f FF AY. OCT. 23. J’t 'l TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE ELEVEN •TUB •STUB I o be torn off by tho Chalrmun To be torn off by th2 First Clerk Sample Ballot For the General Election For Lane County, Oregon, November 4, 1924 S P R IN C F IE LD NO. 1 PRECINCT 1 For Electors *“ of (X) Between the Number and the Name of Each Candidate or Answer Voted For UNITED STATES___________________________________________ President and Vica-Pronidcnt DANIEL Ill I I , of Wallow« County *' QKOHQI6. of M unitom eli County ** 1« A W. Gt J WAN. of H arney County IS H t i l l 'l l ,l' ? 17 1» 1» ! I . I |; i , | | \ l [ | , ; of th o United itepu hl lean ¡ Vote Republican . , J, , , , |( , . li;,|,l! ,.;i n l For P realdgnt Calvin Coolidge For V ice-President Charle« O. Dawes 22 GUST. ANDERSON, of M ultnom ah County Independent, 23 J. D. BROWN, of Gilliam County In d ep en d en t/ 24 E. J. ELLINGSON, of M ultnom ah County Independent? 25 ERN ST KRONER, of M ultnom ah County Independent} R epublican' 2« PE TE R ZIMMERMAN, of Yamhill County Independent' CELIA I* GAVIN, of Wasco County Democratic 27 CHARLES BEARMAN, of Clatsop County Socialist Labor, WILLIAM A. JOHNSON, of Multnomah County D emocratic} 28 A. HOGLUND, of M ultnom ah County Socialist Labor I ROBERT A. MILLICH, of Multnomah County Dem ocratici 27 AXEL E. I, I N DELL, ol Clatsop County S ocialist L abors 30 CARL V. 8ODERBACK, of M ultnom ah County S ocialist L ab o ri SI O. 8TROMQU18T, of M ultnom ah County STEARNS. Hr, of Multnomah County For P resid en t John W. Davis HH HARD W MoNTAOI'E, of Multnomah County Democratic R- R Tt'RNKR. of I’olh County D emocratic F. K COULTER, of Multnomah County Progressive “ ___ (M A R IK S L McNAHY. of Marlon County Republican S« MILTON A MILLER. of Multnomah County D em ocratic SS States. Republican t H ROBINSON, of Clatsop County Charlea W. Bryan For County Commissioner, 43 R. O. BRADY S3 CLINTON HURD Vote for One D em ocratic Republican • Socialist Labor For County Clerk 64 34 W 37 H. L. CLARK, of Marlon County 38 W C. IIAWJ.KY, of Marion County 3» VI J. HI TLER. Of Lane County S een D em ocratic Republican N A. UPTON, of Clackamas County tiiry of Stl'. Socialist L abor For County Sheriff 66 H. H. EARLE 60 frank E. i». D emocratic T aylor Republican V,.te for • . EDNA WARD R epublican-D em ocratic Vote for One L. J. FRANCIS, c f W ashington Çc unty 41 V , kLTKR L. HK> HU EK. of Vnmhl 11 County Sct lni'.it L abor M A K «ZER. of C lat.op Conn y For . ',■'« Treasurer. For Coiinty Assessor. T>eni, r i t .c It. 70 EDGAR J. MOI RE For County Surveyor. For JitHii, e of the Supreme Court. 4« HARRY II. HELT, of Polk County 47 O, P. C' SHOW, ui D'* uk I«-< County 43 PERCY R KELLY, of Linn County Vote for Two 71 P. M. M RSE R epublican Demo: ratte-Progressive Independent For ('□unty Coroner. 72 W. W. BRANSÌ ETTER For Justice,of the Peace, Springfield Vote for One For Attorney General. Progreaslve 49 W. P. ADAMS, of Multnomah County 60 I. II VAN WINKLE, of Marion County F or Dairy nnd Fowl Commissioner. f.l R oruhllcan ,____ : ,r J. D. MICKLE, of W ashington County Republican D em ocratic Tor Comm ¡««inner of tin' Public S< rvice Commission of Oregon District Comjxrecd of the Counties Lying Wesi of Cnscade Mountains. Vole for One i2 RI NEWTON McCOY. of Muiinomah Co. Democratlc-Progreaalve EDWARD OSTRANDER, of Multnomah County Republican For Judge of Circuit Court. Second Judicial Dis- , ,1,, Veto for One ru Republican JOHN C. RENDALI,, of Coos County u ¿9 II t \ W HEELER, of L.'