■ 1 I -- ..-___________ - — - - --- THE SPRINGFIELD NEW S Published Every Thunxlvy at Springfield. Lana County. Oregon. by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS H. B MAXEY. Editor F. C. WKSTERFIELD. Mana«,«» Entered aa second class matter. February 34. 1*03 at the postofflce, Springfield. Oregon M A IL SUBSCRIPTION RATE One Year In Advance- 1135 lx M on ths___________ “5c Three M onths------50c Single C o p y ------- 6c THVRSDAY, NOVEMBER 6. 1*34. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Editorial Program I. Make SpHngfield the Industrial Center of Wee- • tern Oregon. • II. Develop a Strong Trading Point; Build a City * ef Contented Homes. * III. Improve Living Conditions on the Farm. Pro- • mote the Raising of Purebred Livestock and • the Growing of Fruit; Work for Better Markets * IV. Tell the World About Oregon's Scenic Wonder- • land. * TUESDAY’S ELECTION. The people of this country do not want a change, they are satisfied with the present na­ tional administration. This was the sentiment expressed at the election Tuesday. The results were as keen observers of politics predicted even If they were on the otner side. While conservative people are alarmed at the growing tendencies of radicalism in this country it was well that La Follete did run. He gave a lot of voters a chance for expression that would otherwise had none and he gave the rest of the country the opportunity to see how many people there were of radical mind. As far as Oregon is concerned it went republi­ can as it always has. The thing that came to light in this state is that the yellow ticket has lost its grip. People voted this time as they pleased whether a candidate was endorsed by any partic­ ular faction or not. Only in cases where a strong man was endorsed, who could have won without the support, can the yellow ticket claim a vic­ tory. • • • W ITH THE FINANCIAL PROBLEMS SOLVED War like politics makes strange bedfellows. The United States put Germany out of commission in the great struggle for world freedom, now she leads in restoring to Germany her place in the sun it is hoped with chastened spirit. Simultaneously with the floating of the great German loan in this conutry there started from the other side the giant Zeppelin ZR 3, built in the German yards for the American government. The contract for the building of this great mon­ ster of the air is looked at askance by the man on the street, who, considering the terms of our peace negotiations, recalls the stipulation that the Zeppelin works should be put out of commission and German air craft production should be lim­ ited to craft suitable only for commercial use. Some folks wonder if the Zeppelin trip across the ocean to our shores is just a test of possibilities. It may be regarded as certain now that Ger­ many will stage the greatest “Orne back” in the history of the world. Those who are close to the situation believe that five years will see her firmly on her feet. Every German factory is intact, not one bullet hole has injured so much as a chicken house as a result of the war, and German land is fertile, unspoiled and intensively cultivated. Her only difficulty has been one of rinan«e, and that is now largely removed. While some fear is held by those who have suffered severely by the war. belief is held that the German people now see the folly of ambition, and that it will be many a day before they are again led blindly into an ___________ _______ international struggle. • Many Enrolled In School, The total earoliuienl In Eugvno ______ diat have died from luhercul,»la. when schools this year la 3.334 or 40« more FOOTBALL ( Tubureutoala Is shown to be a protu (p,| to swine, pass the dtaease on to thau last year II,', Is according to Inten-at In football has attained Its mid season Inton the rsnsua Just taken. illy . AU over the country boys from high schools and Incut cause for loeeva It, swine by a the swine. oelhoge* are contesting on the gridiron, matching their recent report of the Meat Inspection «Its and their physical prow cm with each other in ortlor Division of the United Slate« Depart ment of Agriculture. Of about 54.0«»'. to win for their colors. Football Is sometimes condemned as s dangerous sp ort ooo hogs Federally Inapected luring but In facing danger turn temper their metal. If W ater­ the year ended June 30 a total of loo was wou on the rugby fields of England, so American 333.670 dreaaed hog carcasses were problems will find th ,lr solution mo»W quickly If they are condemned for various causes Neatly handled by men who have learned to think rapidly In a one half of this number were enndem- cglaia and Io act quickly regardless of possible humps Io ned because of tuberculosis Inf« ct'on In addition to the 100.110 wh.il« car­ them selves. The saute sort of team worth that makes football teams casses there were 1,093.353 psrts of strong makes nations g rea t The same sort of resouree- carcasses condemned because of tu fulneas (hat makes famous quarterbacks and ends makes berculnala. S-ucceastul leaders In business and political life. The same This represents a gr«at loss to the dogged perseverance that causes line and backfield to swine raisers of the country which, sc hammer away play after play whether the ball Is In their corrdlng to specialists of the United possession or In the poaaesslon of their opponents, over­ Htates Department of Agriculture, can comes resistance and scores touchdowns In the game be prevented to a large extent. of life.—Portland Telegram Following Infected cattle In f«-«d • • • lots Is said by the Government