i ih u p m i l , in I l i n p i i w ’ »»» " — ............ ............— ----------------- — our »ext P resident. E very day b o w sm all lo a n and comm a !ry sentim ent. iho way th e election will go, thvu would curry ft. H ow ever l*a Follett» political leader» an il w riter» a re open­ B oth th e "L iterary D igest" an d th» has the »lipijort of th e »lx strong t oulhbte will he nhy ».>mv «1 Vote» oi th ‘ lr conviction th a t H e a rn t» Nowr ;u p e r polls 1» m ore ly announetn t.i liou Mild th e vtv ioo will if i li. o io Hcrlop H oward new spu.or» In Ohio the election will go to Congres» for re p re se n ta tiv e of 'b - Mg city and the o th e re 1» the ;...ih liity of the »tale i.i d e n w re n . larg e tow n »eatiia'-Bt. fettlem eat. However, th ere ar« mat*/ ..facto r» 1 to!*n to t'le third p arty candidate. T he tabulation of the vote« by ‘ T he vote* i thl« Pre»i to win O klahom a 1» th ¡mailer cltton. town» and ru ral electoral column, a s published below, jar vut iiowa t'oolt Ige lauding w ith 1 A rizona with 8 uti'l D elaw are w.t i 3. h gouthern border »tale nnil usually -listr'et». Mi ire th an »oven thousand furnish m any points for dl»cua»lon— 1*5,940 to l**t Folliilto** W i.H ii anil | have not voted In title Pro* *d^ntf»l g* « D emocreflc. 8« If Coolidge new *pa era publish’d 1» town» th ru non» of which, of course, can be prov­ Davis* 280,682. poll. Ueuustf la tho v ery » u rp ri» ti„ j should win Ohio. Io«« Okl»homa—and out the country have c o o p e ra te d with ed until the final official votes on maybe U tah—cred ited Io him In this thl« new spaper In taking thia poll. N ovember 4 have been counted. 1» «lul'torul to te s —Uuol: ige loiwla I »Itout.on show n in thl» poll, w hereby j poll hn would »till be «by votoa In th • Th<- Published» A utceaater Service, D avis gains on L a Follett» In tho C bln w ith 24 vote» la 1» th e lot Koi l with lb »late» for u to tal of 245 elec-1 elector^! college for ele* tloa. popular vote d u ring the la s t tw o tornl vote». Davis la second with 17 Irtle colum n end O klahom e with Pi i Th!» P resid en tial poll »how», aa In New York City, w hich serve» thia eeks - of new spaper, HCwly«: ' » < ha» been th ---- e - N ational . w —----- — th is vote, can be accounted -.») «, o r 180 electo ral vul* , uuil l*a i vole» 1» In th e Coolidge colum n. do o th er leading straw vote» now lb a d q u a rtirs for the poll. It h as been 1 fo r m th e num ber of S outhern s ta te s llrpithDcitn leader» believe f ir m ly 1 Follette third with 10 M ates or 90 being tak en , such a s tho “L iterary conducted In an iinparital m anner. which se n t In retu rn s. T he ‘'Solid th a t th«y will m ir y Ohio. It 1» w hat j ilic to ra l vote» D igest,” and H o arrt N ewspaper» T his P residential poll 1« p a rtic u la r-, S outh" Is voting tru e to form and 1» known a t a “ Republican s ta le ' I poll», th a t th ere I n a ttro n g posnl th ere seem s to be no »pot w here the W ere l.a Fide Poll Closes lí T h it Voting Indícalo* Novem- bor Roaulta, Eloctiun May Go to Houutt for bottlonunt. Sur- piiaoa oí b trnw Vote la Ohlo lo r La Foliette and Oklahama for Coolidge. II i’tiwitb i» pubilsuU thu final vote tn tile Bprlagfi«l| «icr» W llh apprtixlm utely ono mil' lio» vot»» < m «I I» 45 »latea, ti»« popu Beginning Friday, Oct. 31 and Sat., Nov. 1 at 1:30 each day of- 0 0 BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE LOTS 1 0 BY UCTI Description: Emerald Heights addition, 4 blocks from business sect­ ion; northwest side of manufacturing center; no smoke; no railread crossings: bright future. Buy Now at your own price and terms before the increase that is sure to come. FREE 6 beautiful lots will be given away absolutely free No gamble. VERY EASY TERMS MONTHLY PAYMENTS R. C. PETERS, Auctioneer. Owners SIMON KLOVDAHL DR c g WILLOUGHBY Eugene Phone 1930 to ral votes will be won a s follow s: COLIDGE: New York, 45; Illinois. 29; M assachusetts, 18; New H am pshire. 4; K ansas. 10; Iowa. 13; P ennsylvania, 38; Indiana, 15; M ichigan, 15; O klahom a. 10; ConnecUcut, 7; U tah, 4; New J e r ­ sey. 14; Oregon. 5; Colorado, 6; Rhode Island, 5; V erm ont, 4; New » Mexico, 3, T otal _ .... ...........................................245 LA F O LL E TT E : W isconsin, 13; W ashington, 7; C alifornia, 13; M ontana. 4; W yoming, 3; South D akota, 5; M innesota, 12; Ohio, 24; Idaho, 4; N orth D akota, 5. T otal ................................................... W DAVIS: M aryland. 8; Texas, 20; G eorgia, 14; M issouri, 18; V irgin­ ia. 12; W est V irginia, 8; N evada, 3; N ebraska. 8; A rkansas, 9; T en­ nessee, 12; L ouisiana, 10; Florida, 6: K entucky, 13; N orth C arolina, 12; A labam a, 12; M ississippi, 10; South Carolina, 9. T otal ......................................... - .........184 N ecessary for election; 266 E lector­ al Votes, T h ree sta te s u n h eard from : Maine, 6; A rizona, 3; D elaw are, 3. Springfield moved from Main to th e opposite th e T ailor shop h as been th e c o rn e r of 4th and co rn er of 6th and M ain F arm er'» E xchange 0 30 CALL AND SE E Dr. N. W. Em ery on prices on plate and o th er work, tf V ote 83 X R. W. Sm ith for City R ecorder. THRIFT -is largely a m atter of right buying. You buy right, here. Eastman Grocery DUCiNF fifi