THURSDAY. ( X T I IN V llE C IB C V IT CtllJKT OX T H E , IS i. deaeri bed real property in right, till and Interest of said I HTATE OF OREGON FOR LANE Vm. O. HUOHJCS, AdmJnatrntor o f ’ L. ne County, Oregon, towlf; I COUNTY. ho ostet# of Fred W. Hhrppurd, de- I ; Beginning at the »outit went corner defendant, Jan s M. G riffith, or any j S l-.ugvns Foundry Machine Com- ' ia«d. • • I I * M I you want ta M il. buy what | t f Donation Land (la in i No. 44 Notf. Nolf ! person * u OT l person,, * rsu’’ 4. claiming by. you want to buy through the«« I pany, a corporation, plaintiff, re. Em 'R A N K > DeBL’E, Range i tbrouib nr “ “'•«f them, or either or column*. W rit* * r phon* TWO ! N«> ß"-).4 In Townahlp IP South. I I tna Hurtling», Mary Lock« and — 1dlan ,h '-';n ln “ nu to ‘ he above described Attorney for Admit; Dator i I W- at of the W illamette Meridia ejiau, I property. • Locke, her husbund. Josiah »haw anti 0-2 » l» 2 3 30 thence North 27.M'< baine to a point FOB K E N T —Two tarar troni room«. | — Hhaw, bla wife, Lydia Grow and FRANK E TAYLO R , . I 12 56 chaîna eottth pf the Northweat | tin aish«d or iiniurulNhril. 333 o j ANYBODY wishing mille at gallon! — Grow, her husband. Sarah B Hhaw Sheriff of Lane County. NOTICE OF S H ER IFF 8 SALE ON corner: east H chaîna. North 12.50 rat«« ra call n iv u r.i.i. Hairy. u . - 1 V err,n ~ , Shaw, her huaband, Hannah 0-23-30-8-6-13-2«. EXECUTIO N il Rlraralde Phon.. n(| J(), V(trl„ h#f ¡chaîna to north line, east 29 chains to 0-93-te. -----1 ^°Hce le hereby given that by vir- - _ . v ■ 349*3 ------------------------- E a s t-i tue of an ex-ration iaaued out of the a ,rM T - »«“ ’ h 39.80 chains I band, Isaac R Eartman and I.< < It STOLEN H n ,y.|« bi.y.-ta, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Eourt of the Htnte of Ore to Moa,he“st corner. West 9 86 chatis M’ ge sprokqt, blu« tram«. Howard, JE R S E Y tn l'k row for sei« A J. man, hie wife, I k a Jam In F Eastman < Estate of Julia A. Godman. Decease« and — East mad, his wife, Polly Shaw • w*’ ror t,,u County of Laue on I *£ Southeast corner All In Lane Morgan. Notice la hereby given Uhat Hallie ra ll US J tf and — Hhaw. her hustsind. Timothy i!7,b ’lay 01 September, 1954, upon a bounty. State of Oregon, <> HI. □ Sikes has been by the County Coart NOTICE TO CREOITOR9. Hhaw and — Shaw, bis wife, Hallie Judgment rendered therein on the «th • ?104.00, with FOR R E N T —Two unfuruladted room«, ‘ ounty, Oregon, and all 1 «rataa hav- wife, Jaroima Eaatmun ami it ■ r on at the rate of 6 per cent per •‘•Isbuisements. and the costs and ex- Ail persons having claims against annum from the «th day of March. P*»"«» of and upon this writ, I wilt said estate, are hereby notified to 'alms against said «state will man her husband, l>olly Loeke East­ •la rtrto Habt», bath, roaaouabl«, , lug and an I the further sutu of »40.00 attorn , on Saturday the 22nd day ot Novem present the same, duly stated and verF pre mt aan« duly verified at th# of. —- Lncge. hey hmband, Josonh Shaw eys ft;» and the further sum of »51 40 r-er 19.4 a' the hour of one o'clock 1005 M ill « t, near high school I flee of Whitten Swafford, Attorney. and — Shaw, bis wife, Henrietta cost and ul«bur»e:nenta, which Judg In the afternoon of said dev, at the