PAGE TWELVE " F OREGON NEWS ITEMS CF SPECIAL INTEREST Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. N ative copper of paying qualities has been found in th e North Santtam m ining district. Mrs, Rolle GcM trtp. 40, who glcad- ad gu ilty to burning th e ISO.tW sum ­ m er hem s of Mr. IV Vcrney ol Bert- land and ta k in g valuably» front the place, waa »outoscad at Marahfleld to six yours tn th e p en iten tiary for grand larceny and arson. Twelve skeletons. believed to have been th e rem ains of a giant race of Indian* who form erly roam ed through th e K lam ath country. w ere discovered by roadbuildera on the big m arsh, a portion of the K lam ath Indian reeerva tion. north of Kirk. A county corn show. T he show will be staged under th e direction of the Salem cham ber of commerce. Oregon had 120 autom obile fatali­ ties in 1923 as a g a in « 113 In 1922. 103 In 1921 and 87 In 1920. Portland had 39 fatalities in 1923 as com pared with 40 in 1922, 3S in 1921 and 34 in 1920. Dedication of th e final link of the Old O regon T rail in Union county took place im m ediately w est of La G rande, following an outdoor chagiber of com m erce luncheon at Gangloff park. A per capita paym ent of 3100 to be paid to th e Indians on th e K lam ath reserv atio n in O recon » i< authorized by S ecretary of th e In terio r Work. T he total am ount to be d istributed Is *123.600. Fines am ounting to 31115 w ere col­ lected by th e Albany police court and Justice court in two days as a result of week-end a rre sts for illegal h u n t­ ing. speeding and violations of th e liquor laws. T he Porter-C arstens Logging ccm- p tn y . a corporation, has sold to the Union L um ber com pany its railroad line located on th e north fork of the C lackam as river. T he consideration w as 3131.000. ail (be - :iei p clipped and use,| th e money to keep her h a ir waved. B i’ RN -At th e ir he ((«moved In T h u - . toher i ••T he re ’» n u n y a lu rc h t w ix t th e pal e nd th e c h u rc h .’* S4V M eat o f T he m A re W A N T E D : A fla t topped s tu d e n t's - desk, A ddress, A l l l , c a re o f lt» p u h j tlra u . F ro m R u th e rfo rd . N J | t i nub i llc a it. Baugh Voyepe Doleful Q er.t: "W ell, m y »hip of mat rim oay has been wrecked.* S ym pathetic fine.- "To© bad. ol' man W het was the enttneF1 I'oleful G ent: “ P erm anent wave." R ecorded D am age D u e Io S tate F or tw o dollars a y ear th e state fish comm ission has obtained from J. L. K endall of P ittsb u rg h and th e Cali­ fornia-Oregon Pow er com pany a 10- year lease on a sm all tra c t of land lying along th e banks of the Umpqua river, n ear th e R. A. Booth bridge at W inchester, w here It is planned to locate th e larg est fish h atchery on the Pacific coast. W ith more than 9,009,000 acres of cutover tim ber land now on th e hands Dr. George E Dlx of M arshfield has of Pacific coast logging com panies, the announced th e construction of a in dustry is beginning exhaustive study m odern hotel in th at city. The build­ and research of its problem s, both ing will be full fireproof, six stories, presen t and future, declared E. T. w ith 150 guest room s and is expect­ Allen, forest econom ist of th e W estern F o restry and C onservation associa­ ed to cost 3400.000. tion, before th e m ore th an 400 regis­ The purchase of a p a rt of a farm tered m em bers of the Pacific logging of 670 acres n ear R ieth by th e state congress In session in Portland. fo r the use of th e eastern Oregon C onstruction of th e sta te trout sta te hospital has been completed, ac­ cording to Dr. W D. McNary, su p er­ h a tch e ry n ear Canyon City will be com pleted th is week, M. L Rvcktnan, intendent of the hospital. h atchery superintendent, has announc­ The public service com m ission will ed. The hatch ery wil be put in oper­ tu rn back to the s ta te a t th e end of ation next sp'-ing. The cost of its the presen t biennium approxim ately construction was 311,000 and it will *16,000 of Its appropriation, according serve a country Into which it had to a le tte r prepared by H. H. Corey, been practically Impossible to take chairm an of th e comm ission. troul fry, because th e fish car could Ole N elson, ex-policeman of P o rt­ not be run over the narrow gauge rail­ land, who recen tly won a suit for way which p en etrates the district. 