THURSDAY, OCT, 30, 1924. PAGE SEVEN THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OK THE NOTICE HTA TE OF OKKOON FOK LANK PINAL S E T T L E M E N T COUNTY. NOTICE la hereby given that the Eugutte Foundry A Machina Cam- undersigned, admlnlatrator with will , pany, a corporation, plaintiff, V» Era- annexed or the Kalat» of Fred W Bbep • • I I what you want to M il, buy what you want to buy through these ! . nm llurding«, Mary Looks and — pard. deceased, haa filed hl» Final Ac­ •olumno. W rite or phono TW O Ixtckn, bar buaband, Joalab Wiaw and count in aald Estate of Fred W. Shop — Hhaw, bin wife. Lydia Grow and pard, deceo»«t, with the County Grow, bur buaband. Harah It. Shaw Court of the State of Oregon for Lane F o il K E N T * Two largo front room«, ANYBODY wlalilag milk at gallon | Bnlj _ shaw, her buaband, Hannah ____ _ _______ ____ County and the aald Court haa set furnlabed or unfurnlahod. 323 O rule» call Klvaralda Dairy, Pfcoa* I V arrtll and Joseph Verlll, her hue- I Saturday, the flrat day "of’ Novtwnber ••roo». 01830. baud. Isaac II. Eastman and - Ea.t- , 1W24 M T , n A M „ t(me 34F3 When you have an important M IUI. CA RO LINE HHAFFKH. wccrodlt JERSEY milk cow for aal«, A. J. man. hia wife, Benjamin F. Eastman and Urn County Courtroom In the and •— Eastman, his wife. I*<4ly Shaw County ~ To have your savings grow ! prescription to be filled, no con- Courthouse at Eugene, Ore p lan o in u rb i r. Uhona 1130 it (la­ Morgan. if ami — Shaw, her husband, Timothy gon, us the place tor the hearing of gst)», without effort ou your part ' sidération but that of reliable ■ 1 8 0 SS Shaw and — Shaw, hla wife. Hallie aald Final Account. All person» hav- I sendee should be thought of. BORN At th rlr huilin «n mirili .Mill Vote M3 X It, W. Smith for City W illiam Shaw and — Shaw his wife, ">« objecon» to ..Id Final Account Is the enjoyable feature of ■ Our store Is popular with physi- or any particular Item thereof are »tient. October 24 1924, to Mr. ami Recorder, If. Ephrlam Hhuw and — Htiaw, his wife, hereby notiried to fie the same with I clans because they know that saving regularly here at the i we keep up with every scientific Mr». It F. Stromer, a son. Samuel N. Hhuw and — Hhaw. his the County clerk of said County on or wife, J am Inis Eastman and — Kast­ before the «aid Saturday, the first BORN • At thnlr bunio In Itelknan NOTICE OF ROAD D ISTR IC T advancement in pharmacy. They First National. man her husband, Polly Locke and day of November, 7924. «pringa. October 26, 1924. to Mr «,„| M EETIN G realize what this means to the Locke, her husband. Jooeph Hhuw c 'T * " ' 30U> d* r ° f September. Mr». Cue Galloway, • aun. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: and — Hhaw, hla wife, Henrietta welfare of their patients. Our You perhaps know this en Notice la hereby given that a meet­ Fleming and — Fleming her husband, j line of prescription drugs is M’m Q. HUGHES. Admins trator of ing of the legs' voter» being resident E K. Hhuw and — Hhaw. his wife, al­ NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT Joyment but are your wife large and fresh and all com- lax pa yet« am! owner« of real prop so (he uuknown heirs of any of said de the eatate of Fred W. Sheppard, de­ M EETIN G ceased. ' •rty In Road D l.trlct No 1 8 In Lana frn(|an„ who be I pounding is done b y experi­ TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: and youngsters having that FRANK A. DePUE, ouuty Oregon, will be held . the Qr unkn<, wn enced g r a d il a te pharmacists, Notice Is hereby given that a meet- Attorney for Administrator. X . t i J e L a a im in g any right, title, eatate. lien pleasure, too. Bring them j You will find our prescription lug of thn legal voter» being resident v.,Ul ” _ _ _ _ _ 0-2 9-16 23 30 November. A. I).. 