fled at the law office of A. E. WbeeF If 315 M K- W Bldg., Eugene, Oregon, Flaming end — Eli mlng her husband. er in Eugene, Oregon, within aix 111» nt was enrolled anti docketed In •c o tiiw -,t front door of the Countv W A N T K Ik All kinds f plain «»wing, | <,n " r b* ,<’r* • * * wonthe afler this E. K Hhaw and — Hhaw, hla wife, al­ ttic 01 iice of the clerk of -aid cour Court Hoase In Eugene, Lane Conn month« from this 26th day of Septem­ ber. 1924 also house 1 ok WIU work by the ! Dat«4 and Brat published September so the unknown heirs of any of said tie lb said county oa the 7th day of ty. Oregon, offer for sale anti sell for HALLIE O. SfKES, Admr. fondants who may be deceased, also »larch, 1924, and on an execution cash, at public auction, subject to re­ day or hour Airs Ambrose, Hpong 26th, 1924 A, E. W H EELER , Attorrev. «11 other peraoac or «-arties unkn-r. i issued out of the circuit court of the demption as provided by law, alt of J' SKi’ H F SAFLKY, Admr S 26 O 2Z Ab»" H l< 23 claiming any right, title, estate, lien State cf Oregon, for the County ot W H IT T E N SWAFFORD. Atty or Interest In the real property d r* j ¡ ' “ '‘0 O 1‘ the J 0“ 1 day Dctober,] FOOD MALI tly Itaptjst laides aid In H 25-0 an ,-Hi.kW i . . L'»d, u|cn a judgment rendered there-1 lh« Long and froaa building, Hat , e m a B .? «tPmpH'ot heroin, d e -,.;l ,.u SJItMl May, li3< I urda y, Or tôlier 25 Od® 23 ' favor of S J. Gish nod against Jsm. , ■ Mr a-.d Mrs. James Hickey and 1 J •'* • •• ' * ’ ' . . O is« To Emma Harding« Mary fx)»k< « • Cr, lor the ram of »94.10. wMh two children of i'ortlund, formerly of interest thereon at UM trie rate oi 01 « perj p rri ( ’A L L AND SEE H. N W Emery Milwaukee, were Friday visitor* „ ¡ a n d — Locke h»r husband. Joseph lBlar«»‘ on prie«« 00 plat* and oth«r Work, tf tbe home of Mr and Mr*. Stewart Hhaw and — Shaw his wife, Lydia t in t p tr annum front the 22nd day I Grow and — Grow, her huaband Ssr- or May. 1924. and the furtuer sum > Mr -. III. key Injure marriage was An ah U. Shaw and — Shxw h -r huaband. ot »35.00 attorneys fees, and tbe tur- The Amber-O-Lalutn lahoratory Is ns tiouten, daughter of Frank Rouble» H am ah Vcrrill and Joaeph Verrlll her ' lb*’1 tu “‘ 57 coats anti oUburse- ' c, k . .. «. ’ i nients, wblcu said Judgment was en «tilpplng lo groas uf Awb«r-O-Latum of . Mlnueapolla. , hue band, Isaac R. Eastman and - r,IU„d a n i dccaiteu In the office ol j tu Sau F r a n tilo , California, thla Fur -neu hla wife, Benjamin F. East- ’ Clerk of said Court In said conn * • 0 0 . 0 0 0 I d P re m ia i: «eek. H h . V " . ' n r “ “ i ® “ ' h? • ' ? - kPo11?' I >* «0 'he 22nd day of May, 1924, and NOTICE TO CREDITORS . * ” , W»».w, her husban d «.xecutloon to roe directed com- N o ce. i . hereby glvan ««*< OouaUi I Shaw .? « - Shaw, his wife.; said execution* to me directed com NOTICK OF FIN A L »E T T L E M E N T Young has been appointed adrolnlat-j saille M Shaw and — Shaw. h»-r hue ¡Landing me in tbe name of the State Estate of Minerva Hillings. I)e- rator with the will attached of the 1 bard, W illiam Shaw and — Shaw, bla of Oregon to satisfy said Judgment, uX ,W' i ocoecoc« root in A m«nck rmeed. costs and disbursements, and the estate of Henry Bierre, deceased. All Ephrlam Shaw and— Shaw, bis Notice la hereby glvvn that Lloyd persons having claim , against raid * ' ,e- ®'“ nu* 1 N 8h* ’ « » J -S h a w his costs and disbursements of and upon B E O V C E D P A R ES ON A L L B A IL H O A O S 1 thia writ out of the personal property C Martin, administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Minerva estate are hereby notified to present * * ' .