0,lr lor the same period lust year. L IG H T S A N D W A T E R Abilities for Christ" with Roy John Mountain _______- States Power Co.. Springfield, Oregon. L i g h t s .________ Lights for Streets and Ihihllc Buildings 12 Months ............................... 2.365.00 On'on Marketing. as leader. Springfield. Oregon the benefits a te r HydranU. : Mountain Stnts Sprinkling. Power Co Drinking d s ^ c h ^ r w l U '.’ake' in rt'ln 'lh " X | As an Illustration of 'aelling; Ar-! W >'*re Street Founta.ns, Public Buildings. “ *■» H: ____ 1,075.00 12 Months ........ gram for Bundav school rally day j thur R Hui«,, general manager of the P O L IC E D E P A R T M E N T S U P P L IE S 50.00 whh li will be Sunday. November 9. (.-odefalcd Fruit and Vegetable Grow- ; la Month» S T R E E T C L E A N IN G A N D F L U S H IN G The goal bus be n set for 200 Sun- or< , n( N(>w y ork report» th fol- .„..31.080.0(1 dev W o o l will begin at 9'45 In «h«;, wln(l rxfM.rirnce of Indiana odlon Man and Team. 12 Months _ PPARTMFNT............ morning. It 1» hoped all who ran groW(.„ |n i fi22, pr;OT to the organ!-1 , Hu • 1 H E A L T H O F F IC E R 60.00 m ill consl-tlng of Mb n " " l, r ln g „larkets In 25 -la tcs ln » , Medical Services and Official Supervision ......................... Boy John snd Tnylor Circle have b on ; f(j fonu„r ml,rkots. and It Is estimated R E C O R D E R 'S S U P P L IE S 35.00 appointed. the Exchange will ship double Its 12 Months ............... .................................................... 60.00 Ihe PI. . “»nt H ill h 'v h iLr)g|nnl t0I):lag0 „„ring the coming ( Official Advertising. 12 L(BRARY school wns begun th is-w eek by B. W. yfar T), , Ke'l. rat d Growers now , Sjrvlcfgi Uent> Wood. Supplies and Kxpcns i ..... 570.00 John, who has Ihe contract. The mHrket tho products of over 30 ex C A RE FU O R . A ID IN G D E S T IT U T E 10.00 building Is to receive two coats o f , located In many states and - Months .......................... ................................. ....................... W'i'.r? » U n i and Ptm lly of Caspar. W y ! «"’’ l ®« v w l'n g U rn ' Hauling Rubbish snd Cleaning A lley., 13 Months 90.00 IN T E R E S T ON B O N D E D IN D E B T E D N E S S omlng have bought the prune orchard nBgo 1 Generel Improvement Bond, First Issue....................................... 350,000 3.000.00 owned by S. Overhol»»r and took pos-- __ ______ I General Improvement Bond, Second Issue ................................... 360,000 3,000.00 ■ General Obligation Bonds, Due 1923 ...................................... >35,000.00 2,450.00 session last Monday. Man Burned to Death. Two sw ings nnd two series of rugs John gloy Goodman. 73. wns Relundlng Bonds, Duo 1944 ........................................................ >50,000.00 3,000.00 Sewer Bonds ................................................- ...................................... >1400.00 84.00 were Installed In Ihe p»sv«hed nt hurned to dp„th In his home at Co- Bond Sinking Funds ..................................................................................... —- 6,000 00 the Pleasant Hlll public school this | ( 1rM Th„ rgday afternoon when I ____ ......................................................................................................>16,534.00 Total .............................................. 250.00 week. ! bis stove overturned. Overcome with Municipal Band The results of the election al riotri« ¡ " nok;>' he f(,1I near the stove. The I EM ERG ENCY FUNDS follows: hnl,H„ wnH l0), „meh envelop'd In Unforseen Expenditures, 12 Months ............................................................ nnt Hill ar’ as Gross Total Estimated Expenditures.....................................„....>39,499.00 For President Coolidge, 84; D av is., flnæp fnr a reacuo before anyone saw _____ _______ . A N T IC IP A T E D R E V E N U E S tho eledrly man was burning to death. Licenses, Pool and Billiard Halls, 12 Months .............. —.......................... 12.00 10: Folletto 17- Senator McNnry, congressman Haw He had been a resident of Coburg for Fln(lg 12 Month» ......................................................................- ......................... MW.OO ley. secretary of riate Roger; Treas­ 17 years nnd l e e v s a widow, three Road Funds, 12 M on th s......................................................................... - ............. ‘ ,000.00 Total Anticipated Revenues. 12 Months ...................—............................... 3-41-.00 urer Kay wero Ihe choice on the sons and two daughters. Net Total Estimated E xp en d itu res.............................................................. >26,087.00 state ticket. The Budget Committee of the town of Springfield will meet on Monday For county representatives Howard. the 24th day of November, 1924 at the town hall In Springfield at the hour of 7:30 p. in., where nnd when, any and nil taxpayers of th* town of Holdup Oil Station. Potter nnd Wheeler. For district attorney Medley 64; Two masked men held t»P Carl | Springfield shall be heard In favor of or against, such tax levy or any part Brownell 53: county coromlsMonor, KnudRon o n station mana- thereof. C. F. KOGIMANN, Chairman. Brndy 62; Hurd «0 Sheriff Taylor ger. n( Thirteenth ftvenuo . and High O. O. BUSHMAN. — ------ _ . 71; Earle 54: County assessor Jordan streets Saturday night and secured H. J. COX. W N. LONG. >30 In cash from tho till. Tho holdup 69; Keeney 62. L. MAY. cam» Just as ho was nhout to lock W. C. McLAOAN. Eugene to Cut Llqht snd Power Rate. up for tho night. Tho station has boon ROY W. CARLTON. L. J. LBPLEY, Tho minim um charge for light and robbed before by armed mon. IL E. M 09HIER, power in Eugene «will be’ carbollneum Wood-Preserving M. J. McKlln, first of the year, according to C A. Tt Budget Committee. Ahed. , Budget it flails McClain, l^ b e v . making budget for 1925 completed Rasim mum c h a rro on llghl wffl be fndttcWT m The MnUonh’»de to r<*'r-ris, m o fe n carried. M s ' u - .n , - R ,o ,o 75 cent, and an p a w r tram dny. , T h- lumber Is to he used ns I Secretary. 