1924, at the Me K an taxpayers and owner» of real prop­ or Interest In the real property des service exceptional in every re- erty In Road Diatrlct No. 65. In |^«i» xle Bridge Schoolhouse In aald Road in and open an account foi NOTICE OF SHER IFF'S SALE ON crlbed In the complaint herein, de­ ' sped — but this extra service County. Oregon, will bn hold at the District, to deternitnu whether »aid fendants. EXECU TIO N each. A saving family is a ' cost» you nothing. hour of ’ |> M , «n the n th day of road district shall levy a special tax Notice is hereby given that by vir­ SUMMONS November, A. It . 1934. at tho Mlnney of 5 mills upon all the taxable prop tue of an execution Issued out of tbe To Emma Hardings, Mary Locke - Let us fill your prescriptions. happy family. Circuit Court of the State of Ore Hall In aald Hoad I Hat riot, to deter­ crty in »»Id district for the purpose and _ Ixj<,he h, r hlIHtwn<1 lon. for tbe County of Lane on mine w h e th r aald road district »ball of providing funds for gravvllng road , sllBW an.N 4 n j husband. Isaac R. Eastman and — Oti-h and agaioat Janie« M. O rlffltn 55 ______ j Cast man. bis wife. Benjamin F. East- for tbe sum of »104 00, with Interest! C L IN T O N H I'Itn . County Com. -rT T a s n iv n a a man * n<1 — Eastman, his wife, Polly Uiert-on at the rate of 6 per cent per O. E CROWE. Countv Com NOTICE TO CREDITORS | ghaw anJ _ her bmb#B/ annum from the 6th day of March, 0-30-N 6 13 Nolle« Is hereby given that Donald • Timothy Hhaw and — Hhaw, bis wife. and the further sum of »40.00 attorn OF EUGENE Young has been appointed adrolalat-1 Ballte M. Shaw and — Shaw, her hus- ays fees and the further sum of »61.40 NOTICE TO CREDITO R# * " w ill wtacJte.1 of th e ' ba,ld' W illiam Shaw and - Shaw, hla coat aud disbursement«, which Judg­ Notice la hereby given that the rutor with the will Mta.Jiad of tbe w)f, EpbrJ#n| 8haw 8baw Since 1883 ment was enrolled and docketed In undnralgned J E. Johnaon haa been estate of Henry Dl.wre, deceased. A ll w if e , Safnuei N 8baw and—8haw bte the office of me clerk of «aid court duly appointed by the order of th» in said county on the 7th day of Judge of the County Court In and persona having claim« against »»Id j wq e Jrrolma Eastman and — East- March, 1924, and on an execution , for la n e County, Oregon, sa admin­ estate are hereby notified to present man. her husband. Poljy L ck» and — Issued out of the circuit court of the istrator of the eatate of liannah J the aame with proper voaehera to tbe Locke, her uhsband, Joseph Shaw and State of Oregon, tor the County of > Johnaon, deceased AR persona having .................... .................. Lane on the 10th day of October.. claim» agntnal aald eatate ar» here »60 W illam ette aireet. Eagena. Ora , 8haw _ 8h#w hu w(fe 1924. upon a Judgment rendered there-, bv notified to preaent the same prop­ In on the 22nd day of May, 1924, In { erly verified to the underalgn-d ad gon. on or before alx months from tbe also the unknown heirs of any of favor of 8. J. Gish and against Jam«« 1 said defendants who may be deceased mtntatrator. at the office of Fred E date of tbe first pubHcallon of this also all others person or parties un­ M Griffith, for the sum of »94.10. with REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE Smith. Lawyer. Eugene. Oregon, with notice. known claiming any rig h t title, es­ Interest thereon at the rate of 6 per for tn alx month» from the data of thta cent per annum from the 22nd day I Dale of first puhBesRou the #th da, tate, lien or Interest'in the real prop­ notice. . .... of October. 1924. erty descrllied in the complaint here­ of May. 1924, and the further t u r n 1 Dated October 30th. 10.4. of (26.oO attorneys fees, and the for-1 Signed: IX IN A IJJ YOUNG. Attorn­ in defendants: J E JOHNSON. Admlnlatrator. ther sum of »44.M9 costs and ulaburse- ' IN T H E N A M E OF T H E STA TE of Lane County, on November 4, 1924 ey with the will annexed of tbe estate j FRED E S M IT H . ! O F OREGON, you are hereby re­ ments. which aald Judgment wae an -, Attorney for Administrator, of Henry Pierre, decoaad rolled and docketed In the office of I stand for the observance and enforcement of