(('oB U auw d fro m page » ) DORENA LOCAL NO. 190 ' • • • • • • • • • Tawaiia Remo v e * Jua WUwoa had M r» Pitcher and «on. Charlie, » h o ¡,tw tooaita r» m o n J oa Mondal h a t keen vlaitlag h er daughter M ra Jeale Jack» at L a Coaaar. W a rtln g ,ro "’ H a m a k a r » —Sam ra w v e r tea. returwed ,o bar horn, hare Moo <* H arvU karg » a t la »prt««fl.1d 8 .1 urday for medical treatm ent • « > are exteadlag a h earty w ale m * Law»«-Mra. J. A. V illa , to ad Parm er aaioe BMtakera. to ha ■ „ f^ .n , Lx, well for m e-llfal treat- present at the aseetiag No rem bar Thursday Kveryoaa enjoyed themaeieaa elaft- la< at the tart raeeitng and business V'S.ling p a t a .r Miaa Lactde Smith was carried over u n til Noeember *• her» ft"0“ I ’ortlaad visiting her fa- Everyone la lav,tad to attend the t* * r - Reuben W . Sm ith service» a t the llo re a a church oa Thanksgiving Preaching aarvKca at IX o'clock hy Rev D e a le r ol ITve- wetL basket dinner, sad program in the afternoon M r» Dorta McCahla of Salem vlalt- ed her sister-in-law Mrs. Ruth Eng land and children of thia place Sua day aad Monday. M r. and M ra. E m it K irk aad chit- drea aad M ra. M ath Bagtaad aad mother. M ra C. H Jaaalaa. were Cot tag * Drove visitors fro m here Monday School started hare again Woodsy aad the little W illiam s g irl is getting over the dlptherta nicely. Johnnie K irk and B and Nias Land w ere Cottage Grove visitor» from b ar* Tuesday. M r and M rs B ill Pitchers of Moe hy Creak visited Sunday w ita his brother. George Pitcher, o f this place M r. aad Mra. M ilas W icks of S tar were Dorena vtaitors Sunday. Flora Balas was up from Eugene and visited the w eH tan d w ith her parents. M r. and Mra. G rant Bales Andrew Land made a buvlnef» trip to the Asderaon-M lddletoa logging camp at Rujada Saturday W eb b F u n e ra l T o d a y . Mara from T ran»— Dorothy Parvtn of T re n t wae a Springfield viatlor oa Saturday. Hare «vom Pali C re e k — Jack Petit of F all Creek was la Springfield oa Thursday for medical treatm ent la from Crave—M rs A. A. Errkson of Crow was a Springfield visitor on Owing to halm — M r aad Mra. John Adams left Thursday evening for Sal­ em. on a trip. Submitted to Operation— Mr». C. O Neat of F a ll Creek underwent a m ajor operation itaturday at the Pacific Christian hospital ta Eugene H e re from D e x te r -M r » J. U H lg Ina of D -x te r was la Springfield Thursday to receive medical treat Portland Sunday a fte r »pending aae- ers| days there. T h e ir daughter. Dor ctky. »pen* the tim e vteltlng her grandm other. M rs E V l-llle y of Cor­ vallis. returning on Sunday also. Returned from gstam— B B. M o r­ rison motored to Salem Sunday and returned the same day accompanied M avlng ta Mew Meme— W illia m N hy hla daughter. Mias V e ra ita M or risoa. aad Mlsa Em m a T ravis. T he Long has been moving Into his hew tw o young ladles have been working residence during ihe lset few day# for the Kennel E llis etgdlos la Salem The new house la between E sad F Streets on 6th The l-ong home wae C a lifo r n ia M a n S to p s— Tom M ar fo rm e rly oa bth aad D streets. dahl of Weed. C alifo rn ia, »toped over la S p rla g fle M Sunday evening oa bis In te r lin e d Olnuer Quaat a M r sad tray home from a trip ho Longview. Mra. W illia m Lightfoot aad fam ily of W ssbtagAw H o visited w ith tko John Rageae were d inner gueete Hoads» at Tom oetb fam ily. the home of Mrs. L ig h tfo o ts sister. Mra. Jack H eaderer. T he L ig ht foots Visited Hero B art T ate , b rother of spent the day wKh M t aad r M a Hea- Mra. L. E. Dunks came Satsrday from derur. Bias R lv s r tor a visit a t tbs Dunks B ro th e rs V is ite d — T w o b ro th e rs of bomu o ver the week-end. us did a nephew of M rs Dunks. Cecil Byerlin Mrs. L id a MacOowsn visited her this week. 1. M. Davis of Drwwaoy Orwgoa. of Vids and P B. Davis of Bleiera. Orwgoa W a n t to M ount Vernon— D. H. T hey also spent some tim e at the Thompson, who was hers to attend boms of th e ir hlece. M rs Henry the golden wadding of M r. and M ra. K a r t They a rrived Monday hnd M r L . K. Thompson, baa returned to bis P B Davis left Wednssdsy for AM -' home la M ount Veraoo, W ashington sons H ie brother »specis to go home mopping In Portland to visit a grand by way o f Portland. III at Mae Ma -M rs C- E Heuk K U G I N I , OR KOON I. Reberts, President M l W illa m e tte Street Jolliff Scaiefe Motor Co. (Formerly 8econd Avenue Garage) Acesaories U S L Batteries Racine tage in preparing candies Tires for this season. Come, see cur display. EGGIMANN’S f E in J H L IC A N P u A W T Y N A TtO MALIC AN U IO A T K S 100,000 feet Plniension a t .............................. Don t Trade Realities for Uncertainty. $15.00 5,000 feet 1x3 Flooring a t ............................. 