.ae Couniy " e DWAIIH F. H .U l.ffV . - f I T F a r DI U riel M >niey. £ HOWARI I R W N «U ol 1 « « P .tp s-d by Initiative Petition: Inlt • ;ed by Oregon P late A ssociation of N a tn ro ra th s; Dr. J. W . Sargent. President, 940 E. Yamhill S treet, P ortland. O regon; Dr. D m ind W McRae. S ecretary . Island S tation, M ilwauki". O regon— f '-’ ....... 3 P ' ~ '• SIL L —Purpose: To authorize and regulate th e rra c tlc e c f natu ro p ath y tn the s ta te of Cregon. c re a te s s ta te hoard o ' n; f : r o * r t ’iic ex v m n er» ar.d provide for th e ir a c 'o 'n tm e n t and e rttf eenation a id tie One th e ir pow ers and d u ties; to define n a tu r o t-atl.y and tr o v ’de f o r th ? licensing and exam ination of n atu ro p ath s in the ftv.'e o ' 're to n . ahd fix the fees th c ra fo r; to provide for I ro secat oh an J t ualtiee for v io latlo rs of said act. ami for appeals fio ia decisions cf the s t tt e board o ’ naturopathic exam iners. Vote YES o r NO. “OS Yes. to» No. Yes No R eferred to the People by the ^ g ,d a t i v e A ssem bly; Suhm ltt d by tho L eg islatu re— VOTERS LITERACY AMENDMENT— Purpose: To am end Section 2 of A rticle 11 of the C onstitution by atitlit g to tho q n alif.o tions of r o t e * the requirem ent th a t they shall be able to road and w rite th e English Isngut.ge nnd authorizing the moans of testin g th e ability of such citizens to re a d and w rite t* e 1 trglish language to be provided by law ; also ratifying any act passed p u rsu an t to and In accordance with this am endm ent. Vote YES or NO. Initiated by C. C. Chapman. E ditor. Oregon V oter. 223 W orcester B uilding P ortland. Oregon— INCOME TAX R E F E A L— Purpose : To repeal ch ap ter 279 of the G eneral Laws of O regon of 1923, know n as th e Incom e Tax Aij^. V ote YES or NO T O W N O F S P R IN G F IE L D For Mayor, 74 G. G. BUSHMAN 75 W. N. LONG 300_ Yes 3V1 No. 76 ROY CARLTON 77 H ER B ER T CCX 78 L. L. MAY No. (Democratic Subm itted by th e L eg lalatu r:— BONUS AMENDMENT— P urpose: To aim it ; A rticle X! ■ of the C onstitution wh vh provides a cash bram i c r i o n for W orld w ar soldiers, sailors nnd m arines, to Includa as til hie (h. refer fem ale employes of tho w ar do, urtn ien t who Ferv­ e i in ti c U nited S ales arm y signal corp or m arine corps, or the m r y of u- y ally f t 'he United 8tatCP. ntid In th e A m erican ex- p rd Monary fore, i; al o v trattine of the S»a air it-American w ar who : rv, ,i n'ncty day« thor-dn .i t x t c n l 'n i loan privilege (.• n- ma tried widow or d ep en d en t fath er o r m other of any peraott wire dio,! in tho serv irò nnd who would have been entitled to loan. V ote YES or NO 304 1 es. 30,1 No. • No For Councilman, 303 Democratic No. 313 Republican IL'PnMT'an 307 312 No ______ '•-» " V Yes. 201 Yes. V i.ic fo r ( 'in 306 311 308 Democratic Socialist Labor* Referendum Ordered by Petition of the People: R eferred by A ssociated Industries of Oregon. 