the Prohibi­ quired to appear and answer the com- Eugene. Oregon. a O H t l l »0-N-6 plaint which has been filed against the Clerk of said Court In said coun-' tion Law and every other law upon the statute books but 0 80. N-AI1-10-«. you In the above entitled Court and ty on the 22nd day of May, 1924. and ' w ill insist that the rich man be made to obey the law the cause, within atx weeks from the •aid executions to me directed com-: Bame as the poor man. date of the first publication of this uandlng me In the name of the State , — Paid Advertisement. •Ultimo!»», and ’f you fall to »o appear or Oregon to satisfy said judgment,! and answer, for want thereof the Oosls and disbursements, and the plaintiff will apply to the Court for costs and disbursements of and upon the relief prayed for tn the complaint this writ out of the personal property Eat at the Springfled. Oregon, October 27. 1924. Itfpw lt: for a decree that the plaln- • f said defendant, or If sufficient tlff la the sole and absolute owner tould not be found, then out of the Bndg-1 Comgtlttee met and was called to order by Mayor C. F. Eggimann. SPONG A THOMAS jeweler I In fee simple of the following deecrlb- real property of said Defendant, in It was moved and carried that C. F. Eggimann act as chairman of the CAFE Lane county, Oregon, and being un- Budget Commltt*e. Repairing a specialty ! <»d real property: Corner 3rd and Main gble to find any personal prorert» be­ Beginning »» a point 693 2-3 feet It was moved and carried th at R. E. Moshler act as .secretary. Springfield, Oregon ' west of the northeast corner of cons- longing to said Defendant, upon which Estimate of tbe Budget Committee of the town of Springfield, Oregon. to levy, I have levteu upon the u»- > | ty »urvey No. J1S. In 8 In Township 19 South Range Cement, Alley Crossings _______ ____ Youe Building. «aid street 1.8" 1-3 feet more or 1"»» 1 West of the W illamette M eridian; i Cutting Weeds ______________________ _______ 250.00 Full Auto Equipment GEO. W. PERKINS , to the cant line of Ferry W*rer*t. ........ ...... 100.00 r thence North 27.50 chains to a point Surveying S tre e ts ---------------------------------- thence ......... ROUth ............ on the _ eegt line ,, of Fe­ Corner 5th und D streets 25.00 rv "¿tree»” 167 feet’ there«" « a « t’ ¿32 12.50 chain» south of the Northwest c»C3ntng b tr ets --- ------ ---------------- ----- W. O. W. block 7 : 5^ T m «re7 « r t o T n X d ” cornet; east 11 chains. North 13-50 M t f r » . « . » n d S u p p lie » ----------------------- ............ .. 125 00 Springfield. Oregon Office Phone 63 M. Res Phone 93-J _______ 100.00 »«•■•h of the bcTlpn'ng -«In t. thence chains to north line, east 29 chains to , Sewer I ipes ------------------------------- ----------- ............... »1750.00- Total t,r>r*h 167 feet to the plac« of bog's- northeast corner, south 39.60 chains i POLICE SUPPLIES •n t: • to southca .t corner. Went 39 31 ch.» au _______4 180.00 1 Town Marshall. 12 Months _______________ _____ •h-* ’•«»> sod c»rh cf yr>tt h»ve no tri Southeast corner. All tn Call DR. N. W. EMERY __ __ 1.200.00 1 Night Watchman 12 Months ...................... ..... .......... ■Ipht f t ! « o- 'n t-re *t therein or C-n:aty, State of Oregoo. ’ --'Tl 1 Traffic ufLcer 12 Months .......... ......... .......... ............ _______ 1.400.00 thereto whn’ xoever: and th«t von and . d e n t is t Now, therefore. In tae name of the SUTTON TRANSFER __________ 2,780.00 a rh c f » he » c -o -e - b -'-re d nn ' Phons 20-J RECORDER’S SALARY Sutton Bldg enjoined from asserting any claim State of Oregon, In complance with ....... ...... 4 900.00 Phone 57 raid execution, and in order to satis­ 1 Recorder 12 M o n th s ........ .......... .......................... ......... :h"rc'r). Retldanco Phone 153 M TREASURER S SALARY Tit's »(immoti* ts served unon yoe fy said Judgment, in te r " t, costs and ________ _ 180.00 S p rln g fla ld . O regon hy pub'lcat'on thereof for six co»««, xl abiireementn, a: d tbe costs and ex­ 1 Treasurer 12 M o n th s _____ ____ ___________ __ __ A TTO R NEYS FEES entire week» In the Springfield New». penses of and upon this writ, I »1.1 ! __________ 200.00 * ttew -m ner c< general clreulrtt''!» rn Saturday the 22nd dry of Novem­ 1 Attorney 12 Months ...................... ....... ..... ...... ...... LIG H TS AN D W A TER GEO,. N, McLEAN puhll«hcd In ban« countv. Oreircn ber, 1924 ai 'he h -u r of one o'clock SHOE REPAIRING Automobile, Fire and Life IN S U R A N C E Work Promptly and Surety Bonds,. Phone 617 Carefully Done My buslnace la to protect yowr 12 Months 1,075.00 Dale cf fir*l nubllcatlon the Pth day ^as3' P hv taw all of JOHN A. NELSON buslnaaa of October. 1954 dcmptlon a* provided by taw. all of POLICE D E P A R TM E N T SUPPLIES 860 W llla m e t tr St. E ug ene O reoon 50.00 DPNAT D TOUNO. A'ternev for We r g n t title an<1 Interest n r l - f h of or Raid any 1£ Months 509 Main Street Pafntlff. Po-t C»f!ce Address. Du- defendant, Janus M. Gri . , ST R E E T CLEAN IN G ANO F LU SH IN G person or person-, claiming by. j Man and Team, 12 Months ......................................... 41,C80.00> gene, Oregon. G-9-16 33-30-N-6-13 29 through, or under them, or either of FIRE D E P A R TM E N T TRY CLOVER, the best •h -tn In ano to the above described Labor: Flushing Hydrants 12 Months ___________ 60.0t> WM. G. HUGHES NOTICE FOR P U 3 L IC \T IO N barber that ever hit Spring- property. Responding to Fire Alarm 12 M o n th s __________ .. 280.00 FIR E AND AUTO INSURANCE D E P A R TM E N T OF T H E INTERIOR . F R A N K E. T A Y L O R . . Hose Supplies, 12 Months ____ _________________ 25.00 field. NOTARY PUBLIC Short.! c I "n» Cocnty. U. S. LAND O FFICE at Roseburg, Total » 365.00 C-23-30 S-6-12-20 I regon, September 26, 1924 TOW N H A L L SUPPLIES A. A. ANDERSON , Office at | N O TIC E Is hereby given ’ hat Walt- Fuel, 12 M o n th s ___ _ 45.00 FIRST NATIONAL BANK | nr O. Baker, of 992 Oak St.. Eugene. BARBER SHOP H E A LT H OFFICER NOTICE OF ROAD D ISTR IC T Oregon Springfield, iVregoa. who. on July I t . 1921, made Medical Services and Official Su pervisio n _______ 5000 M EETING | Homestead Entry. Serial No. 014016. RECORDER'S SUPPLIES ; for the Lot» 12. 13 and 14 of ffec. 23. TO W HO M IT MAY C2N C ER N : 12 Months .......... ........... ..... ................... ........ .......... . 35.00 Notice is hereby given thnt a meet- I Official Advertising, 12 Months .............. .... ... ............... ....... ..... | Tp. 16 S. R 2 E. W. M and on Seo- 60.00 ROBERT W. EARL DR. é. RALPH DIPPEL tember 17. 1921 made Homwtead Kn­ ing of the legal voter- being resident' TOW N LIBRARY District Manager it ry, Serial No 014110. for the Lot taxpayers and owners of real Pf°l’ Services, Rent, Wood. Supplies and Expenses 570.00 DENTIST — ee--------- ------ » _ — The Equitable Life Assurance i l l of Section 23. Township 16S Range ■rty in _ Rend District No. 1 In Lane CARE POOR. AIDING D E S T ITU TE County. Oregon, will be held nt t h » ! 12 Months '2E W illam ette Meridian, has field no- . . . 8oclety of tho United State« Phone 43 10.00 lice of Intention to moke Final Three- hour of 10 A. M. on the lf-th dav of I A N N U A L CLEANUP Phone 1197 Y year Proof, to eaUhll.h claim to f i e November. A. D., 1924. at the Coburg Hau|,ng Rubbigh and clean;tlg Allevs> 12 Montbs ..................... ........ 90.00 Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. 218 Caatlo Bldg., Eugen», Ore. land nhovo described, before 1 p >( luoua bassinent In sai l Road IN T E R E S T ON BONDED1 IND ELTED N ESS ( I'liniel. I . S * omtv!l«»lonx*,. t . hie n . Dmtrlct, , h r t h e r s said a id l General ! » n n r a l l Improvement m n m v o n , « ’,* Bond, It,-in,» I-'lr u , iRStie........... Icau n l'i'ul *1 A nn m t to determine w whether First .......................... «r.U »50.000 3,000.00 flee n Eugene, . rogon, on the l - n . (y „(Pjci shall levy a a special tax General Improvement Bond, Second Issue................. .......... ...... »50.000 3.000.00 day of Novrmber, 1924. j of 4 mills upon ail the taxable proper- i General Obligation Bonds, Due 1923 .................................... 