T» vive SIX THE SPRINdFIRI.D NFWB TIIUIISDAY. OCT. 23. ID2I mi and Fred Cook, who have hewn hunt The first lesson will b-’ given T ues­ In honor of her birthday, the C hris body Gam«» were played and al an William«. Jacoby, Palm er and Lvta In« iu the vie: ty of Mr. Laird* ra m it tian E ndeavor society of Spi ir« ’l>«ld ■ early hour refreshm ents earved. Th» day. O ctober 3« beginning a t 9 90 T h e reception « h en to the te a c h e r» , W%««l«r. M ia W im m er a -t» ;el by 'T h e p art) all relu m ed Sa'.unL.y bring gave .Mins U m ita M .nm lug « surprise young folk disbanded al 10:90 a» it o f th e high school* and to the grad« ' H r.rden. C ota Jo b e. Mrs. Laird q t t It. t e a 1 n - ' • i i! «at o'clock In the tucrnlng and lasting till M i ty »I her hont« at I leas.«ut Hill, j wa* a eebowl night. Those p rire n t te a c h e rs oj the I p per W illam ette »al­ and Mrs. Jacoby gave several luit-ical L aw rence L aird, who w m a utotubvr t o’« >'ck in the afternoon w.Ui an t j i l i l l y the young folks g.ithi o ->1 nt ( were Mr #ad Mi» M l’.‘ Hays, Hullo ley public school* a t th e P teasaat num bers throughout the eveuing The of th e party, retu rn ed h o » » the fore hour lntertnis»ion at Boon for lunch the neighboring ra n c h ' and presented ■ Glmut, Alvin Otson, Lyman Tinker, H ill high school building F riday night high school double q u artet sang. . a rt of last weak Thia lusslon will be devoted to a dla- them selves to th" honor gti«»l In « j t'o ia John O cto b er 17 u n .l'r the auspices o f th e "S w act atid Low,” and the guests da- Mrs. I. II Louitit.tr) and daughter. cutalon o; w hat i» becoming in hat*, T re n t local was well attended. The p arted expressing the hop« th at th e M uro I, and Mrs Raymond Stensou bat m aterials and trlm nilnc« and re th re e room s of th e high school w ere teac h ers reception becomes an a n ­ and »on, D elm ar, of Corvallis, are novating old hat«. The other two Ins nua! social i vei l on the U pper Wil d eco rated with a profusion of autum n visiting a few day» a t th e home of in s which will be T hursday, t , ober lease* by th e senior girls. M innie Ol lam elle valley. Mr. and Mrs Ralph L aird at Kdan . and S .uurdtt). N ovember I will be •o n . O ertad« D iller, Joe W alker anti Many people atten d ed th e funeral vale. devoted to the m aking of hat*. R ussel H arrison u sh e r« 1 th e guests of Misa H annah Johnson, which was Clyde E Jordan, of I'h a s a n t Hill. from th e door to the south recitation held a t Pl usant Hill.’ Friday a fter Our Secretarial. Stenographic, nr Bookkeeping coiimi* will Independent can d id ate for the office Itestdenta of the Upper Willamette room . Mrs. I’. X. L aird, of Edenvale. noon, O ctober I*. Miss Johnson, who I ii pare you fo r a (total |M)gltlun, «lid of county assessor, »pent the week valley are grieved to hear of the death and Mrs. W. L. B ristow , of P l.g s sn t * * • 61 years o f age and a d aughter end at Florence. C anary uud Mapleton i’f Mr«. O. W Fidler, which o u iri ! There nr»' positions w aiting for you when you are prepared. H ill, introduced them to the reception of Mr. an t Mrs. John Job son. a as He was at th e nte-lln g o f th e C anary ; In P ortland Monday. O ctober 30 Mr». line. In th - re c e jtic n line stood W. 1. b o rr a t Dexter. She d lr I at her h me F arm ers union S aturday ntght F idler lived »t Uoshen n ear the Coast W heeler, .