S P R I N G F I E L D — THE OEVOTEO TO IN T E R E S T OF S P R IN G FIE LD A riD T H E FARM ER» OF THE W IL L A M E T T E V A L I FV W ESTERN T E R M IN A L O F THE NATRON THP SPRINGFIELD NEWS CUTOFF “Th« People's Paper" L IVE NEW SPAPER IN A L IVE TOW N ---------------------------- 0. of o. IJbrary TW ENTY-FI HST YEAR 07666614 (IM eras EHIERPR1SE5 Favors Experimental Station and the Setting Aside of Clear Lake Watershed; Backs W. C. T. U. Farm Home Campaign I SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY. OREGON. 100 BUILDING LOTS ARE OFFERED FOR SALE HERE SpringM Will Vote For c«y, ESTIMATE EXPENSES County, State and National Officers pgg Hale s t unction of 100 resident lot« in Emerald Height» addition to Spring 1 field lit to be conducted Friday and Haturduy this week by l)r. C. B Wtl- Mayor, Councilman and Record, 1 lottrhby and Rlrnon Klovdnh! the ow n-1 t r Offices to be Contested at i rn The auctioneer will bo R. C. Pet-! the Polls Tuesday along with ! or», who has c r le i many sales In th is ’ General Election. I section. gljy or)q ^gg ______ [ Wed» Her Pupil Budget Committee Meet Mon­ day Night and Makes out Ex­ penditures for 19LS; Bonded Indebtedness Keeps Taxes Up The auction of lots here Is a new ' General election Is Tuesday. No­ undertaking but the owners are con-j vember 4. On that day Springtielu The estimated expenditure* for the Resolutions favor lug an Irritation I fltlenl of success. They esp ect many • with the rest of the nation will vote town of Springfield Tor the year 1925 «xpvrlnv ntsl station to be uslabllnh bidders both from local people a n d ' were placed at 329,499 by the budget for president. vl<«>prsldent and con­ cd by the «late on the L, C. Able« : from outaldfvs. Many people have committee which met at the city hall (arm near town and the ■•Ulna a a lile! their eyes on Hprlngfleld as a result gressmen as well as elect state and Monday evening. Of this amount 338.• of the ¡Clear l“ ■ « " “ Hh,,r' 1,1 and P eter Thurman, Judge. A W. treasen r. E dgar K ester; secretary, O'clock, and was put In by 3 In t h e ' Al D. W. McKinnon; third member of the The Pine -Needle club met at the Laktsbery, Mary Roberts, Mrs be nbsccce of these Irrigation sys- purchas'd the Knox• Rv‘^ ‘ r y . J ” ™ afternoon. A tree near Prospect had 'conference committee, George A. Cox; home cf Mrs. Bert Doane at 19th and Montgomery. fallen on the wire. The mill was Precinct 3—Counting board. Lee hoard of trustees, Fred Louk, A. C. C streets Thursday, at which time shut down, though the planers ran in | it was re-organized and election of Clark, chairman, Bruce Lansbery, I Clark, and S. S. Potter, ‘ i t u h a . (I the Dunlap Interest*, the afternoon. officers held. Mrs. Bernice VanValxah the -clentltlc pre ..«ration « he > ' ( * w, an(1 Judge, George Stewart, Catherine B a s-; Oppose Compensation Bill. ____________________ president, and Mrs. for(j | The local went on record at the was ePcted nil mid th* bc*t nxthnds <>f building . he necessary trunk canal, end la ter-, company x l.e e .hat time. Dur tag Ma Precinct 4_R eceiving hoard. C. F ’ business meeting as being opposed to Charles F. Egglmann, secretary. It Bridge Crew a* Work—The bridge r huelne** career In Sprtnn» pioneered Irrigation on • « rxteo- , t beeB definitely vicinity for the last faw days making man L. Howard, and Mrs. Wheeier, I tlon. They believe that the proposed next meeting will be held November dve Hcsle in the vicinity of Spring ,ury l’,nn clerks; counting board, C. A. Swarls amendment would prevent the effect- 6 at the horn, of the president. Prea- minor repairs. lve cooperation such a s the 4L pro-( ent at the meeting were the fol'.w inp i II lr bulbil i larue c a ro l end D ' --------------- - —- vides, and make labor conditions members: Mrs. VanValxah, Mrs. Eg- low Irrigating his fertile fMd» on hl» j worse. Since th' commission w ould' glmann, Mrs. Nina McPherson, Mrs. ISR acre farm In this district between have more power than ever before Walter Laxton, Mrs, Ada Stafford, he W illamette and McKenxl. Rivers. : ft would decrease the possibility of Mrs. Sidney Ward, and the hostess, md ha» plfered uae of *40 »r e» of j settling problems over the table, as Mrs. Harry Carsaw was a special h is land together with sufficient has boon usual. W hile purporting to guest, sot r right to the Oregon Agrlcultur- ( be an n.T ndment. the measure which ’ il C olltge for the purpose of estab­ Plan H allow e’en Party. will be up "t the voter' on November lishing Ur In Igailou exp tin, u.tal sta-i .T h: Live Wire clnss a t tha Chris­ 4 is in real iv a new law. Hon, where the value o' Irrigation | may be demonstrated and the fariurr«! The local IP wise made plans to tian church, taught by Mrs. Dalla.-. get un a d: legation to visit the Wend­ B. Murphy, is planning a H allow een idutated along this line. j ling local at a session In the near party in the social h ill of the church NOW, THEREFORE; Re It rvaolv-| future, xnd the seer lary was dele- i far 7:30 o'clock Friday evening. Mrs. >