S P R I N G F I E L D — THE W ESTERN T E R M IN A L O F THE NATRON J'HE SPRINGFIELD NEWS O IV O T IO TO IN T E R g g T OF » P R IN Q F IIL D ANO T H I F A R M E R * OF THR W IL L A M E T T E V A L L I * O’ TWKNTY-FIIV o'* SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, »R VOTE FOB CQOLIDEEl AND DAWES III CITY THURSDAY, NOV. 6, 1924. LADIES OF G. A. R. TO HOLD INSPECTION CHARLES G. DAWES Vice-President Elect CA LVIN COG^.OGE President-Elect BUSHMAN NEW MAYOR G. O. Bukhman was elected mayor of Springfield by a near­ ly four to one vote over councilman W. N. Long in Tuesday election. T h e vote was 547 to 143 according to unofficial re­ turns collected at the polls. Herbert Cox and L. L. May won out over the other three candidates for councllmen and Linn Ijtnsbery was elected recorder. Inspection will he a feature ot the meeting of Iuka circle number 18 of the laidles of the dram! Army of the Itepubllo on Friday afternoon at 1 , The vote for councllmen was Carlton 213; Cox 414; May o'clock In the W. O. W. -4iall. Bose ! 285; Mtl^agan 171; and Stewart 248. For recorder Boaser- B. Oerrleon of Portland, will be the man 104; Lansbery 333; and Smith 235. Hughes received Inspector, It Is thought, according to the total vote, 602 for treasurer, with the exception of one Mrs. Charles F. Kgglmann. president or two written In. of the local circle. Members have been especially re­ quested by the president to appear promptly at the appointed hour, since all ths ritualistic work Is to be gone 4 Total 3 Prct. 1 8 through. Visitors from both Eugene For President and Vice-President Coolidge and Hawes ____________ __ 61 111 139 103 404 and Portand will be present. Havta and B r y a n _____________ ;__ 45 139 88 86 37 Following the circle meeting the La Follette and W h eeler__ _.. 86 38 45 182 43 president will be hostess at an In­ formal reception and social meeting. For United States Senator F. E. Coulter ......... ___....... .............. 66 14 14 17 11 Refreshments will be served. Charles L. McNary ___________ 59 117 146 111 433 Election of officers for ths group Milton A. Miller ________ ________ 42 30 46 45 162 will be held the Bret meeting In De­ It Robinson __ _______________ __ 8 8 16 4 3 cember, and installation of officers For Representative In Congress the first meeting In January. W. J. Butler ......... 39 23 26 96 17 H. L Clark ........... 85 29 39 39 132 W. C. Hawley __ 67 117 141 108 423 NEW PLUMBING SHOP IS Upton A. Upton ____ « 8 8 6 12 How Springfield Voted OPENED IN SPRINGFIELD For Secretary of State L. J. F rancla S Richard Miller, who has worked at Walter L. Hembree ....... 87 the pumhlDg trade hi Eugene and Sam A. K o s e r __ - ____ ... 70 Portland, and other rltles throughout For State Treasurer. the state, haa opened a plumbing shop Thoa B. K a y _______ 68 on Main street between 8lxth and Jefferson Myera ____ 49 Bevcntb. He haa rented the building For Justice of the Supreme Court. from Boavey and Rowe, and will do Harry H. B e l t ______________________________________ 68 a general plumbing huatnew. O. P. Coahow .................. 68 Percy R. Kelly ______ 38 Civic Club Meete Tuesday. For Attorney General The Ladles' Civic club of S p rin t W. P. Adams .... <6 I. H. Van W in k le _____ field will meet Tuesday night, Novem. her 11, In the- Chamber of Commerce For Dairy and Food Commissioner 76 rooms at 7:30 o'clock. This will be J. D. M ic k le ------- -------------------------- the flrat meeting of the aeason. and For Commissioner 60 will be presided over by Mrs. Maude *Newton McCoy __ ___ ____ 48 T. Bryan, president. It will be In the Edward Ostrander ..... .. For Judge of Circuit Court nature of a business session. 76 John C. Kendall _______ New Rollers Installed. For Representative 68 Two new Marine boilers have been Emmet Howard ................ .... 64 E. O. Potter .......................... purchased nnil Installed by the H. C. Wheeler ............. ...................................._.... ............... 69 Springfield Mill and Grain company, Edward F. Bailey ..... 61 together with fittings, as a complete For District Attorney new outfit to be used In standardizing Howard M. Brownell ___ 45 the process of rolling barley. 54 John 8. Medley ................. The outfit will enable the company For County Commissioner to double Its capacity for output and R. O. Brady ......................... t .. 62 considerably Improve their product. 44 Clinton Hurd ................... ........ L, Rock Slide at Jasper. A small elide on the Southern Pa­ cific railway tracks near Jasper T ubb «lay evening resulted In an hour's de­ lay In the schedule of the Oakridge passenger train Wednesday morning. W. McBean, assistant superintend­ ent for the Southern Pacific, with headquarter« nt Roseburg, went from Eugene to Jasper to overseo the clear­ ing of the tracks. Legion to Meet. 10 38 138 10 61 149 8 42 129 37 156 486 111 <1 125 74 96 77 384 263 111 17 87 130 102 80 91 100 56 390 368 241 43 134 60 147 59 120 153 469 149 177 148 650 66 95 76 109 79 85 270 337 139 165 146 525 125 118 128 83 142 143 161 89 116 134 132 91 450 459 490 314 97 82 102 103 87 94 331 333 79 99 91 112 87 88 309 343 For County Clerk R. 8 Bryson ..................... — 78 157 189 159 583 For County Sheriff H. H. Earle ......... .............. _ .. Frank E. Taylor .........—......... 61 51 76 111 87 127 74 112 287 401 For County Treasurer Edna Ward 87 160 185 161 683 For County Assessor Clyde E. Jordnn ............... ..................... Benjamin F. Keeney ...... ................. - 33 75 64 163 64 134 62 126 193 488 ASSESSED VALUATION IN LANE COUNTY $33,042,540 Increase of Three-Quarter Million Over Last Year; Comparisons Given by Assessor. L IV I NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E TOW N LANE flEPUBLICAN BI BIG IKAJOBITY Imp. on town 4.580,670 and city lots 98.235 deeded or patent Imp. on land * not logging and 133,040 rolling sock Steamboats, etc. and 711.430 mfg. machinery 1,704,270 Mdse and stock Farm Imp. and 265.805 automobiles Money, notes. 194.295 accounts 469.740 Shares stock 231.095 5,788 Horses, m ules..... 429.505 19,194 Cattle .... ........... 12.956 19.599 Goats ................... 19.525 3.332 Swine .............. 13,165 1,164 Dogs ..................... 22.105 82,065 Poultry ............... 980 1.636 Bees ............. - ..... $33,042.640 ...... 82 153 183 159 For County Surveyor P. M. Morse ........... .................._........... Here from California—Mr. and Mrs. 577 Fred Hawke ere here from California visiting Mr. Hawke’s parents. __ 80 146 171 154 651 79 153 186 161 149 175 161 For Mayor G. O. Bushnmn .......................... W. N. Long ................. - ............ 92 17 148 40 135 51 172 37 For Councilman Roy Cailton ............................ Coi tinned on Page 8 ..43 43 37 22 November 4. The candidates rated as Lane county w ent republican by a follows; Coolidge, »g votes; Davis 36; La Follette, 36; Johns, 1. The big majority according to returns com idea ot putting on an election came piled this morning from 97 out of 98 as the result of a suggestion from precincts reporting to the county clerks office, in the county contests the civics department. The parties were organized a week Medley won from Brownell by a slight before election, with central com­ margin for district attorney while mittees, and excellent speeches were Taylor took a long lead on Earle made by the students on the candl- ^or sheriff. Hurd won from Brady for dates them selves and on the party commissioner by nearly 1400 ano principles, In the opinion of Vern D. Keeney snowed Jordan under for as­ sessor. Hu In. high school principal. The rote with only the small Mo­ The school wag then divided Into six precincts, and on election day hawk precinct m issing follows: COUNTY the ballots were cast. The members of For District Attorney. the civics class constituted the elec­ ...6705 tion boards. Faculty members regard Medley __ 8540 the straw election as valuable citizen Brownell Representative ship training for the students, since it — 8620 taught them much about the election Howard ... j Potter .... 8808 procedure. « » • W ^ heeler 0475 Dates for the Christmas holldyt for ! ^ ^ eler ... .6653 the Springfield public schools was fix­ Bailey .... County Commissioner « ed last evening by a meeting of t h e , Hurd ....... board of directors of district 19 at . Hurd 7160 ...5781 the high school. The vacation for the Brady ...... high school will begin December 19 Keeney .... 5145 and end January 5, while the grades Jordan ..... 171t will be dismissed from December 24, National to January 6. r Coolidge and Dawes .......... . 