16000c back pay from th e city, was The suprem e court dism issed an a p killed Instan tly when his autom obile j peal in the case of th e e sta te ol overturned r - th e highw ay six miles j X arifa Fating, deceased, the C hildren's east of C latskanie, n ear B eaver Falls home and th e S ecurity Savings & T he ways and m eans com m ittee o f ' T ru st company, ad m in istrato r, appel fhe Salem city council slashed 319,- iants. ag ain st Thom as N. S trong and 000 from th e proposed budget of mu- others, appealed from Multnomah niclpnl expenditures for the year 1925. county, w here th e case was before T his action was necessary, It w as said, Judge Tazwell. The appeal was from to keep w ithin the « per cent lim ita­ an order of th e court settlin g a final tion law. account of T hom as N. S trong and C S aturday th e 14th annual Pacific Lewis Mead, as executors under the Internatio n al Livestock exposition will alleged will of X arifa Fating, exec» open at Portland, boused in th e new ted in 1916, and allow ing atto rn e) *35*000 pavilion which was built on fees of *60,000. th e record-breaking schedule of 66 Camping In the national fo rests wll w orking days, upon th e ashes of the be restricted to certain areas, accord original pavilion. Ing to a plan being worked out b , Poisoned bran scattered in the pas­ the forest service, which to som e ex tu re s of T ola lake to kill grasshoppers te n t will be carried out In 1925. Camp w as responsible for killing 22 head of grown cattle for th e Rock Creek given points and persons d esiring ft 1 R anch com pany, it Is reported. The spend th e ir sum m er outings in th« Incom e la x T im ber pun'ha "•« eMtceUed or tu sp o n lad 6HI.000.d0O T im ber purchases esut died or i U s i k 'U led U unstrucltcu of lum ber mills. town», Icygirg catnpe end logging ra ilw a y « , a h u ih m e il o r suspended O th e r In d u s tria l in v e s tm e n ts cancelled o r >u»t” tub'd 7,976.000 4.67* 000 i n y ear » operating pay roll on (orvgolhs Hun» 6.6lnt.OOO Di >lui'urporutlons. 94.tio6.uoo capital turning» listed I 10 only 460.000 A n n u l rem ovals from the stale. Including lees of only one year's T ru e to Form |uiy roll 3 44«36o She: "D ocs your husband tak e you T hreaten ed removal». Including loss of only on» year's pay roll 2.319,600 Into hts confidence In regard to his 31 C asas as tn which deflulte am ount* a re uot available, but which wnul am ount to m a il' m illio n » , dnm ugn lis te d as •• business problem sF ' W ife: “Y es, Indeed—every lim e 1 34 Caw e still under Investigation; would am ount to many m illions; daniags listed ea * buy a new hat." 21 Cases In which reported rem oval or Investm ent elsew here was »luted lu have been caused by the income tax, hut which can­ C atty T h in g not be verified in w riting; dam age Mated as 0 Co c d : "How long w ere you In the T otal recorded dam age —- 341.361 160 fa r n o rth ?“ We have exam ined the singed atatem ents «ml «xhlblta upon which the Fmehle-. “1 w asn't In the far north." foregoing tabulation is bused and find that the total of 341.363.350 Is n con C oed "E xcuse me— f thought you a e rv n tb e e stlm a t- of dam age properly a ttrib u tab le to the stale Income tax w ere dancing w ith your snow »ho»» as a determ ining factor In Influencing deetelnn ugnlnst Oregon In v o tm e tit in the case* listed We also find that many additional am ounts could have still on." b em Included Jus t Iflabty in the total, no that, m aking - very allow ance for posnible o v erstate m en ts In Individual Item« listed, the netual loss of Invest- ntent a ttrib u tab le to the sta te Incom» tax Is m aterially lu exe «a of 9*0,000.- A tta O lrl, Ruth Fond M other: "I'm very much su r­ 000. (¡Rimed) FRANK E. ANDREWS IPr»» Portland Cham ber of Cog»). prised a t Ruth— she's never liked I Signed I CHARLES 11 H T IW A R T (V P North w- tern Natl ILink) h u •> work X -w »he m ust have taken I Signed B E N S E L L IN G iM e rih a 'n t and I'h tla n th r o p ls l 1. up Dom estic Reiesee-—eeeoedlng to her (S igned) CIIHISH a . ItE l.l. (A ttorney and Member of Board of Dl- r cto ra of P ortland C ham ber of Com m erce). last le tte r front school." (Signed) J. K. UIJ.L (P ioneer P ortland Men bant) F rie n d : "Y en! “ Eon I M otehr; "Yes, she w rites she made the scru b team .“ R eturned to P o rtla n d - Miss Maude G orle retu rn ed to h er work In Port land Sunday a fte r spending three w eeks' vacation In Springfield and vicinity w ith h er parents, .Mr. and Mre. C. I. G orrle. Repeal the State Income Tax Vote 312 X Yes More th an 1,600 contributors to expense of getting (a rts before ro to rs; signora mid contributors live 1» all p a rts of O regon; this advertisem ent Issued by C. C. Chapm an. E ditor of Ur gun Voter, Initiator of repeal m easure; residence, 169 L ow nsdtie St.. Portland. Oregon. A recom m endation th at th e in ter­ s ta te com m erce comm ission require the building of an extension of rail­ road from Bend to Lakeview, lnclud- ‘ ing a connection with th e N atron i cutoff and from H arrim an to a connec­ tion with th e N atron cutoff was m ade In a te n tativ e report to th e com m is­ sion by C. I. K ephart, comm ission ex­ am iner. Oregon pensions have been granted as follows: C ath erin e D. Johnson, I j W asco. 3.70; P ercy R. Lyons. Algoma, 312; S arah E. Davis. Eugene. 939; Willie m U. K eller, Roseburg. *15; Levi B. Gilman, Echo. 350; C larence W oodard. P ortland. f l5 ; W illiam 8. Hyner, Eugene. 324; G ustave A. Ols- son. N orth P ortland, J12; Fred Reed. Portland, 315. he sm all