The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 30, 1924, Page 6, Image 6

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THURSDAY. OCT. 3», 1K24.
N E " ’S
Ilodley home
sone, Loren and Jam es, m otored to vlaltlng th ere for a few days. Mr. »ml
ta r, Mrs. Lew is R lu l* .
Mr « M argar«t CamphaU and •»'».
Mra Morgan plan to m ake (heir home
Claude Neely and W ard W ee from
By Special
F rank Sm ith from E ugene »pent with th e ir d au g h ter Mrs. C harles I'uy- F rsnk. and Alta Jim» spent Sunday at
C crrcapcndcnta
n . A. McMahone.
lor for the w inter
S aturday night in T hurston.
«ng Chin» p h easan ts
Mrs W illiam B arn ett 1» able to
A. W. W eav er and Melvin Buell left
Mr and Mrs A W W eaver and Mr
last T hursday for M arshfield with a leave the hospital a fte r undergoing an ami Mrs. Bert W -av r m oloiod ' SPECIAL I’lUCK on plate work Dr
N W. Kmary. «Pallet Hutton llldu
operation for appendlt-ltU.
(••ad of ih -'ese from th e factory,
Crow last Sunday and visited »1 the
Kir iic.l Mr«. f t " Baugh ami family
R v E V. Stiver» ami wife of Ku-
Mr. ami Mr«. John Kdmlslon sp m i
Sene an d Mr. and Mrs. W illiam B a r-'se v e ra l days last w eek at Cushm an «pent Sunday a t Jun ctio n City visit Saturday and « p o t the w eek en d with
nev of Eugene were d in n er guests ' (siting ih eir d au g h ter, H asel, who ing Mrs. B augh's p aren ts. Mr. and hts m other. M ra. Ro»u Baughman
John W illiam had tho m tuforlune to
Mrs. Jam es C a lv e rt
of Mr. and Mrs, C larence F. H yd e Is teaching th ere thia year.
W ednesday evening. Mr. Harney is
Melvin Buell retu rn ed home last
Born to Mr. and Mrs. W illiam H en­ have a log roll on his ankle while log
p asto r a t Elm ira.
week from K lam ath Falls w here h ■ son at T h u rsto n Sunday O ctober 26. King last Friday.
Mies lle e rsm a milked Mr W eaver's
Mr. and Mrs. R obert J. English and has been w orking for several m onths a TH pound d au g h ter Moth<v an«l
cows while he was on a trip to Marsh-
d au g h ter. M argaret, «pent Sunday.
Mrs. W alter Edm lston left for Port' baby doing well
Mr. and Mrs. John Edm lston and ; Held, lie retu rn ed home S atu rd ay .
O ctober 26 a t th e hom e of Mr. and latu, ja st Friday to visit her daugh-
Mrs. W. H. Davis a t C entral.
Mr. and Mrs. Hay Morgan from
The teach ers of th e T ren t school
W eodllnt spent S atu rd ay n lr h t with
a re preparing a program and box
Mr. and M rs Chart«« Taylor. Sunday
aupper for Friday. O ctober SI. Mrs.
they m otored to D allas and brought
Cox and Mrs. M arkham a re teach ers
Mrs. 8. M organ hom e who had been
a t T rent.
W. E. W heefer and family of Sal­
em a re visiting a t th e hom e of Mr.
an d Mrs. W. L. W heeler a t T rent.
Orlo GIlleL in stru cto r a t th e P leas­
a n t Hill high school, w ent to Salem
S aturday. O ctober 25 to be present
for th e home-coming day of th e WII-I
are constructed to conform to Nature's lines; straight In­
lam ette u n iversity and a tten d the
are made from pure Pure rub­
football gam e in th e afternoon.
side line-room for all toes—flexible— to permit the flexing
The Sunday school of th e C hristian i
ber molded all In one piece. The
church a t P leasan t H ill will have a 1
walla of the hag are extra heavy
of your feet, in every part, at every step.
Sunday school rally Sunday, Xovetn- ■
and have a sm ooth surface and
h er 9. The following com m ittees have
glossly satin finish.