8451 A new faculty ruling is now In full Davis and Bryan ........... .3 2 0 5 force that In addiUon to chaperones La Follette and W h e e le r ____ ...2395 provided by the schools there must be Valuation of J,ane county property this year Is placed at 833,042.540 ac­ cording to Ben F. Keeney, county as­ sessor. This Is three-quarters of a two local people as sponsors or pa million over last year. trons for each social function for the The average value per acre of till­ students. able land is decreased from 642.17 An increase of 90 In the number ot per acre In 1923 to 841 90 (or 1924, or students enrolled for the month end­ .4 of one per cent—27 cents per acre ing October 31 is noted comparing reducUon. this year's statisUca with last year's. The acreage of timber land reported In 1923 was 455,544. The 1024 show­ Last year there were 539 in regular ing ts 451.428 acres, or a reducUon attendance In the schools, and thia of 4.134 acres. The average assessed year 629, ot which 290 are boys and value per acre of timber land for 339 girls. The percentage of attendaace tor 1923 was 114.60; the average (or 1924 Is $15.19; an Increase of 59 cents per the month has been rated as follows: 4th grade, Miss Edna Platt, teacher. acre or 4 per cent. trade 99 per cen t: in d - Mrs. Op«l Roberts, Merchandise and stock In shows an Increase over 1923 of $142.- 98.8; 6th. Mrs. Ella Lombard. 98.4; 6th. Mr. Halstead, 98.3. 350. Freshmen, high school, also 98.3; Money, notes and accounts show an 4th, Miss Ella Hayden, 98.2; 7th, Jun­ Increase ot 891,655. Shares ot stock show an increase ot ior high, 97.9; 3rd. Mrs. Crystal Male, 97.8; 8th. Junior high school, also 97.8; 860.450. ’ * Value of town and city lots shows 5th, Mrs. Eula Montgomery, 97.8; 5th, a decrease of 867,460 or 10.8 per Miss Nina Boesen, also 97.1; senior qent from the 1923 assessm ent. This high school, 97.3; sophomore, high Is accounted for mainly by the county school, 97.2; 1st, Mrs. A. J. Morgan. haring to take oyer a great deal of 96.8; 1st Mrs. L. K. Page. 94.7; 2nd. such property for taxes, particularly Miss Marjorie Tracy, 94.3; Junior, high school, 95.7. Florence and Glenada lota. The Junior class will hold a party Improvements on town and city lota tomorrow night In the high school show an Increase of 8332.410. building. It was postponed from last Sum m ary ta Given. The assessor's summary as com- week. A football game has been scheduled pleted follows: Acres, all land .... 1.247.124 816.520.265 with Cottage Grove at Cottage Grove 6.699.305 for a week from tomorrow. Friday. Acres, tillable ™ 133.610 6.858.900 November 14. Acres timber — 451.428 4.062.060 662.086 Acres non-tll’bP Imp., deeded or • NINE COUNTRIES TO BE 1.348.265 patent lands VISITED IN WORLD TRIP 6.188.960 Town, city lots For County School Superintendent Edgar J. Moore ................. ....... ............. The Springfield post of the Ameri­ For County Coroner can Legion wIIll meet In regular busi­ W. W. Urauatetter ............. - ............... n ess session tomorrow evening at 8 For Constable o'clock in -the W. O. W. hall. L, E. Thompson ...................... Returned from Trip— Miss Amy Love returned Tuesday night from Portland^ She has been visiting rel­ atives In Portland and In Vancouver, Washington. A Straw Election Held by Stud­ ent»; Christmas Vacation Dec, 19 to Jan. 5. Medley Elected District Attor­ ney, Taylor Sheriff, Hurd Coolidge carried the Springfield Commissioner and Potter, high school vote as well as the na Wheeler and Howard Repre tlon'a, according to a count of the straw election held In the high school »entatives. President'* Elector* Get 404 Votes; La Follett* Run* Ahead of Davie; Medley Two Ahead or Brownall and Taylor Leads Earle. Bprlnitleld voted (or Coolidge und , Dewes »Iron* ul til« Tuesday elot lion giving I heir oloclore 404 to 297 (or (he other two cmh 1I318 Harwley --------------------------------------- 8488 U p t o n -------------------------------------- _ 243 . STATE vesqj Secretary of State **” ’ Francis ________________________ 556 H e m b r e e __________ ...TtH K oier _____________ 1*,417 Treasurer. K a y ____________________________ 7801 M y e r s __________________________ 4959 Justice of Supreme Court .8207 B e l t ______ ______________________ 866? Coehow ___ ___________________ ,__.4O84 Kelly _____ Attorney General Adams _________________________ >818 Van Winkle ____________________ 8448 Commissioner of Public Service M c C o y ________________________ «880 O s tr a n d e r ______________________4778 LOCAL WOODCRAFT WILL INSTALL OFFICERS WED. The Neighbors of Woodcraft will m eet next Wednesday afternoon In the W. O. W. hall. Officers for the coming year, who will be Installed In January, are: guardian neighbor, Mrs. Elsie Lambert; advisor. Mrs. FlorenCi Grimes; clerk. Mrs. Nina McPherson; attendant, Mrs. Minnie Girard; musi­ Plans for the “Trip Around the cian. Mrs. Mabel Mortensen; corres­ World,” to be given by the Parent- pondent. Mrs. Myrtle Egglmann; cap- Teacher association Friday evening. „ „ Rho304