•,w ,!ra « Eastman and — East- 01 said deiendant, or If sufficient Itllllnge, deceeeed, has filed In the th - same with proper vouchers to the man her husband. Bolly L eke and — could not be found, then out ot the Locke, her uhshand. Joseph Shaw and County Court of the Stale of Oregon. ■ aid administrator at hla office at — Shaw, hie wife. Henrietta Flem lre real property ot said Defendant, In In and for Lane County, hla final re­ Fleming-, her huaband. E E. Lane county, Oregon, and being un- port as such administrator, and that g«0 W illamette street, Eugene. Ore- »“ d — anu — « ... m. .<» i »Xie to «no any personal property be- ‘ a »j» „ J 11* . ' longing to «aid Defendant, upon which ten oclock In th« forenoon of Satur­ gun. on or before six month« from the g|()<) day, (be 26th day of October, 1924. at late of the first publication of th l. , ail) d, fktdums who msv h /d ec^tsed |yvv- 1 b>TC leT<<>d ,pop tob the Court room thereof, have been notice. also nil others person or pur ties un- by tbe Court, fixed and appointed aa rV is ie the I n t s s n a t io n a l S to cx I Date of first publication tbe 9th day known claiming any right, title, ea- the time and glace for bearing ob­ of October 1924 i U ,e ,,* n *” ■ ••'•‘•» *« *1 « the real rrop- [ExposrnoN.PoaTLAHD.Not'-1 to8J jections to said ««port and for the fl'en a rwvstaiav v n i m n aitn m * rty ’•••‘bribed In the complaint here- final eettlsmvnt of the eatas of said IM)NAI4> »0» NO, Attoro-j ilefendanc«: deceased. W ashington..... NO Incom e T a x 'y with the will annexed of the estate IN T H E N A M E O F T H E STAVE A R W H FLER . Attorney. f Henry Plerra, deceamt. * , O F OREQ l ’N, yon are hereby re- Oregon................IN C O M E T A X LLO YD C M ARTIN. Admr e O l l f I l SO-N-g *lulr*'d to appear a n i answer the com- C alifo rn ia .......„.N O Income T ax H 25 O S3 a ta w sun ••p la in t which has been filed against W E H A VE E X A M IN E D uopies of the documentary evidence as to t h * you In the above entitled Court and eflect of a atate income tax upon Oregon. We are satisfied as to the genuine­ cau«#i, within six week« from the ness of the documents. ¿ate of the ftrat publication of this a n d th e v a y U t o g o 1 •emmona. and If you fall to so appear We find that this evidence substantiates the claim that many million« ¡aid answer, for wnnt thereof the of dollars have been diverted from investment ln Oregon industries thaL plaintiff will apply to the Court for would provide a home r.drket for Oregon agricultural products. the r< Uef praved for In the complaint E a t at th« We find the damage is so serious and of such extent that we afpeal to to-wlt for a decree that tbe plain­ 8PONG A TH O M A S IK W E IJ C K our neighbors and to voters in all parts of Oregon to vote for the repeal o f er* Is the sole and ahaolute owner CAFE In f. e simple of the following describ­ the ¿resent Income tax and to oppose the enactment of any new state Incom« Rej'tiirlHR a »pedalty ed real property. Corner 3rd and M ain ax bill, at least until cuch time as the ether Pacific Ccast states have enact«« Springfield. Oregon Beginning at a m in t 6».? j.g f««t similar legislation to they cannot grow at Oregon’s expense. weat of the northeast corner of coun­ We do not object to paying a state income tux. but we do object to lm- ty survey No 112. ln the city of Eu C ontracting and Building a tax that keeps capital ont of our state, retards state developaieat gene. In the eounty of Lane, and state Benefit by low week-end P'ant and Estimates Furntaned W. F. W A LK ER and teuds to leave our farmers dependent upon distant markets. of Oregon, being tn the south line of fares now in effect, 00 Fcaa. W ill Help You Finance I Eighth street of said cltv. and run­ We resent the tendency to give Oregon the reputation of being a "back­ F U N 1 R A L OIRECTOR ning thence west along the line of Your Building. sale Friday, Saturday and ward state." Oregon’s resources and the courage and enterprise of her pio- said «»reel 132 1-3 fee: more or leas Full Auto Equip ment S u n d a y — r e tu r n lim it CEO. W. P E R K IN S ie e r people entitle her to a great destiny. Let us all Join hands to rid Orw to tbe east lip« of Parry « tra it Corner 5th and D street« gon of legislation that handicaps Oregon development. following Tuesday. thence south on th« east line of Fer­ W. O. W block Springfield, Oregon ry street 167 feel thence erst 132 READ T H E NAMES OP THESE SIGNERS: Offi. « Phone <2 M R m Phon« «1 J t-S feet more or '•«« to 0 polo» du* O r 15-day fares, on sale Charles Ray, Clover D. H Ribtdn». Molalla Anderson, N. H. Cot­ sott:h ot th« beginning m in t, thence dele. Charles T. Bennett. Mo any d a y — retu rn limit tage Grove. nor’ h 167 fe«-t to the rlnce of begin- P- 5’ R ’c» ’’endletoa. star. 15 days, w ith stop-over F » 1 Elbe t Cottage Ine: Farnk Brsn-h Riley. V. t, Lundy, Myrtle P R . N W, EM ER Y Call • - , thsl enu. rnd «nch of you have ro a t any point enroute. Portland. Point. right t ill* or Interest therein or T. C. C« A. R. Robertson. Col»- O CNTI6T F. H Churckfll, Rose­ (hereto wha’ snever: and that you and SU TTO N TRANSFER Groyo don. boro M a k e a ll y o u r g o in g r<-h of von fce fo -rre r barred ani Sutton Bldg. Phone Î0 J ! c — — ’■aerh J. H f J. E. Romm. A storta. Ertd H. Hopki-.e Med- aw ay plans to take ad­ -Joined from asserting any claim Phone 57 E. C. Sammons, P o rt Reaiocncc Phon« ,63 M *ord burg tfeereto. laaJ vantage o f th e se lo w - • T p»---,.. 1 1 VC— J. '.'H o q u 's t. Mr- T h ’ eumtpons is r« r -e t w o n vo-i ©r Or-Qdr» Chas. J Shc'ton Bake. M tnnvflle. '«-’- —t'-. L. P round trip fares. Fy eiih'lcsCon thereof for «’v conse­ ' . A. E -’ I’ h Baker. h fhtrrott. Nevr- cutive weeks In tkn Springfield News, Psn P. Smyth». Pendi«- b.rrv For fu ll information about x no-n-n-'ap. r cf rm o ra l circulation »on. H G Indora. Jr., Ash- j GEOk N, McLEAN these and other round trtp r..n — • « A fr'-i Dalis«. r.ubllrhrd ’n b n - ' onun»'*. Ci»'"’ o i SH O E R E P A IR IN G n-rw 'n Fu Automobile. Flee and U fe fares communicate unth •n conf-rm llv with the or-’ r r cf the G-’o V S-e-lhsmmer. D - 'd ’I 'lV s te r . N « rrh W ork Promptly and IN S U R A N C E S-’ver'on Bein’ ” '.n C F kl-w . -th. tudg - of ’ ho Su-ety eond«,. Phone 617 Carefully Done V f - N Tisdale, Sutu 11. tVavr ■ 8t?.n.