PAGE THREW THE RPRINOFIBMi N W Lane County Farmers Union News O FF IC IA L P U B LIC A TIO N L A N t CO UNTY U N IT NO. 14 A NEW LOCAL FORMED : I I SPENCER CREERÉ OFFICERS OF LANE COUNTY FARM ER’S UNION LORANE LOCAL Request. Will ibo secretaries of the locals who have not filled out and mailed the poatala I sent out several weeks ago pleaee do so at once. Will those whose loculs have cboaeu a reporter since they s'-nt In their cards please send me the name, address and phone number of their reporter, THE EDITOR. ‘ TIME AND PLACE OF LOCAL MEETINGS 'LAIRD IjUlIS RACE FOR LEGISLATURE • Mt. Vernon—First and Third • Wednesday. Bras field Store. • Hadleyvllle — Flrat and Third • Thursdays, Hadleyvllle School. President of Farmers Union Re­ • Oorena—Second and Foutb Tuea- ceives Appointment to Feder­ • days, Oorena Church. al Census Office and W ith­ • Creswell—FIr&t and Third Tuoa- • days, Creswell. M W of A. Hall. draws Candidacy. • Coast Fork—Second and Fourth VIDA LOCAL Ralph P. Laird, president o f the • Thursdays, Hebron Church House. Lane County Farmers union and demo • Jasper—Second and Fourth Wed- cratlc candidate for the state legis­ Vida local met In regular session • nesdays, W O. W. Hall. Jasper. lature from Lane county withdrew • Canary—Flrat Sunday and Third October 25 with a large attendance. from the legislative contest Tuesday, Several residents of Vida transferred • Saturday, Farmers Union Hall. October 28. President Laird w ill ac­ • Danebo— First Tuesday, Danebo tha-lr membership from tho McKenxIe cept a federal appointment aa super­ • School Houee. local to the Vida local. visor of the census of agriculture for • Lorane—Second and Fourth Watch th - baby grow. We now hare district No. 2 with offices In the north • W ednesdays. I. O. O. F. Hall. over 30 members. basement of the Lane cocnty court­ On November 8 our school will give • Trent—Second and Fourth Wed- house, in the room formerly occupied Pleasant Hill High a program for the Farmers union af­ • nesdaye. • School Bldg. by the county agricultural agent. ter which we will hare a box »upper. • Cloverdale—Second and Fourth President Laird prepared a state­ It will not be an auction sale but a | • Plan Hallowe’en Party. , lp cottage Grove Monday. • Fridays. Cloverdale School Houae. ment as follows: — shad ow sale. Everybody la InHted, j • Secretaries will pleeae send In Laird Thanks Friends Cloverdale local met In regular set-’ Foster Bros, »old a load of fat hogs Enlarging Hatches. A large crowd wu» present at the . * time and place of m eeting and J Mr. Laird yeatqrday prepared a eton on October 34. President Hw<-an- to W. W. Hawley last week. Mr J . - J ’ changes of date as they may oc­ meeting of the W altervlll* local Wed-, . . . . . . . _ ___ . . I statem ent,’ which follows: » ..J a y , October 12 C B «pence, slate «F bH"< ab« ’"‘ « » •> Pr—'<»•«• I Mrs W. H D ari. h a . retnrned home state salmon hatchery. Is a very buay( i cur. j,. , * "Dear friends and Voters: • * . a I A Hallowe en surprise was planned Bfter having spent a week at Cottage man these daya enlarging the fiah market agent, addressed th< meeting “In order to accept an appointment tb„ ■ for the Joint meeting on October 31. Grove visiting her daughter, Mrs. Hor- ponds as he will keep about 7.000 000 * McKenxIe local, second and Mr. Brothers ot Eugene talked on from the federal government as su­ Mrs James Clinton and daughter BCB Sutherland and Mr*. Austin Lind- fish here thia winter. He took shout • fourth Wednesday, 8 p. m. I. O. O. different measures to be voted on • F. hall. W altervllle. pervisor of the census of agriculture of Myrtle Point Hatted for a few days B)ey 14,000,000.000 salmon eggs this year. November 4. Mr Munson of Eugene of laat week at the home of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Brabham and little If these eggs were laid side by side • 811k Creek Meelc First and Third for district No. 2 of this state, I hare was also a speaker. There was a big V . a -„ndnnnn. im« n fi* Tt> ur* '» I f Mr. McBee has moved hla family to done. river« and tributaries stocked with sies they have shown me thus far Alrlle, Oregon, where Mr. McBee Is , - * the very best fish there Is. HADLEYVILLE LOCAL in the campaign, , Our local met Wednesday, October employed In the mill. As the deer season Is closed. It is • • • • • • • • . — j .. RALTH P. LAIRD.” MT. VERNON LOCAL 22nd. made an open meeting of It, as safe to go a way from the house with ______ '» — .Vd l E F. Roberta and family and Mrs !