702 Oregon Building. P ortland. Oregon. Geo. O. Guild, P resid en t; C. M. E gbert, V ice-Presi­ d en t; W. F. P rler. Second V ice-President; E. C. Page. S ecretary, all of Portland. O regon—OLEOMARGARINE AND CONDENSED MILK BILL—Purpose: To m ake unlaw ful the m anufacture, sale, exchange, ete.. of the follow ing; J. Any eu b stltu te for b u tte r con­ taining milk or m ilk products and also containing any vegetable fat. 2. Any condensed or evaporated milk, containing any vegetable fat. 3. Any subirtltute for b u tte r containing milk or milk producta, unless the milk th erein is pure, clean, fresb, unadulterated m ilk from which no cream or b u tte rfa t haa been rem oved. 4. Condensed or evaporated rnHk, or any su b stitu te therefor w hich contains, or In m aking which Is used, m ilk w hich Is not pure, clean, fresh. Proposed by Order of the County Court: Shull the County C ourt of lam e C ounty be authorized to levy a tax of two m ills upon all th e taxable property both real and personal In said county for th e purpese of creatin g a fund for th e 'r e p a ir and _ " “ pnntru ctlo n of bridge«.______________ v o te YES or N J 200 Yee. R pub'.iean _ For President F ran k T. Johns For Vice-President V erne L. Reynolds In itiated by C regon W orkm en's Com pensation L eague: O. R H artw ig, P resid en t or C hairm an. 4113 47th S treet S. E.. P ortland. C regon: C. U. T aylor, V ice-President or V ice-Chairman, 673 Rex Avenue, Vote for One Portland, C regon; E. J. Stack. S ecretary-T reasurer. R oute No. 6., Republican D em ocratic ! r o r la n d . Cregon— WORKMEN’S COMPULSORY COM PENSATION - LAW FCR HAZARDOUS OCCUPATIONS— P urpose: To secure all citizens the benfits of the W orkm en'« C om pensation L aw ; m ak­ ing all em ployers and employes, public and private. In hazardous Vote tor One occupations su b ject to said law. except those w ithin Jurisdiction of U opubltcau-Dem ocratic V nlted State« law s; providing for graduated scale of contributions to acident fund according to hazard, and for defining hazardous District. Vote for Ona occupation?; providing for lim iting and reg u latin g w orkm en's con­ tributions for m edical and hospital service: providing for Inquiry and decision w hether injury, disease o r death is caused by failure to jr o ii d e safety appliances, and for paym ent for such failure Vote for One R equiring referendum of ail acts changing or repealing W ork­ m e n s Com pensation Law fir regulations. Vote YES or NO R epublican 310 Yes _____ « ■•«...IV RALPH P. LMRD, of Lan. County E. THOM PSON F o r P resid en t R obert M. La F ollette For Vice-President B urton K. W heeler Republican-!)« m ocraitc Rerublicnn EMMETT HOWARD, of Lnn« County |.j o , | i I T Lit. of Ear. ) C0U»t| £7 L Vote for One Subm itted by the L eg islatu re— PUBLIC USE AND W ELFARE A M ENO M KN T-vPurpose: T c Amend Section 18 of A rticle I of the Coast 1 tu t ton to provide th at the use of all th e ro-.ds, ways and w aterw ays, n ecessary to p erm it the tra n s «C ation of the raw prod­ ucts of rains, or farm , or forest, or w ater for beneficial use or drnin- npe, is n ecessary to th e ilevelbpnicnt and w elfare of the sta te and Is de Tired a public use. Vote YES or NO. For lU'pr.HChtatlve, Third R epr.. ertetive Dis- rrict Vote for Three ¿5 For Constable. Springfield District. <3 Five Vote For One FV>r County T reasu rer 67 49 43 Republican-D em ocratic Independent ST A T E For Vote for One R. 8. BRYSON fo r 79 W. C. McLAGAN 80 GEO. W. STEW A RT For Recorder. 81 C. A. BOSSERMAN S3 LINN LANSBERRY r3 R. W. SMITH F or T reasurer. s?. w . o . HUGHES Vote for One Vote for Two Vote for One Vote for One