-.rd. .hove e r f ’tte.1 1. ntl nj"dc r - d en’ er.! er” n. E-ovri villc N.y u u t.n cc it to protect you1- .1 >r th« Cirri d"v r f »c'ohor 192-1. JO H N A. NELSON '• G. Wallace. Prtne- bualneao ’ . E-on-iga;:. Bum». D i ’« i-' f t rtih’.lcat'on ‘he P’ h day Carl O. W ’ h'jttrne. Eu W C. Leever, Ccnt-ol «f October. 1924 r.40 W illamette St. Eugene Orcoon 509 Main Street c ’no D \ * ’ D v o r V 'i * 't « r n r v 'ey y p Wheeler. C o ttile H. V.' Young. Coq-.'t'ie. P n 'rtlff. vo -t 'f 'i c e A-lire?« Eu-- J Greve. C. O LSE N , Local Agent c E. Inga’ ’ ’ . Com W 's gtne. Crecon. ’ ’ c-uilt f* -.-ml” «. I. . D. Srarborotiirh. T R Y C L O V E R , the best C-9-1R-r’ 9f -N 6 13 79 T P«ynn*n Tb» TwRe« W M . G. H U G H E S c - -• n. barb'.' xhril evor hit Spring- I ». » ha»’". S-i'am. ,r T p - ’ierts. Rcdrcond F T '/? tfsi'wBEWi? FIRE ANO AUTO INSURANCE NOTICP '■*'.«? PtlT.I.ICA TIO N field. , . - p. G. Fave?' t Hone. Vale. NOTARY PUBLIC .7EPARTM ENT CF T H E INTERIO R . A’iei ’t T. Sttenge, La err»?8h-i o —, A. A. ANDERSON , Office at 1’ . 8. LAND ( F F IC E at Ro 'burg. • V’ I r, w. T A. W-lpht. rn»-n. p J — »1» ’ » ’’ -b o ro Mr9. betr-’M A McAr- ’ regon, S e ite a b e r 2®, 1224 r F IR S T N A T IO N A L BANK BA RB ER SHOP Je -» R Leeewcll. Cak- NO TIC E U hereby p'ron that W.t’t-, ♦hwr. Po^tlnni* Springfield. Oregon •« yqzt ▼ TV F» AM-, IF 0., pt 992. Cak S'.. Euge?«, j M n . P. McDowell. r« V ■-.-egotn. w ho /on July 11. t921 made' J y , f| M , I V I E. Rosi Oregon Hntnbrtead Entry. Serial No. 914016.! M ’ “' R. M. Steiwer. r. n ess, finam -ial o r tr u s t p ro b L. E. BEAN et .U - ; undersigned, administrator with will All kindh ol gravel for cpn- b n «— -til ,.i ? oi n o s * pro­ I nn-xed of th« Estate cf Fred W She: «>- - «9« Attorn Jy State Ixtntl Board, c-ele or road work. Wa TT I ptii-1. FRANK DEPUE tantrk. P ilot Squeak > Squeak > .e t X math Falls, ing objeetions Io said Final Account W«e> ATTORNEY at law or sny particular Hum thereof are OF E U G E N I Charles IL Oeetner, ¡ W H M»FI«ncT M 'l- Keith Fowel, Woodhera Repair that squeaky wt»w l baR<» hereby notlfled to He ihe name with George Putman, Salem ton Hood Mlyor. NOTARY PUBLIC Ita »0« taka. , . the County Clerk of «aid County on or Since 1888 800 MORE signers of shore appqal; w»rs than 1.600 oontribatara to oxpemae M before the strid Snturday, the first BprlngRald Butten of getting facta before voters; «tgnen, and contributors liva In eM part o f dav of Novamher, 1994 Orsoan; this advertisement tamed by C. C. Chapman. Editor of Oregon Votor. FAD Servtae Sutton naldttng Dated ahis .¡Oth day of September. InlOater of rupwel meaanre; raetdence, 189 Louraadnie 9t„ Portland, Oregtm.- ____ tPMd m »q J ___ .w C ia s s if ie d A d v e r t is e m e n t s A SV PODTtAND OREGON Nov. 1 - AMERICA’S LiVE STOCK CLASSIC Which State Will ¡B U S I NESS D IR E C T O R Y to D. W. ROOF Portland and return S o u th e r n P a c ific E v ery o n e H as N eed o f O u r S ervices “ T h e Loop For P pr- Í s 3 1 2 X Y es SPR’NGFIELO GRAVEL GO, T he First National A- 91. pqr VOTE OFsßen. Bank