-resident of the T ren : local :n S rrin g - . il last week She is sur­ M m iltiy In Enrollment Hay. i '.r k briii«,« until last sum m er w hin Mr and Mr». T J K ehlee anti Iwc of F arm er* union. M. E. Hayes, prin­ vived by two slstn rs. Mr». Ros R it­ h er hnaband aotd hi» place and t.wvk cipal. Miss B ensha Her and Orlo Gil- chie, of Canyon City, and Mrs. Elis* children. Je rry a n j Mary K atharine, Our free catalog w ill be mailed to you upon reqtH at. h r r to P e rtla n J for her health. She «pent S atu rd ay and Sunday on the let. of the P leasan t Hill high school. both Fitch Cornelius, and by tlires, was well known in Eugene, as » ell a» M rs. C. E. Jordan, patron. Mrs. M K. brothers. Edgar, of Dexter, and Philip hom estead o f Mrs. R enter's alotei in the country aa for a long tint« she H ays, Mrs. Je sse Phelps, teac h ers o f and A lbert of Springfield. She was a n ear L o r u e . conducted a booth In th« Eugene pub- P leasan t Hill public school. Mrs. L niece of c . L. W illiam s of P leasant Miss Cooley of th e O A C. extan 11- m arket. The funeral was held W ed­ EUGENE. OREGON R P ark s, patron. Miss Land, teacher HUI. «Ion d ep artm en t, will give a th ree nesday at 1» 30 a. nt. »( the Vcatch o f C loverdale; Mrs Ira Higgins, pa­ The G inetlna m ill a t D exter began day course in m illinery for the ladies chapel with Interm ent In the I. tJ. O. F tr o n ; Miss Dorothy Parvin. teach er of o perations O ctober 9 a fter a shut of G oshen and Coast Fork at Goshen cem etery. iSdenvalc; Mrs Garngy Jacebv. pa down of several m onth-. The Cam as tr o n ; Miss Lucille Dilley, te a c h e r of Lum ber com pany, J R. Hill and D-x D e x te r; Mrs B ert Beaver, patro n ; te r Lum ber com pany a re f a n n in g on Miss Ixoia Lowman, teach er of E n te r­ sta rtin g soon. p ris e ; Mrs. Clark, teach er at Coast Mrs. Dora H arden. George K eiser F ork. Mr». Cox and Mrs. W alton and E B T ic k e r finshed h arv estin g M arkahm . teac h ers’ of T ren t, and Mrs. th e ir w alnut crop* th is week The Ed Miller, of Lowell, and Mr. S h eri­ crop ts about 50 per cent of w hat It Tender Chops and Choice d an of D exter, w ere unable to be pres was last y ear but th e q u alité is much (Form erly Second Avenue (tarage) en t. At nine o'clock when the recep­ b etter. T h ere Is only a little blight Meets of all Kinds tion line broke up a double q u artette th is y ear w hereas last y e a r th ere from th e high school composed of the w as considerable blight. General Auto Repairing M isses Gladys W heeler. Mary Tarbor- Mr. and Mrs E Y Swift an ! d augh­ o oeh, C ora John acd M ary H arden ter. M ildred, m otored to Araco last and the M essrs Emery S hrender. Orlo week tak in g Miss Ann P arks to th e Acesaoriee G illet, O rvil Giniey and C hester W heel hom e of Mr. and Mrs F F Cooper, « e r. sang "In OP V irginity." W. L. w here sh e will spend th e w inter. W heeler spoke a few w ords of wel­ Mr and Mrs Robert J a k ’ways and com e to th e g u ests and in tro d u c e ' son. John o f W endling. th e M isses. H. C. W heeler, chairm an of the high Jessie and V erna Manning and Ber-f REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE school board of directors, who gave nice Manning, o ' Springfield, spent for th e ad d ress of welcome to the teach ­ Sunday with relativ es at P leasant ers. M. E. H ays gave th e response. I HIU. T h e rest of the evening was devoted j Miss F ern H ays, teac h er o f the of Lane County, on November 4. 