If you suffer from foot trouble
been appointed: P rogram , Mr. and
Furthermore, all KANTLEEK
Mrs. M. E H ays; publicity com m ittee.;
Syringes are
W. L. B ristow . Em ery Schrcnder. j
B ertha Manning. Lyman T in k er; reg- j
1st nation com m ittee. G ladys W heeler. |
Your garments can be cleaned
offer you relief that you will appreciate
T aylor C ircle and Mary H arden; ush- i
and pressed and returned the
era. D. G. Linton, and Frank Sm ith. I
normal feet they offer unequaled protection.
T he goal for th a t day has been s e t (
same day without a trace of
If one of
a t 200
* t
them prove:
A Crew consisting o f Andy Olson, 1
any ordor remaining in them.
NOTICE—For the purpose of demonstrating and fitting of
d e f e c t Ive
T aylor Circle. B ert B eaver, Floyd }
Ground Gripper Shoes, our representative will be in Spring-
Lord and Hom er Brown have been j
within that
time you cai
handling gravel on th e roads In th e I
field at Spong Hotel one day only. Saturday. November 1.
have it re­
E n terp rise district. W hen th e roads i
placed free,
Come In and let him make an impression of your feet and
a re dry again more gravel will be |
at any Rex
handled in the large trucks. Homer
i -A
show you the way to have or to insure comfortable feet.
all Store an)
Brown is supervisor o f road d is tr i c t1
No. 10.
No obligation.
yf where the
A m eeting of th e d irecto rs of th e
p u r c h a se
U pper W illam ette valley telephone
com pany and th e p resid en t of each
was made.
line was held Friday night. O ctober
21 to discuss th e p ro p o sitio n m ade i
by the Pacific telephone com pany to
purchase th e lines. No d efinite ac­
372 Morrison Street
tion was taken. A m eeting o f all
the stockholders of th com pany will
B etw een 8th and 9th
be held a t th e W oodman Hall T uesday
N ovem ber 11 for this purpose a t 1 in
V m i Jtor»
the afternoon.
Church will be held at C loverdale
Phone 15
S pringfield. Ore.
Sunday night. N ovem ber second Rev.
A. L. Bvers <jf Eue ne wi‘l deliver
th e sermon.
Jam es C. Jo rd an th e eight-year-old
sen of Mr. and Mrs C. E. Jordan
w as knocked down on the W illam ette
highw ay T uesday afternoon. October
i8 in front of th e L u iw ig M iller
ranch by a horse w hich Paul H arden
w as riding, and was badly scratched
on the lips end nos and cut on the
forehead. Jam es was com ing hom e
f’ fm public school when the accident,
T he freshm an cless of th e Pleas-
e - ' H ’fl high school held th s ir elec­
tion lis t w e’- k and elected Velma
W ilia m s of T ren t p re ’l '
K im ball of T re n t - cretary - - ■— r;
and Paul H arden .s tre nnt a '-a rm -
Th-> annual ro certio n «riven to the
freshm en of th h ’gh school by the
upper classm en wit: be held a t the
hi«rh sch ot Friday night, O ctober 31
a! 8 oclock.
A. num ber c i the p a rets attended
th " program given by th e P l-asan t
For boarding prlsotur» in the County Jail, the law permit» the Sheriff
H ill public school children In hcnoi .
Do you sweep yo u r flo o rs w ith e lb o w pow er?
$5.On jn-r w«««-k for tin- first four prisoner» and $4.50 per week
W illard Friday, October ,
of Fran<
T a k e dow n and shake y o u r curtain«.?
lor all over lour. Till» i» the rate Lane County ha» p aid for years.
24 Th- following children took p art;
Do you open th e » n d ow s and s w ir l th e dust?
Evelyn Phelps, Robin Law»on. Lucille
in hi» campaign for the Republican nom ination for Sheriff last »prlng.
Jo rd an . R oberta Law« n. Em m a Ol-
Sheriff Taylor promt»«"I th at, if elected, he would only charge (he coat
so-i R.uth E m ery. W illiam L i' ton.
D isa rra n g e th e fu rn itu re ?
of boarding prisoner».
M arian Linton. Carl Linton. Alvin an d ,
R ip u p th e rugs and send them to th e cle a n e rs— and p a /
appointed Sheriff July first, and has faithfully kept hi» cam ­
H «nry Olson. Cecil C arls. D ouelib
th e m a big b ill?
