THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS I, I * here m ankind can be at rest, : ra U « ** Tai«* have Meter t « bv«« i«du<*d bv govara The incgaphonwltill'ig iMUiyhoo man on a .Iglita.,iu < Such a place w ould be u n th in ka b le ." says KJ- m«m ownership. in practkaily »vvry in .ta m e of aa> bua may reaxmably be aald to lead a band toguuulb M lo t. o u tlin in g bis thought regarding w h a t he be- Importance. government ownership has added a lax bur latence. C w -O n«W l*a re n th e t-: den Our w .r . x p . r l . n c In operating tae railway, wa. .«■!»« o . , ,n,u^ s X n “ x i S ’ X , Three men »nar C'bniBoOlX, Fram e, hung over a th n „ Publish««! Every Thursday at Springfield. Lane County, Oregon, by TMI WILLAMETTE , c. t » PRESS ™ » H E MAXEY. Editor .. handrrd -foot precipice for five hour, They ha ! probably heard an automobile rotti I ng and wann 'I to be on Ike aafe save fo r a little editor- ----------------- —— -------------------------- — ____________ • Ida. ............. .................. ..................................... ................... ..... .........- _______________ P M to W c w S p rin g fie ld , O rego n_______________ w orld s progress how ever ................................... — - MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE tel emioroement Is received by the public w ith HOW ARD B R O W N F l I f t i u r c O n , T « r m Advance si J5 Three M onth.___ » c no ™ nun<‘»t' »O ther Is Its vision fixed on U W AR D BR O W N E LL GIVES Six M o n th s____________ 7Sc Single Copy ______ M tbe discoveries o f the m om ent. As one great m ind i LAW EN FO R C EM EN T STAND THURSDAY. OCTOBER SO. 1S’ 4 E d ito ria l Program L Make Spr-e9«,ald the Industrial Center ef Wew tern Oregon. IL Develop a Strung Trading Point; Build a City •F Contented Hemes. III. Im prest Living Conditions en the Farm. Pro- mote the Raising ef Purebred Livestock and the Growing of Fm lt; Work For Better Markets IV. Tell the World About Oregon's S c.n l« Wonder­ land. ceases to fu n ctio n , another announces the aolu- tlon o f the sm uggling problem by an X -ra y m a­ The votera of Lane O a u ty are en chte« whleh the -------- contents a -, ll bag- . , disclcses ------------- -------- w. . . . o m f » k lk K* l! k“» » my view» on law en- g«g' her expert tells us he can bow , \ . ment, before th. machine so that an observer nutv peep Into any N»»»»bnr 4 , home th ro u g h the Walls. ' I ’ tan, I for. and b ellev . n, Ihe , " tfte grotesque always OB tap I , Jo M al a s is th is th . it h a s in ¡t th e g e r m of tig h t BNMteHSB law. h u tro th . It heralds th«> com pulsory p e rfa c -' N m i a nt of all our lava, i believe tio n o f the race. M ankind must perfect Itself. It prosecution and not m pvrswution is the Inexorable la w .o f nature. j t do not believe in p reven tin g thé ct eater * poor and letting the rich go fn -., *■ ®y JudgmenL are no belter than FARM C O -0 P E R A T IV B 8 H E L P F U L , Last year 10,160 co-operatives associations. re- GET OUT AND VOTE , presenting a m em bership o f 2.025.000, conducted o i f « <2.200,000,000. General election comes once In tw o rears, I It t " a business “ “ »»•■«■»« u ¿ .^ w .tw tu .u v o . W w n hile i l e the great K rea' is im portant that you give a few m inutes o f yo u r ' W »ln. «1*»™. livestock and t n s k fa rm in g areas tim e to expressing y o u r preference fo r candidates o f the central states, were n a tu ra lly most prom - to office »ho are to conduct our governm ent fo r »neatly represented in th is a c tiv ity , every o th e r the next tw o. fo u r o r six years. A democracy lik e geographical division shared in the econom ic o u r. ib no better than the rank and file of its' peo- benefits o f this fo rm of d istrib u tio n , am ong the pie. I f th e y are slack and do n o t vote then law principal com m odities so m arketed being cotton w i r m !.m and ° fnces * 'l,, be fii,w i ,nbacc°- wo° ’ - »x)u’ t r y - fr u " a n j » uts ’ With Inefficient and lagy o fficials. ¡ A lthough the co-operative m a rke tin g had lone Your c o u n try needs you at election tíme. D on’t been a p a n o f the a g ri, u ltu ra l e c o n o m ic s ^ m *n v .UcUer. Ge. „u, •» «vary law whhh I. , in e X n ie riia n s a y s ' -o p a s s e s th e b tio fleg g er. a n d 1 "" •r ’ 'mut.- i....». i b n ... , w ith hltn o u r peitigig p a rtie s a n d m id n ig h t fro lic s " «re p e rm ittin g the Fanner's Union slate com m ittee cratives had not rig h t to engage in In terstate o r 1 conaider m a a ^ iia i 7 * 7 * * ** to place an unsigned and unm arked a d ve rtise -, foreign commerce. Some a u th o ritie s held th a t . n.i h>B„in. . . i L . ' m m ent endorsing certain Candidates in o ur paper such a c tiv ity w ould co n stitu te a vo lla tio n o f the „ „ th, , hr rv ... 