• H. C. Jackson came over from Walter- Roberts father. Mr. Anderson, drove [-• out your red hat on. . . . . _ . PHI« Doan has been plowing fof vllle and spoke nn the measures that to Corvallis Saturday afternoon to j Orange and Union Meets. The good weather ‘ several of the farms with his tractor All member» are requested to come are to be voted on at the coming elec­ visit Mrs, Robert's brother Returning •in to the road crews crew , at work on th e, help At a joint m eeting of the Farmers tion. Afterwards the ladlee served a home again Sunday evening Mr. An- to the first meeting In November McKenxIe Pass. The grade Is now union and Pomona grange held In the with Flora Jenkins hlch Is November 5. lunch. derson remained for a few daya. completed and a few days more they Jesse McCulloch h a . been en jo y -' maln a88embly r00“ of th® chambnd L B gmKh of the laat Tueaday night and congratulated d H olstein , to Portland this week Fisherman and wife; 2nd. Uncle Sam Mr. and Mrs. Slmonsen and s o n ,lrepea) comm lttee of Portland, argued Jim Vaughn and hla bride who were ed nd enter them at the livestock expo- and wife. The Lone Maple local, recently In Charles. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lambkin against it. J. D. Mickle, state dairy married a few days before. a Sweaney’a bull took the One overgrown noticed stltuted, held Its nrst first meeting i“811 laat and daughter returned home Friday commissioner, who was to talk on the attion Mr Sweeney'» nun «««>» - - - - - - girl ........ waa - ,, , In . stltuted. Colonel Mercer »poke nt the church cbamplonshln at the Lane county fair, long curls from beautv p a r o r a < c» ue#day evening. Fire new members from Mapleton where the men have oleomargarine bill was not present so lust Friday evening on the different In papers, n n r e m ahe s h e must have had an tad -I . . , . ___. .. . In ware taken In and the local qualified been working for some time. the income tax law was the only one measure* to be voted on November 4. vanced In style) hair drees. (1925) I for u charter. The meeting was well lnes Pratt is confined at her home one discussed at the m eeting John Wallace bus beeu sick for the • presume. SILK CREEK LOCAL attended and enthusiastic. Organlxer wth a broken collar bone. The hull was decorated to carry Harry C Jackson was present and as­ paat few days. Lottietnae Pratt is absent from home. Ther will ha a community dinner Mrs. 8 Larson spent Friday at out (Uu Hallowe'en Ideas, In orange sisted in the Initiation of the new school on account of a sore throat Superintendent E. J. Moore visited and black with black cats, corn at the church Thanksgiving day. Ev­ the A. B Smith home members. Nancy Sutherland returned to her the Crow high school Thursday; he Mlaa Lom Haldeman «ml M is. Ben shocks, oak leaves, grape vines and erybody come. home at Geo. Powell’s after spending also visited Lone Cedar and Green- A number of folks from here attend lah Smith visited high school lust old w itches and more cat». door. a week at Lorane visiting. This club will give another dance ed the LIN« sale at Go»hea laat Wed week. Elwood Read of Portland, who Is CENTRAL LOCAL Saturday, N ovfm ber 1. 1924 at Stev­ nexday. attending the Uniersity at Eugene. Vote 83 X R. W. Smith for City C. E. Aldldge Is rerooflng the O. tf. ens hall. The rain haa put a »«op to the road W Owen’s home. spent the week at the Geo Powell Recorder. Mr. Ed Reynolds wns surprised Oc work for awhile at least. The Central local held a meeting _ Miss Loru Haldeman reopened her tober 24 by a number of friends wilb i g B, urdBy ntBht. October 25. S e v e r a l/ school at Doremi today. The school supper and entertainment at his j speftkerB were pr„stn t who explained was closed the past week on account home near Thurston. This being his the different mea ures to be voted on of sickness. 5oth birthday. Those present for the Nov mber 4. A membership drive is John Metcalf wus dinner guest Sun- OCCBgion were: Mr. and Mrs. Ira Gray in progress this week. Many new mem-1 day of Mr and Mrs. W. E. Dornvsrd. Mr nnd ^¡rs Ajva Hermitage and bers are expected to join at the next John Melsner had his foot mashed children, Mr. nnd Mrs. Taylor Need- PEDIOREFD ftrang Alrldale pupa for meeting. ___ asió. C E Beato. Ciinary. Oregon Thttrsday while working at the saw banii Mr. and Mrs. Sum Lowry and children. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen. Mr. I Thursday afternoon. tf. mill. and Mrs. Lee Davis. Mr. and Mrs. | Mrs. Lee Dnvts called on Mrs. R. B. Don’t Favor Agriculturist. Ralph Laird, Craawall, Praaldant. • The Farmers union had a very In- Will Whaalar, Trent, Vlea-Praal- • _____ dant. • , lereatlng. meeting last Wodneaday _ . . .. .. . . . !» M. L. Back, Springfield, See- • «•vailing with a good attendance. At Twenty-two New Members Ini- j , T • this meeting the union went on rac- tiated and Officers Elected for • T. W. Morgan* Craawall. Door- Ì ord aa not favoring an agriculturist, and commended the editor of the Eu­ Ensuing Year by New Union i» keeper, • - • 4. T. Hurley, Craawall, Conductor. • gene Heglatar (or the support given A naw local wua orgn nixed by 11 • w . A. Maby, Craawall, Chaplain. • the measures, which are of such vital ('. Jarkaon at Spencar Creek Monday . » a e e e e e a Importance to the farmer. October 20. Twenty-two member» took I _ ,,, - Win. Moore left last S i ’-uniux for the obligation Joaeph Ulmple waa a the coast on a fishing trip. CLOVERDALE LOCAL alerted president, Frank M Ourt. »Ire-¡a Mr. and Mrs. Martin Foster and president; John Mnrae. aecralary- aorp Harold, were Eugene vtaltora treaaurer The flret regular meeting Cloverdale local waa well represent­ Saturday. will be held Monday night. November ed at the Joint meeting held at Cres­ Barn Burns. 3. Other» are expected to Jolu at that well nn October Zlat. The next meet Jno" Click had the misfortune to time. % • Ing of the four locals. Creswell, Cera Jqobb hl> bBrn #n(j contents Bunday aa, Walker and Cloverdale will br In by {lre tj origin of the fire la not" the Cloverdale school house on Frl known. I '* W WALTERVILLE LOCAL day, October 31. j c . C. Davis look a load of grain ,0 '" "» Farmers Union EXCHANGE VOTE FARMERS UNION TICKET R. B. Nelson. I Nelson Friday. Mrs. H. C. Jackson of W altervllle i Miss Sara Davis was in E u gen s, called on Mr. and Mrs. Lee Davis I Friday. Vote for One For State Treasurer, 45 D em ocratic JEFFERSON MYER9. of Multnomah ( onnty. F o r IL ep resen tatlv e. T h ird ltrepreaentative Dis 55 EMMETT HOWARD, of Lane County. H. C. 57_______ WHEELBR. of Lane County. Republican For District Attorney. Vote for One For County Sheriff. tf> HUGH H. EARLE, Vote for One F or County Commissioner. BÎ R. O. BRADY Vote for One «I JOHN 8. MEDLEY, of Lane County —Paid Advertisement. / Democratic Clyde E. Jordan INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE FOR Vote for One Republican-Democratic Vote for One Republican-Democratic p. M. MORSE For County School Superintendent. E (Paid Adv.) Voto for One For County Surveyor. 70 COUNTY COMMISSIONER No Promises of the Impossible to Make Republican-Democrat le II. F. KEENEY For County Treasurer. 117 UDNA WARD 71 D em ocratic LANE COUNTY COMMISSIONER for ltem ooratla For County Assessor, «g Clinton Hurd Republican Candidate for Republican X R. O. Brady With The Farmers Union For November 4, 1924, Election For R epresentative In Congress. First District. Vote for One Independent :t.¡ W. J. BUTLER, of lam e County._________ 62 J. MOORE Vote for One Ropublloan-Demncratlc Vote for One For Countv Clerk. HARRY L. BECK The members are urged to write in the name of Harry L. Beck for County Clerk as a protest against actions of R. S. Bryson on tho board of Equalization in re­ ducing taxation on large timber holdings and banks. Oleomargarine and Condonsed Milk Bill VOTE X 306 YES Workmen’s Compulsory Compensation law for hazardous occupations VOTE X 310 YES Income Tax Repeal. __ Y £TE X 313 NO FARMERS UNION SLATE COMMITTEE Otto Morton, President Wm. Holllston, Secretary (Paid Adv.) JOHN S. MEDLEY for District Attorney The matter of the election of a District Attorney is of more importance to the tax-payers of the County than it is to either a candidate or political party. — Paid Advertisement. Assessor Of Lane County November 4th 1924 Will attend strictly to the duties of the Assessor's Office Forty-two years of age. Lived and worked on a farm greater part of my life. Educated in the public schools of Iowa, including State TeaUiers’ College. Taught two years in the public schools. Five years bookkeeping and iterical experience in a na­ tional bunk. Served in the late war sixteen months, under a commis­ sion one year. Overseas. Have never held compensated public office. Residing now on a farm near Pleasant Hill. v (Paid Adv. by Clyde E. Jordan)