K bier, Torvtl Rohblnscn Lym an T in­
paign pio;..l»ea.
C lim b up and d u st y c u r m o u ld in g s?
ker. and S u a rt E m ery In th e upper
B eat y o u r m attre sse s?
A t the legal rate the board o f the Lane C ounty ja il prisoners fo r
grades, K aiherlr.e K eblcr, W avne Jo r­
September, 1924, would have been $765.21.
Y o u 're d o in g h a lf th e jo b , w ith m any tim e s th e w o rk , and end th e day
dan. E lb ert W lm m 'r. Jlnxlne and Max
w ith a near collapse. A ll th ia , w hen you can e a s ily own a
B aughm an, Leland Morse. Ja c k Em­
S h e riff’s T a ylo r's b ill was only $398.49.
ery, E bra Lindsay, K enneth H en­
A saving to tho taxpayers o f Lane C ounty of $366.76 fo r ona m onth.
dricks. Florence Jo rd an . Bonnie Jean-
ne T inker. R obert Phelps, V era L in­
Any other Sheriff could and would have charged the regular legul
ton. M argery Linton, A lbert Em ery
rate, ilow can taxpayers expect official» to economize If they allow faith­
and W ayne Jo rd an
of th ; lower
ful men who save public fund» to be defeated.
Community News
Have Comfortable Feet
Ground Gripper Shoes
F ountain
G round G ripper Shoes
S yrin ges
G u arateed for
T w o Y ears
Oderless Cleaning
No airing
M e
G round G ripper S h oe Store
D rug Store
on Olive
Vote for the man
who makes good
Took Motor Trip— Mr. and
E a rl M. Thom pson end son. Law rence.
Mrs. G race R oberts, and Mrs. M. E.
C astle m otored to C ottage Grove Sun
day, re tu rn in g by way of th e Lorain«-
highw ay. Mr«. C astle vlsiled som rel­
a tiv e s w hile in C ottage Grove.
3ack on Job— C arl Olson, station
snt of Springfield for he T« ithern
clflc railw ay com pany, w rs b ad
the Joh S atu rd ay a fte r his v.-.o.,
W. W inegar. who su b stlti:’■ ! for
u 111 his absence w nt. on to Lnfay-
e. Mr. Olson «pent p a r t o f his limo
Returned from O klahom a—Mr. and
s E lvis' T aylor and son Elvda Jr.,
u rre d T hursday to th e ir hom e in
iglas G ardens a fte r being abfcent
ce August 14. T hey vlalted r e la - ,
■s and Mr. T ay lo r’s p aren t» In Ok-
oma, re tu rn in g to S pringfield by
r of Arizona and C alifornia.
Sheriff Taylor save» Lane County taxpayer» m oney; keep» hl» cam ­
paign promises; I h a good citizen; ha» no per»onal habit» which will cripple
Id« activity a» a Sheriff; will fearlessly and efficiently enforce the law»;
1» disliked by criminals, and per»ons who desire “favor»" of the Sheriff,
and their friend».
Down and the
balance on easy $¿.00 paym ents w ith
yo u r m o n th ly litih t bill.
Clean house th ia F a ll and fro m now on w ith a new P R E M IE R D U ­
P L E X V A C U U M C L E A N E R th a t gots A L L T H E D IR T a rrl th a t has
a m o to r w h ic h ru n s fo r ye a rs w ith o u t o ilin g .
If Taylor 1» elected, there will be no occasion for a recall,
T he D U P L E X has a p o w e r f il ust.fon I mt (lean . s any really fine
su c tio n sw eeper w ill. B u t th a t alone I no’ < netlgh. Suction alo
w on’t g'-: the dirt from th e bottom of lie- n a p - vli iont n m . — driven
brush. T he PREM IER has bo;
brush ft ' stron«
Won’t you com e In for a d nion. -.ration o r ta ll us? W e'll he glad
to allow you th is wonderful clean er In your own home.
Mountain States
Power Company
election» cost moneyv
Lana C o u n ty . Republican C entral C om m ittee
D arw in B ristow , C hairm an
(Paid Adv.)