7 ' 7 last week. We hasten to assure it was an o v e r-. g n ti-tru s t tews. | 1 ' , ^ . o£ 7 ? . .. L ’ theha d v e rtb 7 pan W e.cU im no responsibility fo r Congress passed the co-operative m a rke tin g among •um, ot «mr eN iw na ih ,r , u T X "» < » ,l*rtlc u la rty that part r e - 1 act givin g the fa rm pnxiuee r the powers and p riv- ¿ 1 ^ / » 7o t a i e M ^ e r Xe C nUntJ CI7 ? R S Bf?- “ egeS w h ‘Ch a n ' enj° yed by bU8,n~ -S CorpOra- b“ ‘ 1 «h., ,L T in R rv ^ r , h*5?” 1 o i equalization. We kno» Mr. tions. The associationa m ust operate fo r the m u- prefer to be up-rigtu and tawabidin, a n d dr. n48« an v ° ne8t and e ffic ie n t public o ffic ia l tual benefit o f a ll stock-holders and are lim ite d rather than criminal in their tea n i tO a tU c k his acllon on »*ure ing trade to the extent o f inrtreasing the price o f than tw o b illio n dollars fo r re lie f w o rk since the any a g ric u ltu ra l product unduly. , ? a r ®u »l there are those who say we are Co-operative m a rke tin g is one o f the ways to o f the*n£ a. j jrtlun< to »*e’ P hu m a n ity in the rest elim inate m uch o f the expense w hich is added wor ' . , e to the price o f a com m odity between the tim e it t « i leaves the fa rm and the tim e it reaches the con- t r in iL ™ U / ??ir8 ? f tWiDS and one o f O m e r's table. trip le ts were born in Canada. There is no prohibi- • • • tio n In Canada. p c • ■ . • f z- • • • E d ito r ia l C om m ent m erits the support The state fair Is primarily an inMitutlon for the farmer» i s f f s s i * “ tUe •’ ,he • " » ~ Tb- " « - ............. ... - nfTvprw ^nlu'w T" 7 J'"d rm guvu. ildee farming represented, such aa producta o f manufac­ turer». but these are mainly things that Interest the farm. Scandal mongers have no union rules and never er and In a way are nec-ssary to his development. It la object to w o rk in g overtim e. an education to anyone to visit tills exhibition^ and see • e e SnmefimMO , ______ v > . what this great state o f oura ts capable of producing. torn of the deck an Comes ^rom »I16 bot- Xaturaliy. only the best is shown, but It gives one a feel- • • c ’ng of encouragement. We feel that we have had an ob- A lot o f unem ploym ent is on somehodv« n»w ’ * * Ie*” ° n °f what Il ro ll. ” ” p* ble ° f do,n' #B<* ° ° r ’ ' FOLKS INOUR TOWN Do you -TXistx o r ren L. Hayes. McGlynn. and Olive M Stack, Walton: Ralph McElroy. W estfir, and Gladys Chandler. Eu gene; Asa Emmett Michael. Eula. amt Mae Gosdman, Eugene 1 —Oregon Farmer's Union News. • • so w hite «no flu ffy w ith a golden crust. My and how gixwl they taste— fa irly m elt In yo u r m outh. Y ou'll enjoy yo u r bla< tilts so much more If made w ith — I earnestly aak the support of my frlenda and the general public at the coming »lection. HOWARD M HROVVS’EI.I. l OOclv 8 p a y - ambitions are raised In a desire to equal what we have | seen. And If we persist In our resolve to Improve our • e e ! definite . . . . or „ livestock, .« .u n .» , we wc i have i » » a ueuuuv Dr Ralph B. Dlppel. Dentist. Vllns Fifteen m illion bananas are consumed daily bv crops of grain, or . fruit people o f the United States. y goal to work for. one that It la possible for us to achieve building. Springfield. Oregon, or even ->urpa.s. If we do our very best Also one of the — — — • • • Every day is defense day w ith some husbands greatest undertakings at the fair, the one that goes a long way toward making better farmers and better farm­ • • • ers’ wives in the future is the club work by the children T H E W O R LD ’S PROCRESS of the state. Nothing has ever been done that will have The news o f a day is an interesting Btudy. Ana- more of a tendency to keep the farm children on the tole France, lite ra ry em bodim ent o f a nation farm than this, and those who are engaged In this work passes to the great beyond: President Em eritus • f ner : later on. Our Ä T ’S Ä ï " '. h College, is found dead in bed. Professor E. L. L a rk in , w orld famous astronom er, meets the great adventure a fte r 77 years o f useful life As these noted men em bark fo r the sphere o f mys­ te ry, Professor Charles W E liot. P r e s e n t Em'er- ltu s o f H arvard U niversity, repudiates the theorv W hat a jo y ! A fu ll plate o f hot biscuits • Government ownership of railways would mean taking over three million of railway tax money away from the state of Oregon annually and more than likely an add«