17 to 1(1 cents. DIES AT HOSPITAL Thomas Moloy died at the Spring- field hospital October 31, at the age of 73 years, 3 months and 25 days. Funeral services were conducted at the Walker chapel Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock by A. A. Anderson of Springfield. Interment was In the Mount Vernon cemetery east of town. Mr. Moloy Is survived by two sons, Irwin and Thomas Moloy of Missouri, and by one slater, Mra. Mary F. Grif­ fin of Eagan«. 'F lH Man Caught on Game Law. James E. Baker and Vern Smith were fined 325 each in Judge Walla Justice court Monady for banting without license». Five men charged with bunting after dark will be given a Jury trial. They are J. C. William. Bud Satterfield. R. H. Barker, Ray Williams, and J. C. Satterfield. The AmberoO-Latum laboratory Is shipping 15 gross of Amber-O-Latum to Los Angele«. California thia week. Wear Good Clothes and Save Money All wool Suits That are Remarkably Good Values at— » z S 19.75 to 5 2 9 ,7 5 Overcoats for Men New arrivals from our New York headquarters at a real saving. 5 1 6 .5 0 to 5 3 4 ,7 5 Notice of School Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of School District No. 19 of Lane County. State of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING of said dis­ trict will be held at High School, on the 25 day of November. 1924 at 8 o’clock in the afternoon for the purpose of discussing th? budget herein­ after set out with the levying board, and to vote on the proposition of levy­ ing a special district tax. The total amount of money needed by the school district during the fis­ cal year beginning on June 13, 1924, and ending June 30, 1925, is estim ated ln the fo ll°w,n8 budget and includes the amounts to be received from the county school fund, state school fund, elementary school fund, special dis­ trict tax, and all other moneys of the district: BUDGET ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 180.00 200.00 THOMAS MOLOY, 73, P E R S O N A L S E R V IC E Salary per year Total o >2.000 > 1,400 1,170 4,570 1 1,700 1.700 3. 1,170 4.680 Teachers .......................... ....................................... '............ 4 1.125 1.125 ..................................................... 1 1,080 1,080 .............................................. 4 1.035 4.140 9 1.012.50 9.112.50 1 875 875 1 500 500 X 240 240 2 990 1.980 2 990 1,980 4 .................... ................ 1 300 300 5. Clerk .................................. 7. Ctiier services ....... .............................- ......................................... 130 Total ..............................................—............................................................332,432.50 No. 1 1 1 M A T E R IA L A N D S U P P L IE S 1. Furniture (desks, stoves, curtains, etc.) ............ .................... ..............31.600 2. Supplies (chalk, erasers, -etc.) ................. .............................- .................- 225 3. Library books ...... .... ................................................... - ................................. 340 4. Flags ..................— .......................................- ..................- ..................- 10 6. Janitor's supplies ............................. .......................................- ----------------- 200 7. Fhiel .................................................. .................... .... - ................... &15 8. Light. Power .................................................................... ................... <50 9. Water ........ ......................... - .........................................—- ............. I 5® 10. Postage and stationery .... .............................................................................. 75 Total . ................................................ ................... ..................„>3416 M A IN T E N A N C E A NO R E P A IR S H. S. building and grounds .......................— .......... - .............- .... —.......... - .....3 625 L. S. building and grounds ................ ............................................................ »15 Total ....... ...........................................................................................- .... 31-050 IN D E B T E D N E S S 1. Bonded, nnd Interest thereon ......................................................................>3.400 2. Warrant, and Interest thereon ............ — ....................................... .......— 1600 3. All othr Indebtedness and Interest thereon, sinking fund .... ........... 2,000 Total ..... ......................................................... -'.................- ...............>6,900 INSURANCE ............... ............................................................................ ......... >1.000 Total .................................................................... ...........- ...... - ......>1.000 M IS C E L L A N E O U S .......................................................................................... .......„...>500 Phones ...........- ...............................................................................- ......... 125 Total ........................................................................................... ..........->625 Total estimated amount of money for hll purposes during the year >45.442.50 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS From county school fund during the coming year ...................... „..>3,052 00 From state school fund during the coming school year ....................... 1,220.16 From elementary school fund during the coming year ................... ... 4,500.00 Estimated amount to b? received from all other sources during the coming school year, High School ..................................................— 6.000.00 Total estimated receipts, not Including proposed tax ..... „.>17.772.16 RECAPITULATION Total estimated expenses for the year ........................ - .......................... *45'44? 5? Total estimated receplts not Including proposed tax ........................... 17,772.16 Balance, amount to b raised by district tax .......................>27,670.34 Dated this 21st day of October, 19 24 Attest- R. W SMITH. District Clerk. OEORGE DITTO, Board of Directors. C. A. SWARTS, F. A. LOUK. W. O. HUGHES, J „ tJ U M U J U lY . 'v-w w . F. B HAMIJN, ’ Budget Committee. ,