15.00 60,000 feet, 6 to 12 inches SIS a t.... 5,000 feet 1x3 Flooring at ........................... 12.00 20,000 feet 1x4 Ceiling at ...................... 20.00 20,000 feet 1x6 SIS a t....................... 12.00 per M 5,000 feet 1x4 Dropsiding a t ......................... 18.00 50,000 feet 8 to 12 inches SIS a t........... 15.00 per M 5,000 feet V2X6 Rustic at ........................... 18.00 5,000 feet 8 to 12 inches SIS a t........... 17.00 per M 20,000 feet 1x6 Rustic at ... ............................ 22.00 5,000 feet 8 to 12 inches SIS a t......... 22.00 per M 10,000 feet 1x6 Car Siding a t ......................... 22.00 10,000 feet 4x4 and 4x6 S4S a t........... 17.00 per M 10,000 Lin. Ft. Flat Bats at .................................. 25 20,000 feet 2x4-6 feet Rgh. a t................. 9.00 per M 10,000 Lin. Ft. O. G. Bats at ................................ 40 Anyone intending to build now o r later should inspect this stock at our Springfield m ill. P ractically every item o f lumber used in any frame building can be found in thiB lot, and we urge that you act quickly, whi le it ìb complete. Remember, we always carry a large stock of regular grades at correspondingly GRANT NEVER SAID IHUCH, BUT HE STUCK TO HIS JOB ■ ■ SO DOES COOLIDGE Performances Are Better Than Promise;— 40,000 feet 1x8 Shiplap a t........................ 15.00 per M prices. Eugene Business College given us a decided advan­ 10.000 feet 1x4 Flooring a t ............................. 22.00 20,000 feet 1x4 SIS a t............................ 10.00 per M Our free catalog will be mailed to you upon requeat. sires of candy eaters has 9.00 per M 9.00 per M Monday ia Enrollment Day. Special attention to the de­ M a n y o f you h a v e b een w a it in g fo r t h is m o n e y -s a v in g e v e n t, a n d w e h a v e ta k e n e s p e c ia l c a re in p r e p a rin g th is lis t o f g e n u in e b a rg a in s fo r th o s e w h o r e a lly w is h to s a v e m o n e y . 30,000 feet 1x8 Shiplap a t....................... There are |>oaitlona waiting for you when you are prepared, COME FROM ECCIMANN Booth-Kelly Lumber $ 7 50 per M Our Secretarial, Stenographic, or Bookkeeping course will pre|»are you for a good poaition. and— Made T rip ta kalem — Ered A. Cling an mads a business trip to Salem. Baa H E R E IT IS „ ANNUAL SALE OF 10,000 feet 1x6 Shiplap a t ........ ........ The Road to Success THE CANOIES SUPREME Made T r ip to Coeval I la— M r» and Mrs J. L C lark. M rs Maude T Bryan aad Miaa C rystal mads a trip to AX banv and C o rm llta oa Sunday, motor­ ing there and back. and by tw o daughter». ,n whUe , nd blue W heeler of Gresham. ' five brothers, three Returned from Portland— M r. and grandchildren M rs. Floyd B Flanerv returned from I lay. re ta rn la g Bunday eves lag, Ganaral Auto Repairing Motored to M cM innville— M r. aad and M rs Fred W a lk e r and M r« Clara Faw ver motored to M cM in nville Sun­ day. returning by way of Salem aad Albany. Funeral aartrlcoe fo r M rs. Sadie Webb, 56. of Pleasant HIM. who died at the Eugene hospital Tuesday night, w ill be h -ld this afternoon at t o'clock Station being Painted— The Spring Interm ent w ill be la L au rel H U I ceme­ field Service station a t 5th aad M ain tery. Mrs Webb was the widow of streets, has gone through a renovation the late George W. W ebb of P le a s a n t, d aring the and HUI. She M survived by oee so*. I M ln fld e aBd T he outside Is done Floyd of Salem, H azel and Ona as well as by sisters, and six Fred Hlpsoa bad been w ith the child for (be past month, and M r Hlb»»n G randdaughter Oled—June Hinson. le ft Thursday oronlug fur Albany Hers O ver W e e fc te d — W lUlaW H XyeaToM granddaughter o f M r aad where ihe funeral was held F rid a y Horn. form erly of B p rto g fiid . but Mrs. Fred Hinson of ibis city, ano at l : M o’clock In lbs a fte r noon now a resident o f Oregon City, was daughter of M r and Mrs Delbert IIIn In Springfield oyer last w eehend. son of Portland. died Iasi wash at Mr B Welnh rWnpel. Dentist. Vitus which ha agent visiting at »he home Tillam ook la a sanitarium there M rs building. Bprthgflsld. Oregon of M r. and M rs C. I. Gorrln. Moved to Carleton— M r aad Mra H aym on d F lo ra and baby m oved to Carleton thia moenisg They haw been residing at 6th and A streets. has been g aits 111 at bur homo hl Springfield R F D. I this seek Farm er« U n io n N ew s • T l IVRflbAT. OCT. >0, » 2 4 . THR BPRINOFWLD NEWS ? A G Ï FOUR Our rottDtry I . In . .f e „ « |.y_ why (han