1924 to a general get-acqualnted social. Saginaw public school, was a week­ G ladys W heeler. Mildred M orningstar. I stand fo r th« observance and enforcement o f the Prohibi­ end guest at th e home of Mr. and Mrs. M ary May Lindley, C hester W heeler. tion Law and every o th ir law upon the statute b< k - ht:t M. E. H ays, and a guest a t the teach ­ B erry Mauney and Em ery S h ren d er ers reception F rila y night. w ill insist that th ti rich man be made to obey the law the ^ same as the poor man. tagged each guest with a sm all tag Ralph L aird, of E denvale left W ed­ on which w as w ritten h is nam e and — Paid A dvertisem ent. nesday. O ctober 15 for F all Creek «fistrict. Cider was served throughout i w here he Joined his fath er P. N. Laird UPPER W ILLAM ETTE I The Road to Success Eugene Business College For Juicy Ste feet l x l SIS a :................ 100.G00 feet Dimension at 5.000 feet 1x3 Flooring at 12C0 RESTORE THIS STATE TO CONTROL OF 20,10)0 feet l x l ('• i iog at I Xeet 1x6 SIS at ............. 12 Co par M » feet 8 to 12 Inches 318 a t . 15.00 per M i feet 8 to 12 inches S IS at. 17.00 per M 2f'.Oeo l< < 1x6 F. ;»-tie at 1 feet 8 to 12 inch-s SIS at. feet 4 x ; and 1x6 s < s at... 22.00 per ¡ .1 17.00 per M lO.t’Oo feet 1x6 (far Hiding at ' '."Ot^Lii., ¡-I.. j’, : _ feet 2x4-6 feet Fish, a t __ 9.00 por M 10,000 Lin. Ft. D. 01. Bats at . 5 COO feet 1x4 Dropsiding at THE DOMINANT PARTY n co •"■.000 1< ’t ‘ ¿Mi Jiusttc nt 13.00 ... ........ d .(„ "U porU nt that all good «.lilr.'iiv vote for ri.-itn A. Koxer , h „ . G o , . ............. re ,« ,) u ......... . H h )i^ 22.00 22.00 nfbiltw of Cro ; ,n. , -:t.„iU !y ,,.„01,1!. m »«,!«, [„ , , • f .'Lyon? ftRtendfotf to b ;fld now c r later I ’tocM ii; e t tb,s s-'oi.k at oar Springfield Pia tica liy e*wry ftetfl o h rn b t úse d in any n ; <• building can b : iound in this lot, and we urge :hat you act t p iik ly , « hi I« it ia com plet;. correaponUngly I: . -J i P m-’L.bcr, ve ¡¡’ways r-arrv a larr< - Cork of regular grades at prices. M eNary deserve» reelectlon 11.. (ma accom plished much C o n g re g u e n Hawley and sm ,, >t »honld he return.«! ,.r vi,e Ih(,;r state. M aurice V. crum p», k- r. can.....ate of the dem ocratic luoitinhom | U the third d istrict, should w f« . of all republicans, low > . >t'. TH-origh th e t- js o re f. ’■ • IPZ .. .u .'.i r ».It o í c ,,u i,M Tbo ¡.ay. lúe t. a»ur«r. beenuse ti, |r „1-, Wj„ r. Btnn, („J lbUcun :.. ri.b n' of detrth. the m » ..|» .tr m , Satnod hl» own 11,!, . ah Moeth-e off!, ., n„d thu people had I, ,1 . P... ti..' api I.'UP It. G overnor Pierce h;< b; Í ¡¡It and ih .r by „„cat , (j,0 , , u ,; haU aca will he teworeU by of j£o»og ami * e OTHER CANDIDATES. TOO. ARE WORTHY OF VOTER'S SUPPORT SALE STARTS OCTOBER 1 5 TH AND ENDS NOVEMBER 1ST Judge b n ir y Helt. o f Polk county, an-i Judge P erry R k < lly of L.m. county, are I,,,.!, udJdat,.» of , j „ pn ri ' fcr J u iip o ,,r th,. u. rem.. court. Jud*., l. diy b'idng io ttccicd th- l»i, Jo.tu M Court. e ir n c n tly ipp.lifled. • Price« are f. o. b, S pringfield M ill— Term» Cash Make up a list, o f your lum ber needs and be on hand early I. H. V anW inkle, can lld n -e for rec l.c ilo n aa nitorm U. II. ('<..••), candidate lor r u l.-otlon ns public service , tn - K e ilv general- .,„ « • / - i. I) Mlcl.:,., cnudld ttc or r, i lectlon aa Ntat„ dairy for, I .coi,uul-i- uo iur, us well us t i l . com plete l.gl.datlv. ,n I fu l county «.¡tula voip'p-d for I,v the republican pc: y, nr-; worthy or »„t, , ,,c.’ Berve your vote». z Make sure you vote November 4th *• » ' ' ' J lb publican Si il %:•. fig , Springfield Phono 55 E on' ‘ diafi'ii Centrili Ci inm lriec “ ,)t.|,n Cecin an, ,;• < cretnry. 5