335,000 00 2,450.00 I» C lalm aot n a n e . «» w itn esses: COLLECTIONS t ' ’n a-iid d istrict for ,he m rnose of Refunding Bonds, Due 1941 ...................................................... »50,000.00 3,000.00 A. F. Davie, of Vida. Oregtn. No Co lection. No Charge. 84.00 tro v iciirg funds for Cross Roads and Hewer Bonds ............... ....................................................................... »1400.00 Curl Swanson, of Vida, Cjegor' Bond Sinking Funds .................................................................................. .. 5.000.00 W illamette Collection and Credit Side Roads of D istrict. Dor's Donohue, cf Virin, Oregon, Your Home When In Total ...... .......................................................... .................... ............ »16.534 00 CLINTON KURD, County Com. Frank Minnev. of Vida, e r ro r. Service Springfield EMERGENCY FUNDS O. K. CROWE. County Com. H A M IL L A. C A N W A Y 860 W illam ette Street, O-30-N-6 13 Cnforseen Expenditures, 12 Months ..................................................... ...... 1,450.00 O 3 9 16 23 30. Register Eugene, Oregon. Gross Total Estimated Expenditures................. ..... ..... ............ »29,499.00 A N T IC IP A T E D REVENUES Phone 37S Licenses, Pool and Billiard Halls, 12 Months ............... ........................... 12.00 JO HN M. W IL L IA M S Fines, 12 Months _____ ___ ___ _____________ _______ ___ ____ ____ 1,400.00 Attorney for Vet. State Aid Com., Read Funds, 12 M o n th s.......................................... .. ..... ...... ....... .................. 2,000.00 Soldiers Bonus Loans. Total Anticipated Revenues. 12 Months ......................... ..... .................... 3,412.00 Net Total Estimated Expenditures............................................................. »26.087.00 L. B. BEAN The Budget Committee of the town of Springfield will meet on Monday A tto rn iy State Land Board, All kinds of gravel for con­ the 24th day of November. 1924 at the town hall in Springfield at the hour f*tnte School Fund Loan». crete or road work. We of 7:30 p. m., where and when, any and nil., taxpayers of th.' town of Springfield shall be heard in favor of or against, such tax levy or any part make a specialty of crushed WILLIAMS A BEAN thereof. rock and rock sand. Bunk­ A TTO R NEYS C. F. EGGIM ANN, Chairman. ers at foot of Main on Mill SOO.OOO In P re m iu m s 860 W llllam ette St. Eugene, Ore. O. G. BUSHMAN. street. H. J. COX. Licensed to practice In nil Court» W N. LONG. HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. In ih» rr-B t new inn I'-. <-• «nd Amphitheatre, the Poetile Intern«- of the Slate, and Utflled States. L. MAY. tiorud I-lvaStix'k L -:. »vii. be higher nn»1 better th«n ever, featuring Special Classified Advertisements Interest Keeps You Interested Prescription Service T he First National Bank Howard M. Brownell District Attorney b u s in e s s d ir e c t o r y D. W . RO O F “The Loop SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. e r r i AND J " ^ iü R URCÜ0N/ tö O N Nov. 1 -8 AMERICA’S tfV C ¿TO CK C L A S S IC the lar«»»t -oinblnecl exhibit n t' » tu re b r« « li ve «t nek under onernof In Arterie«. Beet' »nd Pni. y Cetile, ti, i-x, : « l i r , heep, Qoata;«Ino Poultry Show, 1 and luduauiul Product», and W s.'d « ^reatoat N U h t Bor»» Show. Squeak - Squoak - S q utik ftopnlr that squeaky wheel before Its too Into. $1.50 per wheel F A D Servico Station Corner 5 and A FRANK A. DE PUE ATTO R NEY AT LAW NO TARY PUBLIC 8utton Buldllng Sprlngfle’d Oregon. R IÌD U C K D V A R I:« >N A L L R A I L R O A D S W. C. McLAOAN, ROY W. CARLTON. L. J. L F P L E Y , R. E. MORHIFR, M. J. McKlin, Budget Committee. Budget finished. Business of Making budget for 1925 completed. Motion made to adjourn, motion carried. R. E. MOSII1ER, Secretary.